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Summary An artificially mesodermalized ectoderm (mE) shows the same properties as the organizer: chordamesoderm formation and neural induction. The neural-inducing activity of the mE was inhibited by treatment with protein synthesis inhibitors (cycloheximide and puromycin) and a specific inhibitor of protein glycosylation (tunicamycin). These antibiotics also inhibited chordamesoderm differentiaton, especiallly that of notochord. Newly synthesized proteins of the mE were compared with those of presumptive ectoderm (pE) using two-dimensional PAGE. There were differences in relative amounts of many protein spots. These results suggest that neural-inducing activity is related to glycoproteins synthesized during the early phase of mesodermalization.  相似文献   

Summary The presumptive ectoderm (pE) ofCynops gastrulae was artificially mesodermalized by contact with teleost swimbladder. The newly mesodermalized ectoderm (mE) acquired the capacity for neural induction (Suzuki et al. 1986a). SEM observations revealed that the mE cells altered their cellular profiles immediately after mesodermalization. The characteristics of the cell surface and the cell architecture became similar to those of invaginated mesoderm cells. There were distinct differences in the cellular contact between mE—pE and pE—pE combinations. The mE-pE combinations kept close contact at their interior surfaces, while the pE—pE combinations did not keep contact. Both TEM and SEM observations also indicated that there were tight contacts between mE and pE cells. These findings suggest that neural-inducing activity of the newly mesodermalized ectoderm cells is coupled with acquisition of cellular affinity toward the interior surface of competent ectoderm cells, and probably requires close cell contacts.  相似文献   

Summary Cell adhesion was studied during primary embryonic induction. The disaggregation rate and reaggregation patterns were analysed in the ectoderm cells of various developing Cynopus gastrulae and neurulae. The neurectoderm cells disaggregated more slowly with gastrulation, and the neural plate cells of early neurula showed a lesser capacity for disaggregation. Although no differences in reaggregation were found between dorsal and ventral ectoderm at the early gastrula stage, there were significant differences between the induced neurectoderm and the non-induced ventral epidermal cells at the late gastrula stage. Neural plate cells of the early neurula stage were seen to form a chain-like reaggregate, but the ventral epidermal cells of the same embryo formed a cluster-like spherical reaggregate. Scanning electron microscope observations of reaggregates also showed significant differences in adhesive properties between induced neurectoderm and non-induced epidermal cells. The adhesion field of the induced neurectoderm cells was smooth, differing from the distinct ridges of the non-induced epidermal cells. These results suggest that changes in the cell adhesion system, resulting in the formation of a columnar cell shape, may occur immediately after a neural-inducing action.  相似文献   

Summary Isolated amphibian (Triturus alpestris) gastrula ectoderm was treated with cyclic nucleotides for 24 h and cultured up to 12 days. Explants treated with$cyclic N6-Monobutyryl-adenosine-35-monophosphate, cyclic Dibutyryladenosine-35-monophosphate and cyclic Dibutyrylguanosine-35-monophosphate in a concentration of 10–3 and 10–5 M did not differentiate into mesoderm- or endoderm-derived tissues. The number of explants with small neural and neuroid structures did not exceed the percentage found in the control series. Inductions could also not be obtained when ectoderm was dissociated prior to the treatment with cyclic nucleotides, or when theophylline (which inhibits phosphodiesterase) was added to the culture medium. The results are discussed with regard to the possible mode of action of the vegetalizing factor.  相似文献   

Summary Ectoderm explants from early gastrula stages of Xenopus laevis were induced with a neutralizing factor. The factor was isolated from Xenopus gastrulae and partially purified by chromatography on DEAE cellulose. The ectoderm was cultured for different periods of time and then homogenized. Protein kinase activity was determined in the homogenates from induced and control explants with histone H 1 or C-terminal peptide derived from histone H 1 as substrates. The C-terminal peptide is a more specific substrate for protein kinase C, whereas histoneH 1 is a substrate for cAMP/cGMP-dependent protein kinases as well protein kinase C. With both substrates the enzyme activity increases after induction. With the C-terminal peptide as the substrate the protein kinase activity is lower, but its relative increase after induction higher. This suggests that besides cAMP/cGMP dependent protein kinases protein kinase C or related enzymes are involved in the neural induction and differentiation processes. This corresponds to previous experiments which have shown that treatment of ectoderm with phorbol myristate acetate, an activator of protein kinase C and protein kinase C related enzymes, initiates neural differentiation. Endogeneous substrates, which are more intensively phosphorylated after induction are proteins with apparent molecular weights 21 kDa and 31 kDa. Addition of protein kinase C to the induced and control homogenates abolishes the difference in the phosphorylation rate of these proteins.  相似文献   

Summary Isolated gastrula ectoderm has no neural-inducing activity and does not differentiate into neural tissues. It has, however, a high neural-inducing capacity, but the inducing factors are present in a masked, inactive form. The inducing factors are partially activated by homogenization and by freezing of the homogenate and are fully activated by treatment with ethanol. The relative distribution of inducing factors in different subcellular fractions changes after treatment with demecolcine and cytochalasin B or after autolytic incubation of the homogenate. The inducing activity of the high-speed supernatant is enhanced under these conditions. The experiments suggest that the activation of neuralizing factor(s) depends on the release from complex structures. Cytoskeletal elements seem to be involved. When early neural plate homogenate was fractionated, the high-speed supernatant showed neural-inducing activity. This is in contrast to the high-speed supernatant from the ectoderm homogenate, which shows no such activity.  相似文献   

Summary From embryos (Xenopus laevis) of different developmental stages nuclei were isolated which exert neural inducing activity in the biological test. The active material could partly be extracted from the nuclei. Experiments for the isolation of nuclear ribonucleoprotein (RNP) particles have shown that the activity is localized at least in part in these particles. On the other hand, some neural inducer is not detached from chromatin and the nuclear matrix even with ionic detergents. Inducing activity was found in germinal vesicles and to a higher degree in the cytoplasm of oocytes, but in a masked, biologically inactive state.  相似文献   

Summary Antibodies directed to fibronectin (anti-FN) were injected into the blastocoel of late blastulae of Xenopus laevis. Two animal caps (ectoderm) were isolated, when control embryos reached the early gastrula stage, and were combined with untreated upper blastopore lip in the sandwich method. In two control series fibronectin or Holtfreter solution was injected into the blastocoel. The results of the experiments suggest that neural induction cannot be prevented by binding anti-FN to fibronectin, which covers the blastocoelic side of the ectoderm. The data support the view that extracellular matrix proteins are not themselves responsible for neural induction. However, in comparison with the control series a slight shift of the differentiation pattern in the spinocaudal direction could be observed in the anti-FN series. The possible role of extracellular proteins in the formation of a close juxtaposition of mesodermal and ectodermal target cells as a prerequisite for shortdistance transmission of neural inducers is discussed.  相似文献   

Ectoderm was isolated from early gastrulae of Triturus alpestris and induced with recombinant basic fibroblast growth factor (b-FGF). Neural tissue differentiated in about 38% of the explants which were induced by 2,5 g/ml FGF. These explants do not contain other tissues, or contain only small amounts of mesenchyme and melanophores which are probably derived from induced neural crest. It is therefore unlikely that these neural tissues are secondarily induced. The other explants contain predominantly blastema tissue, endothelium/ mesothelium, small amounts of skeletal muscle and, rarely, notochord besides neural tissues. The mitotic rate was enhanced in about 20% of the induced explants. Possible mechanisms for the unexpected neural-inducing activity of b-FGF in Triturus ectoderm are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Scanning electron microscopic studies revealed that Concanavalin A (ConA) induces characteristic changes of the cell surface and the cell architecture of the presumptive ectoderm associated with differentiation into neural tissues. In Con A-treated cells, the filopodia with which cells were connected to each other disappeared from the interior (blastocoelic) surface and the cellular adhesivity decreased significantly. Thereafter, the cells underwent from those of the control explants. After cultivation for 60 h, a certain pattern of cell arrangement, which resembled the architecture of neural tissues, was observed among randomly arranged cells in the explants treated with Con A. The morphological changes specifically observed in Con A-treated explants were different from those found in explants treated with succinyl Con A (S-Con A) orDolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA), which is unable to induce formation of the neural tissues. The molecular organization of the plasma membrane appears to be important in the mechanism of neural induction.  相似文献   

An artificially mesodermalized ectoderm (mE) of early Cynops pyrrhogaster gastrula acquires the organizer property; the mE is able to induce the secondary axis. The expression of organizer-related genes was investigated during the mesodermalizing process of the mE. The expression of C. pyrrhogaster organizer-related genes, such as bra, gsc, lim-1, chd and noggin, were analyzed. Cynops pyrrhogaster shh expression was also investigated. The organizer-related genes were activated by 12 h after the mesoderm-inducing stimulus. It was noted that there was a temporal gap in the expression of each gene. The expression of bra and gsc seemed to be more quickly activated during the mesodermalizing process. While expression of lim-1 and noggin was activated later than that of bra and gsc, lim-1 expression was earlier than chd and noggin expression. Shh expression was activated later than lim-1/noggin. The present study suggests the possibility that the bra/gsc, lim-1, chd, noggin and shh genes are expressed one by one in that order during the mesodermalizing of the presumptive ectoderm. It also indicates that the sequence is not always consistent with that of the whole embryo during normal embryogenesis. The meaning of the discrepancy will be discussed in connection with the cascade of certain genes expressed during the mesodermalizing process.  相似文献   

Summary Isolated gastrula ectoderm ofTriturus alpestris orAmbystoma mexicanum was induced by the vegetalizing factor. Protein synthesis in the induced and uninduced control explants was measured by double labelling with3H-and14C-amino acids after different periods of cultivation. Slight differences were observed in the pattern of nuclear proteins after 12 h of cultivation and in the pattern of cytoplasmic proteins after 48 h of cultivation.The uptake of leucine started to increase in induced explants after 48 h of cultivation and after 96 h was about 50 times greater than in uninduced control explants. The uptake is reduced under partially anaerobic conditions. Ouabain inhibits the uptake by about 50%.  相似文献   

Using microinjection techniques, we have explored the isolated, complete midline sectioned brainstem of the frog (Rana catesbeiana) to identify regions that influence the endogenous respiratory-related motor activity. Ten-nanoliter injections of lidocaine (1%), GABA (100 mM) and glutamate (10 and 100 mM) into discrete regions of the rostral and the caudal brainstem produced different effects on the phasic neural discharge. In the rostral site lidocaine, GABA and glutamate injections altered neural burst frequency with little or no effect on burst amplitude. In the caudal site, responses to lidocaine and GABA injections consisted primarily of decreases in neural burst amplitude, often, but not always associated with minor decreases in burst frequency. In this same region, the response to glutamate was characterized by a temporary interruption of the rhythmic neural burst activity. The largest responses to substance injection in both regions were obtained at sites ranging between 200 and 500 m from the ventral surface, in the ventral medullary reticular formation. The results reveal the existence of two areas in the frog brainstem that influence respiratory motor output, one related to the respiratory burst frequency and the other related to the amplitude of the motor output.Abbreviations V trigeminal nerve - VI abducens nerve - VII facial nerve - VIII auditory nerve - X vagal nerve - H hypoglossal nerve - VRG ventral respiratory group - NTS nucleus of the solitary tract  相似文献   

Summary Neural plates which are induced in the dorsal ectoderm of Triturus by the underlying mesoderm acquire, in turn, neural-inducing activity. This process is correlated with the appearance of neural-inducing activity in the microsomal fraction of the neural plate homogenate. The high-speed supernatant also acquires inducing activity after neural induction, but to a lesser extent. The experiments suggest that a masked neuralizing factor, which is already present in the ectoderm, is in part activated and exported from the inducing neural plate cells.  相似文献   

Summary Plasma membranes were isolated in high yield from Xenopus gastrulae by repeated sedimentation in discontinuous sucrose gradients. Most of the yolk was separated by lowspeed sedimentation before centrifugation on the discontinuous sucrose gradients. The isolation of plasma membranes was followed by covalent labelling of the surface of dissociated gastrula cells with diazoniobenzene sulphonate, by electron microscopy and the distribution of enzymatic markers. The isolated plasma membranes have a low neural inducing activity as compared to other cell constituents.  相似文献   

本文介绍了我们最近发展的一项用于两栖类胚胎的免疫组织化学研究的技术。两栖类胚胎经过适当的化学固定以后,用振动切片机可以得到50—100 μ的切片。我们用这样的切片进行免疫萤光和免疫酶标染色,均得到满意的结果,可以进行光镜(共聚焦显微镜,普通显微镜)及透射电镜的观察。由于在整个过程中避免了使用有机溶剂及包埋剂,所以最大限度地保存了抗原性。与传统的各种免疫组化技术比较,切片的各部分组织均能迅速与抗体反应,组织保存相当完好,可以满足电镜观察的要求。运用这种方法,还可以将同一胚胎的不同切片分别用于光镜和电镜观察,使结果更具说服力。  相似文献   

Summary Ectoderm from early gastrula stages of amphibians was isolated and treated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. The ectoderm formed neural tissue and in a few cases also mesenchyme and melanophores. The control explants formed atypical epidermis. In explants treated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate the mitotic rate was increased.  相似文献   

Summary Vegetalising factor was isolated from swimbladder of crusian carp (Carassius auratus) by solubilishing with 8 M urea the precipitate obtained after digesting the swimbladder with collagenase. The urea-soluble fraction vegetalised isolated presumptive ectoderm ofTriturus gastrula and produced both undifferentiated mesodermal and endodermal cells. Brief heating of the fraction changed its capacity to produce organised mesodermal tissues, such as notochord and somite, and the frequency of induction of undifferentiated cells was reduced. By inserting the urea-soluble fraction into the blastocoel of an early gastrula, embryos without epidermis were obtained. Some of the embryos consisted of undifferentiated mesodermal and endodermal cells, but in the remaining ones small fragments of notochord, small numbers of somites and pronephros developed, enclosed by endodermal cells.  相似文献   

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