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报道采自安徽省万佛山自然保护区的一种寄生在蜘蛛上的虫草标本,经鉴定为莲状虫草Cordycepsnelumboides。经多批次利用子囊孢子分离得到其刺束梗孢无性型Akanthomyces,属首次报道,并在人工固体培养基上得到了与野生标本一致的子实体,从丽确证了有性型与元性型之间的对应关系。经研究发现,KOBAYASI和SHIMIZU对莲状虫草次生子囊孢子的原始描述可能有误。  相似文献   

A new Myrothecium species isolated from beach sand in the Bonin Islands, Japan, is characterized by dark green sporodochia composed of conidiophores with verticillate phialides and ovate and ellipsoidal, often curved conidia on their apexes mixed with erect, straight setae, and seta-like conidiophores with terminal polytomous structures composed of 2–8 digitate polyphialides bearing single globose conidia at each apex.  相似文献   

虫草及其无性型中的抗肿瘤细胞活性成分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
较系统地总结了目前在虫草及其无性型中发现的抗肿瘤细胞活性成分.其中冬虫夏草、蛹虫草、大团囊虫草、单侧虫草、戴氏虫草和拟蛹虫草等虫草以及它们的无性型蛹拟青霉、细脚拟青霉、金龟子绿僵菌和球孢白僵菌等虫生真菌代谢物中抗肿瘤细胞活性成分,其结构包括多糖类、甾醇类、含氮化合物和杂环化合物等多个类型.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the effect of the entomopathogenic fungus Nomuraea rileyi on Helicoverpa armigera cellular immune responses. Nomuraea rileyi infection had no effect on total hemocyte count (THC), but impaired hemocyte‐mediated phagocytosis, nodulation, and encapsulation responses. Nomuraea rileyi infection led to a significant reduction in hemocyte spreading. An in vitro assay revealed that plasma from N. rileyi infected H. armigera larvae suppressed the spreading ability of hemocytes from naïve larvae. We infer that N. rileyi suppresses the cellular immune response of its host, possibly by secreting exogenous, cytotoxic compounds into the host's hemolymph.  相似文献   

根足虫草琅琊山变种新变种及其无性型被毛孢新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道采自安徽省滁州市琅琊山林场的一种虫草及其无性型,经鉴定为根足虫草琅琊山变种Cordycepsheteropodavar.langyashanensis新变种。多批次收集弹射的子囊孢子分离得到其无性型,经鉴定为一被毛孢新种,命名为根足被毛孢Hirsutellaheteropoda。模式标本及其无性型菌株干培养物保存在安徽农业大学虫生菌研究中心(RCEFAAU)。  相似文献   

高雄山虫草及其细脚拟青霉无性型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
报道采自安徽省天堂寨自然保护区的高雄山虫草Cordyceps takaomontana及其无性型细脚拟青霉Paecilomyces tenuipes ,应用单子囊孢子分离鉴定和微循环产孢的方法确证了两者的对应关系,并修订了高雄山虫草的原始描述。双梭孢虫草C.bifusispora可能为高雄山虫草的同物异名。同时采集的具数个红色子座且有双梭形子囊孢子的虫草不是同一个种。  相似文献   

报道采自安徽省天堂寨自然保护区的高雄山虫草Cordyceps takaomontana及其无性型细脚拟青霉Paecilomyces tenuipes,应用单子囊孢子分离鉴定和微循环产孢的方法确证了两者的对应关系,并修订了高雄山虫草的原始描述。双梭孢虫草C.Bifusispora可能为高雄山虫草的同物异名。同时采集的具数个红色子座且有双梭形子囊孢子的虫草不是同一个种。  相似文献   

The new genus Cyanonectria is proposed for Nectria cyanostoma (≡ Cyanonectria cyanostoma comb. nov.). This genus is characterized by Nectria-like, red perithecia that have a bluish-purple papilla and a Fusarium anamorph. DNA sequences (large subunit and internal transcribed spacers of the nuclear rDNA) indicate that C. cyanostoma is not closely related to Nectria sensu stricto. In addition, the phylogenetic data also show that the closest relatives for Cyanonectria also have Fusarium anamorphs. Taxonomic novelties Cyanonectria Samuels & Chaverri, Cyanonectria cyanostoma (Sacc. & Flageolet) Samuels & Chaverri  相似文献   

虫草及相关真菌的次生代谢产物及其活性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
胡丰林  李增智 《菌物系统》2007,26(4):607-632
全面系统地总结了目前在虫草及相关真菌中次生代谢产物研究方面的最新成果,发现目前在虫草及其密切相关的虫生真菌中共报道272个有具体结构的化合物,其活性涉及杀虫、抗癌、抗菌、免疫调节和抗疟原虫等多方面。这些化合物主要来源于20余种虫草、虫草无性型或与虫草密切相关的虫生真菌。虽然近年来有关虫草中生物活性代谢物的研究受到世界各国广泛关注,但仍有90%以上虫草及相关虫生真菌种类中尚无任何具体成分的研究报道,因此有关研究尚需要进一步深入。  相似文献   

冬虫夏草研究进展   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
冬虫夏草是一种名贵的药用真菌 ,由于其自身独特的药用价值而成为各国研究的热点。其生物学特性、化学成分已经阐明 ,从先前的天然采集到现在的菌体人工培养 ,这种根本性的过渡也极大丰富了它的产量和应用。目前对其药用机理已研究清楚 ,药用范围也十分广泛。挖掘和开发这一名贵中药 ,在我国乃至世界医药上均具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

采用PCR技术,以rDNA-ITS区为分子指标,对台湾虫草Cordyceps formosana及其无性型黄山被毛孢Hirsutella huangshanensis进行测序和比较分析,以进一步确定两者的对应关系。结果表明:两者的序列完全相同,从而在分子水平上证明了黄山被毛孢是台湾虫草的无性阶段。系统进化树显示台湾虫草的无性型归为被毛孢属较为合理。  相似文献   

台湾虫草及其无性型关系的分子确证   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用PCR技术,以rDNA-ITS区为分子指标,对台湾虫草Cordyceps formosana及其无性型黄山被毛孢Hirsutel lahuangshanensis进行测序和比较分析,以进一步确定两者的对应关系。结果表明:两者的序列完全相同,从而在分子水平上证明了黄山被毛孢是台湾虫草的无性阶段。系统进化树显示台湾虫草的无性型归为被毛孢属较为合理。  相似文献   

黄姗  王中康  陈环  王萌  殷幼平 《菌物学报》2012,31(3):350-358
运用SMART RACE RT-PCR技术,从虫生真菌莱氏野村菌中克隆出完整的疏水蛋白基因Nrhyd编码区序列,以RT-qPCR技术,对莱氏野村菌Nrhyd基因在不同生长条件下的表达特征进行分析,从mRNA转录水平上探讨了不同培养条件对Nrhyd基因表达的影响。结果表明:Nrhyd基因全长733bp,5′非翻译区132bp,3′非翻译区262bp,开放阅读框(ORF)339bp,编码111个氨基酸,前体蛋白理论分子量10.6kDa,理论等电点为6.19。液体摇瓶培养条件下,Nrhyd基因的表达受抑制呈逐渐降低的趋势。固体培养条件下,Nrhyd基因表达量随着分生孢子的产生而升高,到产孢量达到最大的第8天时,表达量最高,以后随着产孢量的下降,基因的表达量降低。因此推测,Nrhyd基因在莱氏野村菌分生孢子形成过程中起重要作用。与不同真菌疏水蛋白基因的系统进化分析表明,Nrhyd基因与绿僵菌来源的同源基因关系最近。  相似文献   

<正>Cordyceps heteropoda Kobayasi于1939年首次在日本被报道(Kobayasi1939),黄年来(1998)在《中国大型真菌原色图鉴》中将其译为根足虫草。2005年5月,本室在安  相似文献   

A novel fibrinolytic enzyme from Cordyceps militaris was purified and partially characterized for the first time, which was designated C. militaris fibrinolytic enzyme (CMase). This extracellular enzyme from C. militaris was isolated by ammonium sulphate fraction, and purified to electrophoretic homogeneity using gel filtration chromatography. The apparent molecular mass of the purified enzyme was estimated to be 27.3 kDa by SDS-PAGE. The optimum pH and temperature for the enzyme activity were pH 6.0 and 25 °C, respectively. In the presence of metal ions such as Mg2+ and Fe2+ ions the activity of the enzyme increased, whereas EDTA and Cu2+ ion inhibited the enzyme activity. Interestingly the N-terminal amino acid sequences of the enzyme is extremely similar to those of the trypsin proteinases from insects, and has no significant homology with those of the fibrinolytic enzyme from other medicinal mushroom. In conclusion, C. militaris produces a strong fibrinolytic enzyme CMase and may be considered as a new source for thrombolytic agents.  相似文献   

Abstract The major extracellular proteases from the nematophagous fungus Verticillium chlamydosporium and the entomophagous fungus Metarhizium anisopliae , VCP1 and Pr1, respectively, are closely related both functionally and serologically. Antibodies raised against either enzyme cross-reacted with both antigens, suggesting that they have common epitopes. The VCP1 and Prl antisera labelled bovine pancreatic elastase and proteinase K, respectively. Neither antiserum reacted with commercial chymotrypsin. An antiserum to a serine protease from the closely related V. suchlasporium also cross-reacted with VCP1 and Prl. In contrast, a polyclonal antibody to an isoform of Pr1 exclusive to M. anisopliae isolate ME1 failed to recognize Prl from M. anisopliae V245 or VCP1. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of VCP1 revealed similarities with subtilisin-like enzymes from other fungi, but the closest match was with Pr1. The pure enzymes, VCP1 and Prl, failed to hydrolyse mono-aminoacyl-naphthylamide substrates but demonstrated dipeptidyl peptidase activity against Gly-Pro-βNA and Leu-Ala-βNA, respectively. These results are discussed in the context of specificity of invertebrate mycopathogens.  相似文献   

罗晖明  康帅  郑健  王强  过立农  林瑞超 《生物磁学》2011,(17):3355-3358,3369
目的:用分子生物学方法,对古尼虫草和亚香棒虫草进行研究,对其寄主昆虫COI(cytochrome oxidase subunit I,细胞色素氧化酶亚基I)和真菌ITS(Internal Transcribed Sequence,内转录间隔区)区的基因序列进行比较,以确定两者亲缘关系。方法:在古尼虫草和亚香棒虫草性状研究的基础上,对两者来源真菌ITS区和寄主昆虫COI基因进行了PCR扩增和序列测定,对序列进行比对分析,并与GenBank核酸序列数据库中的序列进行BLAST检索比对。结果:发现古尼虫草和亚香棒虫草的来源真菌ITS区和寄主昆虫COI基因序列均有较高相似度。结论:古尼虫草和亚香棒虫草有较近的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

Chen J  Zhang W  Lu T  Li J  Zheng Y  Kong L 《Life sciences》2006,78(23):2742-2748
Cordyceps sinensis, one of the most precious traditional Chinese medicines, possesses the antitumor activity, antioxidant activity and the capability of modulating the immune system. In the present study, a fungus strain G1 isolated from wild C. sinensis was identified and initially characterized. A phylogenetic tree was generated based on the sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of related fungi. The analysis of ITS sequence showed that fungus G1 was clustered together with C. sinensis, Tolypocladium cylindrosporum and Tolypocladium inflatum in the phylogenetic tree. Both the morphological character and the ITS sequence analysis establish that fungus G1 is one of the anamorph strains of C. sinensis and belongs to Tolypocladium genus. Furthermore, the polysaccharide (PS) extracted from fungus G1 and its antioxidant activity on H22-bearing mice was investigated. H22 cells were hypodermically injected into the right oxter of each mouse after the ICR mice were treated with PS by means of gavage for 7 days. Then the same administration process continued for 9 days. At the end of the experiments, the tumor weight of each mouse was measured. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and malondialdehyde (MDA) level in mouse liver, brain and serum, as well as glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity in mouse liver and brain were assayed. The results showed that the H22 tumor growth was significantly inhibited by PS. Moreover, PS significantly enhanced SOD activity of liver, brain and serum as well as GSH-Px activity of liver and brain in tumor-bearing mice. PS also significantly reduced the level of MDA in liver and brain of tumor-bearing mice.  相似文献   

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