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Human fibrinogen and the polymerization of fibrin after activation by the enzymes, thrombin and Batroxobin, were studied by means of dynamic laser light scattering (DLS). The apparent diffusion constant, D, for fibrinogen was measured and has a value of (1.80 +/- 0.42) X 10(-7) cm2 X s-1. D was found to contain contributions from the translational diffusion constant (Dt) as well as from the rotational diffusion constant (Dr). A comparison between experimental and calculated values of Dr and Dt suggests that fibrinogen in the absence of added Ca2+ expresses a certain degree of flexibility, while it is straightened in the presence of added Ca2+. The time dependence of D showed periodic oscillations, while the average D values decreased with time. Thrombin and Batroxobin caused similar behaviour of D. The period length was related to the enzyme concentration, clotting time (Ct) and the rate of release of fibrinopeptide A (FPA). No periodic oscillations were observed in experiments where the enzyme was replaced by saline, or in experiments using a dysfunctional fibrinogen (fibrinogen Aarhus) which displayed slow rates of FPA-release and polymerization. We propose that the periodic oscillations in a system far from equilibrium may be explained by conformational changes occurring in the fibrinogen molecule during enzyme activation and polymerization.  相似文献   

A congenitally abnormal fibrinogen (Vlissingen) was isolated from the blood of a young woman suffering from massive pulmonary embolism. Fibrinogen Vlissingen showed an abnormal clotting time with both thrombin and Reptilase. The release of the fibrino-peptides A and B by thrombin was normal, but fibrin polymerization was impaired both in the presence and absence of Ca2+ ions. On sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis performed according to Laemmli the gamma-chain of fibrinogen Vlissingen showed two bands, one normal and one having an apparently lower molecular mass of about 1,500 daltons. The previously described protective effect of Ca2+ ions on plasmin degradation of the carboxyl terminus of the gamma-chain of normal fibrinogen was only partially detectable in fibrinogen Vlissingen. In addition the binding of Ca2+ ions was decreased. Fibrinogen Vlissingen bound 2.4 Ca2+ ions per fibrinogen molecule at pH 7.4, whereas normal fibrinogen bound 3.1 Ca2+ ions. At pH 5.8 fibrinogen Vlissingen bound 1.1 Ca2+ ions, whereas normal fibrinogen bound 2.0 Ca2+ ions per molecule fibrinogen in the D-domains, again indicating a structural change in the carboxyl terminus of fibrinogen. The structural defect was determined by sequence analysis of DNA amplified by use of the polymerase chain reaction. Exons VIII, IX, and X of the gamma-chain gene were amplified and the DNA sequence of the amplified fragments was determined. A 6-base deletion was found in 50% of the fragments corresponding to exon VIII, indicating that the patient was heterozygous for the mutation. This deletion codes for amino acids Asn-319 and Asp-320 in the normal fibrinogen gamma-chain. The data indicate that Asn-319 and Asp-320 are crucial for maintaining the integrity of the carboxyl-terminal polymerization sites, the protective effect of Ca2+ ions on plasmin degradation of the carboxyl terminus of the gamma-chain, and the calcium binding domain at the carboxyl terminus of fibrinogen.  相似文献   

Cross-linking of human fibrin by fibrin stabilizing factor (factor XIIIa) and tissue transglutaminase (ti-TG) was examined by immunoprobing electrophoregrams for positive identification of the cross-linked chains. The immunoprobing was carried out by a new, direct staining technique employing composite gels of a porous protein immobilizing matrix (glyoxyl agarose) blended with a removable polyacrylamide filler that eliminates need for Western blotting. We find that the known rapid cross-linking of gamma-chains into gamma 2-dyads by XIIIa is accompanied by co-cross-linking of the gamma 2-dyads with alpha-chains to form hybrid alpha gamma 2-triads. Little or no cross-linking of relatively abundant alpha- and gamma-chain monads into hybrid alpha gamma-dydads accompanies formation of the alpha gamma 2-triads. Thus, formation of the gamma 2-dyads accelerates the hybrid cross-linking. This acceleration is viewed as demonstrating a previously unknown mode of cooperative interaction between alpha- and gamma-chains arising from cross-linking of the D-domains of the molecules. This strengthened interaction is not critically dependent on fibrinopeptide-release, because alpha gamma 2-triads are similarly formed when fibrinogen is cross-linked by XIIIa. Also observed in the study with XIIIa was the formation of small amounts of homologous gamma 3 and gamma 4 oligomers which had been predicted by others to contribute to branching of fibrin strands. Unlike XIIIa, ti-TG acts preferentially on alpha-chains rather than gamma-chains as known. As alpha gamma-dyad, not seen in reactions with XIIIa, is produced concurrent with the homologous alpha-chain cross-linking. Also, three different species of alpha 2-dyads were produced by ti-TG, two of which were not seen in reactions with XIIIa. The differences in product formation revealed by the specific staining are viewed as providing criteria for distinguishing products of XIIIa and ti-TG in biologic specimens.  相似文献   

Structural studies on a hereditarily abnormal prothrombin, prothrombin Tokushima, have been performed to identify the difference responsible for its reduced fibrinogen clotting activity upon conversion to thrombin. The prothrombin sample used was from a heterozygote but contained exclusively a defective prothrombin molecule, since the patient was heterozygous for both dysprothrombinemia and hypoprothrombinemia. Amino acid sequence analysis of a peptide isolated from a lysyl endopeptidase digest of the abnormal thrombin indicated that Arg-418 (equivalent to Asn-101 in the chymotrypsin numbering system) had been replaced by Trp. This amino acid substitution can result from a single nucleotide change in the codon for Arg-418 (CGG----TGG). The Arg----Trp replacement found in the thrombin portion of prothrombin Tokushima appears to reduce its interaction with various substrates including fibrinogen and platelet receptors and accounts for the recurrent bleeding episode observed in the propositus.  相似文献   

An investigation was made of the role of calcium ions in the reversible stage of fibrin polymerization, using a direct and relatively simple approach. Purified fibrin monomer in solution (7.5 mg/ml) in 1.0 m NaBr (pH 5.3) was polymerized by raising the pH to 5.7–7.7 by the addition of aliquots of standard NaOH solution and the rate and total extent of proton release during polymerization were measured potentiometrically. In the presence of added CaCl2 (10−5-10−2m) the rate of proton release was increased and the clotting time was decreased. The profile of equilibrium proton release vs pH of polymerization was also shifted, the maximum being increased and occurring at a lower pH. Sedimentation velocity studies in the intermediate pH range (5.7–6.0) showed that the altered profile of equilibrium proton release was due to a broadening of the pH range of polymerization, and that polymerization remained reversible in the presence of CaCl2. At pH 5.3, where fibrin is essentially monomeric, addition of CaCl2 resulted in the release of protons and small increases in sedimentation coefficient and reduced viscosity. Under the same conditions, a similar release of protons was observed from fibrinogen, but there was no effect on its sedimentation coefficient. It was concluded that the proton release at pH 5.3 was due mainly to binding of calcium ions to fibrinogen and fibrin monomer. The effect of CaCl2 on the sedimentation coefficient of fibrin at pH 5.3 was found to decrease with decreasing protein concentration, indicating that it was the result of a small extent of polymerization, rather than a conformational change. Added MgCl2 had no effect on fibrin monomer at pH 5.3 and no significant effect on the rate or extent of proton release during polymerization at higher pH, indicating that there are specific binding sites for calcium ions in fibrinogen and fibrin. The observed effects of bound calcium ions on reversible fibrin polymerization are explained most simply in electrostatic terms.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that water-soluble, glucosylated poly(pentafluorostyrene) derivatives revealed favorable coating material properties for magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. To prepare the coating material in high reproducibility and purity as well as in sufficient amounts, a new route of synthesis is established. The preparation and characterization of the glucosylated, tetrafluorostyryl monomer, by thiol-para-fluorine "click" reaction, and its polymerization, via nitroxide-mediated radical process, is presented in detail. In addition, the coating material and the resulting particle properties are investigated by means of XPS, DLS, TGA, TEM, and cryo-TEM as well as flow cytometry. The glycopolymer acts as an appropriate stabilizing agent for the superparamagnetic nanoparticles by the formation of an approximately 10 nm thick shell, as shown by the XPS analysis. Furthermore, the application of FITC-labeled glycopolymer yielded fluorescent, superparamagnetic nanoparticles, which can be used for monitoring cell-carbohydrate interactions, because these particles show no cytotoxicity toward 3T3 fibroblasts.  相似文献   

We have employed the method of radial distance measurements in order to orient the actin monomer in the F-actin filament. This method utilizes fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements of the distance between two equivalent chemical points located on two different monomers. The interprobe distance obtained this way is used to compute the radial coordinate of the labeled amino acid [Taylor, D. L., Reidler, J., Spudich, J. A., & Stryer, L. (1981) J. Cell Biol. 89, 362-367]. Theoretical analysis has indicated that if radial coordinates of four points are determined and six intramolecular distances are known, one can, within symmetry limits, position the monomer about the filament axis. The radial distance of Gln-41 that had been enzymatically modified with dansyl, rhodamine, and fluorescein derivatives of cadaverine was found to be approximately 40-42 A. The determination of the radial distance of Cys-374 was accomplished by using monobromobimane and N-[[(iodoacetyl)amino]ethyl]-5- naphthylamine-1-sulfonate as donors and N-[4-[[4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]azo]phenyl]maleimide as acceptor; the results were consistent with a radial coordinate for this residue of 20-25 A. The effect of myosin subfragment 1 (S1) binding on the radial coordinates of (1) Gln-41, (2) Cys-374, and (3) the nucleotide binding site was also examined. S1 had a small effect on the radial coordinate of Gln-41, increasing it to 44-47 A. In the two remaining lases the change in the radial coordinate due to the S1 binding was negligible. This finding excludes certain models of the interaction between actin and S1 in which actin monomer rotates by a large angle when subfragment 1 binds to it.  相似文献   

Solid phase synthesis of the hexapeptide, GPRVVE, which represents the amino terminal six amino acids of the alpha-chain of human fibrin, yielded a product that contained a modified glutamic acid. The nature of the modification was established as the Friedel-Crafts acylation product of the peptide and anisole, the latter reagent employed in the HF deblocking step. The anisoylated peptide selectively enhanced the activation rate of native [Glu1]plasminogen by recombinant tissue plasminogen activator, accelerated clot lysis, and retarded the polymerization of nascent fibrin.  相似文献   

1. Both the monomer arginine kinase from lobster muscle and the dimer arginine kinase from Holothuria forskali catalyse the ATP-ADP partial exchange reaction at rates equal to 3 and 0.6% of the normal rate of transphosphorylation respectively. The Mg2+-nucleotide complex is the substrate for this as it is for the kinase reaction. 2. Analogues of arginine inhibit the exchange reaction of the lobster enzyme but enhance that of the Holothuria enzyme. 3. With the lobster enzyme NO3- has no effect on the exchange reaction alone and inhibit only slightly the apparent enhancement of the exchange reaction produced by the addition of arginine. This is compatible with previous findings for this enzyme that formation of the anion-stabilized dead-end complex, enzyme-arginine-MgADP-NO3-, does not occur to any marked degree. 4. About 80% of the ADP-ATP exchange reaction of the lobster enzyme remains after inhibition with iodoacetamide. This is further decreased to 65% by the addition of L-arginine, indicating that this substrate does bind to the thiolmodified enzyme. 5. It is concluded that the partial exchange reaction is a genuine phenomenon not mediated by trace amounts of arginine. From the effects of arginine and related compounds it would appear that during the normal kinase reaction the partial ATP-ADP exchange reaction is suppressed in the lobster enzyme but enhanced in the Holothuria enzyme. This reflects a remarkable evolutionary divergence of two homologous enzymes.  相似文献   

The specific detection of fibrin monomer and fibrin degradation products is of high importance in the laboratory diagnosis of intravascular clotting (disseminated intravascular coagulation, deep vein thrombosis). The methods proposed until now are partly time-consuming, needing special laboratories or insensitive and poorly specific. Applying ristomycin instead of ristocetin (another member of the vancomycin antibiotics) a new simple, specific and sensitive method has been elaborated and recommended for the laboratory diagnosis of intravascular coagulation and its differentiation from primary fibrinogenolysis. The results obtained from in vitro and animal experiments and from human studies are presented.  相似文献   

The consequences of the combined effects of fibrin II monomer (FnIIm) and heparin (H) on the hydrolysis of peptidyl p-nitroanilide substrates by thrombin (IIa), the cleavage of prothrombin by thrombin and the thrombin-catalyzed release of fibrinopeptides from fibrinogen have been studied at pH 7.4 and I 0.15. The effects of fibrin II monomer and heparin on chromogenic substrate hydrolysis can be described by a hyperbolic mixed inhibition model in which substrate can interact with four possible enzyme species (IIa, IIa.H, IIa.FnIIm, and IIa.FnIIm.H) that arise as a result of random formation of a ternary complex among thrombin, fibrin II monomer, and heparin (Hogg, P. J. and Jackson, C. M. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 241-247). The formation of the ternary IIa.FnIIm.H complex results in an increase in the Km values of 7.03 +/- 1.17-fold (1.37-9.65 microM) and 1.94 +/- 0.60-fold (38.1-73.9 microM) for H-D-Ile-Pro-Arg-pNA and Cbz-Gly-Pro-Arg-pNA hydrolysis, respectively, and a decrease in the kc values of 0.45 +/- 0.08-fold (49.5-22.3 s-1) and 0.52 +/- 0.05-fold (93.1-48.4 s-1). Fibrin II monomer and heparin in combination also decrease the efficiency (kc/Km) with which thrombin cleaves prothrombin to produce Fragment 1 and Prethrombin 1 by 2.3-fold from 607 +/- 30 to 264 +/- 13 M-1 s-1. In contrast to the effects of fibrin II monomer and heparin on thrombin hydrolysis of chromogenic substrates, its proteolysis of prothrombin and its inactivation by antithrombin III (Hogg, P. J., and Jackson, C. M. (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 86, 3619-3623), these components have no discernible influence on the ability of thrombin to cleave fibrinogen. These observations indicate that the substrate specificity of thrombin is altered when it is bound in a complex with fibrin II monomer and heparin and suggest that the catalytic efficiency of thrombin for its physiological substrates will be affected differentially by these interactions. Such ternary complex formation involving thrombin, fibrin II monomer, and heparin may provide a mechanism for selectively regulating thrombin action.  相似文献   

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