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Relationships between freshwater flows and growth rates of the opportunistic predatory finfish barramundi Lates calcarifer in a dry tropical estuary were examined using data from a long-term tag-recapture programme. Lagged effects were not investigated. After accounting for length at release, time at liberty and seasonal variation ( e.g. winter, spring, summer and autumn), growth rates were significantly and positively related to fresh water flowing to the estuary. Effects were present at relatively low levels of freshwater flow ( i.e. 2·15 m3 s−1, the 5th percentile of the mean flow rate experienced by fish in the study during time at liberty). The analysis, although correlative, provides quantitative evidence to support the hypothesis that freshwater flows are important in driving the productivity of estuaries and can improve growth of species high in the trophic chain.  相似文献   

The survival, reproduction and embryonic development of Strombus pugilis, were determined during a period of ten months under laboratory conditions. Seven progenitors were collected in Contoy Island, Quintana Roo, Mexico and later transferred to the laboratory, where they were placed in aquarium with 80 1 of sea water and fed with "pellets". A total of 30 egg masses were collected, one on September and the other on April. The estimated total length of one egg mass was 11.24 m; the mean number of embryos obtained per 2 cm was 264, obtaining an estimated total of 157 500 embryos in the egg mass. The means of the physical-chemical parameters during the study were: salinity 37.6 +/- 0.5% per hundred, pH 7.5 +/- 0.5 and temperature 28 +/- 0.2 degrees C. The maintenance and water recirculation system used to sustain the breading stock is excellent both for reproduction of the organism and for obtaining egg masses under controlled conditions.  相似文献   

The influence of sub-optimal temperatures (T) on the microbial growth rate (μ) has been assessed by means of dimensionless variables: Tdim = [T−Tmin]/[Topt−Tmin] and μdim = μ/μopt. Tmin represents the temperature at which there is no growth, Topt the optimum temperature at which the growth rate, μopt, is maximum. Data sets, growth rate vs temperature, have been taken from the literature for 12 organisms (psychrotrophs, mesophiles and thermophiles). In order to compare these organisms, the power law function has been used: [μdim] = [Tdim]α. The parameters μopt and Topt are determined from direct readings whereas Tmin and αare estimated by means of a non-linear regression. An accurate estimation of Tmin is obtained providing low growth rate data are available. A wide range of optimal temperatures where the growth rate almost equals μopt prevents one from obtaining a narrow confidence interval forα. On the basis of the analysis hereafter developed, thermophiles are characterized by values of the power α less than mesophiles and psychrotrophs. Almost all of these values are significantly different from two, previously determined for Staphylococcus xylosus and widely used for predicting the microbial growth in foods. Received 15 May 1998/ Accepted in revised form 25 September 1998  相似文献   

The life cycle of Suidasia medanensis (= pontifica) was studied under laboratory conditions at 26°C and 86% relative humidity. Freshly laid eggs were observed until they developed into adults and the periods between stages were recorded. Production of eggs by mated females was monitored until they died. The eggs required an average of 12.6 ± 0.6 days to develop into adults. Mean longevity of mated females and males was similar (48.6 ± 13 and 49.1 ± 20 days, respectively). The conditions used in this study may be considered optimal for in vitro culture of S. medanensis.  相似文献   

The effect of ration on the growth of pairs of juvenile sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax fed squid mantle was recorded at four temperatures: 6, 10, 14 and 18) C, covering the range typical of Welsh coastal waters. Initial weight of the fish ranged from 2.8 to 15.9 g. A predictive model for the maximum meal size (Mmax) at temperatures between 10 and 18) C, accounted for 95% of the variance in lnMmax. Even when offered excess food, bass at 6) C had a low rate of food consumption [0.19% body weight (BW) day?1] and lost weight (G=?0.04% day?1). Predictive regression models for specific growth rate (G) accounted for 86% of the variance at reduced rations and 70% at maximum meals. The relationship between G (calculated for total biomass per tank) and ration was a decelerating curve. G at maximum meals increased with temperature, at lower rations G decreased with temperature. For a pair of bass with a combined weight of 15 g, predicted maintenance ration ranged between 0.7 and 2.3% BW day?1 and increased with temperature. Maximum meal size was more sensitive to temperature than maintenance ration. At 18) C optimum ration was 7.4% BW day?1. At lower temperatures, the optimum ration was the maximum meal. The maximum gross growth efficiency was 17.4% at 18) C. Mean absorption efficiency was 94.8%. Ration level had no significant effect on absorption efficiency, which was lowest at 6) C. Condition indices (Fulton condition factor, wet and dry liver—somatic indices and body depth index) increased with meal size at all temperatures except 6) C. An increase in temperature between 10 and 18) C generally resulted in a decrease in condition indices at a given ration. When comparisons were made at a given standard length, gut and carcass weight increased with ration. Visceral fat and gut weight decreased with increased temperature.  相似文献   

Summary Tomato plants were grown in sand cultures receiving various rates of phosphate fertilization along with different levels of sodium in order to investigate the uptake of phosphorus under saline conditions.Sodium as well as phosphorus was found to have a favourable influence on the yield of plant during the whole studied growth period. However, increassing the concentration of sodium above certain limits resulted in an opposite effect.Absorption of phosphate followed a similar trend to that of plant yield. However, the so-called Phosphate Utilization Quotient followed a relatively different trend. It was generally decreased with raising the level of applied phosphorus in the growth media of plants under all treatments tested. On the other hand, the indicated quotient was generally increased with increasing the application rates of sodium element.  相似文献   

Macropetasma africanus (Balss) has been successfully spawned and its larvae reared under controlled laboratory conditions. The relationship between egg number (E) and female total length (L) was E = 18.59 L2.11. An experiment was designed to test the effect of temperature on larval development, survival and growth. Temperature effected larval development time, from 13–15 days at 25°C, to 25 days at 15°C (nauplius 1 to post-larva). Mortality was low for the naupliar stages at 25, 22 and 18°C, while at 15°C only 52% of the larvae reached nauplius 6. Mortality was highest from nauplius 6 to protozoea 1 (17, 21, and 18% at 25, 22, and 18°C, respectively), but decreased considerably for all temperatures once the mysis stage was reached. Overall survival rates from nauplius 1 to post-larva decreased with decreasing temperature (65, 54, 48, and 39% at 25, 22, 18, and 15°C respectively). Temperature also significantly affected larval growth. At 25°C mean total length was significantly (P < 0.05) larger than at 15°C (protozoea 2 to post-larva), while from protozoea 3 to post-larva total length differences were significantly different (P < 0.05) between 18 and 25°C. M. africanus has a major spawning peak in summer, suggesting that there may be a selective advantage to reproducing during the warmer months.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Eggs laid in the laboratory by T. guasayana (Wygodzinsky & Abalos 1949) adults collected from wild biotopes in Santiago del Estero (Argentina) were exposed to fluctuating temperatures, and 172 egg batches, involving 1574 eggs, completed development. Their development times were fitted to the linear degree-day model and three nonlinear models ( devar , Lactin, and Rueda). Parameter values and 95% CL were estimated. The lower development threshold is estimated to be 15 °C (linear devar model) and 17.5 °C (Lactin model), and the temperature resulting in the shortest development time is estimated to be between 26 °C (Lactin model) and 37 °C (nonlinear devar model). The thermal death point by the Lactin model is 34.4 °C, and conforms well with other studies. Differences between the present results and those of other studies for T. guasayana are discussed in terms of the maternal effects, the influence of experimental conditions, and the rate summation effect. Using the climatic conditions of the natural environment of T. guasayana , the results are interpreted in terms of physiological adaptation. A generalized development rate response of T. guasayana eggs to increasing temperature is proposed, with three ranges: between 10 and 14.8 °C development rate increases in an accelerating way; between 14.8 and 29.2 °C development rate increases more or less linearly, and between 29.2 and 34 °C development rate decreases.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Embryonic durations and post embryonic growth rates of Caridina nilotica were determined under laboratory conditions at constant temperatures near 18, 24 and 30°C. Embryonic durations and intermoult intervals were negative curvilinear functions of temperature. At a given temperature moulting frequency varied inversely with shrimp size and slight sexual differences were apparent. Moulting frequency of berried females was governed by the temperature-specific embryonic durations. Growth rates were determined from changes in carapace length (CL) of individual shrimps (laboratory) or batches of shrimps (field enclosures) over 1 month and these data were used to calculate temperature-specific life-long growth curves for males and females. Growth in body mass was estimated indirectly from the carapace length-mass relationship of C. nilotica. On average, males grew marginally faster than females during the first 2 months of life, but growth of males larger than CL= 4 mm was considerably depressed relative to that of females. Inflexions in growth rate, apparently related to the onset of sexual maturity, were apparent in both sexes. Under laboratory conditions, the growth rate of males increased with temperature, but temperature-related differences were not as marked in females. Notwithstanding the more rapid moulting rate at 30°C the growth rate of females was slightly slower at 30 than at 24°C as a result of marginally but significantly smaller per moult growth increments observed at 30°C in animals up to CL= 5.5 mm. Possible reasons for this depressed growth are discussed. Growth rates of animals in field enclosures in Lake Sibaya over 1 month in winter (20 ± 3°C) were generally comparable to those estimated for the 18°C laboratory experiments. Growth rates in enclosures containing tripled standing stocks were almost identical to those containing the naturally occurring biomass of animals, suggesting a non-limited environment at least during the time of the experiment.  相似文献   

蜡梅光合与蒸腾速率日变化的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李菁  刘应迪  陈功锡  陈军  朱杰英   《广西植物》2000,20(1):52-58
对野生蜡梅在不同天气中的净光合速率 (Pn)和蒸腾速率 (Tr)日变化及其与环境因子的关系进行了初步研究 ,结果如下 :(1)蜡梅在晴天和阴天的 Pn日进程均呈一双峰型曲线。但晴天的两个峰值比在阴天出现要早 ,Pn的总体水平要高于阴天 ,且在午后发生明显的光合“午休”现象。 (2 )Tr在晴天的日变化呈单峰型曲线 ,在午后强光和高温条件下 ,Tr可高达 10 mmol H2 O m-2 s-1以上。在阴天 ,Tr日进程波动很小 ,且蒸腾作用微弱 ,全天大多保持在 0 .8mmol H2 O m-2 s-1以下的水平。(3)在光合有效辐射 (PAR)为 80 0~ 90 0 μmol m-2 s-1、大气温度 (TA) 2 8℃左右、相对湿度 (RH)约75%的条件下 ,野生蜡梅的 Pn可高达 2 3.6 μmol CO2 m-2 s-1。但蜡梅的光饱和点与光补偿点均较低 ,分别约为 90 0μmol m-2 s-1和 2 0μmol m-2 s-1。 (4 ) PAR和 TA是影响蜡梅光合与蒸腾速率日进程的主导生态因子。蜡梅对强光和高温反应敏感 ,在超过光饱和点且气温高达 4 2℃以上时 ,其蒸腾作用强烈 ,能量转换与水分利用效率 (WUE)大大降低 ,光合能力减弱 ,导致 Pn急剧下降  相似文献   

Collared lemmings, Dicrostonyx groenlandicus , maintained in the laboratory under short-day photoperiods (2 h light: 22 h dark) grew faster than their cohorts kept under long-day photoperiods (22 h light: 2 h dark). Significant differences in cranial, visceral and body components were found in both sexes. Linear regressions of skull-body parameters were compared to those of wild lemmings trapped at Eskimo Point, Northwest Territories, Canada, during three consecutive summers from 1973 to 1975. The data support the conclusion that variation in body size and skull development associated with changes in population density are, in part, due to photoperiod influences. The importance of this facultative response is discussed in relation to current theories on thermal regulation and variations in subnivial breeding success observed in this species.  相似文献   

不同桑树品种上朱砂叶螨实验种群内禀增长率的统计推断   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了正确地评价不同桑树品种上朱砂叶螨为害差异,本文通过使用Jackknife方法(刀切法),采用合适的生殖力生命表构建方法,对朱砂叶螨实验种群在不同的4个桑树品种上生殖力表的内禀增长率进行了统计推断。结果表明,温度为28±1℃、相对湿度75%±10%、光周期16L∶8D的条件下,西农6071 (山桑 Morus bombycis Koidz.,2x)、和田白桑 (白桑 M. alba Linne, 3x)、新一之濑 (白桑 M. alba Linne, 2x)和大石(广东桑 M. atropurpurea Roxb., 3x) 4个桑树品种上朱砂叶螨rm值大小依次为0.41894(0.41043~0.42746)、0.37065(0.36604~0.37526)、0.36171(0.35778~0.36563)和0.35253(0.34757~0.35748)。通过对“伪值”样本同秩的成对t检验比较,这4个桑树品种对朱砂叶螨内禀增长率的影响有显著差异。结果说明朱砂叶螨对4种桑树的易感性,以西农6071、和田白桑、新一之濑、大石顺序渐弱。  相似文献   

Evidence for the influence of food type and heavy metals on shell growth and fertility is presented for a freshwater population of the snail P. jenkinsi. When fed an excess of lettuce or lamb heart (protein source), growth rates were higher for lettuce. Highest growth rates occurred at a diet of lettuce plus lamb heart. Fertility was favoured by a diet of lamb heart. When fed an excess of lettuce, the EC50 growth values were 16 µg Cd l–1, 13 µg Cu l–1, and 103 µg Zn l–1 in lake water; snail fertility was inhibited at 25 µg Cd l–1 and 30 µg Cu l–1. A diet of lake detritus spiked with Cd or Cu resulted in a decrease of approximately 50% in growth rates, when compared with growth on non-spiked detritus. Spiked detritus lost metals into lake water. Food type positively interacted with metal stress, both for growth rate and fertility. The assessment of inhibitory effects of detritus contaminated either in the field or, notably, by spiking, and serving as food source for deposit feeders is hampered by sampling problems in the field and by redistribution processes of pollutants between particles and water in laboratory-scale experiments.  相似文献   

Several species of the genus Alternaria are involved in leaf spot disease of sunflower, with Alternaria alternata being the dominant species responsible for this disease in Iran and many other sunflower-producing areas, worldwide. The disease causes a progressive destruction of the photosynthetic apparatus, resulting in annual yield loss. The routine disease management strategies are not effective for disease control; hence, alternative measures for disease management are of great interest. In the present study, the efficacy of Trichoderma harzianum T22 and Trichoderma sp. on biological control of the causal agent was evaluated under laboratory conditions. The effect of Trichoderma isolates on dry weight (DW) and radial growth (RG) rate of A. alternata was evaluated using dual culture, volatile and non-volatile cellular metabolites. The results obtained in this study revealed that in both Trichoderma isolates, non-volatile cellular metabolites had the highest inhibitory effect on DW and RG rate of the causal agent. Owing to explicit inhibitory effect of non-volatile cellular metabolites on A. alternata, the inhibitory effects of different concentrations of non-volatile cellular metabolites were evaluated on DW and RG rate of the A. alternata. The obtained results showed that non-autoclaved 75 and 50% concentrations and undiluted (100%) autoclaved non-volatile cellular metabolites from Trichoderma sp. had the highest inhibitory effect on DW and RG rate of the causal agent. The overall results of this study reveal that Trichoderma spp. have excellent efficacy on biological control of A. alternata under laboratory condition; such that, further studies on the potential of Trichoderma spp. in biological control of Alternaria leaf spot disease of sunflower under green house and field conditions are necessary.  相似文献   

Effects of light and temperature, on the growth of three freshwater green algae isolated from an eutrophic lake and identified as Selenastrum minutum, Coelastrum microporum f. astroidea and Cosmarium subprotumidumwere studied in batch cultures under non-nutrient limited conditions. Experiments were performed to determine the growth rate over a wide range of light intensities (30–456 mol m–2 s–1) and temperature (15–35°C), using a 15/9 (light/dark) photoperiod cycle. The maximum growth rates and the optimum light intensities at a temperature of 35°C were 1.73 d–1 and 420 mol m–2 s–1for Selenastrum minutum, 1.64 d–1 and 400 mol m–2 s–1 for Coelastrum microporum and 1.00 d–1 and 400 mol m–2 s1 for Cosmarium subprotumidum. The results were fitted with the mathematical models of Steele (1965), Platt & Jassby (1976) and Peeters & Eilers (1978). Steele's function and equation of Platt & Jassby don't describe correctly the relationship between the growth and light intensity. In the opposite, the equation of Peeters & Eilers provides the best fit for the three species.  相似文献   

Clonal cultures of Griffithsia tenuis were grown for 18 days (Erdschreiber solution, LD 12 : 12, 2200 lux) at 13, 18, 22 and 25°C. The optimum temperature for growth (increase in number of cells) under these conditions was 22°C.

Mathematical models are important tools to estimate nutritional requirements and animal growth. Very few calf models generated from other countries with different feeding programs, environment and production systems have been evaluated. The objective of this paper is to evaluate two calf models: (i) the National Research Council (NRC) in 2001 and (ii) the updates published by Van Amburgh and Drackley in 2005 and inputted into Agricultural Modeling and Training Systems (AMTS, version 3.5.8). Data from 16 previous studies involving 51 diets for dairy calves under tropical conditions (n=485 calves, initial BW 37.5±4.35 kg and weaning weight of 62.0±10.16 kg) were used. The calves were fed with whole milk, milk replacer or fermented colostrum, plus starter (20.9±1.78% of CP). The accuracy of the average daily gain (ADG) prediction was evaluated by mean bias, mean square prediction error (MSPE), concordance correlation coefficient, bias correction factor (Cb), and regression between the observed and predicted values. The ADG observed from birth to weaning was 0.452±0.121 kg/day. Calves fed with whole milk had greater ADG compared with calves fed milk replacer (0.477 v. 0.379 kg/day) during the milk-feeding period. When all data were pooled (n=51 diets), predictions had a mean bias of −0.019 and 0.068 kg/day for energy-allowable gain using NRC and AMTS models, respectively. The regression equation between observed and predicted values obtained from energy of diets showed an intercept different from zero (P<0.0001) and slope that differed from unity (P<0.0001). In a second evaluation, when calves were fed only milk replacer, the energy-allowable gain from AMTS showed the lowest mean bias (0.008 kg/day) and 82.1% of the MSPE value originated from random errors. The lowest MSPE, the higher Cb value and no significant slope bias (P>0.05) indicate that the AMTS growth model resulted in accurate predictions for calves fed with milk replacer. However, within these latter two approaches, the goodness of fit (R2) was low, representing low precision. The weight gain estimated by the energy available from the diet was overestimated by 19 g/day when calculated by the NRC and underestimated by 68 g/day when calculated by AMTS. The reasons for this discrepancy need to be understood, for only then new models could be developed and parameterized to estimate animal performance in tropical conditions more accurately and precisely.  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the influence of environmental parameters (water activity aw, temperature, and pH) on the radial growth rate of Trichoderma asperellum (strains PR10, PR11, PR12, and 659-7), an antagonist of Phytophthora megakarya, the causal agent of cocoa black pod disease. METHODS AND RESULTS: The radial growth of four strains of T. asperellum was monitored for 30 days on modified PDA medium. Six levels of aw (0.995, 0.980, 0.960, 0.930, 0.910, and 0.880) were combined with three values of pH (4.5, 6.5, and 8.5) and three incubation temperatures (20, 25, and 30 degrees C). Whatever the strain, mycelial growth rate was optimal at aw between 0.995 and 0.980, independently of the temperature and pH. Each strain appeared to be very sensitive to aw reduction. In addition, all four strains were able to grow at all temperatures and pH values (4.5-8.5) tested, highest growth rate being observed at 30 degrees C and at pH 4.5-6.5. The use of response surface methodology to model the combined effects of aw, temperature, and pH on the radial growth rate of the T. asperellum strains confirmed the observed results. In our model, growth of the T. asperellum strains showed a greater dependence on aw than on temperature or pH under in vitro conditions. CONCLUSION: aw is a crucial environmental factor. Low aw can prevent growth of T. asperellum strains under some conditions. The observed and predicted radial growth rate of strain PR11 showed its greater capacity to support low aw (0.93) as compared with other tested strains at 20 degrees C. This is in agreement with its better protective level when applied in medium-scale trials on cocoa plantations. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study should contribute towards improving the biocontrol efficacy of T. asperellum strains used against P. megakarya. Integrated into a broader study of the impact of environmental factors on the biocontrol agent-pathogen system, this work should help to build a more rational control strategy, possibly involving the use of a compatible adjuvant protecting T. asperellum against desiccation.  相似文献   

Inter‐ and intra‐specific physiological variations of intertidal macroalgae have been well investigated. However, studies on physiological responses of cryptic algal species have been poorly documented. Bostrychia intricata is a widespread marine red alga in the Southern Hemisphere, and has many cryptic species. We investigated the effect of different salinities and temperatures on the specific growth rate of three cryptic species (N2, N4 and N5) of B. intricata from New Zealand. Our data indicated that all cryptic species grew at the full range of salinities and temperatures tested, but exhibited a significant difference in their specific growth rates. Cryptic species N4 had a higher growth rate than the other two cryptic species under all experimental conditions, whereas cryptic species N2 occasionally showed a higher growth rate than cryptic species N5 at high salinities and lower temperatures. The distinct physiological properties of these cryptic species may explain their distribution pattern (a wider distribution of cryptic species N4 than N2 and N5) in New Zealand. The physiological divergence between the cryptic species could be related to their levels of evolutionary divergence, with more similar physiology between cryptic species, which share a more recent common ancestor (N2 and N5). Our findings underline that morphologically indistinguishable cryptic algal species are different in many other aspects and are truly independent entities.  相似文献   

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