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Pálsson S 《Molecular ecology》2000,9(8):1075-1088
Despite large genetic differentiation among neighbouring populations of many freshwater zooplankton species, a macrogeographical homogeneity of allozyme variation is generally observed. A study on breeding systems in Scandinavian populations of Daphnia pulex suggested a latitudinally related cline in breeding system with both diploid cyclic parthenogens and diploid obligate parthenogens at the latitude of 60-61 degrees N. Variation at neutral markers may be more affected by selection at linked loci in such species than in strictly sexual species. In this paper I present a study of variation at five microsatellite loci in a total of 34 populations from small ponds and rockpools on both sides of the Baltic Sea at 60-61 degrees N. Two major groups, which may represent different species of the D. pulex complex, are defined with the microsatellites. Neighbouring populations show both similar and well differentiated genetic composition. Populations separated by larger geographical distances show only a large differentiation and a macrogeographic pattern. The large differentiation observed at small distances can be explained with small effective population size: variation at the microsatellite loci has been shaped by population bottlenecks followed with expansion in size, and possibly by selection. No conclusive evidence is found for obligative parthenogenesis.  相似文献   

The study of species complexes is of particular interest to understand how evolutionary young species maintain genomic integrity. The Daphnia pulex complex has been intensively studied as it includes species that dominate freshwater environments in the Northern hemisphere and as it is the sole North American complex that shows transitions to obligate parthenogenesis. Past studies using mitochondrial markers have revealed the presence of 10 distinct lineages in the complex. This study is the first to examine genetic relationships among seven species of the complex at nuclear markers (nine microsatellite loci and one protein-coding gene). Clones belonging to the seven species of the Daphnia pulex complex were characterized at the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase (ND5) gene and at the Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) locus. K-means, principal coordinate analyses and phylogenetic network analyses on the microsatellite data all separated European D. pulicaria, D. tenebrosa, North American D. pulex, D. pulicaria and their hybrids into distinct clusters. The hybrid cluster was composed of diploid and polyploid hybrids with D. pulex mitochondria and some clones with D. pulicaria mitochondria. By contrast, the phylogeny of the D. pulex complex using Rab4 was not well resolved but still showed clusters consisting mostly of D. pulex alleles and others of D. pulicaria alleles. Incomplete lineage sorting and hybridization may obscure genetic relationships at this locus. This study shows that hybridization and introgression have played an important role in the evolution of this complex.  相似文献   

We investigated genetic variation in asexual polyploid members of the water flea Daphnia pulex complex from a set of 12 Bolivian high-altitude lakes. We used nuclear microsatellite markers to study genetic relationships among all encountered multilocus genotypes, and combined this with a phylogenetic approach using DNA sequence data of three mitochondrial genes. Analyses of mitochondrial gene sequence divergence showed the presence of three very distinct clades that likely represent cryptic undescribed species. Our phylogenetic results suggest that the Daphnia pulicaria group, a complex of predominantly North American species that has diversified rapidly since the Pleistocene, has its origin in South America, as specific tests of topology indicated that all three South American lineages are ancestral to the North American members of this species group. A comparison between variation of nuclear and mitochondrial markers revealed that closely related polyploid nuclear genotypes sometimes belonged to very divergent mitochondrial lineages, while distantly related nuclear genotypes often belonged to the same mitochondrial lineage. This discrepancy suggests that these South American water fleas originated through reciprocal hybridization between different endemic, sexually reproducing parental lineages. It is also likely that polyploidy of the investigated lineages resulted from this hybridization. Nevertheless, no putative diploid parental lineages were found in the studied region.  相似文献   

The leaf beetle genus Calligrapha is one of the few examples of animals with several obligate unisexual, female‐only species. Previous work showed that each one arose independently from interspecific hybridization events involving different species. However, all of them clustered in a single mtDNA clade together with some individuals of the parental bisexual species, which appeared as deeply polyphyletic in the mtDNA genealogy of the genus. The dating of these splits using a molecular clock placed them in the Quaternary and it was hypothesized that climatic change during this period may have favored range expansions and secondary contacts required for hybridization. In this work, we test this hypothesis and the origins of unisexuality in Calligrapha examining the diversity of mitochondrial (cox1) and nuclear (wingless, Wg) genes and the Bayesian continuous mtDNA phylogeography of a sample of more than 500 specimens of two bisexual species of Calligrapha at a continental scale and two unisexual species derived from them. Besides a major topological difference, whereby each bisexual species is monophyletic for Wg but paraphyletic for cox1, both gene datasets are consistent with a minimum of seven evolutionary lineages, coherent with geography and consistent with an ordered expansion to occupy their current ranges. The results also imply their survival in well‐established glacial refuges during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Thus, for bisexual C. multipunctata there are two main, southern and northern lineages. The southern lineage expanded its range in two evolutionary branches, to the Rocky Mountains and to the northern Mississippi and Ohio River basins, respectively. The northern lineage has one branch in the Upper Mississippi and one that expanded west to the Pacific Northwest and east to the northeastern North Atlantic, finding refuge in both areas. These major lineages are parapatric in the Northern Great Plains, an area consistent with them having found refuge in the so‐called Driftless region during the LGM. For bisexual C. philadelphica, one northern lineage expanded west from the northern Appalachians and one east and southwest along the axis of the Appalachians, and the timing of events is consistent with their persistence in glacial refugia at both sides of the main Great Lakes lobe of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. There is evidence that the northeastern North Atlantic lineages of both species hybridized at the edge of their ranges after the LGM. The additional, divergent mtDNA lineage of these species shows evidence of range expansions of two lineages, one for each species, in an area south of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, and giving origin to the unisexual species by way of hybridization with other species in the Alleghanian region after the LGM. Interestingly, the individuals of supposedly bisexual species in this clade are all females. This suggests that unisexuality actually predates the origin of unisexual taxa in this system and that some bisexual species in Calligrapha may be species complexes instead, with cryptic species differing in their reproductive mode.  相似文献   

1. Laboratory populations of cloned Daphnia pulex at three population phases (growing phase, density peak, declining phase) were exposed to the insecticide carbaryl at 15 μg L?1, which killed juveniles but not adults. 2. The population decline was largest and recovery was slowest when the chemical was applied at the density peak, indicating that the population was most sensitive to the chemical at that stage. Populations in the declining phase were least affected by the treatment. 3. We propose that food condition, which varies with population density, was a major factor affecting vulnerability to carbaryl. In that case, Daphnia populations in lakes would be most vulnerable to toxic chemicals during food‐limited condition such as the spring clear‐water phase.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms leading to asexuality remain little understood despite their substantial bearing on why sexual reproduction is dominant in nature. Here, we examine the role of hybridization in the origin and spread of obligate asexuality in Daphnia pulex, arguably the best‐documented case of contagious asexuality. Obligately parthenogenetic (OP) clones of D. pulex have traditionally been separated into ‘hybrid’ (Ldh SF) and ‘nonhybrid’ (Ldh SS) forms because the lactase dehydrogenase (Ldh) locus distinguishes the cyclically parthenogenetic (CP) lake dwelling Daphnia pulicaria (Ldh FF) from its ephemeral pond dwelling sister species D. pulex (Ldh SS). The results of our population genetic analyses based on microsatellite loci suggest that both Ldh SS and SF OP individuals can originate from the crossing of CP female F1 (D. pulex × D. pulicaria) and backcross with males from OP lineages carrying genes that suppress meiosis specifically in female offspring. In previous studies, a suite of diagnostic markers was found to be associated with OP in Ldh SS D. pulex lineages. Our association mapping supports a similar genetic mechanism for the spread of obligate parthenogenesis in Ldh SF OP individuals. Interestingly, our study shows that CP D. pulicaria carry many of the diagnostic microsatellite alleles associated with obligate parthenogenesis. We argue that the assemblage of mutations that suppress meiosis and underlie obligate parthenogenesis in D. pulex originated due to a unique historical hybridization and introgression event between D. pulex and D. pulicaria.  相似文献   

C Cunha  I Doadrio  J Abrantes  M M Coelho 《Heredity》2011,106(1):100-112
Understanding the population structure, population dynamics and processes that give rise to polyploidy and helps to maintain it is central to our knowledge of the evolution of asexual vertebrates. Previous studies revealed high genetic diversity and several reproductive pathways in the southern populations of the Squalius alburnoides hybrid complex. In contrast, lower genetic variability and the associated limited chance of introducing new genetic combinations may threaten the survival of the northern Mondego populations. We analysed the genetic diversity and structure of nine populations of S. alburnoides in the Iberian Peninsula using microsatellite loci to provide further insights on the evolutionary history of this complex. Special attention was given to the less-studied northern populations (Mondego and Douro basins). Marked population structure, a high frequency of private alleles and a high diversity of some biotypes in the Douro basin indicate that some northern populations may not be at high risk of extinction, contrary to what was expected. The genetic diversity found in the northern Douro populations contradicts the general trend of remarkable genetic impoverishment northwards that occurs in other species and regions. The results indicate the possible existence of a glacial refugium in the Rabaçal River, corroborating findings in other species of this region. Historical events seem to have affected the geographical patterns of genetic variability found among and within the northern and southern populations of this complex and contributed to different patterns of genome composition. Therefore, historical events might have a major role in the long-term persistence of some polyploid hybrid taxa.  相似文献   

Larsson  Petter 《Hydrobiologia》1997,360(1-3):143-152
The distribution of the planktonic crustacean Daphnia pulex was tested in a ring-formedflow-through chamber divided into eleven sections. Thedistribution of the animals under both homogeneousfood conditions and in a food gradient were studied.The distribution of repeated registrations of singleanimals was randomly distributed in a homogeneous,low food environment. Single daphnids exposed to afood gradient tended to reside during 88% of the timeat the highest or next highest food concentration,suggesting that daphnids can detect food gradients.When a group of approximately 100 co-occurring animalswere given low homogeneous food conditions, they alsotended to be randomly distributed. In one out of threecases, however, they were slightly less aggregatedthan expected from a random distribution. Exposed toa food gradient (0.5–0.0015 mg C l-1), thedistribution of the daphnids approximated the idealfree distribution. A very high maximum density in thefood gradient (2 mg C l-1) resulted in less strongaggregations than expected from the ideal freedistribution.  相似文献   

本文通过对西藏湖泊长刺溞复合种(Daphnia longispina complex)中分布最广的3个物种, 即长刺溞(D. longispina)、盔形溞(D. galeata)和颈齿溞(D. dentifera)线粒体COI基因序列以及GenBank中欧洲的长刺溞、加拿大的颈齿溞和我国东部低海拔地区的盔型溞COI基因序列的比较分析, 研究了西藏湖泊长刺溞复合种的系统进化关系, 发现西藏地区的盔型溞、颈齿溞和长刺溞均已出现较大分化。颈齿溞种群内遗传差异度为0.33-2.32%, 盔型溞为0.33-2.74%, 长刺溞的遗传差异度最高, 为1.31-5.50%。基于COI基因序列构建的最大似然树和贝叶斯系统树均表明, 长刺溞复合种由3个进化分支组成, 分别对应长刺溞、盔型溞和颈齿溞, 三者之间的遗传差异度为9.40-16.98%(Kimura 2-parameter双参数模型)。基于COI基因单倍型(haplotype)所构建的网络关系也支持上述3个分支的存在。早期记录虽然显示长刺溞在我国分布较广, 但本次调查只在班公错有发现, 相比之下, 盔形溞和颈齿溞则分布更广。我们的研究表明, 由于形态学鉴定上的局限性, 早期的长刺溞记录很可能混杂了容易引起混淆的盔型溞或颈齿溞。  相似文献   

The majority of tetraploid peonies are allopolyploids derived from crosses between phylogenetically distinct diploid lineages. Tetraploid Paeonia obovata was previously considered to be an autopolyploid because it is morphologically indistinguishable from the diploid of the same species. The presence of the Adh2 gene in tetraploid P. obovata but the inability to amplify the Adh2 gene from Chinese diploids of P. obovata, however, suggests that the tetraploid was not an autotetraploid derivative of the geographically adjacent diploid populations in China. The Adh gene phylogenies rather suggest that the tetraploid originated from crosses between two geographical races of diploid P. obovata distributed in China and Japan. The intermediate status of tetraploid P. obovata between auto‐ and allopolyploidy highlights the need for population genetic analyses of polyploid origins along the continuous range of genomic divergence. Here we present a model that describes the probabilities of polyploid formation and establishment as a function of genomic divergence between diploid progenitors. The probability of polyploid formation (Pf) is obtained from the multiplication of the probability of production of unreduced gametes (Pg) and the probability of ‘hybridization’ (Ph). Pf stays relatively stable when the genomic divergence is low, and then decreases progressively rapidly with the increase of genomic divergence between diploid progenitors. The probability of polyploid establishment (Pe), which depends on the rate of appearance of stable beneficial gene combinations and the rate of fertility restoration, is positively correlated with the genomic divergence of diploid parents. Multiplication of Pf and Pe gives an overall probability of polyploid origins (Po) that varies continuously along the genomic divergence between diploid progenitors. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 82 , 561–571.  相似文献   

Introgression of mtDNA appears common in animals, but the implications of acquiring a novel mitochondrial genome are not well known. This study investigates mito‐genome introgression between the lizard species Urosaurus graciosus, a thermal specialist, and U. ornatus, a species that occupies a wider range of thermal environments. As ectotherms, their metabolic rate is strongly influenced by the thermal environment; with mitochondria being linked to metabolic rates, overall energy budgets could be impacted by introgression. I use mitochondrial gene trees, inferred from Bayesian analyses of Cyt‐B and ND1 gene sequences, along with morphology and microsatellites from nineteen populations of these two species to address if the direction and location of mito‐nuclear discordance match predictions of introgression resulting from past population expansions. MtDNA is expected to move from resident species into expanding or invading species. Second, does having a heterospecific form of mitochondria impact body size, a trait strongly associated with fitness? Multiple independent introgression events of historic origin were detected. All introgression was unidirectional with U. ornatus‐type mtDNA found in U. graciosus parental type individuals. This result was consistent with population expansions detected in U. graciosus but not U. ornatus. Females with heterospecific mtDNA were significantly smaller than homospecific forms, and heterospecific males had a different relationship of body mass to body length than those with homospecific mtDNA. These changes indicate a potential selective disadvantage for individuals with heterospecific mitochondria and are consistent with the theoretical expectation that deleterious alleles are more likely to persist in expanding populations.  相似文献   

A. F. Sell 《Oecologia》2000,125(1):150-160
The presence of plankton predators may induce altered morphology in their potential prey. To date, the mechanism of induction and adaptive value of such defensive responses have been examined in the laboratory. This study investigated the morphological defense structures induced by the invertebrate predator Chaoborus in two coexisting Daphnia species, D. pulex and D. rosea, in the field. In Piscivore Lake (Gr?fenhain, Germany), continuous and intense biomanipulation had led to near elimination of planktivorous fish and greatly increased abundances of Chaoborus (up to >10 larvae l–1). Here, the density of Chaoborus was manipulated within the lake by an enclosure/exclosure setup and resulting morphological responses of Daphnia spp. were investigated in situ. Three replicate enclosures (4.6 m3) contained no Chaoborus (predator exclusion bags), whereas Chaoborus entered three others at ambient densities (predator enclosures). In both species of Daphnia, formation of neckteeth and elongation of the tail spine were recorded in the predator enclosures, but not in the predator exclusion treatments. Additionally, D. rosea responded to predator inclusion with an increase of the size at first reproduction. Despite the induced defense structures, the presence of Chaoborus caused increased mortality of both Daphnia species. In addition, Chaoborus affected the coexistence of the two populations of Daphnia by causing higher relative mortality in D. rosea. Neckteeth formation was always more pronounced in D. pulex than in D. rosea of the same size. Neckteeth were induced specifically in vulnerably sized juvenile instars of D. pulex, but were not found in all vulnerable instars of D. rosea. In D. rosea, neckteeth were few or absent in the ephippial hatchlings, and neckteeth formation ceased before juveniles reached a body size outside the range that larger larval stages of Chaoborus could ingest. This study provides the first experimental demonstration in the field of the inducibility of morphological defense structures in Daphnia at ambient densities of Chaoborus larvae, and quantifies these in situ responses. This expands on earlier observations of a correlation between predator density in the field and the expression of neckteeth in Daphnia. The term ”maximum size for neckteeth formation” (MSNF) is defined as the limit in body size above which no production of neckteeth was evident. This limit was used to distinguish the size classes of Daphnia that show a sensitive response to Chaoborus kairomone. This new term may be used for further comparisons among species and among different types of predator-induced responses as well as for the evaluation of the adaptive value of defense structures. Received: 10 April 1999 / Accepted: 6 April 2000  相似文献   

We analysed 131 common impala (Aepyceros melampus melampus) samples from two provinces in South Africa (Limpopo and KwaZulu‐Natal) that are separated by the Drakensberg Mountain Range using sequences of the mitochondrial control region and seven polymorphic nuclear microsatellite loci. In line with earlier studies on bovid species, we found very high values of genetic diversity, particularly at the mtDNA locus with an overall nucleotide diversity of 3.6% and an overall haplotype diversity of 0.98. All statistical approaches confirmed a significant population differentiation between Limpopo and KwaZulu‐Natal, suggesting that areas of unsuitable habitat caused by the presence of the Drakensberg Range and the Indian Ocean coastal belt act as a barrier to gene flow. Only few individuals with signs of admixed origin were indicative of translocations or rare migration between the two provinces. Combination of our mtDNA data set with those of previous studies on impala from south‐western, southern and eastern Africa revealed the highest diversity in South Africa. This is in line with the hypothesis of a southern glacial refuge from which various African ungulate species spread northeast during the Holocene, although in the case of impala further analyses based on larger data sets will be necessary to definitively settle this question.  相似文献   

Only a few species belonging to the Proseriata (Platyhelminthes) show a parenchymatic pigmentation, which may aid identification. Among these, Pseudomonocelis agilis has a yellowish body and is provided with a reddish–brown girdle in front of the statocyst. The species is known for limited areas of northern Europe and the Mediterranean. The present study was conducted to assess both the taxonomic status of populations attributed to the species across the unusually wide range for an interstitial flatworm, which lacks an obvious means of dispersal, and the levels of genetic variability within and among populations, by employing an integrative approach that included the analyses, on six populations, of three molecular markers (small subunit ribosomal 18S‐like gene, inter‐simple sequence repeat, allozymes), karyotypes, and 11 morphological characters. Furthermore, crossbreeding experiments were carried out on the Mediterranean populations. The results obtained revealed the existence of four highly divergent genotypic clusters, accompanied by karyological differences, with complete intersterility among the clusters tested. The combination of approaches adopted strongly supports the conclusion that the wide‐ranging European pigmented species P. agilis is actually composed of four species: P. agilis in the Baltic area; Pseudomonocelis cetinae in the Adriatic; and Pseudomonocelis sp. nov. A and Pseudomonocelis sp. nov. B in the western and eastern Mediterranean, respectively. The latter two species are morphologically indistinguishable for the parameters essayed. Reconstruction of the phylogenetic relationships of these taxa, including congeneric and consubfamilial outgroups, showed that pigmentation is a plesiomorphic condition for the genus Pseudomonocelis and that Pseudomonocelis sp. nov. A shares a previously undetected, sister‐group relationship with species of the unpigmented P. ophiocephala complex. The present study thus depicts complex speciation processes in a mesopsammic species, which involves allopatric divergence operating on different scales and ecological shifts, and highlights that the contribution of microturbellarians to marine biodiversity may be seriously underestimated. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 907–922.  相似文献   

The relative homogeneity of pelagic environments has been regarded as the reason for the absence of hybrid zones for hybridizing planktonic Daphnia (Crustacea: Cladocera); occasional dominance of interspecific hybrids over parental species was explained by their temporal superiority in fluctuating environments. However, water bodies with spatially varying environmental conditions might facilitate the formation of hybrid zones in plankton. We studied the distribution of species and hybrids of the Daphnia longispina complex in 11 canyon-shaped reservoirs, localities characterized by horizontal environmental gradients (particularly of food supply and size-selective predation); we also analysed patterns of carapace size and fecundity among coexisting taxa. Spatial distribution of taxa agreed with their ecological characteristics; those showing different affinities along longitudinal reservoir profiles differed in size according to the presumed fish predation gradient. Only hybrids of Daphnia galeata with Daphnia cucullata and D. longispina (=hyalina) were recorded. The latter two species preferred opposite ends of gradients, such spatial segregation probably explaining the absence of their hybrids. Distributional patterns were relatively stable in two consecutive summers, apart from a substantial decline of D. galeata X cucullata in the second year. The observed pattern of a hybrid-dominated zone in intermediate conditions suggests that local Daphnia hybrid zones may indeed form within reservoirs.  相似文献   

  • 1 Taxonomic issues in many Daphnia species complexes are often confused by a high degree of phenotypic plasticity and by interspecific hybridisation. Here, we employ molecular genetic tools to confirm the species composition and incidence of hybridisation in extant and resting egg populations of Daphnia from Windermere and Esthwaite Water in the English Lake District.
  • 2 A combination of species‐diagnostic allozymes and mtDNA, confirms that contemporary populations are dominated by a single species, D. galeata.
  • 3 We present the first account of genetic characterisation of dated ‘resting’ eggs using microsatellites and mtDNA, employing PCR‐based DNA recovery, thus providing a temporal dimension to taxonomic patterns. Thirty years ago, two species were present in Esthwaite, D. galeata and D. hyalina, but Windermere populations were dominated by D. galeata only.
  • 4 The use of PCR‐based mtDNA RFLP analysis as a species‐diagnostic tool, and microsatellites to monitor clonal diversity, provide a valuable approach for long‐term studies, especially in populations free from the complicating effect of frequent hybridisation. The detailed limnological records available for many large lakes, and associated changes in land‐use, pollutants and climate, combined with long‐term ephippial molecular genetic data, provide opportunities for exploring natural and anthropogenic impacts on genetic and community structure.

Recent data revealed that metazoans such as mites and springtails have persisted in Antarctica throughout several glacial–interglacial cycles, which contradicts the existing paradigm that terrestrial life was wiped out by successive glacial events and that the current inhabitants are recent colonizers. We used molecular phylogenetic techniques to study Antarctic microchlorophyte strains isolated from lacustrine habitats from maritime and continental Antarctica. The 14 distinct chlorophycean and trebouxiophycean lineages observed point to a wide phylogenetic diversity of apparently endemic Antarctic lineages at different taxonomic levels. This supports the hypothesis that long-term survival took place in glacial refugia, resulting in a specific Antarctic flora. The majority of the lineages have estimated ages between 17 and 84 Ma and probably diverged from their closest relatives around the time of the opening of Drake Passage (30–45 Ma), while some lineages with longer branch lengths have estimated ages that precede the break-up of Gondwana. The variation in branch length and estimated age points to several independent but rare colonization events.  相似文献   

New Zealand's South Island houses a flock of closely related stream-resident fish taxa (Galaxias vulgaris sensu lato), including a number of species recently described on the basis of subtle morphological differences. The taxonomic status of some members of the species complex remains uncertain. This study examines the degree of reproductive isolation between recently recognized morphotypes from Southland (G. 'southern', flatheads; G. gollumoides, roundheads) which co-occur in Bushy Creek, a tributary of the Mataura R. Although these morphotypes are broadly sympatric in Southland and Stewart Island, Bushy Creek is their only documented zone of contact. Molecular (microsatellite, isozyme and mtDNA markers) and morphological analyses of 139 fish samples across a 500-m transect (seven stations) reveal a cline from predominantly G. 'southern' (N=85) to predominantly G. gollumoides (JV=54), corresponding with a gradual increase in stream gradient. Multivariate analyses of genotypic and morphological data independently reveal distinct clusters that are completely congruent with mtDNA type, suggesting an absence of mtDNA introgression. Our data support the separate species status of G. 'southern' and G. gollumoides under both biological and phylogenetic species concepts. We suggest that the speciation of these taxa occurred in allopatry through independent losses of diadromy, with sympatry resulting from secondary contact.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the importance of vicariance in shaping the north‐west European land snail fauna. Location North‐west Europe. Methods We tested whether there is a non‐random congruence, i.e. a clustering of species ranges, using a Monte Carlo procedure with a null model that generates range data sets such that their range size distribution, the species richness distribution of the geographic cells and the spatial autocorrelation of the occurrences of a taxon approach the parameters in the real data set. Biotic elements, groups of species with similar ranges, were delimited with Model based Gaussian clustering. The prediction that closely related species belong to different biotic elements, has been tested with a chi‐square test. Results The distribution areas of the north‐west European land snail species are significantly clustered as predicted by the vicariance model. One widespread and seven regional biotic elements were identified. Contrary to the predictions of the vicariance model, closely related north‐west European land snail species belong significantly more often to the same biotic element than should be expected by chance. Main conclusions The clustering of closely related north‐west European land snail species within the same biotic element indicates that speciation modes other than vicariance were frequent or that the imprint of vicariance on the ranges was obscured by extensive post‐speciational dispersal. Extensive dispersal may have been caused by Pleistocene climatic fluctuations. The core areas of the regionally restricted biotic elements might indicate the positions of glacial refugia of land snails.  相似文献   

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