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In the temperate-zone woody species Salix pentandra elongation growth is regulated by the photoperiod. Long days sustain active growth, whereas short days induce cessation of apical growth, which is a prerequisite for winter hardening. It is shown that this is correlated to quantitative changes in levels of endogenous GA19 GA20, and GA1. Within two short days the amount of the active GA1 and its immediate precursor GA20, decreased markedly in young leaves us well as in stem tissue. Also, the amount of GA19, declined, but the decrease was delayed relative to that of GA1 and GA20. The ability of S. pentandra seedlings to respond to exogenous GA19, decreased with increasing numbers of short days. Observations that support the hypothesis that the level of GA1 in S. pentandra is regulated by the photoperiod in a quantitative mode with conversion of GA19, to GA20, being one target for control.
Different distribution of GAs in various plant parts was observed. The level of GA was higher in young leaves than in other plant parts, and the amount of GA19 was 5–10 times higher in stem tissue than in leaves and roots. The ratios of GA8 to GA1 and GA20, were higher in roots as compared with other parts, as rods contained very low levels of GA1 and GA20, but amounts of GA20 comparable with other parts.  相似文献   

By application of a recently developed method allowing analysis of gibberellins (GAs) in mg amounts of tissue, the effect of photoperiod on levels of GAs in shoot tips of individual seedlings of the woody species Salix pentandra was studied. In elongating long day-grown seedlings, maximum levels of GA1 were found 5–20 mm below the apex, approximately twice the levels in other segments. After exposure of plants to 5 or 15 short days, the levels of GA1 were about 50% lower within this specific region of the stem, as compared with seedlings grown under long days. Short day-induced cessation of shoot elongation also correlated with overall declines in the levels of GA53, GA19, GA20 and GA8, Within each photoperiodic treatment the levels of these GAs were generally relatively similar throughout the upper 35 mm of stems. No differences in internode lengths or in lengths of pith or epidermal cells were found in plants grown under long days compared with those exposed to 5 short days. In both cases, cells in mitosis were observed in the subapical stem tissues of shoot tips. After 15 short days, stem elongation was completed, and dividing cells were generally not found in the subapical part of the stem. However, short day exposure did not prevent elongation of internodes and cells differentiated before the treatment was started. Thus, the localised decrease in level of GA1 in shoot tips under short days precedes the morphological and anatomical changes connected with the short day-induced cessation of elongation growth. This supports the hypothesised role for GA1 in photoperiodic control of shoot elongation in S. pentandra .  相似文献   

The effect of photoperiod on metabolism of 16,17-[3H2]GA19, and 1.2-[3H2]GA1 applied to intact seedlings of Salix pentandra, was investigated. No difference was found in conversion of 16,17-[3H2]GA19 to 16,17-[3H2]GA20, and 16,17-[3H2]GA1, or in metabolism of 1,2-[3H2]GA1 to [3H]GA8 between plants grown in continuous light and plants exposed for 14 days to a 12-h photoperiod. Also, leaf discs from plants grown in long or short days, converted 16,17-[3H2]GA19 both in light and darkness. These data on metabolism of 16,17-[3H2]GA19, contrast with previous results, which have indicated a photoperiodic control of the metabolism of GA19 to GA20 in S. pentandra. Presence of these applied labelled GAs and their metabolites in different parts of seedlings was recorded, after application to intact seedlings as well as to isolated plant parts. When 16,17-[3H2]GA19 was applied through the roots of intact plants, the relative amounts of 16,17-[3H2]GA1 present in leaves and shoot apices were higher than in roots and stems. In corresponding experiments with 1,2-[3H2]GA1, relatively higher amounts of [3H2]GA8 were found in roots and stems than in leaves and shoot apices. Twenty-four hours after application of 16,17-[3H2]GA19 to isolated plant parts, 16,17-[3H2]GA20 and 16,17-[3H2]GA1 were found in leaves and roots, but not in internodes. Incubation of isolated plant parts with 1,2-[3H2]GA1 for 24 h resulted in presence of [3H]GA8 in all parts. The results mentioned above were obtained by monitoring metabolites by HPLC with on-line radio counting. The conversions of 17-[2H2]GA19 to 17-[2H2]GA20 and 17-[2H2]GA1 in shoot apices and whole seedlings, and of 17-[2H2]GA8 in whole seedlings, were confirmed by GC-MS.  相似文献   

Cessation of shoot elongation in seedlings of Salix pentandra L. is induced by short photoperiod. Gibbereliin A9 (GA9) applied either to the apical bud or injected into a mature leaf, induced shoot elongation under a short photoperiod of 12 h, and GA9 could completely substitute for a transfer to a long photoperiod. When [3H]GA9 or [2H2]GA9 was injected into a leaf, no [3H]GA9 was detected in the elongating apex and only traces of [3H]GA9 were found in the shoot above the treated leaf. By the use of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), [2H2]GA20 was identified as the main metabolite of [2H2]GA9 in both the shoot and the treated leaf. In addition, [2H2]GA1 and [2H2]GA29 were also identified as metabolites of [2H2]GA9. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that exogenous GA, promotes shoot elongation in Salix through its metabolism to GA20 and GA,.  相似文献   

Gibberellins GA1, GA8. GA19. GA29. GA20 and GA56 (2-epi-GA8). were identified by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in root extracts of elongating Salix pentandra L. seedlings. The presence of GA8 was also demonstrated for the first time in S. pentandra shoots. The levels of GA1, GA8, GA19, GA20 in shoot tissue and in roots were estimated by selected ion monitoring. While the amounts of GA8 and GA19 were similar in both plant parts. the levels of the biologically active GA1 and its immediate precursor GA20. were found to be much lower in roots than in shoots.  相似文献   

Plants of Lolium temulentum L. cv. Ceres grown under short days (SDs) can be induced to initiate inflorescences either by exposure to one long day (LD) or by single applications of some gibberellins (GAs), which also enhance the flowering response to one LD. Single doses of up to 25 μg per plant of C-16, 17-dihydro-GA5 were about as effective as GA5 for promoting flowering after one LD but inhibited stem elongation by up to 40% over three weeks. The promotion of flowering but not the inhibition of elongation by 16, 17-dihydro-GA5 was reduced in SDs or in LDs low in far-red (FR) radiation. With shoot apices cultured in vitro, 16, 17-dihydro-GA5 was more florigenic than GA3 for apices excised after one LD of 14 h or more, but less florigenic for apices excised from plants in shorter days. 16, 17-Dihydro-GA5 was ineffective compared with GA1, GA3 and GA5 for α-amylase production by half-seeds of Lolium, a response concordant with its effect on stem elongation. As with GA5, 16, 17-dihydro derivatives of GA1, GA3, GA20 and several other GAs were more effective for flowering and less effective for stem elongation than the GAs from which they were derived. Hydroxylation at C-17 and/or C-16 generally reduced the effectiveness of 16, 17-dihydro-GA5 for flowering. These results extend the known features of GA structure which favour flowering relative to stem elongation in L. temulentum. Moreover, C-16, 17-dihydro-GA5 mimics, in its daylength- and wavelength-dependence and lack of stem elongation, characteristics of the LD stimulus in L. temulentum.  相似文献   

Flower bud initiation in seedlings and vegetatively propagated plants of Salix pentandra from different locations has been studied under controlled conditions. In mature plants flower bud formation was induced by 2-chloroethyltrimethylammoniumchloride (CCC) and by short day treatment. The effect of CCC was antagonized by GA3. The critical photoperiod for flower bud formation was about 18 h for a southern clone (from 49°48'N), but cuttings of a northern ecotype (from 69°39'N) formed flower buds even at 24 h photoperiod. Generally, flower bud formation occurred simultaneously with apical growth cessation. However, apical growth cessation was not a prerequisite for floral initiation and flower buds were also found in elongating plants. Seedlings up to 60 days old did not form flower buds in growth chamber studies. The length of the juvenile phase has not been studied in detail, but cuttings taken from seedlings approximately 20 cm high and 60 days old were able to develop flower buds when treated with CCC. A gradual transition from the juvenile to the mature phase was obtained by repeated pruning of seedlings grown at 18°C and 24 h photoperiod.  相似文献   

Effects of gibberellins A1, A4/7, A9, A19 and A20 and growth retardants were studied on shoot elongation in seedlings of Salix pentandra L. The growth-retarding effects of CCC and ancymidol were antagonized by all the gibberellins tested. The novel plant growth regulator prohexadione (free acid of BX-112), which is suggested to block 3β-hydroxylation of gibberellins, effectively prevented shoot elongation in seedlings grown under long photoperiod. Initiation of new leaves was only slightly reduced. GA1, but not GA19 and GA20, was active in overcoming the inhibition of stem elongation of seedlings, treated with prohexadione, GA19, GA20 and GA1 are native in S. pentandra , and the results are compatible with the hypothesis that GA1 is active per se in shoot elongation, and that the effect of GA19 and GA20 is dependent on their conversion to GA1.
A mixture of GA4 and GA7 was as active as GA1 in promoting shoot elongation in seedlings treated with prohexadione, while GA9 showed slight activity only when applied at high doses.  相似文献   

Scions of a southern (59° 40'N Lat.) and a northern (69° 39'N Lat.) ecotype of Salix pentandra L. were grafted on clonal rootstocks of the same ecotypes. Effects of photoperiod on elongation growth of the 4 combinations (south/south, south/north, north/south and north/north) were studied in a phytotron at 18° and 15°C. The photoperiodic response was primarily dependent on the ecotype of the scion, but this response was significantly modified by the rootstock. Cessation of apical growth was advanced by a northern clone and delayed by a southern clone as a rootstock. The results indicate that the critical photoperiod for cessation of apical growth could be slightly decreased by a northern and increased by a southern rootstock.  相似文献   

Gibberellins and photoperiodic control of shoot elongation in Salix   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Effects of exogenous gibberellins GA53, GA44, GA19, GA20 and GA1 on photoperiodically controlled shoot elongation in seedlings of Salix pentandra L. were studied. Gibberellins GA20 and GA1 induced shoot elongation under short days (SD) and could substitute for a transfer to long day (LD), while gibberellins A53, A44 and A19 were inactive. In seedlings exposed to a prolonged SD-treatment (30 days) there was a significant positive interaction between a transfer to LD and a treatment with GA20 and GA1 on shoot elongation. In addition, GA19 enhanced the growth promotive effect of LD in these seedlings. The results are compatible with the suggestion that conversion of GA19 to GA20 is blocked under SD. This effect is supposed to be an early process leading to the cessation of shoot elongation under SD. Responsiveness of the seedlings to LD and to a GA-treatment gradually decreased with an increasing length of exposure to SD.  相似文献   

The influence of photoperiod on the metabolism of GA20 in Salix pentandra was studied by feeding [3H]-GA20 to seedlings which had been grown previously under long day (LD) or short day (SD) conditions. After 48 h in LD or SD, metabolites were separated on sequential, silica gel partition columns and reversed-phase C18 HPLC. The principal metabolite co-chromatographed with [3H]-GA1 and this conversion was confirmed by feeding [2H]-GA20, which was converted to [2H]-GA1 as identified by gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring. Chromatographic evidence also indicated the minor conversion of [3H]-GA20 to [3H]-GA8 (via [3H]-GA1) and trace conversion to [3H]-GA29 (GAs A1.8,20.29 are native in Salix). Ethyl acetate-insoluble [3H] metabolites were formed and could be cleaved by cellulase to release putative [3H]-GA20 and [3H]-GA1 suggesting the conversion to glucosyl conjugates of these GAs. Metabolism of [3H]-GA20 was slightly more rapid in plants previously grown under LD than SD, an effect which reflected the generally increased shoot growth under LD. However, altering the photoperiod after [3H]-GA20 addition had only a slight effect on the metabolism of [3H]-GA20 in Salix seedlings. This indicates that the conversion of GA20 to GA1 is not a controlling step in the photoperiodic regulation of growth cessation in Salix.  相似文献   

Fifteen different gibberellins (GA's) were tested for their ability to induce elongation growth under short day conditions in seedlings of Salix pentandra L. GA's were applied either to the apex or they were injected into a mature leaf. GA3 was highly active and also GA4+7 and GA4 showed high activity. GA1, GA2, GA5, GA9, GA13, GA20, GA36 and GA47 showed moderate activity. GA16, GA17, GA27 and GA41 exhibited low or no activity in doses up to 10 μg per plant. In general, a better growth response was obtained with an application to the apex than with an injection into the leaf.  相似文献   

The physiological response of cowpea ( Vigna sinensis L.) epicotyl explants to far‐red light (FR) and its interaction with gibberellins (GAs) have been investigated. The effect of FR and GA1 varied with the age of the seedlings from which the explants were made: for FR, it decreased progressively with age (though the sensitivity of the epicotyls to FR did not change significantly until at least day 11), whereas it remained essentially constant for applied GA1 between days 5 and 9 after sowing. This indicates that the loss of response to FR may be due to a decrease in endogenous GA levels in the epicotyl. For a range of GA1 and GA20 (0.01–1 µg explant−1), both hormones were more active in FR than in R irradiated epicotyls, suggesting that phytochrome may affect GA sensitivity besides GA metabolism. The location of the epicotyl region most sensitive to FR (between 5 and 20 mm below the apex) was different from that to GAs (the upper 10 mm). Nevertheless, FR extended the region responsive to applied GAs, even in paclobutrazol‐treated epicotyls where elongation was due entirely to exogenous GAs. This means that modulation of epicotyl elongation by phytochrome, that occurs in a zone different from though overlapping with the GA‐sensitive subapical zone, is also mediated by GAs. Growth in the most FR‐sensitive region of the epicotyl stimulated by FR or GA1 was due to cell elongation, and in the most GA‐sensitive region to both cell division and elongation. The effect of FR and GA1 was negated by colchicine, indicating that microtubules may be involved in the response to both factors.  相似文献   

In young plants of Salix pentandra, a temperate zone deciduous woody species, elongation growth ceases and a terminal bud is formed at day lengths shorter than a critical length. This is the first step in dormancy development, making survival under harsh winter conditions possible. Early studies strongly indicate that gibberellin is involved in the photoperiodic control of bud set and bud break. GA1 action was studied by application under short days to plants where cessation of shoot elongation had occurred, followed by subsequent anatomic investigations of shoot tips. Under short days the frequency of cell division decreased rapidly along with the earlier observed decrease in GA1 levels. Application of GA1 to short-day–induced terminal buds rapidly stimulated cell division in apices several days before visible shoot elongation in response to this treatment was observed. One day after GA1 application a fourfold increase in cell division frequency in apices was observed, increasing to a maximum of sevenfold 2 days after application. Long-day treatment leading to induction of bud break after about 4–6 days was followed by slowly increasing frequency of cell divisions. In earlier studies of this species, short days and gibberellins had no effect on cell elongation. These data show that increased GA1 content, by application or long-day treatment, results in increased frequency of mitosis. This strongly indicates that GA1 affects stem elongation in connection with bud set and bud break primarily by affecting cell divisions in subapical tissues. Received February 26, 1999; accepted October 8, 1999  相似文献   

Elongation of internode segments of dwarf pea seedlings excised 4 mm below the plumular hook was stimulated by GA3 but not by GA1 or GA5. However, all three gibberellins induced cell elongation in the region from which this segment was isolated on application to intact seedlings. It is concluded that GA1 and GA5 are converted to a GA3-like hormone. Measurement of epidermal cell elongation in the epicotyl further indicates that GA3 or a GA3-like hormone may be the functional form of the hormone required for cell elongation.  相似文献   

Short photoperiod induces growth cessation in seedlings of Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.] Karst.). Application of different gibberellins (GAS) to seedlings growing under a short photoperiod show that GA9 and GA20 can not induce growth. In contrast application of GA, and GA4 induced shoot elongation. The results indicate that 3β-hydroxylation of GA9 to GA4 and of GA20 to GA1 is under photoperiodic control. To confirm that conclusion, both qualitative and quantitative analyses of endogenous GAs were performed. GA1, GA3, GA4, GA7, GA9, GA12, GA15, GA15, GA20, GA29, GA34 and GA51 were identified by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in shoots of Norway spruce seedlings. The effect of photoperiod on GA levels was determined by using deuterated and 14C-labelled GAs as intermal standards. In short days, the amounts of GA9, GA4 and GA1 are less than in plants grown in continuous light. There is no significant difference in the amounts of GA3, GA12, and GA20 between the different photoperiods. The lack of accumulation of GA9 and GA20 under short days is discussed.  相似文献   

R.K. Misra 《Plant and Soil》1999,206(1):37-46
Information on the growth response of a crop plant in relation to temperature can be helpful in selecting genotypes to suit local environments, scheduling favourable time of planting and forecasting growth and yield. To determine the effects of varying temperature on root and shoot elongation of eucalypt seedlings, elongation rates of roots and shoots were measured in rhizotrons for two species (Eucalyptus nitens (Deane and Maiden) Maiden, and Eucalyptus globulus Labill.) at a temperature range of 5–23 °C. Within this range of temperatures, elongation rates of roots and shoots of both species increased with an increase in temperature. Roots of E. globulus were more sensitive and shoots less sensitive to temperature than those of E. nitens. However, the threshold temperature corresponding with zero elongation rate predicted from the regression of elongation rate against temperature was similar for the roots (∼5 °C) and shoots (∼0 °C) of both species. Hysteresis did not appear to have a significant influence on root or shoot elongation of both species during warming compared with cooling. Results are discussed highlighting the importance of the interaction between development and growth of plant components.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Intraspecific variation in flooding tolerance is the basic pre-condition for adaptive flooding tolerance to evolve, and flooding-induced shoot elongation is an important trait that enables plants to survive shallow, prolonged flooding. Here an investigation was conducted to determine to what extent variation in flooding-induced leaf elongation exists among and within populations of the wetland species Rumex palustris, and whether the magnitude of elongation can be linked to habitat characteristics.


Offspring of eight genotypes collected in each of 12 populations from different sites (ranging from river mudflats with dynamic flooding regimes to areas with stagnant water) were submerged, and petioles, laminas and roots were harvested separately to measure traits related to elongation and plant growth.

Key Results

We found strong elongation of petioles upon submergence, and both among- and within-population variation in this trait, not only in final length, but also in the timing of the elongation response. However, the variation in elongation responses could not be linked to habitat type.


Spatio-temporal variation in the duration and depth of flooding in combination with a presumably weak selection against flooding-induced elongation may have contributed to the maintenance of large genetic variation in flooding-related traits among and within populations.  相似文献   

Rosettes of flooding-resistant Rumex palustris plants show a submergence-induced stimulation of elongation, which is confined to the petioles of young leaves. This response increases the probability of survival. It is induced by ethylene that accumulates in submerged tissues. Flooding-intolerant Rumex acetosella plants do not show this response. We investigated whether differences in shoot elongation between the species, between old and young leaves and between the petiole and leaf blade of a R. palustris plant result from differences in internal ethylene concentration or in sensitivity to the gas. Concentrations of free and conjugated ACC in petioles and leaf blades of R. palustris indicated that ethylene is synthesized throughout the submerged shoot, although production rates varied locally. Nevertheless, no differences in ethylene concentration were found between submerged leaves of various ages. In contrast, dose-response curves showed that only elongation of young petioles of R. palustris was sensitive to ethylene. In R. acetosella, elongation of all leaves was insensitive to ethylene. We conclude that variation in ethylene sensitivity rather than content explains the differences in submergence-induced shoot elongation between the two Rumex species and between leaves of R. palustris.  相似文献   

The effects of differential photoperiodic treatments applied to shoot tips and mature leaves of the long-day (LD) plant Silene armeria L. on growth and flowering responses, and on the levels of endogenous gibberellins (GAs), were investigated. Gibberellins were analyzed by gaschromatography-mass spectrometry and the use of internal standards. Exposure of mature leaves to LD, regardless of the photoperiodic conditions of the shoot tips, short days (SD), LD, or darkness, promoted elongation of the stems and of the immature leaves. Long-day treatment of the mature leaves modified the levels of endogenous GAs in shoot tips kept under LD, SD, or darkness. In shoot tips kept in LD or darkness the levels of GA53 were reduced, whereas the levels of GA19 and GA20 were increased. The contents of GA1 were increased in all three types of shoots: SD twofold, LD fivefold, and darkness eightfold. Dark treatment of the shoot tips on plants of which the mature leaves were grown in SD promoted elongation of the immature etiolated leaves and increased the GA1 content of the shoot tips threefold. However, this treatment did not cause stem elongation. The different photoperiodic treatments applied to the shoot tips did not change the levels of GAs in mature leaves. These results indicate that both LD and dark treatments result in an increase in GA1 in shoot tips. In addition, it is proposed that LD treatment induces the formation of a signal that is transmitted from mature leaves to shoot tips where it enhances the effect of GA on stem elongation.Abbreviations GAn gibberellin An - LD long day(s) - SD short day(s) We thank Dr. L.N. Mander, Australian National University, Canberra, for providing [2H]-gibberellins and Dr. D.A. Gage, MSU-NIH Mass Spectrometry Facility, East Lansing, for advice with mass spectrometry. This work was supported, in part, by a fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture (Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias) to M.T., by the U.S. Department of Energy grant No. DE-FG02-91ER20021, and by the U.S. Department of Agriculture grant No. 88-37261-3434 to J.A.D.Z.  相似文献   

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