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This study reports a high-resolution comparative map between human chromosomes and porcine chromosomes 2 (SSC2) and 16 (SSC16), pointing out new homologies and evolutionary breakpoints. SSC2 is of particular interest because of the presence of several important QTLs. Among 226 porcine ESTs selected according to their expected localization, 151 were RH mapped and ordered on SSC2. This study confirmed the extensive conservation between SSC2 and HSA11 and HSA19 and refined the homology with HSA5 (three blocks defined). Furthermore the SSC2q pericentromeric region was shown to be homologous to another human chromosome (HSA1). A complex organization of these syntenies was demonstrated on SSC2q. Our strategy led us to improve also the SSC16 RH map by adding 45 markers. Two-color fluorescence in situ hybridization of markers representative of each synteny confirmed block order. Finally, 29 breakpoints were identified in both species, and porcine BACs containing two breakpoints were isolated.  相似文献   

We have constructed a high-resolution cytogenetic map of human chromosome 12 with 195 newly isolated cosmids by direct R-banding flourescence in situ hybridization. The fluorescent signals of 195 clones were evenly distributed throughout chromosome 12, but sublocalized preferentially to R-positive bands. This high-resolution cytogenetic map with an average map distance of 0.73 Mb on bands can, in conjunction with a genetic linkage map, facilitate the analysis of chromosomal and molecular aberrations in genetic diseases and cancers. Moreover, the cytogenetic mapping data provide starting points for establishing contig maps with cosmid clones and yeast artificial chromosomes.  相似文献   

A detailed banded ideogram representation of the rat chromosomes was constructed based on actual G-banded prometaphase chromosomes. The approach yielded 535 individual bands, a significant increase compared to previously presented ideograms. The new ideogram was adapted to the existing band nomenclature. The gene locus positions in the rat draft DNA sequence were compared to the chromosomal positions as determined by dual-color FISH, using rat (RNO) chromosomes 6 and 15 and a segment of RNO4 as sample regions. It was found that there was generally an excellent correlation in the chromosome regions tested between the relative gene position in the DNA molecules and the sub-chromosomal localization by FISH and subsequent information transfer on ideograms from measurements of chromosomal images. However, in the metacentric chromosome (RNO15), the correlation was much better in the short arm than in the long arm, suggesting that the centromeric region may distort the linear relationship between the chromosomal image and the corresponding DNA molecule.  相似文献   

We report on the construction of a high-resolution comparative map of porcine chromosome 17 (SSC17) focusing on evolutionary breakpoints with human chromosomes. The comparative map shows high homology with human chromosome 20 but suggests more limited homologies with other human chromosomes. SSC17 is of particular interest in studies of chromosomal organization due to the presence of QTLs that affect meat quality and carcass composition. A total of 158 pig ESTs available in databases or developed by the Sino-Danish Pig Genome Sequencing Consortium were mapped using the INRA-University of Minnesota porcine radiation hybrid panel. The high-resolution map was further anchored by fluorescence in situ hybridization. This study confirmed the extensive conservation between SSC17 and HSA20 and enabled the gene order to be determined. The homology of the SSC17 pericentromeric region was extended to other human chromosomes (HSA4, HSA8) and the chromosomal breakpoint boundaries were accurately defined. In total 15 breakpoints were identified.  相似文献   

We have constructed a high-density comparative radiation hybrid map of the interstitial region of bovine chromosome 5 (BTA5) using a recently constructed 12,000-rad, whole-genome, cattle-hamster radiation hybrid (WGRH) panel. Sixty-two bovine EST markers were selected which have orthologous sequences on human chromosomes 12 and 22 (HSA12 and HSA22). Sixty markers were included in the multi-point framework map at LOD 3.0. Our comprehensive RH map contains more than twice as many markers (88) than previous generation maps. Because of a higher marker density and increased resolution of the RH(12,000) panel, all markers were placed into a single linkage group based on two-point analysis at a LOD score 6.0. As a result, this new comparative map reveals new blocks of synteny and extensive gene order alterations between species. Breakpoints of synteny are located with high accuracy. Overall, this work reveals widespread chromosomal rearrangements between bovine, human and mouse genomes.  相似文献   

Comparative mapping within maize, sorghum and sugarcane has previously revealed the existence of syntenic regions between the crops. In the present study, mapping on the sorghum genome of a set of probes previously located on the maize and sugarcane maps allow a detailed analysis of the relationship between maize chromosomes 3 and 8 and sorghum and sugarcane homoeologous regions. Of 49 loci revealed by 46 (4 sugarcane and 42 maize) polymorphic probes in sorghum, 42 were linked and were assigned to linkage groups G (28), E (10) and I (4). On the basis of common probes, a complete co-linearity is observed between sorghum linkage group G and the two sugarcane linkage groups II and III. The comparison between the consensus sorghum/sugarcane map (G/II/III) and the maps of maize chromosomes 3 and 8 reveals a series of linkage blocks within which gene orders are conserved. These blocks are interspersed with non-homoeologous regions corresponding to the central part of the two maize chromosomes and have been reshuffled, resulting in several inversions in maize compared to sorghum and sugarcane. The results emphasize the fact that duplication will considerably complicate precise comparative mapping at the whole genome scale between maize and other Poaceae.  相似文献   

In this study we combined three major rat genome maps, by adding 66 markers to the Kyoto Laboratory Animal Science map (KLAS map), and constructed an integrated map. The resultant integrated map consists of 5,682 redundant markers, spanning a genetic length of 2,028 cM. Eighty genetic markers were anchored to the cytogenetic map, fixing all the genetic maps in the physically correct orientation. This map encapsulates the progress in rat mapping studies in past years and offers useful information for QTL analysis. The map figures are available at http:/(/)www.anim.med.kyoto-u.ac.jp/.  相似文献   

We used structural genomic resources for Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench to target and develop multiple molecular cytogenetic probes that would provide extensive coverage for a specific chromosome of sorghum. Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones containing molecular markers mapped across sorghum linkage group A were labeled as probes for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Signals from single-, dual-, and multiprobe BAC-FISH to spreads of mitotic chromosomes and pachytene bivalents were associated with the largest sorghum chromosome, which bears the nucleolus organizing region (NOR). The order of individual BAC-FISH loci along the chromosome was fully concordant to that of marker loci along the linkage map. In addition, the order of several tightly linked molecular markers was clarified by FISH analysis. The FISH results indicate that markers from the linkage map positions 0.0-81.8 cM reside in the short arm of chromosome 1 whereas markers from 81.8-242.9 cM are located in the long arm of chromosome 1. The centromere and NOR were located in a large heterochromatic region that spans approximately 60% of chromosome 1. In contrast, this region represents only 0.7% of the total genetic map distance of this chromosome. Variation in recombination frequency among euchromatic chromosomal regions also was apparent. The integrated data underscore the value of cytological data, because minor errors and uncertainties in linkage maps can involve huge physical regions. The successful development of multiprobe FISH cocktails suggests that it is feasible to develop chromosome-specific "paints" from genomic resources rather than flow sorting or microdissection and that when applied to pachytene chromatin, such cocktails provide an especially powerful framework for mapping. Such a molecular cytogenetic infrastructure would be inherently cross-linked with other genomic tools and thereby establish a cytogenomics system with extensive utility in development and application of genomic resources, cloning, transgene localization, development of plant "chromonomics," germplasm introgression, and marker-assisted breeding. In combination with previously reported work, the results indicate that a sorghum cytogenomics system would be partially applicable to other gramineous genera.  相似文献   

By using alpha-amylase isozymes as markers for chromosomes of homoeologous groups 6 and 7, we analyzed the segregation of chromosome constitution in the progenies from crosses between double-ditelosomic or ditelosomic lines of hexaploid wheat cultivar 'Chinese Spring' (CS) as the female parent and double-monosomic F1 hybrids of CS x wheat-barley substitution lines for barley chromosomes 6H or 7H. From this analysis we estimated the transmission rate via pollen of barley chromosomes 6H and 7H in the double-monosomics and evaluated the compensating ability between barley and wheat chromosomes in homoeologous groups 6 and 7. The results indicated that both 6H and 7H showed their highest compensating ability for their respective homoeologous wheat chromosomes 6A (37.5% transmission rate) and 7A (39.4%), intermediate for 6D (34.1%) and 7D (29.6%), and lowest for 6B (26.6%) and 7B (22.6%) chromosomes.  相似文献   

High density livestock to human comparative maps are necessary for the implementation of comparative positional candidate gene cloning. We have constructed a high-density comparative radiation hybrid (RH) map of the telomeric end of bovine chromosome 2 (BTA2) using a 12,000-rad whole genome cattle-hamster radiation hybrid (WGRH) panel. Eighteen bovine EST markers with orthologues on human chromosomes 1 and 2 (HSA1 and HSA2), together with nine microsatellite markers, were typed against the 180 cell lines of the WGRH panel. Twenty-one markers were included in the multi-point framework map at LOD =3.0. The comparative analysis reveals a new segment of highly conserved synteny between HSA2 and BTA2.  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt is a destructive disease with international consequences for cotton production. Breeding broad-spectrum resistant cultivars is considered to be one of the most effective means for reducing crop losses. A resistant cotton cultivar, 60182, was crossed with a susceptible cultivar, Jun-mian 1, to identify markers for Verticillium resistance genes and validate the mode of its inheritance. Genetic segregation analysis for Verticillium wilt resistance was evaluated based upon infected leaf percentage in the seedling stage using major gene-polygene mixed inheritance models and joint analysis of P1, P2, F1, B1, B2 and F2 populations obtained from the cultivar cross. We found that resis-tance of upland cotton cultivar 60182 to isolates BP2, VD8 and T9, and their isoconcentration mixture was controlled by two major genes with additive-dominance-epistatic effects, and the inheritance of the major gene was dominant. Furthermore, a genetic linkage map was constructed using F2 segregating population and resistance phenotypic data were obtained using F2︰3 families inoculated with different isolates and detected in different developmental stages. The genetic linkage map with 139 loci was comprised of 31 linkage groups covering 1165 cM, with an average distance of 8.38 cM between two markers, or 25.89% of the cotton genome length. From 60182, we found 4 QTL on chromosome D7 and 4 QTL on D9 for BP2, 5 QTL on D7 and 9 QTL on D9 for VD8, 4 QTL on D7 and 5 QTL on D9 for T9 and 3 QTL on D7 and 7 QTL on D7 for mixed pathogens. The QTL mapping results revealed that QTL clusters with high contribution rates were screened simultaneously on chromosomes D9 and D7 by multiple interval mapping (CIM), whether from resistance phenotypic data from different developmental stages or for different isolates. The result is consistent with the genetic model of two major genes in 60182 and suggests broad-spectrum resistance to both defoliating isolates of V. dahliae and nondefoliating iso-lates. The markers associated with resistance QTL may facilitate the use of Verticillium wilt resistance genes in improving breeding programs for cotton.  相似文献   

In the first part of this work, human chromosomes were characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM) in air and in aqueous solution. The analysis of the images suggests that the last level of organization consists of a radial arrangement of chromatin loops which are anchored to a fiber which is folded giving a pattern of bands which differs in volume. Here the pattern of bands observed by AFM is compared to the cytogenetic map at the 850-band level. Thus thicker and thinner bands are identified as G and R bands, respectively. Finally a model is proposed which links genome sequence, cytogenetics, and chromosome structure.  相似文献   

Gibbons are part of the same superfamily (Hominoidea) as humans and great apes, but their karyotype has diverged faster from the common hominoid ancestor. At least 24 major chromosome rearrangements are required to convert the presumed ancestral karyotype of gibbons into that of the hominoid ancestor. Up to 28 additional rearrangements distinguish the various living species from the common gibbon ancestor. Using the northern white-cheeked gibbon (2n = 52) (Nomascus leucogenys leucogenys) as a model, we created a high-resolution map of the homologous regions between the gibbon and human. The positions of 100 synteny breakpoints relative to the assembled human genome were determined at a resolution of about 200 kb. Interestingly, 46% of the gibbon–human synteny breakpoints occur in regions that correspond to segmental duplications in the human lineage, indicating a common source of plasticity leading to a different outcome in the two species. Additionally, the full sequences of 11 gibbon BACs spanning evolutionary breakpoints reveal either segmental duplications or interspersed repeats at the exact breakpoint locations. No specific sequence element appears to be common among independent rearrangements. We speculate that the extraordinarily high level of rearrangements seen in gibbons may be due to factors that increase the incidence of chromosome breakage or fixation of the derivative chromosomes in a homozygous state.  相似文献   

In a representative sample of primate species, including simians (Catarrhini and Platyrrhini) and prosimians (Lemuriformes and Lorisiformes), high-resolution, early replication banding revealed a homoeologous early replicating segment at the ends of both sex chromosomes. The DXYZ2 element, a repeated sequence specific for the human pseudoautosomal region, is conserved in the genomes of all primate species studies and is specifically localized in the distal early replicating segments of the X and Y chromosomes. Thus, cytogenetic and molecular evidence is presented of a highly conserved sex-chromosomal segment in primates. The pseudoautosomal behavior of this segment is discussed.  相似文献   

E Takahashi  K Yamakawa  Y Nakamura  T Hori 《Genomics》1992,13(4):1047-1055
We localized 291 new cosmid markers (including 65 RFLPs) on human chromosome 3 by direct R-banding fluorescence in situ hybridization. This system, which is based on fluorescence in situ hybridization combined with replicated prometaphase R-bands, allows the direct visualization of signals on R-banded prometaphases stained with propidium iodide and provides a more rapid and efficient method for genome mapping of cosmid clones. The signals of 291 markers examined here were localized preferentially to R-positive bands throughout chromosome 3. The detailed map positions of 366 clones and the characterization of 142 RFLPs, including the preliminary data reported by Yamakawa et al. (1991, Genomics 9: 536-543; and 11: 565-572), are summarized. This high-resolution cytogenetic map (average distance of 0.58 Mb), in conjunction with a genetic linkage map, can facilitate the analysis of chromosomal and molecular aberrations in genetic diseases and cancers. Furthermore, these mapping data will provide many useful landmarks for the construction of contig maps of chromosome 3.  相似文献   

Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum (Fov) has the potential to become the most economically significant pathogen of cotton in Australia. Although the levels of resistance present in the new commercial cultivars have improved significantly, they are still not immune and cotton breeders continue to look for additional sources of resistance. The native Australian Gossypium species represent an alternative source of resistance because they could have co-evolved with the indigenous Fov pathogens. Forty-six BC3 G. hirsutum × G. sturtianum multiple alien-chromosome-addition-line (MACAL) families were challenged with a field-derived Fov isolate (VCG-01111). The G. hirsutum parent of the hexaploid MACAL is highly susceptible to fusarium wilt; the G. sturtianum parent is strongly resistant. Twenty-two of the BC3 families showed enhanced fusarium wilt resistance relative to the susceptible G. hirsutum parent. Logistic regression identified four G. sturtianum linkage groups with a significant effect on fusarium wilt resistance: two linkage groups were associated with improved fusarium wilt resistance, while two linkage groups were associated with increased fusarium wilt susceptibility.  相似文献   

We constructed high-density deletion bin maps of wheat chromosomes 5A, 5B, and 5D, including 2338 loci mapped with 1052 EST probes and 217 previously mapped loci (total 2555 loci). This information was combined to construct a consensus chromosome bin map of group 5 including 24 bins. A relatively higher number of loci were mapped on chromosome 5B (38%) compared to 5A (34%) and 5D (28%). Differences in the levels of polymorphism among the three chromosomes were partially responsible for these differences. A higher number of duplicated loci was found on chromosome 5B (42%). Three times more loci were mapped on the long arms than on the short arms, and a significantly higher number of probes, loci, and duplicated loci were mapped on the distal halves than on the proximal halves of the chromosome arms. Good overall colinearity was observed among the three homoeologous group 5 chromosomes, except for the previously known 5AL/4AL translocation and a putative small pericentric inversion in chromosome 5A. Statistically significant colinearity was observed between low-copy-number ESTs from wheat homoeologous group 5 and rice chromosomes 12 (88 ESTs), 9 (72 ESTs), and 3 (84 ESTs).  相似文献   

A novel approach was used to compare male and female recombination rates in wheat. Doubled haploid lines were developed from an F1 using two distinct approaches: the anther-culture technique and the Hordeum bulbosum system, from which sets of lines were developed from male and female meioses, respectively. The genotype of the lines was established at RFLP and isozyme markers polymorphic on chromosomes of homoeologous groups 6 and 7, and male and female linkage maps were calculated using this information. The markers in one segment of chromosome 6B exhibited disturbed segregation frequencies in the anther-culture population. The male and female maps differed significantly in recombination frequency between some markers on two chromosomes, and these were consistent in direction within chromosomes and inconsistent in direction between chromosomes. In two of the four chromosomes studied the male map was much longer than the female map. These results suggest that significant differences may exist in male and female recombination frequencies in bread wheat which are specific to certain chromosomal segments but are inconsistent in direction between chromosomes. Other factors, such as environmental influences, may also be important in creating differences.  相似文献   

The use of RFLP markers, together with a partial set of monosomics available in Avena byzantina cv Kanota, has enabled us to identify putative homoeologous chromosome sets in hexaploid Avena species (2n = 6x = 42, AACCDD). We first identified probes producing distinct three-band patterns on Southern blots that possibly reflect orthologous loci of the three genomes present in the hexaploid. Using monosomic analysis, 51 different restriction fragments that hybridized to 26 probes were localized to 12 different chromosomes for which monosomic stocks were available. These DNA restriction fragments were localized to specific monosomics using image analysis to quantify band intensity relative to other bands in the same lane. From these data, we have tentatively identified two complete homoeologous sets of three chromosomes each and two partial sets of two of the three chromosomes. The results indicate that RFLP dosage analysis is useful in the characterization of homoeologous chromosomes in hexaploid oat where nullisomics for many of the chromosomes are not available.Mention of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty by the USDA-ARS or the University of Minnesota and does not imply approval over other products that also may be suitableJoint contribution of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station and USDA-ARS. Scientific Journal Series Paper no. 20 650 of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

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