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Escherichia coli deletion mutants lacking DNA topoisomerase I have been identified previously and shown to grow at a normal rate. We show that such strains grow normally only because of spontaneously arising mutations that compensate for the topoisomerase I defect. Several of these compensatory mutations have been found to map at or near the genes encoding DNA gyrase, gyrA and gyrB. DNA gyrase assays of crude extracts show that strains carrying the mutations have lower gyrase activity. Thus the mutations are in the gyrase structural genes or in nearby regulatory sequences. These results, in conjunction with DNA supercoiling measurements of others, indicate that in vivo DNA superhelicity is a result of a balance between topoisomerase I and gyrase activities. An excess of negative supercoils due to an absence of topoisomerase I is deleterious to the cell, but a moderate gyrase deficiency is not harmful.  相似文献   

Rolf Menzel  Martin Gellert 《Cell》1983,34(1):105-113
DNA gyrase is the bacterial enzyme responsible for converting circular DNA to a negatively supercoiled form. We show that the synthesis of DNA gyrase is itself controlled by DNA supercoiling; synthesis is highest when the DNA template is relaxed. The rates of synthesis in vivo of both the A and B subunits of DNA gyase are increased up to 10-fold by treatments that block DNA gyrase activity and decrease the supercoiling of intracellular DNA. Similarly, efficient synthesis of both gyrase subunits in a cell-free S-30 extract depends on keeping the closed circular DNA template in a relaxed conformation. The results suggest that DNA supercoiling in E. coli is controlled by a homeostatic mechanism. Synthesis of the RecA protein and several other proteins is also increased by treatments that relax intracellular DNA.  相似文献   

Stationary-phase cells displayed a distribution of relaxed plasmids and had the ability to recover plasmid supercoiling as soon as nutrients became available. Preexisting gyrase molecules in these cells were responsible for this recovery. Stationary-phase rpoS cells showed a bimodal distribution of plasmids and failed to supercoil plasmids after the addition of nutrients, suggesting that rpoS plays a role in the regulation of plasmid topology during the stationary phase.  相似文献   

Bacterial chromosomes and plasmid (pBR322) DNA from topoisomerase I-defective Escherichia coli strains have been characterized with respect to superhelical density. The topoisomerase I defect results in increased negative superhelical density of both the bacterial chromosome and pBR322. Thus topoisomerase I is involved in determining the level of supercoiling in bacteria. Three of the topoisomerase I-defective strains we studied carry secondary mutations that decrease superhelical density; these additional mutations are closely linked to the gyrB locus in two of the strains and to the gyrA locus in the third strain.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase is unique among type II topoisomerases in that its DNA supercoiling activity is unidirectional. The C-terminal domain of the gyrase A subunit (GyrA-CTD) is required for this supercoiling bias. We report here the x-ray structure of the Escherichia coli GyrA-CTD (Protein Data Bank code 1ZI0). The E. coli GyrA-CTD adopts a circular-shaped beta-pinwheel fold first seen in the Borrelia burgdorferi GyrA-CTD. However, whereas the B. burgdorferi GyrA-CTD is flat, the E. coli GyrA-CTD is spiral. DNA relaxation assays reveal that the E. coli GyrA-CTD wraps DNA inducing substantial (+) superhelicity, while the B. burgdorferi GyrA-CTD introduces a more modest (+) superhelicity. The observation of a superhelical spiral in the present structure and that of the Bacillus stearothermophilus ParC-CTD structure suggests unexpected similarities in substrate selectivity between gyrase and Topo IV enzymes. We propose a model wherein the right-handed ((+) solenoidal) wrapping of DNA around the E. coli GyrA-CTD enforces unidirectional (-) DNA supercoiling.  相似文献   

DNA supercoiling in gyrase mutants.   总被引:17,自引:7,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Nucleoids isolated from Escherichia coli strains carrying temperature-sensitive gyrA or gyrB mutations were examined by sedimentation in ethidium bromide-containing sucrose density gradients. A shift to restrictive temperature resulted in nucleoid DNA relaxation in all of the mutant strains. Three of these mutants exhibited reversible nucleoid relaxation: when cultures incubated at restrictive temperature were cooled to 0 degree C over a 4- to 5-min period, supercoiling returned to levels observed with cells grown at permissive temperature. Incubation of these three mutants at restrictive temperature also caused nucleoid sedimentation rates to increase by about 50%.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that the compensatory gyrA mutation in Escherichia coli DM750 affects DNA supercoiling by interchanging the identities of Ala-569 and Thr-586 in the DNA gyrase A subunit. These residues flank Arg-571, a site for trypsin cleavage that splits gyrase A protein between DNA breakage-reunion and DNA-binding domains. The putative interdomain locations of the DM750 mutation and that of E. coli DM800 (in gyrase B protein) suggests that these compensatory mutations may reduce DNA supercoiling activity by altering allosteric interactions in the gyrase complex.  相似文献   

Coumarins are inhibitors of the ATP hydrolysis and DNA supercoiling reactions catalysed by DNA gyrase. Their target is the B subunit of gyrase (GyrB), encoded by the gyrB gene. The exact mode and site of action of the drugs is unknown. We have identified four mutations conferring coumarin resistance to Escherichia coli: Arg-136 to Cys, His or Ser and Gly-164 to Val. In vitro, the ATPase and supercoiling activities of the mutant GyrB proteins are reduced relative to the wild-type enzyme and show resistance to the coumarin antibiotics. Significant differences in the susceptibility of mutant GyrB proteins to inhibition by either chlorobiocin and novobiocin or coumermycin have been found, suggesting wider contacts between coumermycin and GyrB. We discuss the significance of Arg-136 and Gly-164 in relation to the notion that coumarin drugs act as competitive inhibitors of the ATPase reaction.  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerases manage chromosome supercoiling and organization in all cells. Gyrase, a prokaryotic type IIA topoisomerase, consumes ATP to introduce negative supercoils through a strand passage mechanism. All type IIA topoisomerases employ a similar set of catalytic domains for function; however, the activity and specificity of gyrase are augmented by a specialized DNA binding and wrapping element, termed the C-terminal domain (CTD), which is appended to its GyrA subunit. We have discovered that a nonconserved, acidic tail at the extreme C terminus of the Escherichia coli GyrA CTD has a dramatic and unexpected impact on gyrase function. Removal of the CTD tail enables GyrA to introduce writhe into DNA in the absence of GyrB, an activity exhibited by other GyrA orthologs, but not by wild-type E. coli GyrA. Strikingly, a "tail-less" gyrase holoenzyme is markedly impaired for DNA supercoiling capacity, but displays normal ATPase function. Our findings reveal that the E. coli GyrA tail regulates DNA wrapping by the CTD to increase the coupling efficiency between ATP turnover and supercoiling, demonstrating that CTD functions can be fine-tuned to control gyrase activity in a highly sophisticated manner.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms responsible for the genetic instability of DNA trinucleotide sequences (TRS) account for at least 20 human hereditary disorders. Many aspects of DNA metabolism influence the frequency of length changes in such repeats. Herein, we demonstrate that expression of Escherichia coli SOS repair proteins dramatically decreases the genetic stability of long (CTG/CAG)n tracts contained in plasmids. Furthermore, the growth characteristics of the bacteria are affected by the (CTG/CAG)n tract, with the effect dependent on the length of the TRS. In an E. coli host strain with constitutive expression of the SOS regulon, the frequency of deletions to the repeat is substantially higher than that in a strain with no SOS response. Analyses of the topology of reporter plasmids isolated from the SOS+ and SOS- strains revealed higher levels of negative supercoiling in strains with the constitutively expressed SOS network. Hence, we used strains with mutations in topoisomerases to examine the effect of DNA topology upon the TRS instability. Higher levels of negative DNA supercoiling correlated with increased deletions in long (CTG/CAG)n, (CGG/CCG)n and (GAA/TTC)n. These observations suggest a link between the induction of bacterial SOS repair, changes in DNA topology and the mechanisms leading to genetic instability of repetitive DNA sequences.  相似文献   

DNA supercoiling and transcription in Escherichia coli: The FIS connection   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The nucleoid-associated protein FIS modulates the topology of DNA in a growth-phase dependent manner functioning homeostatically to counteract excessive levels of negative superhelicity. We propose that this is achieved by at least two mechanisms: the physical constraint of low levels of negative superhelicity by FIS binding to DNA and by a reduction in the expression and effectiveness of DNA gyrase. In addition, high levels of expression of the fis gene do themselves require a high negative superhelical density. On DNA substrates containing phased high affinity binding sites, as exemplified by the upstream activating sequence of the tyrT promoter, FIS forms tightly bent DNA structures, or microloops, that are necessary for the optimal expression of the promoter. We suggest that these microloops compensate in part for the FIS-induced lowering of the superhelical density.  相似文献   

The polyamine content of the Escherichia coli polyamine-auxotrophic strain BGA 8 seemed to influence the effects of nalidixic acid, an antibiotic acting on subunit A of DNA gyrase. The growth rate was more affected under conditions of putrescine depletion and the inhibition could be partially relieved if the polycation was added back to the culture. DNA synthesis was likewise more sensitive to nalidixic acid in cultures grown without polyamine. The expression of some proteins characteristic of the heat-shock response, evoked by the antibiotic, showed a different persistence according to the presence or absence of polyamines. Novobiocin, acting on subunit B of gyrase, also promoted a differential effect depending on the polyamine content, but in this case putrescine-supplemented cells were more sensitive. The described findings suggest a role of polyamines in all the reactions carried out by gyrase, perhaps due to the influence of the polycations on the state of DNA aggregation.  相似文献   

Chromosomal supercoiling in Escherichia coli   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
The Escherichia coli chromosome is compacted into 40-50 negatively supercoiled domains. It has been proposed that these domains differ in superhelical density. Here, we present evidence that this is probably not the case. A modified Tn10 transposable element was inserted at a number of locations around the E. coli chromosome. This element, mTn10-plac-lacZ+, contains the lac operon promoter, plac, whose activity increases with increasing superhelical density, fused to a lacZ+ reporter gene. Although mTn10-plac-lacZ+ fusion expression varies as much as approximately threefold at different insertion sites, the relative levels of expression from these elements are unaffected by replacing plac with the gyrA promoter, pgyrA, which has a reciprocal response to changes in superhelical density. Importantly, topoisomerase mutations and coumermycin, which inhibits DNA gyrase activity, alter mTn10-plac-lacZ+ and mTn10-pgyrA-lacZ+ fusion expression in expected ways, showing that the elements remain responsive to supercoiling and that topoisomerase activity is required for maintaining superhelical density. Fusion expression is not affected by anaerobic growth or osmotic shock, two physiological conditions thought to alter supercoiling. The approximately threefold difference in mTn10-plac-lacZ- and mTn10-pgyrA-lacZ+ fusion expression observed at different sites may be explained by regional differences in chromosomal copy number that arise from bidirectional replication. Together, these results strongly suggest that the E. coli chromosomal domains do not differ in functional superhelical density.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli DNA gyrase is comprised of two subunits, GyrA and GyrB. Previous studies have shown that GyrI, a regulatory factor of DNA gyrase activity, inhibits the supercoiling activity of DNA gyrase and that both overexpression and antisense expression of the gyrI gene suppress cell proliferation. Here we have analyzed the interaction of GyrI with DNA gyrase using two approaches. First, immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that GyrI interacts preferentially with the holoenzyme in an ATP-independent manner, although a weak interaction was also detected between GyrI and the individual GyrA and GyrB subunits. Second, surface plasmon resonance experiments indicated that GyrI binds to the gyrase holoenzyme with higher affinity than to either the GyrA or GyrB subunit alone. Unlike quinolone antibiotics, GyrI was not effective in stabilizing the cleavable complex consisting of gyrase and DNA. Further, we identified an 8-residue synthetic peptide, corresponding to amino acids (89)ITGGQYAV(96) of GyrI, which inhibits gyrase activity in an in vitro supercoiling assay. Surface plasmon resonance analysis of the ITGGQYAV-containing peptide-gyrase interaction indicated a high association constant for this interaction. These results suggest that amino acids 89--96 of GyrI are essential for its interaction with, and inhibition of, DNA gyrase.  相似文献   

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