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The South American fur seal (SAFS), Arctocephalus australis, was severely depleted during the 18th century. This work updates information on distribution, abundance, seasonal movements, and genetic structure along the southwestern South Atlantic. Its distribution in Argentine waters includes nineteen rookeries on the Patagonian coast, Isla de los Estados, and islets of the Beagle Channel. Censuses were carried out in rookeries from Isla Escondida to Isla de los Estados from 1996 to 2014. The largest concentrations are found in Chubut, (4,500–15,500 seals) and Isla de los Estados (4,500). Pups were recorded on Isla Escondida, Rasa, and Isla de los Estados. An increasing number of SAFS were recorded in northern Patagonia, including seals marked in Uruguay. Skin samples were taken from southern Brazil to Tierra del Fuego in order to evaluate population structure and demographic trends. Genetic results indicated no population subdivisions (Φst = ?0.0292, Fst = ?0.00716, P > 0.05). Bayesian skyline plots constructed for the entire data set indicated evidence of rapid population expansion discernible in Nef between the last 20,000 and 17,000 yr. Genetics results and observation data from marked fur seals support the hypothesis of ancient gene flow and a single Atlantic population. Therefore, SAFS should be managed under international and integrated conservation policies.  相似文献   

Ten new dinucleotide microsatellite loci were isolated from the Antarctic fur seal Arctocephalus gazella. These markers should prove useful for studying the reproductive ecology of Antarctic fur seals and other related pinniped species.  相似文献   

The metabolism of 52-73-day old Antarctic fur seal pups from Bird Island, South Georgia, was investigated during fasting periods of normal duration while their mothers were at sea foraging. Body mass decreased exponentially with pups losing 3.5-3.8% of body mass per day. Resting metabolic rate also decreased exponentially from 172-197 ml (O2) x min(-1) at the beginning of the fast and scaled to M(b)(0.74) at 2.3 times the level predicted for adult terrestrial mammals of similar size. While there was no significant sex difference in RMR, female pups had significantly higher (F(1,18)=6.614, P<0.019) mass-specific RMR than male pups throughout the fasting period. Fasting FMR was also significantly (t(15)=2.37, P<0.035) greater in females (823 kJ x kg(-1) x d(-1)) than males (686 kJ x kg(-1) x d(-1)). Average protein turnover during the study period was 19.3 g x d(-1) and contributed to 5.4% of total energy expenditure, indicating the adoption of a protein-sparing strategy with a reliance on primarily lipid catabolism for metabolic energy. This is supported by observed decreases in plasma BUN, U/C, glucose and triglyceride concentrations, and an increase in beta-HBA concentration, indicating that Antarctic fur seals pups adopt this strategy within 2-3 days of fasting. Mean RQ also decreased from 0.77 to 0.72 within 3 days of fasting, further supporting a rapid commencement of protein-sparing. However, RQ gradually increased thereafter to 0.77, suggesting a resumption of protein catabolism which was not substantiated by changes in plasma metabolites. Female pups had higher TBL (%) than males for any given mass, which is consistent with previous findings in this and other fur seal species, and suggests sex differences in metabolic fuel use. The observed changes in plasma metabolites and protein turnover, however, do not support this.  相似文献   

The South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis) is widely distributed, occurring along both the Atlantic and the Pacific coasts of South America. Previous work suggests there may be more than one subspecies, highlighting the need for further study. Here, we combine traditional and geometric morphometric analysis of skull shape and size with genetic data to compare two populations of South American fur seals, one from Uruguay and one from Peru. As a control group we used material from the closely related species Arctocephalus gazella. Both techniques of morphometric analysis reveal pronounced geographic variation in size and shape of the skull, with Peruvian specimens (n = 102) being larger than Uruguayan skulls (n = 133) and significant shape differences concentrated in the rostral region. Similarly, seven highly polymorphic microsatellite loci reveal highly significant differences in allele frequency. Moreover, Bayesian analysis implemented using the program structure reveals two separate clusters corresponding perfectly to the two populations, with an assignment test correctly placing over 98% of specimens in their population of origin. This degree of differentiation for both genetic and morphological traits suggests complete and possibly prolonged isolation to the extent that we believe these populations should be considered distinct evolutionarily significant units.  相似文献   

Microsatellites were used to conduct an analysis of paternity of Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) from Bird Island, South Georgia. At most, only 28% of pups at our study site could be assigned a father, even though the majority (approximately 90%) of candidate males within this colony were sampled. The behavioural and genetic evidence from this study suggests that a number of alternative mating strategies may exist within this fur seal population. Holding a land-based territory conferred an advantage to male reproductive success. However, this advantage was much smaller than expected from behavioural observations. At least 70% of fur seal pups born at our study site in a given year are not fathered by males who held a territory or were observed copulating with females in the previous year, implying that there exists a pool of males that seldom venture ashore at this site. To explain this discrepancy we suggest that female choice is an integral component of the Antarctic fur seal mating system and that aquatic mating may play a much larger role in the Antarctic fur seal than previously thought.  相似文献   

As part of population dynamics studies of the South American fur seal (Arctophoca australis gracilis) rookery at Punta Weather in Guafo Island (43°36'S, 74°43’W), the causes and extent of pup mortality were monitored. During four breeding seasons, daily counts of live and dead pups were carried out to determine pup production and pup mortality. Dead pups were retrieved from the rookery to perform necropsies. The mean pup production was 1,735.5 ± 336 pups and the mean pup mortality up to 12 wk old was 6.0%± 2.6%. The major causes of death were enteritis with microscopic lesions of bacteremia (28.4%), starvation (23.5%), drowning (21%), trauma (19.8%), and stillbirths (2.5%). Enteritis with microscopic lesions of bacteremia, and starvation had higher incidence during January (beginning and middle of the breeding season) while most trauma and drowning occurred during February (end of the breeding season). In the 2006–2007 breeding season there was an increase in mortality due to starvation and trauma. Most pup deaths at Guafo Island are generated by extrinsic factors; therefore, additional studies that assess the impact of environmental changes and fishing activities, are needed in order to determine the exact causes of the decline of this species along Chilean coasts.  相似文献   

Southern fur seals Arctocephalus australis in Peru have declined gradually over the past decade, and declined dramatically (72%) as a result of low food availability during the severe El Niño in 1997–98. In 1999, seals abandoned some historically important breeding sites. This is particularly alarming because new sites were not colonized. Our objective was to examine how habitat features and human disturbance influenced whether sites were currently used, abandoned or apparently not used in the past by fur seals for breeding. Data were collected on 14 variables at 70 potential breeding sites at three guano reserves in Peru. Discriminant analysis revealed significant multivariate differences among sites currently used for breeding, abandoned sites and unused sites ( F =5.97, P <0.00001), and the model classified 74% of sites correctly. Currently used sites were less likely to have human disturbance and more likely to have offshore islands, stacked rocks, tide pools and abundant shade. Separate discriminant analyses for each reserve produced similar results. Habitat associated with thermoregulation (e.g. shade or pools) may be more important to fur seals in Peru, which breed at lower latitudes and are at greater risk of overheating on land than other populations. Habitat with minimized human access may be especially important to seals in small populations in which individuals may perceive themselves as more vulnerable because of decreased vigilance and dilution effects. Seals in our study selected breeding habitat with stacked rocks, which create shade and tide pools for thermoregulation and make human access difficult; but pups might suffer higher mortality in this habitat. We hypothesize that fur seals in Peru may exhibit an Allee effect, whereby suitability of habitat varies with population abundance.  相似文献   

The vocal repertoire, structure, and behavioral context of airborne vocalizations produced by Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) are described using recordings made at a breeding colony on Kanowna Island, Bass Strait, Australia. The study identified six different call types: three produced by males (bark, guttural threat, and submissive call); five produced by females (bark, guttural threat, submissive call, growl, and pup attraction call) and the female attraction call produced by pups and yearlings. Vocalizations were compared according to age and sex classes. The overall structure and function of the pup attraction and female attraction call produced by females, yearlings, and pups, was similar. However, while similar in their overall appearance, certain call types have a lower fundamental frequency when compared with other fur seals. In addition, the male bark call alters in rate of production according to the context used, where calls are slower when males are stationary and advertising their territorial status and faster when males are involved in confrontations with other males or actively herding females. Further research is required to investigate changes in environmental conditions and their effects on shaping the call structure and communication in Australian fur seals.  相似文献   

New Zealand fur seals are one of many pinniped species that survived the commercial sealing of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in dangerously low numbers. After the enforcement of a series of protection measures in the early twentieth century, New Zealand fur seals began to recover from the brink of extinction. We examined the New Zealand fur seal populations of Banks Peninsula, South Island, New Zealand using the mitochondrial DNA control region. We identified a panmictic population structure around Banks Peninsula. The most abundant haplotype in the area showed a slight significant aggregated structure. The Horseshoe Bay colony showed the least number of shared haplotypes with other colonies, suggesting a different origin of re-colonisation of this specific colony. The effective population size of the New Zealand fur seal population at Banks Peninsula was estimated at approximately 2500 individuals. The exponential population growth rate parameter for the area was 35, which corresponds to an expanding population. In general, samples from adjacent colonies shared 4.4 haplotypes while samples collected from colonies separated by between five and eight bays shared 1.9 haplotypes. The genetic data support the spill-over dynamics of colony expansion already suggested for this species. Approximate Bayesian computations analysis suggests re-colonisation of the area from two main clades identified across New Zealand with a most likely admixture coefficient of 0.41 to form the Banks Peninsula population. Approximate Bayesian computations analysis estimated a founder population size of approximately 372 breeding individuals for the area, which then rapidly increased in size with successive waves of external recruitment. The population of fur seals in the area is probably in the late phase of maturity in the colony expansion dynamic.  相似文献   

Subantarctic fur seal Arctocephalus tropicalis and Antarctic fur seal A. gazella pups at Marion Island were weighed frequently until weaning, which occurs earlier in A. gazella (112 days) than in A. tropicalis (± 300 days). The mean birth weight of both species was the same (4·2 kg) and males grew faster than females. Arctocephalus gazella growth was linear to weaning and faster than A. tropicalis growth, which was linear to 120 days of age, slowing until 203 days of age, and thereafter losing weight but recovering perceptibly prior to weaning. Tagging had no apparent effect on pup growth. Faster growth in males than in females is part of the differential growth patterns which lead to adult sexual dimorphism. Arctocephalus gazella pup growth at Marion Island is faster than at South Georgia, indicating that conditions at this, their most northerly breeding locality, are not limiting for pup growth. The decrease in A. tropicalis pup body weight in July/August may result from either a scarcity of food in winter or weaning having been initiated. The two groups (polar and non-polar) of fur seals exhibit two strategies, which include differences in pup growth and suckling period; the polar species have a short suckling period and rapid pup growth and are predominantly pelagic over winter, while the more temperate species have a longer suckling period and slower pup growth and are less pelagic over winter.  相似文献   

Maternal expenditure in lactating Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalusgazella) was studied at Heard Island in the 1987 to 1988 summer/autumn.The mean birth mass, growth rate, and mass at 60 days of sonswere significantly greater than those of daughters. Maternalforaging trips lasted on average 5.9 days, and attendance boutslasted 1.5 days. Over the course of this study, foraging tripduration increased from 5.0 to 7.0 days, and attendance durationdeclined from 2.0 to 1.5 days. Pups lost 3.2% of their bodymass/day while their mothers foraged at sea, but gained massrapidly during periods of maternal attendance. Sons gained significantlymore body mass (1.9 kg) compared with daughters (1.3 kg) duringmaternal attendance, suggesting that sons consume more milk.Sex differences in mass gain were unrelated to pup age or bodymass. During 2-day maternal attendance bouts, sons gained mostof their mass (71%) during the first day, and daughters increasedmass at almost the same rate each day. The increase in massby sons during maternal attendance was significantly positivelyrelated to both the duration of their mothers' preceding andsubsequent foraging trips. In contrast, mass gained by daughterswas positively related to the duration of their mothers' attendance.Mass at 60 days age was negatively related to birth date insons, and positively related to birth mass in daughters. Thesedata indicate that (1) greater maternal resources are expendedon sons than on daughters, (2) sons receive greater maternalresources because they are male, and not because of their greaterbirth mass and body size, (3) different factors appear to beimportant in determining high postnatal growth in sons and daughters,and (4) demand for resources by sons can influence maternalbehavior and ultimately the level of resources received.  相似文献   

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