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High productivity is the primary goal of flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) in which semi-independent workstations are integrated using automated material-transport systems and hierarchical local networks. Availability of various subsystems and of the system as a whole is a prerequisite for achieving functional integration as well as high throughput. An FMS also has inherent routing and operation flexibilities that provide it with a certain degree of fault tolerance. A certain volume of production can thus be maintained in the face of subsystem (i.e., machines, robots, material handling system, etc.) failures. In this article, we propose two reliability measures, namely, part reliability (PR) and FMS reliability (FMSR) for manufacturing systems and present algorithms to evaluate them. We also consider the dynamic or time-dependent reliability analysis as a natural generalization of the static analysis. The methods outlined use an algorithm that generates process-spanning graphs (PSGs), which are used to evaluate the reliability measures.  相似文献   

This article treats several performance management decision problems in flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs). This work differs from a number of other studies in that we allow the processing rates at the machines to be varied, and the system has to meet a given throughput goal per unit time. The managerial decision options modeled here include part routing and allocation of tasks to machines, work-in-progress (WIP) levels, capacity expansions, tool-type selection, the setting of throughput goals, and multiperiod production planning. We discuss and explain the insights and implications, partly nonintuitive, gained from our investigations. Finally, extensive numerical evaluations are included to illustrate the economic and performance impact of the various performance management alternatives. These results demonstrate that substantial economic benefits can be achieved by careful tuning of the FMS operational parameters.  相似文献   

The interconnection pattern of the processing modules of a computerized manufacturing system affects its performance. In this article, we discuss a set of requirements that the interconnection network should satisfy. Subsequently, we concentrate on a simple and popular architecture, the loop network. The problem we address is to design the layout of the system so that the number of machines that the part types cross in their manufacturing process is minimized. We formulate the problem mathematically and solve it by a heuristic that obtains consistently better results than an earlier popular method.  相似文献   

Production planning in flexible manufacturing may require the solution of a large-scale discrete-event dynamic stochastic optimization problem, due to the complexity of the system to be optimized, and to the occurrence of discrete events (new orders and hard failures). The production planning problem is here approached for a multistage multipart-type manufacturing shop, where each work cell can share its processing time among the different types of parts. The solution of this problem is obtained by an open-loop-feedback control strategy, updated each time a new event occurs. At each event time, two coupled problems are solved: 1) a product-order scheduling problem, conditioned on estimated values of the production capacities of all component work cells; and 2) a production-capacity planning problem, conditioned on predefined sequences of the product orders to be processed. In particular, the article aims at defining a production planning procedure that integrates both analytical tools, derived from mathematical programming, and knowledge-based rules, coming from experience. The objective is to formulate a hybrid (knowledge-based/analytical) planning architecture, and to analyze its use for multicell multipart-type manufacturing systems.  相似文献   

Evaluating the design of flexible manufacturing systems is complex. Developing a measure of performance useful for evaluating alternate designs continues to be interesting. Here, total productivity of the system is proposed as an appropriate measure. Specification of parameters based upon strategic considerations for this measure are discussed. Finally, the usefulness of the measure is demonstrated through an example.  相似文献   

Good methods are needed to specify, test, and debug material-handling control logic. This article surveys a number of representative methods for defining and describing control algorithms for programmable material-handling equipment used in flexible manufacturing systems. The methods are evaluated with regard to their suitability for communication between people and as bases for interfaces to automatic program generators. It is concluded that no single method is entirely satisfactory. Three methods (position diagrams, function block diagrams, and operation networks) have potential to be combined into an effective hybrid approach that minimizes the need for the user to switch between various conceptual models.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a modular Petri net synthesis method for modeling flexible manufacturing systems based on synchronization among control processes of the manufacturing resources (such as robots and machines). In the method, the target system is modeled in a bottom-up and uniform manner by first describing the system's control processes using strongly connected state machines (SCSMs) as the basic modules. Each SCSM may contain multiple tokens to represent resources from the same type such as spaces in a buffer. Next, the common transitions and common transition subnets of the modules are merged to represent their synchronization. The system model constructed is proven to be conservative and thus bounded. Moreover, a restricted class of merged nets is proven to be live and reversible. For general classes of merged nets, this paper shows theorems that easily calculateP-invariants of the final net without solving the linear system equations. TheseP-invariants can be used to help in verifying the model's qualitative properties such as liveness.  相似文献   

The paper considers the loading problem in flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs). This problem involves the assignment to the machine tools of all operations and associated cutting tools required for part types that have been selected to be produced simultaneously. The loading problem is first formulated as a linear mixed 0–1 program with the objective to minimize the greatest workload assigned to each machine. A heuristic procedure is presented in which an assignment of operations to machine tools is obtained by solving a parameterized generalized assignment problem with an objective function that approximates the use of tool slots required by the operations assigned to the machines. The algorithm is coded in FORTRAN and tested on an IBM-compatible personal computer. Computational results are presented for different test problems to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the suggested procedure.  相似文献   

In this paper, optimal strip strategies are developed for a variety of two-dimensional and three-dimensional sequencing problems arising in flexible manufacturing. These strategies are appropriate for CNC drilling operations, NC punching operations, and circuit board population, for example. Seven different metrics are considered.  相似文献   

Production lead-time performance in flexible manufacturing systems is influenced by several factors which include: machine groupings, demand rates, machine processing rates, product batching, material handling system capacity, and so on. Hence, control of lead-time performance can be affected through the manipulation of one or more of these variables. In this article, we investigate the potential of batch sizing as a control variable for lead-time performance through the use of a queueing network model. We establish a functional relationship between the two variables, and incorporate the relationship in an optimization model to determine the optimal batch size(s) which minimizes the sum of annual work-in-process inventory and final inventory costs. The nonlinear batch sizing problem which results is solved by discrete optimization via marginal analysis. Results show that batch sizing can be a cheap and effective variable for controlling flexible manufacturing system throughput.  相似文献   

Problems related to the flow management of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) are here formulated in terms of combinatorial optimization. We consider a system consisting of several multitool automated machines, each one equipped with a possibly different tool set and linked to each other by a transportation system for part moving. The system operates with a given production mix. The focused flow-management problem is that of finding the part routings allowing for an optimal machine workload balancing. The problem is formulated in terms of a particular capacity assignment problem. With the proposed approach, a balanced solution can be achieved by routing parts on a limited number of different paths. Such a balancing routing can be found in polynomial time. We also give polynomial-time and-space algorithms for choosing, among all workload-balancing routings, the ones that minimize the global amount of part transfer among all machines.  相似文献   

The capacity of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is optimized with the objective to maximize the system's throughput, while a budget constraint is considered. Decisions are performed on the capacity of machine groups (sets of identical machines), the transportation system and, in case of a significant cost impact, the number of pallets in the system. Throughput evaluation is achieved either by an open finite queueing network or by a closed queueing network if the number of pallets is included in the decision process. For both cases the solution procedure is based on the marginal allocation scheme.  相似文献   

This paper presents a mathematical programming model to help select equipment for a flexible manufacturing system, i.e., the selection of the types and numbers of CNC machines, washing stations, load/unload stations, transportation vehicles, and pallets. The objective is to minimize equipment costs and work-in-process inventory cost, while fulfilling production requirements for an average period. Queueing aspects and part flow interactions are considered with the help of a Jacksonian-type closed queueing network model in order to evaluate the system's performance. Since the related decision problem of our model can be shown to be NP-complete, the proposed solution procedure is based on implicit enumeration. Four bounds are provided, two lower and two upper bounds. A tight lower bound is obtained by linearizing the model through the application of asymptotic bound analysis. Furthermore, asymptotic bound analysis allows the calculation of a lower bound for the number of pallets in the system. The first upper bound is given by the best feasible solution and the second is based on the anti-starshaped form of the throughput function.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a generic decision-making framework for assigning resources of a manufacturing system to production tasks. Resources are broadly defined production units, such as machines, human operators, or material handling vehicles; and tasks are activities performed by resources. In the specific context of FMS, resources correspond to individual machines; tasks correspond to operations to be performed on parts. The framework assumes a hierarchical structure of the system and calls for the execution of four consecutive steps to make a decision for the assignment of a resource to a task. These steps are 1) establishment of decision-making criteria, 2) formation of alternative assignments, 3) estimation of the consequences of the assignments, and 4) selection of the best alternative assignment. This framework has been applied to an existing FMS as an operational policy that decides what task will be executed on which resource of this FMS. Simulation runs provide some initial results of the application of this policy. It is shown that the policy provides flexibility in terms of system performance and computational effort.  相似文献   

Loading problems in flexible manufacturing systems involve assigning operations for selected part types and their associated tools to machines or machine groups. One of the objectives might be to maximize the expected production rate (throughput) of the system. Because of the difficulty in dealing with this objective directly, a commonly used surrogate objective is the closeness of the actual workload allocation to the continuous workload allocation that maximizes throughput. We test several measures of closeness and discuss correlations between these measures and throughput. Using the best measure, we show how to modify an existing branch and bound algorithm which was developed for the case of equal target workloads for all machine groups to accommodate unequal target workloads. We also develop a new branch and bound algorithm which can be used for both types of problems. The efficiency of the algorithm in finding optimal solutions is achieved through the application of better branching rules and improved dominance results. Computational results on randomly generated test problems indicate that the new algorithm performs well.  相似文献   

In this article we consider the problem of determining the minimum cost configuration (number of machines and pallets) for a flexible manufacturing system with the constraint of meeting a prespecified throughput, while simultaneously allocating the total workload among the machines (or groups of machines). Our procedure allows consideration of upper and lower bounds on the workload at each machine group. These bounds arise as a consequence of precedence constraints among the various operations and/or limitations on the number or combinations of operations that can be assigned to a machine because of constraints on tool slots or the space required to store assembly components. Earlier work on problems of this nature assumes that the workload allocation is given. For the single-machine-type problem we develop an efficient implicit enumeration procedure that uses fathoming rules to eliminate dominated configurations, and we present computational results. We discuss how this procedure can be used as a building block in solving the problem with multiple machine types.  相似文献   

This article examines the performance effects caused by repeated part visits at the workstations of a flexible manufacturing system (FMS). Such repeated part visits to the same workstations are commonly associated with fixture changes for machining complex parts, reclamping, and remounting or reorienting them. Since each of the repeated visits to a workstation may require different processing requirements, the resulting queueing network does not have a product form solution. We therefore develop an approximate mean value analysis model for performance evaluation of an FMS that may produce multiple part types with distinct repeated visits. We provide numerical examples and validate the accuracy of our solution algorithm against simulation. These examples show that the proposed model produces accurate throughput and utilization predictions with minimal computational efforts. These examples reveal that increasing the total pallet population may result in a reduction of the aggregate throughput, and that the FMS's performance could be more sensitive to the mix of pallets and part routes than to the total number of pallets. Our model will be of use, in particular, when managers wish to control individual operations (e.g., to adjust individual operation times to achieve economic savings in tool wear and breakage costs) or to investigate the performance implications of route changes due to alternate assignments of particular manufacturing tasks to certain workstations.  相似文献   

System setup problems in flexible manufacturing systems deal with short-term planning problems such as part type selection, machine grouping, operation assignment, tooling, fixture and pallet allocation, and routing. In this article, we consider three of the subproblems: part type selection, machine grouping, and loading. We suggest a heuristic approach to solve the subproblems consistently with the objective of maximizing the expected production rate. The proposed procedure includes routines to generate all possible machine grouping alternatives for a given set of machines, to obtain optimal target workloads for each grouping alternative, and to allocate operations and tools to machine groups. These routines are executed iteratively until a good solution to the system setup problem is obtained. Computational experience is reported.  相似文献   

Flexible manufacturing (FM) has progressed to the stage where the concepts and the available technology are well established and proven. Investment in FM can be very profitable, but must be aimed at achieving clearly defined objectives. This article describes the scope of FM and shows that the required technical specification is determined by the nature of the potential benefits. The ability to quantify all the potential benefits of FM in financial terms means that investment should not be made without a financial evaluation, but should be treated as any other investment decision. Advice is given to show companies how to identify the companywide benefits of FM and to relate these to the required technology before selecting potential suppliers.  相似文献   

The flexible manufacturing system (FMS) considered in this paper is composed of two CNC machines working in series—a punching machine and a bending machine connected through rollers acting as a buffer system of finite capacity. The main difference between the present problem and the standard two-machine flow shop problem with finite intermediate capacity is precisely the buffer system, which in our problem consists of two stacks of parts supported by rollers: the first stack contains the output of the punching machine, while the second stack contains the input for the bending machine. When the second stack is empty, the first stack may be moved over. Furthermore, the capacity of each stack depends on the particular part type being processed. The FMS can manufacture a wide range of parts of different types. Processing times on the two machines are usually different so that an unbalance results in their total workload. Furthermore, whenever there is a change of the part type in production, the machines must be properly reset—that is, some tools need to be changed or repositioned. A second important difference between the present problem and the usual two-machine flow shop problem is the objective. Given a list ofp part types to be produced in known quantities, the problem considered here is how to sequence or alternate the production of the required part types so as to achieve various hierarchical targets: minimize the makespan (the total time needed to complete production) and, for instance, compress the idle periods of the machine with less workload into a few long enough intervals that could be utilized for maintenance or other reasons. Although Johnson's rule is optimal in some particular cases, the problem addressed in the paper isNP-hard in general: heuristic procedures are therefore provided.  相似文献   

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