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The short term effect of 11.4 mum indoleacetic acid on the incorporation of (methyl-(3)H)thymidine into DNA in vegetative tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Wis. 38) stem segments has been investigated. In segments that are defoliated, inverted, and kept in the dark for 7 hours, indoleacetic acid very rapidly (about 60 minutes) and strikingly initiates thymidine incorporation into DNA. The time required before enough indoleacetic acid (2.8 mum) to enhance thymidine incorporation moves into a segment has been found to be about 35 minutes. The initiation response time for segment tissue that already contains 2.8 mum indoleacetic acid should be no more than about 25 minutes. The rate of labeled thymidine incorporation into DNA is affected by physiological treatments of segments. Moving segments from the light into the dark or defoliating segments or inverting defoliated segments decreases the rate of thymidine incorporation. For segments given all three treatments, indoleacetic acid restores the rate of thymidine incorporation as compared to controls. Darkness, or defoliation or inversion of segments, therefore, may decrease thymidine incorporation into DNA by effecting reduced auxin levels in stem segments.  相似文献   

Wardell WL  Skoog F 《Plant physiology》1969,44(10):1407-1412
The RNA base analogues, 2-thiouracil, 6-azauracil and 8-azaguanine incorporated singly into the medium, increased the number of floral buds in excised stem segments of Nicotiana tabacum variety Wisconsin No. 38 cultured in vitro. Combined treatments with 2 and 3 base analogues were even more effective. The effects were prevented by the corresponding natural counterparts, uracil, uridine, and guanosine respectively. These nucleic acid constituents added to cultures without base analogues did not affect the number of floral buds formed. In stem segments from the lower internodes treatments with the analogues effected a transition from vegetative to floral bud formation, thus in a sense removing the floral gradient as defined by Chouard and Aghion.  相似文献   

In Torenia stem segments cultured on a defined medium withoutphytohormones, in vitro flower formation was influenced by thephysiological states of the explants. Endogenous contents ofABA, but not those of IAA, were closely correlated with thephysiological states of the explants. Application of ABA (100ng/ml) to the culture medium stimulated flower formation inthe originally vegetative explants which otherwise had littleflower-forming capacity. Thus, endogenous ABA seems to be oneof the factors controlling the flower-forming capacity of Toreniastem segments. The highest rate of flower formation in the stemsegments was obtained when endogenous contents of ABA (whichresulted from both endogenously present and externally appliedABA) in the stem tissues was between 16 and 20 ng/g fresh weight. 1 Present address: Bioscience Research Center, Mitsui PetrochemicalIndustries Ltd., Waki-cho, Kuga-gun, Yamaguchi 740, Japan. (Received November 22, 1984; Accepted March 1, 1985)  相似文献   

Root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne incognita, induced lumps of callus tissue on the cambial surfaces of peeled tobacco stem segments cultured in vitro. Except for a layer 1 to 3 cells thick, callus was limited to the basal ends of control segments. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) applied in agar blocks to the centers of stem segments, when it had any effect on the cambial surface, induced streaks of callus extending from the blocks toward the basal ends of the segments. IAA in agar blocks also increased callus growth at the basal ends of the segments, increased the growth of pith on the undersides of the segments, promoted root initiation, but inhibited bud initiation. Nematodes produced none of these effects, nor did they change the type of organs induced by various concentrations of IAA in the medium. Callus tissue did grow on the cambial surface of stem segments surrounding agar blocks containing 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid, an inhibitor of polar auxin transport. Paraffin sections showed that the nematodes were confined to the callus tissue on the cambial surfaces of the segments. Except for occasional syncytia and areas of cell division, nematode-induced callus was composed of thin-walled, irregularly shaped cells arising from the cambium. Differences between the responses of tobacco stem segments to root-knot nematodes and IAA-agar blocks indicate that auxins were not freed from the plant tissue nor secreted by the nematodes. Instead, it is suggested that nematodes enabled the tissue to retain and use endogenous auxins that otherwise would have been transported to the basal ends of the segments.  相似文献   

Pretreatment of excised flower buds at 7–9 °C is shownto be more effective in float culture of Nicotiana tabacum anthersthan pretreatment at 5 °C. The small temperature differenceresults in greatly enhanced embryo yields when the treatmentis given just before (stage 3), during (4) or just after (5)the first pollen division. Anther productivity (total embryoyield per anther) increases with the time of pretreatment toa peak beyond which further pretreatment is deleterious. Thepeak is attained sooner at 9 than at 7 °C and sooner inanthers pretreated at stage 5 than at stage 3. Peak productivityappears always to be the same. Owing to batch variations, accuratepretreatment-times cannot be specified. Suggested mean timesfor buds of mixed stage are about 12–14 days at 7 °Cand about 7–9 days at 9 °C. Anthers dehisce in culture, the time to dehiscence decreasingwith increasing anther stage. Mid-stage-5 anthers open withinthe first few days, sooner with pretreatment at 9 than at 7°C, and high-yielding free pollen cultures can be obtainedwithout mechanical disruption of the anthers. Buds survive longest when harvested at the beginning of theearly flowering period and kept at 7 °C. It is proposedthat the pretreatment exerts its effect not by altering thecourse of the first pollen division, as suggested by others,but by delaying anther deterioration and thus assuring survivalof a greater proportion of the pollen grains switched into embryogenesis. Nicotiana tabacum L., tobacco, anther culture, embryogenesis  相似文献   

Carrington, C. M. S. and Esnard, J. 1988. The elongation responseof watermelon hypocotyls to indole-3-acetic acid: a comparativestudy of excised segments and intact plants.—J. exp. Bot39: 441–450. The auxin-growth response along the hypocotyl of Citrullus lanatus(Thumb.) Mansf. seedlings was studied. In excised segments,promotion of elongation was seen in all zones at the concentrationsof IAA used (10–4–10–2 mol m-3). In intactplants, only the most basal zone showed unequivocal IAA-extensionwhile in the most apical zone elongation was inhibited by auxin.This difference between segments and intact plants for apicalzones suggests a modifying effect of the apex and cotyledonson the growth response. Indeed, removal of the apex and colyledonsonly affected elongation in the zones adjacent to the excisionbut only in buffer-treated plants, not auxin-treated plants.Auxin supplied apically to the intact plant only resulted ina short-lived promotion of elongation whereas basally suppliedauxin gave a longer-lasting effect Zonal differences betweenauxin-promoted growth of excised segments suggests that sensitivityto auxin varies in the hypocotyl. The response of intact plantsto auxin was shown to be more complex than in segments. Thus,responses given by segments are poor indicators of auxin activityin intact plants. Key words: IAA, Citrullus lanatus, growth, plant hormone sensitivity  相似文献   

Evidence was presented to support the hypothesis that long single strands appearing at late times (15 min after infection) are produced as a result of recombination and not as a continuous elongation during the replication process. The production of long strands does not depend on the multiplicity of infection, and the first long strands appear at the time when 20 to 50 phage equivalent units of deoxyribonucleic (DNA) are synthesized, and not earlier. The addition of chloramphenicol at 5 min, which prevents molecular recombination but allows replication of DNA, prevents the formation of long, single strands. Chloramphenicol added between 8 and 10 min after infection, a time at which molecular recombination is fully expressed and covalent repair of recombinant molecules is allowed, does not prevent formation of long single strands. Cutting of single-strand DNA with a limited amount of endonuclease I allows confirmation that the fast-sedimenting characteristic of intracellular denatured DNA is caused primarily by the length of the strands, and not by the formation of aggregates. The computer simulation of two recombination models indicates the feasibility of random breakage and rejoining of molecules in generating long concatenates.  相似文献   

The excised stem-tips of the germinating tubers of Stachys sieboldii Miq. were cultivated under the laboratory condition. As the room temperature decreased, the formation of tubercles on the tips of the explanted stems was observed. The excised tips of the rhizome at its different stages of development, when cultured in vitro, demonstrated variations in tuber formation. When the excised tips were taken from the rhizomes which had just emerged from the base of the aerial shoots, they usually failed to grow. However, existence of normal growth was observed in the cultured excised tips of the rhizomes that had become elongated at which time flowering occurred on the aerial shoot. The tips became swollen as the environmental temperature decreased. In early September, as the process of underground tuberization initiated, cultures taken from the nontuberized tips again grew poorly and usually failed to form tubercles.  相似文献   

Stem Elongation and Cell Wall Proteins in Flowering Plants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract: The growth of stems (hypocotyls, epicotyls) and stem-like organs (coleoptiles) in developing seedlings is largely due to the elongation of cells in the sub-apical region of the corresponding organ. According to the organismal concept of plant development, the thick outer epidermal wall, which can be traced back to the peripheral cell wall of the zygote, creates a sturdy organ sheath that determines the rate of stem elongation. The cells of the inner tissues are the products of secondary partitioning of one large protoplast; these turgid, thin-walled cells provide the driving force for organ growth. The structural differences between these types of cell walls are described (outer walls: thick, sturdy, helicoidal cellulose architecture; inner walls: thin, extensible, transversely-oriented cellulose microfibrils). On the basis of these facts, current models of cell wall loosening (and wall stiffening) are discussed with special reference to the expansin, enzymatic polymer remodelling and osmiophilic particle hypothesis. It is concluded that the exact biochemical mechanism(s) responsible for the coordinated yielding of the growth-controlling peripheral organ wall(s) have not yet been identified.  相似文献   

Studies with stem segments of peas (Pisum sativum L. var. Alaska) suggest that the pH of the medium bathing elongating tissue does not always reflect intramural (cell wall) conditions or that pH is not a controlling factor in elongation. Peeled, green segments, and peeled or nonpeeled etiolated segments appear to regulate the pH of their bathing medium causing it to become acidified with or without the addition of auxin. The growth rates of segments are greatest during a period before acidification is evident and slow during the time in which the medium becomes acidified. We cannot reproduce the dramatic auxin-induced pH shifts reported in the literature because the control segments are becoming more acid also; but there is some evidence that acidification may occur in response to auxin treatments. K+ additions mimic the acidifying tendency of auxin but are without growth-promoting effect. Emergent growth (an extremely rapid burst of growth following anaerobic treatments) is not accompanied by a drop in pH of the bathing medium. Proper aeration of the bathing medium in extracellular pH studies is crucial and may explain differences between our results and other published accounts. The data suggest that the techniques used for most extracellular pH studies may not very closely approximate in vivo conditions or properly reflect intramural H+ concentration fluxes.  相似文献   

Jung GA  Shih SC  Shelton DC 《Plant physiology》1967,42(12):1653-1657
When applications of certain purines and pyrimidines enhanced the development or maintenance of cold hardiness, the content of water-soluble, trichloroacetic acid-precipitable protein and nucleic acids and tissue pH were higher in treated plants than in controls. The reverse was generally true when the treated plants were less cold hardy than the controls. In some instances, the purines and pyrimidines increased the content of these nitrogenous constituents in a nonhardy variety to a level equal to that found in untreated plants of a hardy variety.  相似文献   

The role of ethylene in vegetative bud formation was investigated using transgenic tobacco plants expressing an antisense tomato 1-aminocyclopropane-carboxylic acid synthase (ACS) gene. Northern blot hybridization showed that the accumulation of ACS mRNA was strongly reduced in the bud-forming leaf explants of the transgenic plants. Consequently, these transgenic tissues exhibited low ACS enzyme activity, 1-aminocyclopropane-carboxylic acid (ACC) content and ethylene production, and at the same time the tissue capacity to generate buds was greatly enhanced. However, it was also noted that the antisense ACS gene did not inhibit the endogenous ACS gene expression in intact transgenic tobacco plants. The growth and development of the transgenic tobacco was almost identical to control plants with respect to height, internode number, leaf morphology, and flowering time. Furthermore, mature leaves of transgenic tobacco had similar chlorophyll content, stomatal conductance, photosynthetic ability, and transpiration rates compared to control plants. These results demonstrated that ethylene plays an important role in bud formation in tobacco tissue culture.  相似文献   

A significant depression of callus growth resulted from low concentrations of abscisic acid (ABA) added to the medium recommended by Linsmaier and Skoog. Low concentrations also decreased the chlorogenic acid and lignin content of the callus, and generally decreased amounts of scopolin and scopoletin in the tissue. Gibberellic acid (GA3) stimulated callus growth in a low concentration (0.1 mg/1) and inhibited growth at a high concentration (10.0 mg/1). Both levels of GA3 increased scopoletin accumulation in tobacco callus. A high concentration of GA3 increased the accumulation of scopolin and chlorogenic acids, whereas a low concentration decreased the amounts of these two phenolic compounds. In comparison with the control, lignin synthesis was stimulated by a low GA3 concentration, but a high GA3 concentration did not have a significant effect. Both low and high concentrations of GA3 overcame ABA inhibition of growth and lignin synthesis, and partially reversed ABA inhibition of scopoletin production. However, GA3 did not reverse the inhibitory effect of ABA on scopolin production. The low concentration of GA3 overcame the inhibition of chlorogenic acid production resulting from a 0.01 mg/1 concentration of ABA, but this was the only reversal of chlorogenic acid inhibition resulting from addition of GA3 to the medium.  相似文献   

植物花色形成及其调控机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了植物花色的表现、起源与进化、功能及其调控机制。植物花色主要表现为单色、变色和杂色,是长期进化的结果,主要功能是指示传粉者和保护花器官。花色素主要包括类黄酮、类胡萝卜素和生物碱。花色素的存在及其变化是植物花色表现的化学机制,色素在花瓣中的空间分布及其对光的作用是花色表现的解剖学和光学机制,细胞液pH值、花发育阶段和植物激素是花色表现的植物生理学机制。传粉者、真菌侵染、机械损伤、园艺措施、光、温度、水分、矿质营养和糖等是影响花色的外部因素。花瓣彩斑主要由基因突变或病毒入侵而形成。  相似文献   

植物花色形成及其调控机理   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
综述了植物花色的表现、起源与进化、功能及其调控机制.植物花色主要表现为单色、变色和杂色,是长期进化的结果,主要功能是指示传粉者和保护花器官.花色素主要包括类黄酮、类胡萝卜素和生物碱.花色素的存在及其变化是植物花色表现的化学机制,色素在花瓣中的空间分布及其对光的作用是花色表现的解剖学和光学机制,细胞液pH值、花发育阶段和植物激素是花色表现的植物生理学机制.传粉者、真菌侵染、机械损伤、园艺措施、光、温度、水分、矿质营养和糖等是影响花色的外部因蝌素.花瓣彩斑主要由基因突变或病毒入侵而形成.  相似文献   

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