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Several epidemiological studies have reported associations between increases in summer temperatures and risks of premature mortality. The quantitative implications of predicted future increases in summer temperature, however, have not been extensively characterized. We have quantified these effects for the four main cities in Catalonia, Spain (Barcelona, Tarragona, Lleida, Girona). We first used case-crossover analysis to estimate the association between temperature and mortality for each of these cities for the period 1983 to 2006. These exposure–response (ER) functions were then combined with local measures of current and projected changes in population, mortality and temperature for the years 2025 and 2050. Predicted daily mean temperatures were based on the A1B greenhouse gas emission, “business-as-usual” scenario simulations derived from the ENSEMBLES project. Several different ER functions were examined and significant associations between temperature and mortality were observed for all four cities. For these four cities, the age-specific piecewise linear model predicts 520 (95%CI  340, 720) additional annual deaths attributable to the change in temperature in 2025 relative to the average from the baseline period of 1960–1990. For 2050, the estimate increases to 1,610 deaths per year during the warm season. For Catalonia as a whole, the point estimates for those two years are 720 and 2,330 deaths per year, respectively, or about 2 and 3% of the warm season. In comparing these predicted impacts with current causes of mortality, they clearly represent significant burdens to public health in Catalonia.  相似文献   

Blood samples from two Catalonian populations (North-East of Spain) were analysed for glyoxalase (GLO) I polymorphism. Gene frequencies of GLO1 (0.46 and 0.41) are comparable to those reported for Central-European Caucasoid populations.  相似文献   

1. Longitudinal gradients in the epilimnetic waters of stratified reservoirs provide a useful database to study changing environmental conditions. The spatial distribution, assemblage structure and specific adaptations of phytoplankton assemblages can be analysed along these gradients over short time scales. 2. Four reservoirs with a similar typology, located along an altitudinal gradient in the same eco‐region, were sampled along their longitudinal axes. In total, 19 sampling stations provided a trophic spectrum, ranging from oligo‐mesotrophy to hypertrophy, which was quantified by calculating the trophic state index of each sampling station in the four reservoirs. 3. Several patterns in phytoplankton assemblage structure were detected. Total chlorophyll‐a (Chl‐a), biovolume, abundance and the relative biomass contribution of the main algal groups (chlorophytes, cyanobacteria, cryptophytes and diatoms) were highly correlated with their location along the trophic gradient. 4. We also adopted the functional classification of Reynolds et al. (2002) : this effectively summarized differences among phytoplankton assemblages under varying resource‐limiting combinations, especially nutrients and underwater light climate. 5. In terms of relationships with the trophic gradient, diatoms and cyanobacteria exhibited significant opposing trends in both their relative chlorophyll contribution to total Chl‐a and biovolume. Chlorophytes were more abundant at an intermediate position along the trophic spectrum. 6. The identified patterns are consistent with models of self‐organization of phytoplankton assemblages. In particular, light availability was a strong determinant of size and shape diversity, especially in hypertrophic conditions, where ‘R‐strategist’, needle shaped species, dominated the system. In contrast, under decreased availability of nutrients and higher light extinction coefficients (Kd), the system was co‐dominated by C‐ and S‐strategist species, having shapes with a higher surface/volume ratio.  相似文献   

Mitigation Strategies in Some Motorway Embankments (Catalonia, Spain)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Erosion is one of the most dramatic problems arising after land restoration in semi‐arid Mediterranean areas. Topsoiling and subsequent hydroseeding are the main practices designed to reclaim motorway embankments, but there is a lack of information about the relationship between the ground cover furnished by the conventional seed mixtures and the erosion rate in the new created slopes. Ground cover and erosion rate were monitored simultaneously on some embankments of the Maresme motorway (Barcelona, Spain) during the first year after reclamation. Under similar geologic, topographic, and climatic conditions, the erosion rate was dependent on the percentage of herbaceous ground cover. Grasses accounted for most of the ground cover. Most of the seeded species did not contribute to the soil protection, and Lolium rigidum was the only grass growing satisfactorily on all the embankments. Legumes were important in autumn with Trifolium repens and Trifolium alexandrinum growing on the northwest‐ and southeast‐facing embankments, respectively. The erosion rate was intolerable where ground cover was <25%, and tolerable where ground cover was> 50%.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study explores the determinants of distribution, abundance and regeneration of six Pinus species (P. halepensis, P. nigra, P. pinaster, P. pinea, P. sylvestris and P. uncinata) that occur naturally in Catalonia, northeastern Spain. The aim of this study was to generate accurate predictions of the distribution of each species using simple and readily available environmental variables. We used recursive partitioning and GIS analyses to relate the data base of 10 600 field plots from the Forestry Inventory of Catalonia with abiotic and biotic characteristics of each plot. We present general patterns of distribution, dominance and regeneration for the six species and then focus on P. halepensis, the most abundant pine species in the western Mediterranean Basin. For all six species, the models correctly classified more than 80% of the distribution using abiotic factors, mainly altitude and rainfall variability. Biotic factors such as the basal area of other pine species were necessary to accurately predict patterns of pine species dominance. Biotic factors, especially the basal area of evergreen species (mainly Quercus ilex), were of overriding importance when predicting patterns of seedling occurrence. Potentially important factors such as land use and fire history were of little significance for predicting distribution at the scale of our study. Our models failed to predict accurately which species (and in which numbers) co‐occur with P. halepensis. Factors not included in this study, such as stand age, disturbance (cutting, clearing) and other human‐induced factors, are probably the main determinants of co‐existence patterns.  相似文献   

The Eocene (Bartonian) marls of the La Guixa Member and Gurb Member, Vic Marls Formation (Ebro Basin, Catalonia, Spain), contain a very rich and diversified siliceous sponge fauna. The fauna is dominated by hexactinellids; lithistids and other demosponges are rare. It consists of 16 species representing 16 genera. Eleven new species and two new genera are proposed for these sponges: Reguantella cavernosa nov. gen. nov. sp., Regadrella concinna nov. sp. (both Hexactinellida, Lyssacinosa), Eurete clava nov. sp., Pleuroguettardia iberica nov. sp., Aphrocallistes almeriae nov. sp., Hexactinella informis nov. sp. (all Hexactinellida, Hexactinosa), Brachiolites munterensis nov. sp., Centrosia viquensis nov. sp., Callicylix eocenicus nov. sp., Rhizocheton robustus nov. sp. (all Hexactinellida, Lychniscosa), Propetrosia pristina nov. gen. nov. sp. (Demospongia, Haplosclerida). Some genera of sponges in this fauna are still extant, but, in general, the predominant ones are very close in morphology, and, without doubt, closely related to the Late Cretaceous sponges. This fauna also differs considerably, in terms of composition, from most other described faunas of Tertiary sponges from the Mediterranean region, which are dominated by lithistid sponges. Lithistid sponges are rare in this investigated assemblage, which seems most similar to an as yet undescribed Eocene fauna from Italy. There is ecological differentiation in the proportions of particular sponges in various outcrops and/or stratigraphical levels that is clearly associated with water-depth-related controlling factor(s): Munter, Tona and Sta. Cecilia represent the deepest facies, Gurb is intermediate, and St. Roc and Vespella are the most shallow. The exact bathymetric position of the sponge fauna is difficult to estimate, but it seems that 100 m (but probably 200 m and more in the case of the deepest parts) of water depth may be inferred for this facies.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial occurrence of limnetic larval fish in Lake Banyoles in the spring and summer of 1993 and 1994 indicated that pumpkinseed spawned over 15 weeks (from mid-May to mid-August) and freshwater blenny over 14 weeks (from mid-May until early August). We noted that the spawning period of pumpkinseed commenced earlier in Lake Banyoles than in more northern lakes. Pumpkinseed and freshwater blenny larvae were collected by tow net in both the limnetic (at 4–4.5 m) and littoral zones (at 0–0.5 m), during daylight (no samples were taken during night). Freshwater blenny larvae were more abundant than pumpkinseed larvae. Both of them were more abundant in 1993 than in 1994 (pumpkinseed: 1.61 ind. 100 m−3 vs. 0.70 ind. 100 m−3; freshwater blenny: 3.95 ind. 100 m−3 vs. 1.90 ind. 100 m−3) and in both years they were uniformly distributed in the lake, without differences between the areas considered. The pumpkinseed larvae migrated at 3.5 mm TL into the limnetic zone, and returned to the vegetation of the littoral zone as juveniles. The freshwater blenny larvae were also planktonic (3.5–14 mm TL) but were distributed in both the littoral and limnetic zone before benthic settlement. The larval distribution is discussed on the basis of a trade-off between foraging and predation risk. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Jaume Cambra 《Biologia》2010,65(4):577-586
The results of a phycological study on the chrysophyte flora in the eastern Pyrenees (Catalonia, Spain) are presented. The studied area is located between 1600 and 2600 m above sea level, on primarily acid substrate. A total of 34 taxa have been identified, 25 of which are new or very rarely known in Spain. Information about the cell morphology and ecological data of the studied aquatic systems are presented.  相似文献   

Summary A study of concentration of airborne pollen grains and fungal spores has been carried out in Barcelona (Spain) during 1989–90. The volumetric method of filtration, previously described for airborne pollen analysis (Suarez-Cervera and Seoane-Camba, 1983) has been used. In this case, the filters have also been cultivated in Czapecdox-agar, Sabouraud-agar and Sabouraud-agar with streptomycin for the identification of the fungal colonies. Analysis of the number of fungal spores growing on the filter shows that the maxima of colonies of spores developed in culture per m3 of air filtered, correspond to September–December. Pollen and spore concentrations start from November–December, reach a maximum in March–April and decline progressively until September–October. Therefore, in the city of Barcelona, the greatest concentration occurs in spring and the lowest in autumn.  相似文献   

Spreading of ESFY Phytoplasmas in Stone Fruit in Catalonia (Spain)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A survey was carried out in nine stone fruit commercial orchards located in Barcelona province where plum and apricot trees of different cultivars showing European stone fruit yellows (ESFY) symptoms were present. A 4‐year survey with visual inspection of symptoms in one apricot orchard showed a rather high ESFY disease spread, also in a Japanese plum plantation newly infected plants were detected every year in a similar rate (about 2%). All the inspected symptomatic trees were polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tested and ESFY phytoplasma identity was confirmed by restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses and sequencing of ribosomal DNA amplification products. In apricot plantation the detection of ESFY phytoplasma was also tested on 69 asymptomatic trees sampled in summer 2002. The nested PCR with 16SrX group‐specific primers allowed detection of ESFY phytoplasmas in 50% of the trees that indeed showed symptoms by the next winter (2003). The molecular detection of ESFY phytoplasma in asymptomatic apricot trees indicates the risk of maintaining phytoplasma foci in the fields where eradication is based only on visual inspection.  相似文献   

A human mandible from the site of Cova del Gegant is described here for the first time and compared with other Middle and Upper Pleistocene representatives of the genus Homo from Europe and Southwest Asia. The specimen was recovered from sediments which also yielded Mousterian stone tools and Pleistocene fauna. The preserved morphology of the mandible, particularly in the region of the mental foramen, clearly aligns it with the Neandertals, making the Cova del Gegant the only known site in Catalonia documenting diagnostic human skeletal remains in association with Middle Paleolithic stone tools. This represents an important new addition to the human fossil record from the Iberian Peninsula and joins the Ba?olas mandible in documenting the course of human evolution in the northern Mediterranean region of Spain.  相似文献   

Comerma  M.  García  J.C.  Romero  M.  Armengol  J.  Šimek  K. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,504(1-3):87-98
Changes in the pelagic community structure and activity along the longitudinal axis of the eutrophic Sau Reservoir (Catalonia, NE Spain) were studied between 1996 and 1999. Samples were taken from several transects from river to dam, measuring dissolved organic carbon (DOC), bacterial abundance and production, chlorophyll a concentration, heterotrophic nanoflagelate (HNF) and ciliate abundances and their grazing rates, and zooplankton density. The role of microbial and classical food chains (i.e., based directly on phytoplankon) were compared in the Sau Reservoir by analysing river-to-dam gradients in biomass and carbon and their temporal changes. The detritic metabolic pathway was more important near to the inflow, due to high allochthonous organic matter loads allowing the rapid development of the microbial food web. Protozoans (HNF and ciliates) consumed most of the bacterial production (i.e., >50%) in the reservoir. As opposed to the systems of lower trophic status ciliate carbon biomass and bacterivory contributions were larger than those of the HNF. We estimated species-specific ciliate growing rates on bacteria and distinguished several periods with high importance of distinct ciliate communities.  相似文献   

M. Rieradevall  M. Real 《Hydrobiologia》1994,278(1-3):139-149
Oligochaeta assemblages from Lake Banyoles were composed of one species of Naididae and eight species of Tubificidae, Potamothrix heuscheri (8–1350 ind. m–2) being the most abundant and widely distributed species, followed by Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri (25–858 ind. m–2) and Psammoryctides barbatus (12–792 ind. m–2). The remaining species were Potamothrix hammoniensis, Potamothrix bavaricus, Limnodrilus claparedeanus, Branchiura sowerbyi, Aulodrilus pigueti and Dero digitata, all of which occurred at lower densities and with restricted distributions.Regardless of sampling depth, maximum densities of oligochaetes were found in winter (up to 5,142 ind. m–2 in December) and secondarily in June. Immature Tubificidae with hair setae and mature P. heuscheri were present and dominant throughout the year. Cestode parasites were recorded infesting L. hoffmeisteri and P. heuscheri populations.Oligochaeta densities increased with depth, but low oxygen concentrations (less than 1 mg l–1) during a long period (4 months) in some basins of the lake acted as a key factor in reducing the density of worms and the species richness to one species, Potamothrix heuscheri.  相似文献   

The results of the epidemiological study on candidemias with the highest number of cases carried out in Spain is presented. This study is included in the Epidemiological Survey of Candidemia in Europe supported by the ECMM in which another five countries take part. In the Spanish study, 19 hospitals participated, 290 candidemia episodes were analysed (80 in children under 15 years and 210 in adults), 293 strains of yeasts being isolated. Both in children and in adults, the risks factors more frequently observed were the intravenous catheter and previous antibiotic therapy. In adults, the most habitual underlying disease was the solid tumor and, in children, hematological diseases. Candida albicans was the most prevalent species isolated in adults (46.1%) and Candida parapsilosis in children (50%). As part of the therapy, the intravenous line was removed and antifungal treatment was prescribed to 74% and 92.5% of children, respectively and to 43.8% and 73.8% of adults. The antifungal agent of election in adults was fluconazole (54.8%) and liposomal amphotericin B (58.1%) in children. The global mortality of the study was 38.9%, which for ages was major in adults (41.4%) than in children (38.7%). The geographical distribution of the isolated species was homogeneous, C. albicans being the predominant species, with the exception of Galicia and Extremadura where C. parapsilosis was the most frequent.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to characterise theairborne behaviour of an allergenic andabundant pollen type, Platanus, in sevensites of the Aerobiological Network ofCatalonia (Xarxa Aerobiològica deCatalunya, XAC). In Catalonia, the mostextended Platanus species is Platanus × hybrida Brot., widely planted inforestry and as ornamental tree in streets andgardens. Naturalised specimens can also befound along river banks.The pollen records analysed are from differentperiods comprised between 1994 and 2000 inBarcelona, Bellaterra, Cambrils, Girona,Lleida, Manresa and Tarragona. All data wereobtained using seven-day volumetric spore Hirsttraps.Platanus pollination is concentrated in afew weeks, between March and April. Platanus pollen is present in all theatmospheric pollen spectra for the sitesmentioned above. In Barcelona, Platanuspollen attained the highest concentrations,with an extreme annual index (sum of the meandaily concentrations) of 25790 in 1997, and amaximum daily concentration of 2567 P/m3on 15th March 2000. The lowest annual index(647) corresponds to Cambrils, 2000, and thelowest maximum daily concentration (74P/m3) was registered on 7th April1996, in Manresa.The interannual variation of Platanuspollen values can be explained not only bymeteorological parameters and the endogenousfactors of the tree, but also by human activitysuch as elimination, pruning and watering.  相似文献   

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