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我国经济起飞期的农业持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尽管持续农业的思想可以追朔到中国古代农业,然而当今持续农业的兴起是生态环境意识高涨的产物。持续农业的核心是把资源与生态环境目标结合到农业的社会经济发展目标之中,消除农业不能持续发展的后患。持续农业尊重自然、注重总体、强调综合、注重信息交流。这些方法与传统的工业化控制模式、深入局部的分析方法和注重物质投入的方法相结合,产生一系列崭新的农业方法。在高速经济增长初期的中国,必须十分注重从宏观政策方面引导农业向持续方向发展。在微观方面,生态农业模式的总结推广将有利于持续农业的具体实施。文章以基塘为例进行分析,表明生态农业随自然条件变化和社会经济发展的适应性调节,是模式得以广泛推广和发展的前提。  相似文献   

微生物与新型农业   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论述了微生物新型农业的理论基础:营养结构原理、增加食物链原理、生态位原理和熵定律等。简述了微生物在新型农业中的广泛应用,如发展微生物饲料、微生物肥料、微生物农药、微生物食品、微生物能源和微生物环保制剂等。分析了微生物新型农业的发展前景。  相似文献   

现代农业与新型农业类型与模式特点   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
论述了目前现代与新型农业种类与模式的内涵、特点、基本指导思想与发展前景,分析了可持续农业、生态农业、有机农业、精准农业、设施农业、白色农业、城市农业、质量农业、蓝色农业、自然农业、生物农业、生物动力农业、集约农业及其他新型农业产生的背景条件和精髓,指出这些农业类型之间并不是完全对立,而是互相渗透与补充。其中的许多农业模式都注重依靠农业生态系统自身的循环,其生产过程有利于生态环境的改善和保护,但它们绝对排斥现代化学工业产品,侧重强调环境意识,忽视农业的生产功能和收益,会使农业生产效率和效益降低。面对人类人口增加和耕地面积不断减少的现实问题,这些替代农业很难实现大面积应用,如果能够把这些农业模式的精髓之处有机地结合起来,将形成具有生命力的现代农业,将主宰21世纪的农业潮流。  相似文献   

郑元球 《生态科学》1992,(1):132-136
拟从植被的生态环境作用价值、植被破坏的严重后果,以及植被与农业生态环境保护等方面加以论述,意在讨论农业生态环境保护的引起重视,并共识保护和发展各种植被。从宏观上改善农业生态环境,对发展农业和畜牧业均具有重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

广东农业生态环境与农业持续发展问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
广东农业生态环境与农业持续发展问题万洪富肖辉林(广东省生态环境与土壤研究所,广州510650)环境与发展,是当今国际社会普遍关注的重大问题.生态环境与农业发展是人类社会生存与发展的基础.生态环境与农业发展,既相互制约,又相互促进.如何处理好这两者之间...  相似文献   

保持良好的农业生态环境,创造丰富的农产品,是摆在人们面前的一项紧迫任务。现就位于我国西部的陕西省宝鸡市农业生态环境存在的问题及应当采取的对策作分析和探讨。一、宝鸡市农业生态环境存在的问题(一) 消大于长,森林覆盖率下降宝鸡市辖十县二区,三面环山,南依秦岭,西为关山,北为千山余脉。山区面积1.3324×10~4 km~2,占全市总面积72.68%,森林面积  相似文献   

化肥和农药的过量使用导致的农业面源污染已经成为我国环境污染的重要组成部分,对农业绿色高效安全生产及设施农业带来了巨大挑战。寻找新型的传统化肥替代品、提高化肥使用效率及保护生态环境是亟待解决的重大问题。生物刺激剂是具有调控植物生长作用的成分和(或)微生物的统称,用于农业生产,可改善土壤理化性质与群落微生物,能促进作物的代谢与生长,增强对营养物质的吸收和利用,提升作物抗逆能力及提高作物产量与产品品质。微藻体内具有结构新颖、功能独特的天然活性物质,是制备新型生物刺激剂的理想来源。微藻用于环境治理的同时,可获得足量的微藻生物质来制备生物刺激剂,从而达到治理环境、降低成本及提质增效的目的。就微藻源生物刺激剂的定义及功能、微藻全细胞和天然活性物质生物刺激剂的制备、应用效果及对植物和土壤的作用原理进行综述,以期为微藻源强效生物刺激剂的规模化制备及农业生产应用奠定理论基础和提供生产实践指导。  相似文献   

生物力学作为一门独立学科以来发展十分迅速,在自然界(动物、植物、微生物、细胞)也开展了这方面研究。未来力学的发展,主要跨学科上,但跨学科不太容易,可它又是现实的发展趋势[1]。随着当今世界人口增长,带来了粮食短缺,能源资源不足和环境污染等,研究生物工程和生物力学显得非常重要,而且正在逐步转移到农业方面[2]。农业生物力学是现代生物科学的一个分支,它属于农业生物工程国外用力学的方法对农业生物材料的研究,已有30多年的历史,特别几个发达国家近几年的研究成果。对农业现代化多方面有较大的作用与价值。  相似文献   

决超 《工业微生物》2023,(3):136-138
随着人们对农作物产量和质量要求的不断地提升,在农业生产过程中,许多技术和环节都在不断改进和发展,而肥料就是主要的改进方面。经过漫长的发展和深入的探索,目前的农业生产化肥已经进化到了第三代,其中微生物菌肥是主要代表。微生物菌肥是一种可以提供养分的化肥,具有很好的使用价值和环境保护功能,应该得到广泛的普及和深入发展。基于此,文章将对微生物菌肥在农业生产中的作用和实践进行探讨。  相似文献   

<正> 生物技术,又称生物工程,是利用生物学过程进行工业、农业、医药及其它行业生产的一门科学技术,它是生物科学最新成就与工程技术相结合的产物。一般认为,它包括基因工程(DNA重组)、细胞工程(杂交瘤技术、植物细胞、组织培养和体细胞杂交)、酶工程(利用酶将一种物质转化为另一种物质)和发酵工程(利用微生物将各种原料转化为不同的产品)等四个方面。生物技术自七十年代崛起以来,发展非常迅速,现已成为新技术革命的重要组成部分。国外学者预言,生物技术对人类今后的经济和生产活动将产生重大影响,在农业上将导致一  相似文献   

可持续农业在当今世界至关重要,因为它有潜力满足我们的农业需求,而这是传统农业无法做到的。这种类型的农业采用一种特殊的耕作技术,既能充分利用环境资源,又能保证不造成任何危害。因此,该技术对环境友好,保证了农产品的安全和健康。微生物种群对推动农业生态系统稳定和生产力的基本过程起着重要作用。若干调查旨在增进对土壤微生物群落的多样性、动态和重要性及其在农业生产力中的有益合作。综述了部分土壤微生物及其对可持续农业生产的重要性。  相似文献   

林敏  姚斌 《生物技术进展》2022,12(3):321-324
21世纪初兴起的合成生物技术被誉为影响世界未来的颠覆性技术之一,其在农业中应用将为世界性农业生产难题提供革命性解决方案,培育农业碳经济和氨经济等生物经济新形态,引领细胞农业、低碳农业和智能农业等新动能和新业态革命。简要总结了国际合成生物技术的发展现状与趋势,深入探讨了我国农业合成生物技术创新的发展战略与总体目标。  相似文献   

生物技术与我国农业发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从国际农业生物技术的发展趋势,看农业生物技术在现代中国农业发展中的重要地位和作用。分析了我国农业生物技术发展的现状和面临的挑战,提出在日益激烈的国际农业竞争环境中,我国农业生物技术的发展战略和措施 。  相似文献   

1. Agriculture causes high sediment, nutrient and light input to streams, which may affect rates of ecosystem processes, such as organic matter decay. In the southern Appalachians, socioeconomic trends over the past 50 years have caused widespread abandonment of farmland with subsequent reforestation. Physical and chemical properties of streams in these reforested areas may be returning to pre‐agriculture levels thereby creating the potential for recovery of ecosystem processes. 2. We examined wood breakdown and microbial activity on wood substrata in streams with different historical and current agricultural activity in their catchments. We analysed historical (1950) and recent (1998) forested land cover from large areas of the southern Appalachians and categorized streams based on percent forested land cover in these two time periods. Categories included a gradient of current agriculture from forested to heavily agricultural and reforestation from agriculture due to land abandonment. We compared microbial respiration on wood veneer substrata and breakdown of wood veneers among these land‐use categories. We also compared temperature, sediment accumulation and nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. 3. Streams with current agriculture had higher concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen than forested streams. Despite reforestation from agriculture, nitrogen concentrations were also elevated in streams with agricultural histories relative to forested streams. Temperature was also higher in agricultural streams but appeared to recover from historical agriculture through reforestation and stream shading. 4. Wood breakdown rates ranged from 0.0015 to 0.0076 day?1 and were similar to other studies using wood veneers to determine breakdown rate. Microbial respiration increased with incubation time in streams up to approximately 150 days, after which it remained constant. Neither wood breakdown nor microbial respiration was significantly different among land‐use categories, despite the observed physical and chemical differences in streams based on land‐use. Wood breakdown rates could be predicted by microbial respiration indicating microbial control of wood breakdown in these streams. Both breakdown and microbial respiration were negatively correlated with the amount of inorganic sediment accumulated on wood veneers. 5. Higher nutrients and temperature led us to expect faster breakdown and higher microbial respiration in agricultural streams, but sediment in these streams may be limiting microbial activity and breakdown of organic material resulting in little net effect of agriculture on wood breakdown. Wood may not be desirable as a tool for functional assessment of stream integrity due to its unpredictable response to agriculture.  相似文献   

Summary CO2 evolution, fungal biomass and microbial population of two maize field soils differing in agricultural systemsviz., permanent agriculture on plain lands in valleys and ‘slash and burn’ type of shifting agriculture, were estimated at monthly intervals for one crop cycle. The results showed significant positive correlation among CO2 evolution, fungal biomass, microbial population, organic C and total N. There was significant positive correlation between bacterial population and moisture content in both the agricultural systems. Microbial population and CO2 evolution were always higher in the soils of permanent agriculture as compared to that of ‘slash and burn’ type of shifting agriculture.  相似文献   

In this article we show that technological development in agriculture exhibits general trends when assessed on a large scale. These trends are generated by changes in the larger socioeconomic context in which the farming system operates. We characterize agricultural performance by land and farm labor productivity and the pattern of use of technological inputs. By means of a cross-sectional analysis of agricultural performance of 20 countries (at the national level), we show that increases in demographic pressure and socioeconomic pressure (increases in average income and labor productivity) in society are the main driving forces of technological development in agriculture. Further, it is shown that the ecological impact of farming (environmental loading) is linked to the particular combination of land productivity and labor productivity at which the agricultural sector operates (through the particular mix and the level of inputs used in agricultural production). Briefly we discuss the role of international trade in agricultural policies and performance. Special attention is given to the situation of Chinese agriculture.  相似文献   

开发立体农业,可以充分发挥土地、光能、热量、水源等自然资源的潜力;可以充分利用空间和时间,通过间套混、铺挂架等立体种植和层养、混养等立体养殖,较大幅度提高单  相似文献   

Humanity is facing possibly the greatest challenge in its history. Population is expected to reach 9 billion in 2030. At the same time agricultural land is becoming scarcer and poorer in quality. Furthermore, the environmental impact of intensive agriculture and the effects of climate change are threatening food security in many regions of the globe. Further, shortage of fossil fuels will have dramatic effects on the performance of intensive agriculture. There is an urge to develop more ecological agricultural practices both to meet the need to preserve agroecosystems health and to deal with the reduced availability of “cheap” energy from fossil fuels. This paper reviews a number of studies comparing the performances of conventional and organic agriculture in light of energy use, CO 2 emission and other environmental issues. Organic agriculture, along with other low input agriculture practices, results in less energy demand compared to intensive agriculture and could represent a means to improve energy savings and CO2 abatement if adopted on a large scale. At the same time it can provide a number of important environmental and social services, such as preserving and improving soil quality, increasing carbon sink, minimizing water use, preserving biodiversity, halting the use of harmful chemicals, thereby guaranteeing healthy food to consumers. We claim that more work should be done in terms of research and investment to explore the potential of organic farming for reducing environmental impact of agricultural practices. However, in the case of organic agriculture, the implications of a reduced productivity for the socioeconomic system should be considered and suitable agricultural policies worked out.  相似文献   

景观农业研究的兴起及其实际意义   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
1 引 言近些年来 ,景观生态学与农学的结合出现了景观生态学在实际应用上的一个新分支景观农业 (ландшафтноеземледелие,landscapeagri culture)。景观农业的出现不是偶然的 ,它是农业经历了数千年的探索 ,寻找其高产、高效、持续稳定所找到的解决方法之一 ,是人类一直谋求农业生产与环境协调发展所走的一条必由之路 ,也是景观生态学迅速发展 ,在实际应用中解决农业生产问题一次成功的尝试。按现在通常的的农业生产模式 ,提高农业生产的途径总是离不开改良品种、增施肥料、改善耕作措施、使用农…  相似文献   

Resolving Conflicts between Agriculture and the Natural Environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agriculture dominates the planet. Yet it has many environmental costs that are unsustainable, especially as global food demand rises. Here, we evaluate ways in which different parts of the world are succeeding in their attempts to resolve conflict between agriculture and wild nature. We envision that coordinated global action in conserving land most sensitive to agricultural activities and policies that internalise the environmental costs of agriculture are needed to deliver a more sustainable future.  相似文献   

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