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The use of mushroom extracts has been common practice in traditional medicine for centuries, including the treatment of cancer. Proteins called hydrophobins are very abundant in mushrooms. Here, it was examined whether they have antitumor activity. Hydrophobin SC3 of Schizophyllum commune was injected daily intraperitoneally starting 1 day after tumor induction in two tumor mouse models (sarcoma and melanoma). SC3 reduced the size and weight of the melanoma significantly, but the sarcoma seemed not affected. However, microscopic analysis of the tumors 12 days after induction revealed a strong antitumor effect of SC3 on both tumors. The mitotic activity of the tumor decreased 1.6- (melanoma) to 2.3-fold (sarcoma), while the vital mass decreased 2.3- (melanoma) to 4.3-fold (sarcoma) compared to the control. Treatment did not cause any signs of toxicity. Behavior, animal growth, and weight of organs were similar to animals injected with vehicle, and no histological abnormalities were found in the organs. In vitro cell culture studies revealed no direct cytotoxic effect of SC3 towards sarcoma cells, while cytotoxic activity was observed towards melanoma cells at a high SC3 concentration. Daily treatment with SC3 did not result in detectable levels of anti-SC3 antibodies in the plasma. Instead, a cellular immune response was observed. Incubation of spleen cells with SC3 resulted in a 1.5- to 2.5-fold increase in interleukin-10 and TNF-α mRNA levels. In conclusion, the nontoxic fungal hydrophobin SC3 showed tumor-suppressive activity possibly via immunomodulation and may be of benefit as adjuvant in combination with chemotherapy and radiation.  相似文献   

The hydrophobin SC3p of Schizophyllum commune self-assembles into a 10-nm-thick amphipathic membrane at hydrophilic-hydrophobic interfaces. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of the hydrophobic membrane side of SC3p, assembled in vitro, showed an atomic composition similar to the calculated composition of SC3p when glycosylation was taken into account. The atomic composition measured at the hydrophilic membrane side deviated from that at the hydrophobic side and indicated the presence of a lower number of peptide bonds. High levels of S and N were detected only on mycelia carrying hydrophobic aerial hyphae, as expected with assembled SC3p present at the surface of these hyphae.  相似文献   

The fungal class I hydrophobin SC3 self-assembles into an amphipathic membrane at hydrophilic-hydrophobic interfaces such as the water-air and water-Teflon interface. During self-assembly, the water-soluble state of SC3 proceeds via the intermediate alpha-helical state to the stable end form called the beta-sheet state. Self-assembly of the hydrophobin at the Teflon surface is arrested in the alpha-helical state. The beta-sheet state can be induced at elevated temperature in the presence of detergent. The structural changes of SC3 were monitored by various mass spectrometry techniques. We show that the so-called second loop of SC3 (C39-S72) has a high affinity for Teflon. Binding of this part of SC3 to Teflon was accompanied by the formation of alpha-helical structure and resulted in low solvent accessibility. The solvent-protected region of the second loop extended upon conversion to the beta-sheet state. In contrast, the C-terminal part of SC3 became more exposed to the solvent. The results indicate that the second loop of class I hydrophobins plays a pivotal role in self-assembly at the hydrophilic-hydrophobic interface. Of interest, this loop is much smaller in case of class II hydrophobins, which may explain the differences in their assembly.  相似文献   

Hydrophobins self assemble into amphipathic films at hydrophobic-hydrophilic interfaces. These proteins are involved in a broad range of processes in fungal development. We have studied the conformational changes that accompany the self-assembly of the hydrophobin SC3 with polarization-modulation infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy, attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and circular dichroism, and related them to changes in morphology as observed by electron microcopy. Three states of SC3 have been spectroscopically identified previously as follows: the monomeric state, the alpha-helical state that is formed upon binding to a hydrophobic solid, and the beta-sheet state, which is formed at the air-water interface. Here, we show that the formation of the beta-sheet state of SC3 proceeds via two intermediates. The first intermediate has an infrared spectrum indistinguishable from that of the alpha-helical state of SC3. The second intermediate is rich in beta-sheet structure and has a featureless appearance under the electron microscope. The end state has the same secondary structure, but is characterized by the familiar 10-nm-wide rodlets.  相似文献   

Fan H  Wang X  Zhu J  Robillard GT  Mark AE 《Proteins》2006,64(4):863-873
Hydrophobins are small ( approximately 100 aa) proteins that have an important role in the growth and development of mycelial fungi. They are surface active and, after secretion by the fungi, self-assemble into amphipathic membranes at hydrophobic/hydrophilic interfaces, reversing the hydrophobicity of the surface. In this study, molecular dynamics simulation techniques have been used to model the process by which a specific class I hydrophobin, SC3, binds to a range of hydrophobic/hydrophilic interfaces. The structure of SC3 used in this investigation was modeled based on the crystal structure of the class II hydrophobin HFBII using the assumption that the disulfide pairings of the eight conserved cysteine residues are maintained. The proposed model for SC3 in aqueous solution is compact and globular containing primarily beta-strand and coil structures. The behavior of this model of SC3 was investigated at an air/water, an oil/water, and a hydrophobic solid/water interface. It was found that SC3 preferentially binds to the interfaces via the loop region between the third and fourth cysteine residues and that binding is associated with an increase in alpha-helix formation in qualitative agreement with experiment. Based on a combination of the available experiment data and the current simulation studies, we propose a possible model for SC3 self-assembly on a hydrophobic solid/water interface.  相似文献   

Hydrophobins are fungal proteins that self-assemble at hydrophilic/hydrophobic interfaces into amphipathic membranes. These assemblages are extremely stable and posses the remarkable ability to invert the polarity of the surface on which they are adsorbed. Neither the three-dimensional structure of a hydrophobin nor the mechanism by which they function is known. Nevertheless, there are experimental indications that the self-assembled form of the hydrophobins SC3 and EAS at a water/air interface is rich with beta-sheet secondary structure. In this paper we report results from molecular dynamics simulations, showing that fully extended SC3 undergoes fast (approximately 100 ns) folding at a water/hexane interface to an elongated planar structure with extensive beta-sheet secondary elements. Simulations in each of the bulk solvents result in a mainly unstructured globular protein. The dramatic enhancement in secondary structure, whether kinetic or thermodynamic in origin, highlights the role interfaces between phases with large differences in polarity can have on folding. The partitioning of the residue side-chains to one of the two phases can serve as a strong driving force to initiate secondary structure formation. The interactions of the side-chains with the environment at an interface can also stabilize configurations that otherwise would not occur in a homogenous solution.  相似文献   

The hydrophobin SC3 belongs to a class of small proteins functioning in the growth and development of fungi. Its unique amphipathic property and remarkable surface activity make it interesting not only for biological studies but also for medical and industrial applications. Biophysical studies have revealed that SC3 possesses at least three distinct conformations, named "soluble-state SC3" for the protein in solution, and "alpha-helical-state SC3" and "beta-sheet-state SC3" for the different states of the protein associated at a hydrophobic-water interface. The present fluorescence study shows that the microenvironment of the dansyl-labeled N terminus of soluble-state SC3 is relatively hydrophobic, whereas it is hydrophilic for alpha-helical-state and beta-sheet-state SC3. Fluorescence collisional quenching indicates that the N terminus of soluble-state SC3 is more solvent-accessible than those of alpha-helical-state and beta-sheet-state SC3, with Stern-Volmer constants for acrylamide of 4.63, 0.02, and 0.2 M(-1) for the different states, respectively. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements show that soluble-state SC3 tends to associate in solution but dissociates in TFA. Fluorescence energy transfer was eliminated by conversion of soluble-state SC3 to alpha-helical-state SC3 on a hydrophobic surface, indicating a spatial separation of the molecules in this state. By inducing the beta-sheet state, structural changes were observed, both by CD and by fluorescence, that could be fit to two exponentials with lifetimes of about 10 min and 4 h. Molecules in the beta-sheet state also underwent a slow change in spatial proximity on the hydrophobic surface, as revealed by the reappearance of fluorescence resonance energy transfer in time.  相似文献   

Hydrophobin SC3 is a protein with special self-association properties that differ depending on whether it is in solution, on an air/water interface or on a solid surface. Its self-association on an air/water interface and solid surface have been extensively characterized. The current study focuses on its self-association in water because this is the starting point for the other two association processes. Size-exclusion chromatography was used to fractionate soluble-state SC3. Real-time multiangular light scattering detection of the eluate indicated that SC3 mainly exists as a dimer in buffer, accompanied with a small amount of monomer, tetramer, and larger aggregates. Dimeric SC3 has very likely an elongated shape, as indicated by the hydrodynamic radius determined by using dynamic light scattering (DLS) and fluorescence anisotropy measurements on dansyl-labeled SC3. Size-exclusion chromatography experiments also indicated that the protein oligomerizes very slowly at low temperature (4 degrees C) but rather rapidly at room temperature. Ionic strength plays an important role in the oligomerization; a short-lived monomeric SC3 species could be observed in pure water. Oligomerization was not affected by low pH but was accelerated by high pH. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer showed that dissociation occurred when the protein concentration was lowered; a large population of oligomers, presumably dimers, dissociate when the protein concentration is <4.5 microg/mL. This value is similar to the critical concentration for SC3 self-assembly. Therefore, dimeric SC3 is indicated to be the building block for both aggregation in solution and self-assembly at hydrophobic/hydrophilic interfaces.  相似文献   

Hydrophobins function in fungal development by self-assembly at hydrophobic-hydrophilic interfaces such as the interface between the fungal cell wall and the air or a hydrophobic solid. These proteins contain eight conserved cysteine residues that form four disulfide bonds. To study the effect of the disulfide bridges on the self-assembly, the disulfides of the SC3 hydrophobin were reduced with 1,4-dithiothreitol. The free thiols were then blocked with either iodoacetic acid (IAA) or iodoacetamide (IAM), introducing eight or zero negative charges, respectively. Circular dichroism and infrared spectroscopy showed that after opening of the disulfide bridges SC3 is initially unfolded. IAA-SC3 did not self-assemble at the air-water interface upon shaking an aqueous solution. Remarkably, after drying down IAA-SC3 or after exposing it to Teflon, it refolded into a structure similar to that observed for native SC3 at these interfaces. Iodoacetamide-SC3 on the other hand, which does not contain extra charges, spontaneously refolded in water in the amyloid-like beta-sheet conformation, characteristic for SC3 assembled at the water-air interface. From this we conclude that the disulfide bridges of SC3 are not directly involved in self-assembly but keep hydrophobin monomers soluble in the fungal cell or its aqueous environment, preventing premature self-assembly.  相似文献   

Disruption of the SC3 gene in the basidiomycete Schizophyllum commune affected not only formation of aerial hyphae but also attachment to hydrophobic surfaces. However, these processes were not completely abolished, indicating involvement of other molecules. We here show that the SC15 protein mediates formation of aerial hyphae and attachment in the absence of SC3. SC15 is a secreted protein of 191 aa with a hydrophilic N-terminal half and a highly hydrophobic C-terminal half. It is not a hydrophobin as it lacks the eight conserved cysteine residues found in these proteins. Besides being secreted into the medium, SC15 was localized in the cell wall and the mucilage that binds aerial hyphae together. In a strain in which the SC15 gene was deleted (DeltaSC15) formation of aerial hyphae and attachment were not affected. However, these processes were almost completely abolished when the SC15 gene was deleted in the DeltaSC3 background. The absence of aerial hyphae in the DeltaSC3DeltaSC15 strain can be explained by the inability of the strain to lower the water surface tension and to make aerial hyphae hydrophobic.  相似文献   

Type III secretion systems are used by many Gram-negative bacteria to inject effector proteins into eukaryotic cells to subvert their normal activities. Structurally conserved portions of the type III secretion apparatus include a: basal body located within the bacterial envelope; an exposed needle with tip complex that delivers effectors across the target cell membrane; and cytoplasmic sorting platform that selects cargo and powers secretion. While structurally conserved, the individual proteins that make up this nanomachine are typically not interchangeable though they do tend to fall into families. Here we selected a single domain from the inner membrane ring of the basal body from six different type III secretion systems (called SctD using a proposed unifying nomenclature). The selected domain creates an integral interface between the basal body and the sorting platform. Therefore, it represents a pivotal point between two distinct assemblies. All six protein domains possess a structural motif called a forkhead-associated-like (FHA-like) domain but differ greatly in their sequences and solution behaviors. These differences are used here to define family boundaries for these FHA-like domains. The data parallel, though not precisely, family boundaries defined by other proteins within the apparatus and by phylogenetic analysis. Ultimately, differences in the families are likely to reflect differences in the activities of these type III secretion systems or the host niches in which these pathogens are found.  相似文献   

The location of the 1:2 borate-diol ester cross-link in the dimer of the plant cell wall polysaccharide rhamnogalacturonan II (RG-II) has been determined. The ester cross-links the apiofuranosyl residue of the 2-O-methyl-D-xylose-containing side chains in each of the subunits of the dimer. The apiofuranosyl residue in each of the two aceric acid-containing side chains is not esterified. The site of borate esterification is identical in naturally occurring and in in vitro synthesized dimer. Pb2+, La3+, and Ca2+ increase dimer formation in vitro in a concentration- and pH-dependent manner. Pb2+ is the most effective cation. The dimer accounts for 55% of the RG-II when the monomer (0.5 mM) is treated for 5 min at pH 3.5 with boric acid (1 mM) and Pb2+ (0.5 mM); at pH 5 the rate of conversion is somewhat slower. Hg2+ does not increase the rate of dimer formation. A cation's charge density and its ability to form a coordination complex with RG-II, in addition to steric factors, may regulate the rate and stability of dimer formation in vitro. Our data provide evidence that the structure of RG-II itself determines which apiofuranosyl residues are esterified with borate and that in the presence of boric acid and certain cations, two RG-II monomers self-assemble to form a dimer.  相似文献   

We report here the crystal structure of the partially self-complementary decameric sequence d(CGGCGGCCGC), which self assembles to form a four-way junction with sticky ends. Each junction binds to four others through Watson–Crick base pairing at the sticky ends to form a rhombic structure. The rhombuses bind to each other and form two dimensional tiles. The tiles stack to form the crystal. The crystal diffracted in the space group P1 to a resolution of 2.5 Å. The junction has the anti-parallel stacked-X conformation like other junction structures, though the formation of the rhombic net noticeably alters the details of the junction geometry.  相似文献   

H A W?sten  F H Schuren    J G Wessels 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(24):5848-5854
The SC3p hydrophobin of Schizophyllum commune is a small hydrophobic protein (100-101 amino acids with eight cysteine residues) that self-assembles at a water/air interface and coats aerial hyphae with an SDS-insoluble protein membrane, at the outer side highly hydrophobic and with a typical rodlet pattern. SC3p monomers in water also self-assemble at the interfaces between water and oils or hydrophobic solids. These materials are then coated with a 10 nm thick SDS-insoluble assemblage of SC3p making their surfaces hydrophilic. Hyphae of S. commune growing on a Teflon surface became firmly attached and SC3p was shown to be present between the fungal cell wall and the Teflon. Decreased attachment of hyphae to Teflon was observed in strains not expressing SC3, i.e. a strain containing a targeted mutation in this gene and a regulatory mutant thn. These findings indicate that hydrophobins, in addition to forming hydrophobic wall coatings, play a role in adherence of fungal hyphae to hydrophobic surfaces.  相似文献   

Hydrophobins are small fungal proteins that self-assemble at hydrophilic/hydrophobic interfaces into amphipathic membranes that, in the case of Class I hydrophobins, can be disassembled only by treatment with agents like pure trifluoroacetic acid. Here we characterize, by spectroscopic techniques, the structural changes that occur upon assembly at an air/water interface and upon assembly on a hydrophobic solid surface, and the influence of deglycosylation on these events. We determined that the hydrophobin SC3 from Schizophyllum commune contains 16-22 O-linked mannose residues, probably attached to the N-terminal part of the peptide chain. Scanning force microscopy revealed that SC3 adsorbs specifically to a hydrophobic surface and cannot be removed by heating at 100 degrees C in 2% sodium dodecyl sulfate. Attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and circular dichroism spectroscopy revealed that the monomeric, water-soluble form of the protein is rich in beta-sheet structure and that the amount of beta-sheet is increased after self-assembly on a water-air interface. Alpha-helix is induced specifically upon assembly of the protein on a hydrophobic solid. We propose a model for the formation of rodlets, which may be induced by dehydration and a conformational change of the glycosylated part of the protein, resulting in the formation of an amphipathic alpha-helix that forms an anchor for binding to a substrate. The assembly in the beta-sheet form seems to be involved in lowering of the surface tension, a potential function of hydrophobins.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that E7 is a major transforming oncoprotein in papillomavirus, its structure and precise molecular mechanism of action remain puzzling to date. E7 proteins share sequence homology and proteasome targeting properties of tumor suppressors with adenovirus E1A and SV40 T antigen, two other paradigmatic oncoproteins from DNA tumor viruses. High-risk HPV16 E7, a nonglobular dimer with some properties of intrinsically disordered proteins, is capable of undergoing pH-dependent conformational transitions that expose hydrophobic surfaces to the solvent. We found that treatment with a chelating agent produced a protein that can readily assemble into homogeneous spherical particles with an average molecular mass of 790 kDa and a diameter of 50 nm, as determined from dynamic light scattering and electron microscopy. The protein undergoes a substantial conformational transition from coil to beta-sheet structure, with concomitant consolidation of tertiary structure as judged by circular dichroism and fluorescence. The assembly process is very slow, in agreement with a substantial energy barrier caused by structural rearrangements. The resulting particles are highly stable, cooperatively folded, and capable of binding both Congo Red and thioflavin T, reporters of repetitive beta-sheet structures similar to those found in amyloids, although no fibrillar or insoluble material was observed under our experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Two monokaryons of Schizophyllum commune can form a fertile dikaryon when the mating-type genes differ. Monokaryons form sterile aerial hyphae, while dikaryons also form fruiting bodies that function in sexual reproduction. The SC3 hydrophobin gene is expressed both in monokaryons and in dikaryons. The SC4 hydrophobin is dikaryon specific. In the monokaryon, SC3 lowers the water surface tension, coats aerial hyphae with a hydrophobic layer and mediates attachment of hyphae to hydrophobic surfaces. The SC4 protein lines gas channels within fruiting bodies with a hydrophobic membrane. Using gene disruptions, in this study, we show that in dikaryons SC3 fulfils the same roles as in monokaryons. SC4, on the other hand, has a role within fruiting bodies. In contrast to gas channels in fruiting bodies of the wild type, those of a DeltaSC4 strain easily filled with water. Thus, SC4 prevents gas channels filling with water under wet conditions, probably serving uninterrupted gas exchange. Other dikaryon-specific hydrophobin genes, SC1 and SC6, apparently do not substitute for the SC4 gene. In addition, by expressing the SC4 gene behind the SC3 promoter in a DeltaSC3 monokaryon, it was shown that SC4 cannot fully substitute for SC3, indicating that both hydrophobins evolved to fulfil specific functions.  相似文献   

Differing findings on the volumetric mass transfer coefficients k(L)a in CMC solutions in bubble column bioreactors have been reported in the literature. Therefore, oxygen mass transfer was studied again in CMC solutions in a 14-cm-i.d. x 270-cm-height bubble column using different spargers. The k(L)a values were determined along with the dispersion coefficients by fitting the prediction of the axial dispersed plug model with the experimental oxygen concentration profiles in the liquid phase. Surprisingly, the obtained liquid phase dispersion coefficients for CMC solution are higher than one would expect from correlations. The k(L)a data depend largely on the flow regime. In general, they are lower than those reported in the literature. The data for developing slug and established slug flow are dependent on the gas velocity and the effective viscosity of the solution and can br correlated by a simple correlation. This correlation describes k(L)a values measured on fermentation broth of Penicillium chrysogenum with striking agreement.  相似文献   

The Ca-pump in rat intestinal basolateral membranes had been studied previously as vesicular ATP-dependent Ca-uptake. In the present studies, Ca-stimulated ATP hydrolysis (Ca-ATPase activity) was measured and found to differ from the Ca-pump in having higher activity and being insensitive to vanadate. Whereas the pump was specific for ATP, hydrolytic activity was found with ATP, GTP or ADP but not with AMP or p-nitro-phenyl-phosphate. In contrast to Ca-pump activity, Ca-ATPase activities were similar for different intestinal segments, for duodenal villus/crypt cell-fractions and for vitamin D-deficient animals. Thus, as usually measured, intestinal basolateral membrane Ca-ATPase activity is not equivalent to the Ca-pump.  相似文献   

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