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Otiorhynchus schuberti sp. n. (subgenus Dibredus Reitter, 1912) is described from Kahramanmara? Province in Southeastern Turkey. It is closely related to O. nudiformis Reitter, 1914 and, less closely, to O. rufimanus Hochhuth, 1847, but differs from both in a small bidentate tooth on the fore femur.  相似文献   

The merkli group of the weevil genus Plinthus is revised. Plinthus navarsati Davidian et Savitsky, sp. n. is described from Northeastern Turkey. New data on the morphology and geographical distribution of P. merkli Frivaldszki, 1894, P. cavazzutii Meregalli, 1985, and P. latipennis Meregalli, 1985 are given, with a key to all the four species of the merkli group.  相似文献   

The Chrysolina lineella species-group of the subgenus Anopachys Motschulsky, 1860 is revised. Chrysolina watanabei Takizawa, 1970 is revalidated from the synonymy with Ch. lineigera (Jacobson, 1901). Ch. sundukovi Mikhailov, 2006 is a new junior synonym of Ch. watanabei. Special attention is paid to the infraspecific variability of the male and female genitalia. The structure of the aedeagal flagellum and the spermatheca are used as diagnostic characters. A key to species is included. Ch. watanabei is for the first time recorded from the Asian continent (Primorskii Territory of Russia and Northeastern China).  相似文献   

The first records of the weevil Otiorhynchus smreczynskii Cmoluch, 1968 from the Republic of Belarus are reported. Its trophic specialization in the region is considered, and photographs of the adult on a leaf of the host plant and the leaves of various hosts damaged by the weevil are provided.  相似文献   

In the summer of 2015, Polydrusus formosus was found in the Summer Garden, St. Petersburg on Tilia cordata in the trellises and berceau restored in 2011. This weevil was known in the European part of the former USSR only in Moldova and Crimea. The finding of 6 individuals of Polydrusus formosus only on the linden trellises may be due to an unintended introduction of the weevils (probably only a single fertilized female) with the plants from Germany and maintenance of the population in the Summer Garden for already five years.  相似文献   

The granulosus subgroup of Plinthus is revised. Plinthus frivaldszkyi Davidian et Savitsky, sp. n. and P. mananauricus Davidian et Savitsky, sp. n. from the Caucasus are described. New data on the morphology and geographic distribution of P. granulosus Reitter, 1884, P. abdurakhmanovi Davidian, 1995, and P. kataevi Davidian, 1992 and a key to five species of the granulosus subgroup are presented.  相似文献   

The review includes seven species, three new species are described: Carpelimus maliensis, C. neuterus, and C. xenosus spp. n. The names Trogophloeus variegatus Cameron, 1944, T. ruandanus Cameron, 1956, and Carpelimus maroccanus Gildenkov, 2004 are synonymized with Carpelimus atomus (Saulcy, 1864). Carpelimus rondaensis is downgraded to the subspecies C. boops rondaensis (Fagel, 1957). Lectotype of Trogophloeus dundoensis Cameron, 1950 is designated. New data on the morphology and distribution of Carpelimus (Troginus) species are given.  相似文献   

Three new species of the genus Pseudorchestes Bedel are described. Pseudorchestes olgae sp. n. known only from the Dzhanybek Research Station is similar to Ps. abdurakhmanovi Korotyaev, 1993 from Daghestan and Southwestern Kazakhstan but differs in the narrower frons, sparse white scales on the frons and on the underside of the head, longer and narrower antennal club, less strongly curved hind tibia, and larger size. Pseudorchestes tschernovi sp. n. from the Lower Volga River basin, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan differs from all the known congeners, except for Ps. convexus sp. n. from the Trans-Altai Gobi (Mongolia), in the strongly reduced wings which are only half as long as the elytra, and from the latter species, in the longer rostrum, paler antennae and legs, wide and apically excised scales on the elytra, and in the antennal club short and ovate in both sexes and lacking dense velvety pubescence in the male.  相似文献   

Polygala pauciramosa, a new species from the Federal District and the state of Goiás is described, illustrated, and compared with related species of Polygala subgenus Hebeclada. The new species is an herb that grows in seasonally to permanently wet savannas. A key to the species of Polygala subgenus Hebeclada from Goiás state, Brazil is provided.  相似文献   

The weevil Nastus fausti Reitter (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) was evaluated for its potential in the biological control of invasive giant hogweeds (Heracleum spp.). Quantitative sampling suggested that at a high population density (more that 3–4 mature larvae per plant) damage by N. fausti larvae could have some negative impact on the above-ground part of the plant. However, no-choice laboratory tests showed that N. fausti females were able to feed on a number of Apiaceae genera, including such important cultivated crops as carrot, parsnip, and celeriac. Feeding on these plants did not cause any significant decrease in female survival or fecundity. Moreover, at least part of N. fausti larvae may feed and develop on roots of these plants, and the rate of their growth and development does not differ significantly from that in larvae fed on roots of H. mantegazzianum. N. fausti adult and larval feeding on Angelica purpurascens, representative of related genus of the same tribe, was recorded under natural conditions, too. In combination, these data suggest that N. fausti is an oligophagous species connected with plants from at least several genera of Apiaceae and thus it cannot be considered a potential agent for biological control of invasive Heracleum species.  相似文献   

Data on two species of the subgenus Baudia Ragusa, 1884, B. ishigakiensis Habu, 1975 and B. marginellus Bates, 1873 new to the fauna of the southern Sikhote-Alin Mountains, are presented. A key to species of this subgenus is provided. Holotypes of B. nigriceps A. Morawitz, 1863 and B. ussuriensis Jedli?ka, 1937 are designated. New data on the distribution of the species in Eastern Asia are given.  相似文献   

A new subgenus Sinomicrophyes subgen. n. with four new species Nanomicrophyes belousovi sp. n. (type species), N. korolevi sp. n., N. oblongus sp. n., and N. kabaki sp. n. from Western China is erected in the genus Nanomicrophyes Pic, 1908 previously known from a single species distributed in the Caucasus. A map of the genus Nanomicrophyes range is provided with a brief discussion of the N. cyanipennis (Weise, 1880) distribution.  相似文献   

The subgenera Roelofsideporaus and Deporaus s. str. of the genus Deporaus with four species (D. affectatus, D. unicolor, D. nidificus, and D. betulae) recorded from the Russian fauna are revised. Keys to the species of the subgenus Roelofsideporaus and to the females of the subgenera Roelofsideporaus and Deporaus s. str. are given. The distribution of D. nidificus in Russia is not confirmed.  相似文献   

The genus Deporaus from the Russian fauna is revised. Four species (D. pacatus, D. azarovae, D. septentrionalis, and D. hartmanni) of the subgenera Pseudapoderites and Japonodeporaus are found. Keys to the subgenera and to the species of the subgenus Pseudapoderites are given. The genus Deporaus, subgenera Pseudapoderites and Japonodeporaus, and four species are redescribed. The distribution of these species in Russia is discussed.  相似文献   

The taxonomic composition of the subgenus Caucasoplinthus Davidian, 1995 is revised. The immunis and granulosus groups are downgraded to subgroups of the silphoides and fallax groups, respectively; the voriseki subgroup is transferred from the fallax to the fausti group. Plinthus attilai Davidian et Savitsky, sp. n. and P. ljudae Davidian et Savitsky, sp. n. are described from Turkey and Abkhazia, respectively. New data on the taxonomy, distribution, and ecology of some little-known species are presented. The following new synonymy is established: Molytes vittatus Motschulsky, 1839 (= Meleus irroratus Reitter, 1884, syn. n., = Meleus faldermanni Faust, 1884, syn. n., = Meleus difficilis Faust, 1884, syn. n.).  相似文献   

Three new species from Brazil are described and illustrated. Passiflora cervii, P. jiboiaensis, and P. transversalis all belong to Passiflora subg. Decaloba.  相似文献   

Three new species of the genus Otiorhynchus Germar, 1822 are described from the Caucasus: O. titarenkoi sp. n. in the subgenus Motilacanus Reitter, 1912 and O. dittae sp. n. and O. zierisi sp. n. in the subgenus Eprahenus Reitter, 1912. The incivilis species-group is transferred from the subgenus Choilisanus Reitter, 1912 to the subgenus Eprahenus (new subgeneric placement).  相似文献   

A new species of buprestid beetles, Acmaeodera (Ptychomus) koshtali sp. n. (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Polycestinae) from Oman is described, illustrated, and compared with the closely related species A. (P.) arabica Gory, 1840 and A. (P.) sancta Théry, 1926 which are also recorded from the Arabian Peninsula.  相似文献   

An observation of unusual bionomics of the weevil Dorytornus cinereus Hochhuth (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) made in May 1975 in the vicinity of Magadan is confirmed, supplemented with additional data, and documented with photographs.  相似文献   

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