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本文报道发现于内蒙古乌达煤田早二叠世太原组顶部火山凝灰岩层中的莲座蕨类植物一新种Eoangiopteris congestus sp. nov.,标本包含有机连生的辉木型茎干,栉羊齿型营养羽片和始莲座蕨型繁殖羽片。其中营养羽片为三次羽状复叶,末二次和末次羽片均为线形,小羽片栉羊齿型,卵圆形,中脉下延,侧脉分叉一次,属于东方栉羊齿Pecopteris orientalis (Schenk) Potonié类型。繁殖小羽片与营养小羽片同形;两侧对称的聚合囊成单列分布在中脉两侧,排列拥挤,由6–8个孢子囊组成,通过一个薄壁组织构成的聚合囊托与叶片相连;孢子囊呈纺锤形,无环带;孢子囊面向外的壁2–3层细胞厚,面向内的壁厚度仅1层细胞。原位孢子为三缝孢,椭圆形至圆形,表面具小刺状纹饰,可与分散孢子属Apiculatisporites对比。当前始莲座蕨属植物的发现代表其在华夏植物群目前最早的化石记录。此外,这些两侧对称的聚合囊明显区别于以往报道中与东方栉羊齿叶型化石连生的辐射对称聚合囊类型(星囊蕨Asterotheca),表明在古植物学研究中一种化石羽片类型可能对应多种繁殖器官类型。  相似文献   

至少二次羽状复叶,叶轴粗达2厘米,以30—35°角二歧分枝,表面凹凸不平,具明显的纵纹。末次羽片互生,披针形至线形,长度可达10厘米以上,基部宽约2.5厘米,渐尖,顶端钝,轴亦具纵纹。在轴二歧分枝点以下的羽片,排列稀疏;二歧分枝点以上多叶的区域,排列紧挤;相互覆盖,与末二级羽轴成40—45°角。小羽片互生或亚对生,以锐角斜生于羽轴,菱形或亚圆形,菱形前端分裂成2—3个圆形裂片,每个裂片顶端具2—3个圆齿,基部收缩呈楔形;小羽片向羽片末端渐变成长椭圆形,在羽片末端由3—4枚狭长的裂片联合成一深裂的顶小羽片。羽片基部下行第一小羽片着生于羽片与羽轴夹角处,分裂形式似现代银杏,中间一深裂将小羽片分为二瓣,每瓣再分裂一次,每一裂片顶端具圆齿;上行基部第一小羽片亦较大,分裂形式与下行第一小羽片同,其大部常盖在羽轴上。叶脉扇  相似文献   

吴秀元  王军 《古生物学报》2004,43(4):489-501
记述的两种新植物分别来自秦岭地区的凤县和镇安县。产于凤县草凉驿红花铺草凉驿组的Adiantites honghuapuensis sp.nov.,至少二次羽状复叶,羽片线形,以宽角着生于羽轴上;小羽片椭圆形,羽片基部的小羽片偶尔分裂为2—3个裂片。小羽片基部收缩,有短柄或以较宽的基部着生于羽轴上,扇状脉。另一产自镇安县茅坪东山梁二峪河组的Qinlingopteris orientalis gen.et sp.nov.,其特征是二次羽状复叶,末二级羽轴与末级羽轴夹角较小,大约30^#左右。小羽片亚对生,长卵形或亚圆形,顶端较窄,中部较宽,基部较狭并具短柄;叶脉扇状;羽轴上具间小羽片,间小羽片与正常小羽片等形同大。草凉驿组的地质时代大致为纳缪尔期至维斯发早期,而二峪河组则为早石炭世维宪期。  相似文献   

黑龙江鸡西早白垩世穆棱组真蕨类植物一新种   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨小菊 《古生物学报》2002,41(2):259-265
描述似里白属一新种—Gleichenitesjixiensissp .nov .。新种的叶为二次羽状 ,末次羽片与羽轴成70°—80°角 ,线形 ,互生。小羽片数目达 40对以上 ,以 6 0°— 90°角从小羽轴上伸出 ,互生 ,线形至长三角形。叶片为厚纸质。中脉明显 ,侧脉两歧分叉。生殖羽片与营养羽片同形 ,略小 ,孢子囊群生于小羽片背面 ,位于中脉两侧每组叶脉的前一支脉上 ,无囊群盖 ,由 8个近乎无柄的孢子囊聚合成圆形的囊群 ,孢子囊环带横生。该种的外部形态特征与化石属的GleichenitesporsildiiSeward和现代里白属的Hicriopterislaevissima (Christ)Ching较为相似。  相似文献   

描述发现于西藏拉萨晚中生代林布宗组的种子蕨化石,确定为新种——西藏叉羽叶Ptilozamites tibeticus Yang sp.nov.。该种有别于其它叉羽叶各种:叶二次羽状;末二次羽轴较粗,具斜向纵纹或瘤状突起;末次羽片披针形,在羽轴上互生;末次羽轴的表面具斜的纵条纹;小羽片在末二次羽轴和末次羽轴上互生至对生,排列规则而紧密。中生代种子蕨类植物主要发现于晚三叠世至早侏罗世地层,新种的发现表明种子蕨类植物在青藏高原可一直延续到早白垩世。  相似文献   

描述发现于西藏拉萨晚中生代林布宗组的种子蕨化石,确定为新种——西藏叉羽叶Ptilozamites tibeticus Yang sp.nov.。该种有别于其它叉羽叶各种:叶二次羽状;末二次羽轴较粗,具斜向纵纹或瘤状突起;末次羽片披针形,在羽轴上互生;末次羽轴的表面具斜的纵条纹;小羽片在末二次羽轴和末次羽轴上互生至对生,排列规则而紧密。中生代种子蕨类植物主要发现于晚三叠世至早侏罗世地层,新种的发现表明种子蕨类植物在青藏高原可一直延续到早白垩世。  相似文献   

本文报道了采自鄂西晚三叠世地层中的五种种子蕨植物,它们分别隶属于副镰羽叶(Paradrepanozamites)、丁菲羊齿(Thinnfeldia)和篦羽羊齿(Ctenozamites)三个属。由于这些植物的小羽片或羽片基部上边均明显收缩,基部下边均显著下延等,认为它们在系统发生上可能有密切的亲缘关系,并提出它们的形态结构可能朝两个方向发展:一是输导组织不断发达——叶脉从亚放射状,无中脉→有中脉但不发达→中脉发达→变成末级羽轴;二是小羽片或羽片由全缘→局部分裂→大部分裂→羽状全裂。同时,根据奇特篦羽羊齿(新种)[Ctenoza-mites difformis(sp.nov.)]同一植株上的叶呈现四种不同的形态和脉序,初步推测上述三属的演变趋势是:由 Paradrepanozamites→Thinnfeldia→Ctenozamites。  相似文献   

李法曾 《植物研究》1985,5(1):157-159
植株高达60厘米,根状茎直立或斜升,顶端密被黑褐色、全缘、披针形鳞片,鳞片边缘有棕色狭边。叶丛生,叶柄长约20-25厘米,禾杆色,初被黑褐色先端卷曲的披针形鳞片,后逐渐脱落;叶片长圆形,长30-40厘米,宽20-25厘米,基部圆形,先端渐尖,3回羽裂;羽片10-12对,斜向上,互生,基部一对较大,柄长约1厘米,卵状披针形,长约16厘米,宽约10厘米,2回羽裂,小羽片约10对,基部上侧小羽片与叶轴平行,下侧一片较大,长圆形,长约6厘米,宽达3厘米,l回羽裂,末回小羽片短圆,边缘羽裂或全缘,其余各对羽片向上渐短。  相似文献   

郑芳勤 《植物学报》2001,18(2):246-250
Cycas属植物羽状复叶上的小羽片,是从不开叉向二叉开裂逐步发展的。二叉开裂后,小羽片继续进一步发展、进化,在其开叉分裂的小羽片上再次二叉开裂,成为三回、四回、五回二叉开裂的裂片(小叶),最后小羽片发展到多回开裂,成为Cycas属植物羽状复叶上最进化的一种小羽片类型。着生这种进化类型小羽片的叉叶类苏铁是Cycas属植物中最进化的种群。  相似文献   

报道ConiopterisBrongniart属一新种,标本保存良好,有营养羽片和生殖羽片,小羽片,孢子囊群的细节都有良好的显示,标本采自甘肃省张掖市平山湖乡的青土井组下段,其时代为中株罗纪早期。  相似文献   

In 1927, T. G. Halle published an extensive synthesis of the Permian fossil plant assemblages from China’s Shanxi Province that included five genera and species of seed plant that either had ovules in organic attachment or closely and repeatedly associated with foliage. These fertile pteridosperms were the subject of a later publication (1929) that provided additional information on each species, but since that time only Nystroemia pectiniformis Halle has been subjected to detailed investigation based on the original materials. Reinvestigation of the remaining four species has yielded additional examples and new information for each species, and has confirmed the pteridospermalean affinity for three of the four species. Alethopteris norinii Halle shows organic attachment of a pollen organ similar to Wittleseya (Newberry) Halle and is reinterpreted as a microsporangiate medullosan pteridosperm. Emplectopteris triangularis Halle and Sphenopteris tenuis (Schenk) Halle both bear numerous ovules attached directly to the leaf laminae, with Emplectopteris conforming with the gross-organisation of callistophytalean pteridosperms and S. tenuis being interpreted as a derived lagenostomalean pteridosperm. However, discovery of the counterpart to the key specimen of Pecopteris wongii Halle that Halle interpreted as bearing ovules demonstrates this species to be a sterile marattialean frond that agrees with its assignment to Pecopteris. In addition, two further specimens are demonstrated to be fertile organs of previously unknown pteridosperms; Norinosperma shanxiensis gen. et sp. nov. bears cardiocarpalean ovules abaxially on the proximal portions of the frond with ovules positioned directly on the veins of a leaf lamina; Norinotheca shanxiensis gen. et sp. nov. bears large pollen organs abaxially and singly on the vein of the leaf lamina. Collectively Halle’s pteridosperms remain important today as they are some of the few specimens that actually demonstrate organic connection of fertile organs to foliage, helping to characterise the morphology and organisation of this seed plant group. These species also demonstrate the persistence of seed plant families and genera in the Permian of China that became regionally extinct at the end of the Carboniferous in Euramerica, and show that pteridosperms remained an important component of Permian as well as Carboniferous floras globally.  相似文献   

The unique leaf structure of the genus Anemia with its upright fertile basal pinnae has been interpreted as derived from the typical fern leaf with unmodified basal pinnae. Reported herein for the first time is the leaf morphology of a species, Anemia colimensis Mickel, which shows the most primitive condition known in the genus and clearly confirms the course of evolution. The fertile pinnae are but little modified in size, lamination, and posture. Although A. colimensis has characters of two subgenera, it is shown to be a primitive element in subgen. Anemiorrhiza and not a member of subgen. Coptophyllum as previously reported.  相似文献   

中国二叠纪苏铁科新属、种——古生铁花   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文是继中国始苏铁Primocycas chinensis Zhu et Du之后,又报道一种古植物文献未见记载的早二叠世晚期苏铁科小孢子叶球,命名为古生铁花(新属、种)Cycadostrobilus paleozoicus Zhu,gen. et.sp.nov.标本采自我国山西省太原市东山煤矿的下石盒子组,它是世界迄今已知的一种最古老的小孢子叶球化石。和本新属同层发现的化石,除了中国始苏铁之外,还有楔叶Sphenophyllum、齿叶Tingia,楔羊齿Sphenopteris、楔叶羊齿Sphenopteridium、织羊齿Emplectopteris、栉羊齿Pecopteris、大芦孢穗Macrostachya、科达Cordaites、带羊齿Taeniopteris、角籽Cornucarpus和几种也未见记载而形态又非常特殊的植物。本文认为当前报道的古生铁花(新属、种)很可能和中国始苏铁同属一种植物,其营养叶可能是疏脉带羊齿Taeniopteris norinii Halle。  相似文献   

The vegetative (Ruflorinia sierra) and fertile (Ktalenia circularis) organs of an Early Cretaceous pteridosperm collected from Santa Cruz Province in Argentina are described. The sterile leaf is at least tripinnate and bears decurrent secondary pinnae with obliquely attached, sharply pointed pinnules. The fertile member arises from the base of the vegetative rachis and bears two types of appendages, cupules and bracts. Bracts are attached to the main axis near cupules and are present in clusters of up to six. Cupules are sessile, spherical, and arranged in opposite or subopposite pairs along the axis. A small lip is present on one surface of the cupule. The number of seeds per cupule may be one or two, with each characterized by a distal nucellar beak and circular, chalazal scar. Cuticular anatomy, including the fine structure of the stomatal complex, is described for both vegetative and reproductive organs. The cupules of Ktalenia and other Mesozoic seed plants are compared, and a discussion presented regarding the possible function of the cupule.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new microstrobilus of palaeozoic Cycadaceae collected from the upper part of Lower Shihezi Formation, Dongshan Mine, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China and named it as Cycadostrobilus paleozoicus Zhu, gen. et sp. nov. This new cycad is the oldest microstrobilus to our knowlege of cycads. In the same locality and layer, there are Primocycas chinensis Zhu et Du, Sphenophyllum emarginatum Brongn. , S. costae Sterz. , S. verticallatum (Schloth.) Brongn. , S. oblongifolium (Germ. et Kaulf. ) Ung. , Tingia carbonica (Schenk.) Halle, T. hamaguchii Kon’no, Macrostachys huttoniformis Halle, Sphenopteris norinii Halle, S. firmata Sze, S. gothanii Halle, Sphenopteridium pseudogermanicum (Halle) Gu et Zhi, Pecopteris feminaeformis (Schloth.) Sterz. , P. wongii Halle, P. tuberculata Halle, P. unita Brongn. , P. taiyuanensis Halle, Emplectopteris triangularis Halle, Taeniopteris norinii Halle, T. spp. , Cordaites principalis (Germ.) Gein. , Cornucarpus patulus Halle, Radicites spp. and a few taxa unknown to palaeobotanical data. The authors consider that Cycadostrobilus paleozoicus is the same species as Primocycas chinensis, and its veg.etative leaves are similar to those of the genus Taeniopteris, e.g.T. norinii Halle.  相似文献   

Compressed specimens of the fern Osmunda are described from the Triassic of the Allan Hills, Antarctica. The specimens consist of a once pinnate, deeply pinnatifid fertile frond as well as several sterile specimens. Six pinnae are present on the partial fertile rachis, with two sterile pinnae above four fertile pinnae. Both sterile and fertile specimens are virtually identical to the modern species Osmunda claytoniana. Entire fronds are fragmentary; the longest is 21 cm in length. Sterile pinnae are alternate and deeply pinnatifid, with slightly toothed pinnules and dichotomous venation. Fertile pinnae are 1-1.3 cm long, once pinnate, and lack vegetative lamina. Sporangia are clustered, each 300-375 um in diameter, and possess a transverse annulus 6-8 cells long; dehiscence is by a vertical slit. Fronds arise from a rhizome 4 cm long by 1 cm wide; two croziers are present on the rhizome. Two frond segments up to 6 cm long and three deeply pinnatifid pinnae are present on the uppermost part of one rachis. Pinnules are ~4 mm long and 2-3 mm wide. The presence of this Osmunda species in the Triassic demonstrates stasis of frond morphology, both fertile and vegetative, for the genus.  相似文献   

Eggert , Donald A. (Southern Illinois U., Carbondale.) Studies of Palerzoic ferns: The frond of Ankyropteris glabra. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(4): 379–387. Illus. 1963—The major features of the frond of A. glabra are described on the basis of preserved parts found in Middle Pennsylvanian coal ball material from Illinois. The frond is planated and has well-developed foliar laminae. Primary pinnae arise from the petiole in 2 alternating series, and secondary pinnae arise in a similar fashion from the primary pinnae. Foliar laminae occur on the secondary pinnae and have dichotomous venation. The xylem of the petiole has a diupsilon configuration in the lower part of the axis, while higher in the petiole the xylem forms a strand resembling that of the European species A. westfaliensis. The xylem strands of the primary pinnae arise from the adaxial antennae of the petiolar vascular strand as somewhat C-shapcd bodies and develop antennae and become H-shaped at higher levels. A gap occurs in the antenna of the petiole vascular system above the level of departure of the primary pinna trace. Terete vascular strands occur in the secondary pinna axes which arise from the adaxial antennae of the xylem of the primary pinnae. The foliar laminae are relatively thin, have an irregular outline, and their histology is like that found in many living ferns. The frond of A. glabra illustrates that leaf evolution had progressed in at least one species of the coenopterid family Zygopteridaceae to the extent that an essentially 2-dimensional frond of modern aspect, and with well-developed foliar laminae, was present by Middle Pennsylvanian time.  相似文献   

叉叶类苏铁是苏铁属植物中最进化的种群   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郑芳勤 《植物学通报》2001,18(2):246-250
Cycas属植物羽状复叶上的小羽片,是从不开叉向二叉开裂逐步发展的,二叉开裂后,小羽片继续进一步发展,进化,在其开叉分裂的小羽片上再次二叉开裂,成为三回,四回,五回二叉开裂的裂片(小叶),最后小羽片发展到多回开裂,成为Cycas属植物羽状复叶上最进化的一种小羽片类型,着生这种进化类型小羽片的叉叶类苏铁是Cycas属植物中最进化的种群。  相似文献   

KHANDELWAL, S., 1986. The morphological nature of the fertile spike in the Ophiogiossaceae. A study of a large collection of specimens belonging to 12 species of Ophioglossum revealed the presence of many abnormal structures in the tropophyll and the spike. These anomalous structures suggest that the fertile spike of Ophioglossum is derived from the modified pinnae of a compound leaf. Compound vegetative leaves are possessed by its allies Botrychium and Helminthostachys.  相似文献   

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