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Microbial communities in hydrothermally active sediments of the Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California, Mexico) were studied by using 16S rRNA sequencing and carbon isotopic analysis of archaeal and bacterial lipids. The Guaymas sediments harbored uncultured euryarchaeota of two distinct phylogenetic lineages within the anaerobic methane oxidation 1 (ANME-1) group, ANME-1a and ANME-1b, and of the ANME-2c lineage within the Methanosarcinales, both previously assigned to the methanotrophic archaea. The archaeal lipids in the Guaymas Basin sediments included archaeol, diagnostic for nonthermophilic euryarchaeota, and sn-2-hydroxyarchaeol, with the latter compound being particularly abundant in cultured members of the Methanosarcinales. The concentrations of these compounds were among the highest observed so far in studies of methane seep environments. The δ-13C values of these lipids (δ-13C = −89 to −58‰) indicate an origin from anaerobic methanotrophic archaea. This molecular-isotopic signature was found not only in samples that yielded predominantly ANME-2 clones but also in samples that yielded exclusively ANME-1 clones. ANME-1 archaea therefore remain strong candidates for mediation of the anaerobic oxidation of methane. Based on 16S rRNA data, the Guaymas sediments harbor phylogenetically diverse bacterial populations, which show considerable overlap with bacterial populations of geothermal habitats and natural or anthropogenic hydrocarbon-rich sites. Consistent with earlier observations, our combined evidence from bacterial phylogeny and molecular-isotopic data indicates an important role of some novel deeply branching bacteria in anaerobic methanotrophy. Anaerobic methane oxidation likely represents a significant and widely occurring process in the trophic ecology of methane-rich hydrothermal vents. This study stresses a high diversity among communities capable of anaerobic oxidation of methane.  相似文献   

Little is known about protists at deep‐sea hydrothermal vents. The vent sites at Guaymas Basin in the Gulf of California are characterized by dense mats of filamentous pigmented or nonpigmented Beggiatoa that serve as markers of subsurface thermochemical gradients. We constructed 18S rRNA libraries to investigate ciliate assemblages in Beggiatoa mats and from bare sediments at the Guaymas vent site. Results indicated a high diversity of ciliates, with 156 operational taxonomic units identified in 548 sequences. Comparison between mat environments demonstrated that ciliate and bacterial assemblages from pigmented mats, nonpigmented mats, and bare sediments were significantly different and highly correlated with bacterial assemblages. Neither bacterial nor ciliate assemblages were correlated with environmental factors. The most abundant ciliates at Guaymas were more likely to be represented in clone libraries from other hydrothermal, deep‐sea, and/or anoxic or microaerophilic environments, supporting the hypothesis that these ciliate species are broadly distributed. The orange mat environment included a higher proportion of ciliate sequences that were more similar to those from other environmental studies than to cultured ciliate species, whereas clone libraries from bare sediments included sequences that were the most highly divergent from all other sequences and may represent species that are endemic to Guaymas.  相似文献   

Pimenov  N. V.  Ivanova  A. E. 《Microbiology》2005,74(3):362-370
A detailed study of the processes of anaerobic methane oxidation and sulfate reduction in the bacterial mats occurring on coral-like carbonate structures in the region of methane seeps in the Black Sea, as well as of the phenotypic diversity of sulfate-reducing bacteria developing in this zone, has been performed. The use of the radioisotopic method shows the microbial mat structure to be heterogeneous. The peak activity of the two processes was revealed when a mixture of the upper (dark) and underlying (intensely pink) layers was introduced into an incubation flask, which confirms the suggestion that methanotrophic archaea and sulfate-reducing bacteria closely interact in the process of anaerobic methane oxidation. Direct correlation between the rate of anaerobic methane oxidation and the methane and electron acceptor concentrations in the medium has been experimentally demonstrated. Several enrichment and two pure cultures of sulfate-reducing bacteria have been obtained from the near-bottom water and bacterial mats. Both strains were found to completely oxidize the substrates to CO2 and H2S. The bacteria grow at temperatures ranging from −1 to 18 (24)°C, with an optimum in the 10–18°C range, and require the presence of 1.5–2.5% NaCl and 0.07–0.2% MgCl 2⋅6H2O. Regarding the aggregate of their phenotypic characteristics (cell morphology, spectrum of growth substrates, the capacity for complete oxidation), the microorganisms isolated have no analogues among the psychrophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria already described. The results obtained demonstrate the wide distribution of psychrophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria in the near-bottom water and bacterial mats covering the coral-like carbonate structures occurring in the region of methane seeps in the Black Sea, as well as the considerable catabolic potential of this physiological group of psychrophilic anaerobes in deep-sea habitats__________Translated from Mikrobiologiya, Vol. 74, No. 3, 2005, pp. 420–429.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Pimenov, Ivanova.  相似文献   

The activity of and potential substrates for methane-producing bacteria and sulfate-reducing bacteria were examined in marsh, estuary, and beach intertidal sediments. Slow rates of methane production were detected in all sediments, although rates of sulfate reduction were 100- to 1,000-fold higher. After sulfate was depleted in sediments, the rates of methane production sharply increased. The addition of methylamine stimulated methanogenesis in the presence of sulfate, and [14C]methylamine was rapidly converted to 14CH4 and 14CO2 in freshly collected marsh sediment. Acetate, hydrogen, or methionine additions did not stimulate methanogenesis. [methyl-14C]methionine and [2-14C]acetate were converted to 14CO2 and not to 14CH4 in fresh sediment. No reduction of 14CO2 to 14CH4 occurred in fresh sediment. Molybdate, an inhibitor of sulfate reduction, inhibited [2-14C]acetate metabolism by 98.5%. Fluoracetate, an inhibitor of acetate metabolism, inhibited sulfate reduction by 61%. These results suggest that acetate is a major electron donor for sulfate reduction in marine sediments. In the presence of high concentrations of sulfate, methane may be derived from novel substrates such as methylamine.  相似文献   

Microbial oxidation and precipitation of manganese at deep-sea hydrothermal vents are important oceanic biogeochemical processes, yet nothing is known about the types of microorganisms or mechanisms involved. Here we report isolation of a number of diverse spore-forming Mn(II)-oxidizing Bacillus species from Guaymas Basin, a deep-sea hydrothermal vent environment in the Gulf of California, where rapid microbially mediated Mn(II) oxidation was previously observed. mnxG multicopper oxidase genes involved in Mn(II) oxidation were amplified from all Mn(II)-oxidizing Bacillus spores isolated, suggesting that a copper-mediated mechanism of Mn(II) oxidation could be important at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA and mnxG genes revealed that while many of the deep-sea Mn(II)-oxidizing Bacillus species are very closely related to previously recognized isolates from coastal sediments, other organisms represent novel strains and clusters. The growth and Mn(II) oxidation properties of these Bacillus species suggest that in hydrothermal sediments they are likely present as spores that are active in oxidizing Mn(II) as it emerges from the seafloor.  相似文献   

Studies of phosphorus (P) dynamics in surface sediments of lakes and coastal seas typically emphasize the role of coupled iron (Fe), sulfur (S) and P cycling for sediment P burial and release. Here, we show that anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) also may impact sediment P cycling in such systems. Using porewater and sediment profiles for sites in an oligotrophic coastal basin (Bothnian Sea), we provide evidence for the formation of Fe-bound P (possibly vivianite; Fe3(PO4)2 .8H2O) below the zone of AOM with sulfate. Here, dissolved Fe2+ released from oxides is no longer scavenged by sulfide and high concentrations of both dissolved Fe2+ (>1 mM) and PO4 in the porewater allow supersaturation with respect to vivianite to be reached. Besides formation of Fe(II)-P, preservation of Fe-oxide bound P likely also contributes to permanent burial of P in Bothnian Sea sediments. Preliminary budget calculations suggest that the burial of Fe-bound P allows these sediments to act as a major sink for P from the adjacent eutrophic Baltic Proper.  相似文献   

Inhibition Experiments on Anaerobic Methane Oxidation   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Anaerobic methane oxidation is a general process important in controlling fluxes of methane from anoxic marine sediments. The responsible organism has not been isolated, and little is known about the electron acceptors and substrates involved in the process. Laboratory evidence indicates that sulfate reducers and methanogens are able to oxidize small quantities of methane. Field evidence suggests anaerobic methane oxidation may be linked to sulfate reduction. Experiments with specific inhibitors for sulfate reduction (molybdate), methanogenesis (2-bromoethanesulfonic acid), and acetate utilization (fluoroacetate) were performed on marine sediments from the zone of methane oxidation to determine whether sulfate-reducing bacteria or methanogenic bacteria are responsible for methane oxidation. The inhibition experiment results suggest that methane oxidation in anoxic marine sediments is not directly mediated by sulfate-reducing bacteria or methanogenic bacteria. Our results are consistent with two possibilities: anaerobic methane oxidation may be mediated by an unknown organism or a consortium involving an unknown methane oxidizer and sulfate-reducing bacteria.  相似文献   

The effect of different substrates and different levels of sulfate and sulfide on methane production relative to sulfate reduction in high-rate anaerobic digestion was evaluated. Reactors could be acclimated so that sulfate up to a concentration of 5 g of sulfate S per liter did not significantly affect methanogenesis. Higher levels gave inhibition because of salt toxicity. Sulfate reduction was optimal at a relatively low level of sulfate, i.e., 0.5 g of sulfate S per liter, but was also not significantly affected by higher levels. Both acetoclastic and hydrogenotrophic methane-producing bacteria adapted to much higher levels of free H2S than the values reported in the literature (50% inhibition occurred only at free H2S levels of more than 1,000 mg/liter). High levels of free H2S affected the sulfate-reducing bacteria only slightly. Formate and acetate supported the sulfate-reducing bacteria very poorly. In the high-rate reactors studied, intensive H2S formation occurred only when H2 gas or an H2 precursor such as ethanol was supplied.  相似文献   

In the high-rate anaerobic reactors studied (ca. 10 g of chemical oxygen demand [COD] removed per liter of reactor per day), the sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) were poor competitors of methane-producing bacteria (MPB), scavenging only on the order of 10 to 20% of the total electron flow. The relatively noncompetitive nature of the SRB in this type of reactor is in sharp contrast to the tendency of the SRB to dominate in natural environments and in other types of anaerobic digesters. Various factors such as the feedback inhibition of H2S on the SRB, iron limitation, the origin of the SRB inocula, biokinetics, and thermodynamics were investigated. The outcome of the SRB-MPB competition under the reactor conditions studied appeared to be particularly determined by two factors. The SRB, as predicted by the Vmax-Km kinetics, competed most effectively at low substrate levels (<0.5 g of COD per liter). The MPB, however, appeared to colonize and adhere much more effectively to the polyurethane carrier matrix present in the reactor, thus compensating for the apparent lower growth rates. Even if the reactor was initially allowed to be predominantly colonized by SRB, the MPB could regain dominance.  相似文献   

Mechanisms for inhibition of sulfate reduction and methane production in the zone of Fe(III) reduction in sediments were investigated. Addition of amorphic iron(III) oxyhydroxide to sediments in which sulfate reduction was the predominant terminal electron-accepting process inhibited sulfate reduction 86 to 100%. The decrease in electron flow to sulfate reduction was accompanied by a corresponding increase in electron flow to Fe(III) reduction. In a similar manner, Fe(III) additions also inhibited methane production in sulfate-depleted sediments. The inhibition of sulfate reduction and methane production was the result of substrate limitation, because the sediments retained the potential for sulfate reduction and methane production in the presence of excess hydrogen and acetate. Sediments in which Fe(III) reduction was the predominant terminal electron-accepting process had much lower concentrations of hydrogen and acetate than sediments in which sulfate reduction or methane production was the predominant terminal process. The low concentrations of hydrogen and acetate in the Fe(III)-reducing sediments were the result of metabolism by Fe(III)-reducing organisms of hydrogen and acetate at concentrations lower than sulfate reducers or methanogens could metabolize them. The results indicate that when Fe(III) is in a form that Fe(III)-reducing organisms can readily reduce, Fe(III)-reducing organisms can inhibit sulfate reduction and methane production by outcompeting sulfate reducers and methanogens for electron donors.  相似文献   

Anaerobic Methane Oxidation: Occurrence and Ecology   总被引:8,自引:11,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Anoxic sediments and digested sewage sludge anaerobically oxidized methane to carbon dioxide while producing methane. This strictly anaerobic process showed a temperature optimum between 25 and 37°C, indicating an active microbial participation in this reaction. Methane oxidation in these anaerobic habitats was inhibited by oxygen. The rate of the oxidation followed the rate of methane production. The observed anoxic methane oxidation in Lake Mendota and digested sewage sludge was more sensitive to 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid than the simultaneous methane formation. Sulfate diminished methane formation as well as methane oxidation. However, in the presence of iron and sulfate the ratio of methane oxidized to methane formed increased markedly. Manganese dioxide and higher partial pressures of methane also stimulated the oxidation. The rate of methane oxidation in untreated samples was approximately 2% of the CH4 production rate in Lake Mendota sediments and 8% of that in digested sludge. This percentage could be increased up to 90% in sludge in the presence of 10 mM ferrous sulfate and at a partial pressure of methane of 20 atm (2,027 kPa).  相似文献   

Anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) coupled to nitrite reduction is a novel AOM process that is mediated by denitrifying methanotrophs. To date, enrichments of these denitrifying methanotrophs have been confined to freshwater systems; however, the recent findings of 16S rRNA and pmoA gene sequences in marine sediments suggest a possible occurrence of AOM coupled to nitrite reduction in marine systems. In this research, a marine denitrifying methanotrophic culture was obtained after 20 months of enrichment. Activity testing and quantitative PCR (qPCR) analysis were then conducted and showed that the methane oxidation activity and the number of NC10 bacteria increased correlatively during the enrichment period. 16S rRNA gene sequencing indicated that only bacteria in group A of the NC10 phylum were enriched and responsible for the resulting methane oxidation activity, although a diverse community of NC10 bacteria was harbored in the inoculum. Fluorescence in situ hybridization showed that NC10 bacteria were dominant in the enrichment culture after 20 months. The effect of salinity on the marine denitrifying methanotrophic culture was investigated, and the apparent optimal salinity was 20.5‰, which suggested that halophilic bacterial AOM coupled to nitrite reduction was obtained. Moreover, the apparent substrate affinity coefficients of the halophilic denitrifying methanotrophs were determined to be 9.8 ± 2.2 μM for methane and 8.7 ± 1.5 μM for nitrite.  相似文献   

Gal'chenko  V. F. 《Microbiology》2004,73(5):599-608
To clarify the biological mechanism of anaerobic methane oxidation, experiments were performed with samples of the Black Sea anaerobic sediments and with the aerobic methane-oxidizing bacterium Methylomonas methanica strain 12. The inhibition–stimulation analysis did not allow an unambiguous conclusion to be made about a direct and independent role of either methanogenic or sulfate-reducing microorganisms in the biogeochemical process of anaerobic methane oxidation. Enrichment cultures obtained from samples of water and reduced sediments oxidized methane under anaerobic conditions, primarily in the presence of acetate or formate or of a mixture of acetate, formate, and lactate. However, this ability was retained by the cultures for no more than two transfers on corresponding media. Experiments showed that the aerobic methanotroph Mm. methanica strain 12 is incapable of anaerobic methane oxidation at the expense of the reduction of amorphous FeOOH.  相似文献   

In the global nitrogen cycle, bacterial denitrification is recognized as the only quantitatively important process that converts fixed nitrogen to atmospheric nitrogen gas, N2, thereby influencing many aspects of ecosystem function and global biogeochemistry. However, we have found that a process novel to the marine nitrogen cycle, anaerobic oxidation of ammonium coupled to nitrate reduction, contributes substantially to N2 production in marine sediments. Incubations with 15N-labeled nitrate or ammonium demonstrated that during this process, N2 is formed through one-to-one pairing of nitrogen from nitrate and ammonium, which clearly separates the process from denitrification. Nitrite, which accumulated transiently, was likely the oxidant for ammonium, and the process is thus similar to the anammox process known from wastewater bioreactors. Anaerobic ammonium oxidation accounted for 24 and 67% of the total N2 production at two typical continental shelf sites, whereas it was detectable but insignificant relative to denitrification in a eutrophic coastal bay. However, rates of anaerobic ammonium oxidation were higher in the coastal sediment than at the deepest site and the variability in the relative contribution to N2 production between sites was related to large differences in rates of denitrification. Thus, the relative importance of anaerobic ammonium oxidation and denitrification in N2 production appears to be regulated by the availability of their reduced substrates. By shunting nitrogen directly from ammonium to N2, anaerobic ammonium oxidation promotes the removal of fixed nitrogen in the oceans. The process can explain ammonium deficiencies in anoxic waters and sediments, and it may contribute significantly to oceanic nitrogen budgets.  相似文献   

Although abundant geochemical data indicate that anaerobic methane oxidation occurs in marine sediments, the linkage to specific microorganisms remains unclear. In order to examine processes of methane consumption and oxidation, sediment samples from mud volcanoes at two distinct sites on the Mediterranean Ridge were collected via the submersible Nautile. Geochemical data strongly indicate that methane is oxidized under anaerobic conditions, and compound-specific carbon isotope analyses indicate that this reaction is facilitated by a consortium of archaea and bacteria. Specifically, these methane-rich sediments contain high abundances of methanogen-specific biomarkers that are significantly depleted in 13C (δ13C values are as low as −95‰). Biomarkers inferred to derive from sulfate-reducing bacteria and other heterotrophic bacteria are similarly depleted. Consistent with previous work, such depletion can be explained by consumption of 13C-depleted methane by methanogens operating in reverse and as part a consortium of organisms in which sulfate serves as the terminal electron acceptor. Moreover, our results indicate that this process is widespread in Mediterranean mud volcanoes and in some localized settings is the predominant microbiological process.  相似文献   

Galveston Bay sediments exhibit substantial spatial and seasonal variability in rates of nitrification and aerobic methane oxidation. We examined the biogeochemical and microbiological controls on these processes using aerobic enrichment slurries. Potential aerobic methane and ammonia oxidation rates from unamended control slurries were compared to rates in slurries amended with methane, ammonium, or methane + ammonium. Bacterial community composition was monitored using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of PCR amplified ribosomal and functional gene DNA. Potential methane and ammonia oxidation rates increased over time in sediments amended with methane and ammonium, respectively. The highest potential methane oxidation rates occurred in treatments receiving both ammonium and methane suggesting that methanotrophs in the enrichment cultures were nitrogen limited. The highest ammonia oxidation rates occurred in treatments amended with ammonium only. Treatments receiving both ammonium and methane exhibited ammonia oxidation rates and porewater ammonium concentrations similar to those measured in the unamended control suggesting that methanotrophs may have inhibited ammonia oxidation by sequestering available ammonia. Sequence analysis revealed a decrease in general bacterial community diversity over time and a shift in ammonia-oxidizing bacterial composition corresponding with methane availability. However, methanotroph community composition similarities between treatments with different relative methane oxidation rates suggest that changes in physiological activity, as well as shifts in community composition, contributed to the observed patterns in potential rates.  相似文献   

Methane concentrations and rates of methane oxidation were measured in intact sediment cores from an inshore marine sediment at Jutland, Denmark. The rates of methane oxidation, determined by the appearance of 14CO2 from injected 14CH4, varied with sediment depth and season. Most methane oxidation was anoxic, but oxygen may have contributed to methane oxidation at the sediment surface. Cumulative rates (0- to 12-cm depth) for methane oxidation at Kysing Fjord were 3.34, 3.48, 8.60, and 17.04 μmol m−2 day−1 for April (4°C), May (13°C), July (17°C), and August (21°C), respectively. If all of the methane was oxidized by sulfate, it would account for only 0.01 to 0.06% of the sulfate reduction. The data indicate that methane was produced, in addition to being oxidized, in the 0- to 18-cm sediment stratum.  相似文献   

Under laboratory conditions, the microbial communities of bottom sediments of a mud volcano Peschanka (Lake Baikal) were found to carry out anaerobic methane oxidation (AOM). After 16 days of anaerobic cultivation of the enrichment cultures, methane content in the gas phase decreased, and microbial consortia were established. The content of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen determined by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was higher than in the nearby sediment particles. The presence of bacteria of the NC10 phylum and archaea of the ANME-2d cluster was established by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH).  相似文献   

The methanogenic community in hydrothermally active sediments of Guaymas Basin (Gulf of California, Mexico) was analyzed by PCR amplification, cloning, and sequencing of methyl coenzyme M reductase (mcrA) and 16S rRNA genes. Members of the Methanomicrobiales and Methanosarcinales dominated the mcrA and 16S rRNA clone libraries from the upper 15 cm of the sediments. Within the H2/CO2- and formate-utilizing family Methanomicrobiales, two mcrA and 16S rRNA lineages were closely affiliated with cultured species of the genera Methanoculleus and Methanocorpusculum. The most frequently recovered mcrA PCR amplicons within the Methanomicrobiales did not branch with any cultured genera. Within the nutritionally versatile family Methanosarcinales, one 16S rRNA amplicon and most of the mcrA PCR amplicons were affiliated with the obligately acetate utilizing species Methanosaeta concilii. The mcrA clone libraries also included phylotypes related to the methyl-disproportionating genus Methanococcoides. However, two mcrA and two 16S rRNA lineages within the Methanosarcinales were unrelated to any cultured genus. Overall, the clone libraries indicate a diversified methanogen community that uses H2/CO2, formate, acetate, and methylated substrates. Phylogenetic affiliations of mcrA and 16S rRNA clones with thermophilic and nonthermophilic cultured isolates indicate a mixed mesophilic and thermophilic methanogen community in the surficial Guaymas sediments.  相似文献   

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