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Fertility decline is a great challenge to evolutionary approaches to human behavior. In this study, we apply the perspective of sexual conflict between mother and father to the fertility decline. We predict that, under serial monogamy allowing for mate changes, the ideal number of children for women should be smaller than that for men, because the cost of reproduction for women should be higher than that for men. Our reasoning is that if the cost of child-bearing and child-rearing is higher for women than men, and if women, who therefore would want a smaller number of children than their husbands, have gained more power in reproductive decision-making within a couple owing to the modernization of society, fertility should decline. Until now, few evolutionary studies have analyzed empirical data in modern developed societies with such a perspective. Our questionnaire survey in an urban area in Japan revealed that mothers did experience greater cost during childcare than fathers. However, in contrast to our prediction, we found no sex differences in the ideal number of children between mothers and their husbands in many cases. About 60% of parents remembered wanting two children when they were childless. Moreover, mothers and their husbands had equal power in their decision-making regarding having children. After presenting these results, we discuss some perspectives to advance our understanding of fertility decline in terms of sexual conflict.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown that being able to resolve and recover from conflicts is of key importance for relationship satisfaction and stability in adults. Less is known about the importance of these relationship dynamics in adolescent romantic relationships. Therefore, this study investigated whether conflict resolution and recovery predict breakups in middle adolescent couples. Couples who are able to resolve and recover from conflict were expected to demonstrate a lower probability of breaking up. In total, 80 adolescent couples (M age = 15.48, SD = 1.16) participated in a 4-wave prospective questionnaire and observational study, with one year between measurements. In addition to self-report measures, adolescents were observed in real-time during conflicts with their partners. Multilevel Proportional Hazard analyses revealed that, contrary to the hypothesis, conflict resolution and conflict recovery did not predict the likelihood of breakup. Survival differences were not attributable to conflict resolution or conflict recovery. More research is needed to consider the unique relationship factors of adolescent romantic relationships to determine why some relationships survive while others do not.  相似文献   

Parent–offspring conflict (POC) theory (Trivers, 1974) has stimulated controversy in evolutionary biology and behavioral ecology. The theory has been criticized by some primate behavioral researchers on both conceptual and empirical grounds. First, it has been argued that it would be more advantageous to mothers and offspring to agree over the allocation of parental investment and to cooperate rather than to disagree and engage in conflict. Second, some studies have provided data suggesting that primate mothers and offspring engage in behavioral conflict over the scheduling of their activities rather than parental investment. In reality, parent–offspring interactions are likely to involve both cooperation and conflict, and the hypothesis that mothers and infants squabble over the scheduling of their activities is not incompatible with POC theory. Furthermore, the predictions of POC theory are supported by a number of empirical studies of primates. POC theory has enhanced our understanding of the dynamics of parent–offspring relationships in many animal species, and it is very likely that future studies of primates will continue to benefit from using POC theory as an explanatory framework.  相似文献   

Human–elephant conflict poses a major threat to elephants in many parts of Asia, including Sri Lanka. We studied human–elephant conflict in two areas with contrasting scenarios of landuse and conflict, Kahalle and Yala. Kahalle was developed and settled under the Mahaweli irrigation project and the main agricultural practice was irrigated agriculture, with two annual growing seasons. The area was a mosaic of settlements, agriculture, and small forest patches with ill defined human- and elephant-use areas. Elephants ranged within the habitat mosaic year round, occupying remnant forest patches and raiding adjacent crops at night. In contrast, Yala was dominated by a large protected area complex, and the main agricultural methods were slash-and-burn agriculture and rain-fed paddy cultivation. Human- and elephant-use areas were well defined and segregated. The protected area provided elephants with a refuge and food during the rainy season, when the single annual crop was grown. During the dry season, elephants moved into slash-and-burn areas and utilized leftover crops and pioneer vegetation in fallow fields. The landuse pattern and agricultural practices in Yala facilitated co-existence, whereas that in Kahalle led to year round conflict. We suggest that areas managed according to traditional landuse practices should be part of an elephant conservation strategy, where people and elephants have to share resources.  相似文献   

The current report presents a temporal learning account as a potential alternative to the conflict adaptation account of list-level proportion congruent effects in the Stroop paradigm. Specifically, retrieval of information about response times on previous trials influences a participant''s preparedness to respond at a similar time on following trials. First, an adaptation of the Parallel Episodic Processing (PEP) model is presented, and a list-level effect is produced with a temporal learning mechanism. Next, linear mixed effect model analyses show that temporal learning biases are present in list-level proportion congruent data. A non-conflict experiment is then presented in which a list-level effect is observed with a contrast, rather than congruency, manipulation. Analyses of the experimental and simulated data could not, however, provide a clear picture of whether temporal learning was the sole contributor to the list-level proportion congruent effect. These results do, however, demonstrate that caution is warranted when interpreting list-level proportion congruent effects.  相似文献   

Plant-pollinator associations are often seen as purely mutualistic, while in reality they can be more complex. Indeed they may also display a diverse array of antagonistic interactions, such as competition and victim–exploiter interactions. In some cases mutualistic and antagonistic interactions are carried-out by the same species but at different life-stages. As a consequence, population structure affects the balance of inter-specific associations, a topic that is receiving increased attention. In this paper, we developed a model that captures the basic features of the interaction between a flowering plant and an insect with a larval stage that feeds on the plant’s vegetative tissues (e.g. leaves) and an adult pollinator stage. Our model is able to display a rich set of dynamics, the most remarkable of which involves victim–exploiter oscillations that allow plants to attain abundances above their carrying capacities and the periodic alternation between states dominated by mutualism or antagonism. Our study indicates that changes in the insect’s life cycle can modify the balance between mutualism and antagonism, causing important qualitative changes in the interaction dynamics. These changes in the life cycle could be caused by a variety of external drivers, such as temperature, plant nutrients, pesticides and changes in the diet of adult pollinators.  相似文献   

According to Charles Hauss, “[i]n the last few years, reconciliation has become one of the ‘hottest’ topics in the increasingly ‘hot’ field of conflict resolution” (2003, ?1). However, despite the apparent interest in this “hot” academic topic (which is becoming increasingly warm in Canada as our own Truth and Reconciliation Commission commences), reconciliation studies have been dominated by Truth-based approaches. The restrictions of these approaches, which emphasize objectivity and rationality, often elide the body and the primacy of emotions in the reparative process. This essay begins a conversation on the role of the body and emotion in the study of reconciliation by engaging the work being done in the social sciences with contemporary trends in critical theory and literature. I argue that by looking at the fundamental role the body plays on the “road to reconciliation” we can devise a more vital approach to conflict resolution and the various processes that make it up.  相似文献   

When there is a temporal trade‐off between mating effort and parental care, theoretical models predict that intense sexual selection on males leads to reduced paternal care. Thus, high‐quality males should invest more in mating effort because they have higher chances of acquiring mates, whereas low‐quality males should bias their investment towards parental care. Once paternal care has evolved, offspring value should also influence males’ decisions to invest in offspring attendance. Here, we performed a manipulation under field conditions to investigate the factors that influence male allocation in either mating effort or parental care. We predicted that facultative paternal care in the harem‐holding harvestman Serracutisoma proximum would be negatively influenced by male attractiveness and positively influenced by offspring value. We found that attractive males were less likely to engage in egg attendance and that the higher the perceived paternity, the higher the caring frequency. Finally, egg mortality was not related to caring frequency by males, but predation pressure was much lower than that recorded in previous studies with the same population. Thus, the benefits of facultative male care may be conditional to temporal variation in the intensity of egg predation. In conclusion, males adjust their investment in either territory defence or egg attendance according to their recent mating history and perceived paternity. Our findings suggest that exclusive paternal care can evolve from facultative paternal care only if the trade‐off between mating effort and parental care is circumvented.  相似文献   

At the end of the last century, sexual conflict was identified as a powerful engine of speciation, potentially even more important than ecological selection. Earlier work that followed—experimental, comparative, and mathematical—provided strong initial support for this assertion. However, as the field matures, both the power of sexual conflict and constraints on the evolution of reproductive isolation as driven by sexual conflict are becoming better understood. From theoretical studies, we now know that speciation is only one of several possible evolutionary outcomes of sexual conflict. In line with these predictions, both experimental evolution studies and comparative analyses of fertilization proteins and of species richness show that sexual conflict leads to, or is associated with, reproductive isolation and speciation in some cases but not in others. Increased genetic variation (especially in females) without reproductive isolation is an underappreciated consequence of sexually antagonistic selection.By the end of 1990s, studies of sexual conflict and sexually antagonistic coevolution moved to the forefront of experimental and theoretical research in evolutionary biology (Rice and Holland 1997; Holland and Rice 1998; Rice 1998). Although the potential evolutionary importance of sexual conflict was anticipated and articulated from a theoretical point of view by Geoff Parker 20 years earlier (Parker 1979), the explosive interest in this topic was a result of groundbreaking experimental work with Drosophila melanogaster by Bill Rice (1993, 1996), which directly showed high potential for sexually antagonistic coevolution.Sexual conflict is a special case of intragenomic conflict (Rice and Holland 1997; Rice 1998; Crespi and Nosil 2013). Sexual conflict occurs if the interests of the sexes with regard to certain aspects of reproduction differ (Parker 1979; Arnqvist and Rowe 2005). Ultimately, sexual conflict arises because of the differences in the roles played by the sexes in the process of reproduction, which in turn lead to the differences between the sexes in the costs and benefits of mating and reproduction (Bateman 1948; Trivers 1972; Parker 1979). Sexual conflict can occur over mating rate (Rice and Holland 1997; Holland and Rice 1998; Rice 1998), offspring size (Haig 2000), parental care (Smith and Härdling 2000; Barta et al. 2002), the use of sperm (Ball and Parker 2003), epigenetic control of development (Rice et al. 2012), etc.Sexual conflict can occur through two genetic routes (Chapman and Partridge 1996; Parker and Partridge 1998). Within-locus conflict occurs when the locus controls a trait expressed in both sexes and the optimum trait values differ between the sexes. As a result, optimizing the trait value in one sex will lead to a fitness reduction in the other sex. Within-locus conflict can be resolved via a number of mechanisms, including the evolution of sex linkage, sex-specific expression of genes, gene duplication, and condition dependence (Bonduriansky and Chenoweth 2009; van Doorn 2009). Between-locus conflict occurs when there are two different (sets of) traits each expressed in one sex only but affecting the fitness of both sexes in opposite directions. In this case, adaptive changes in a trait of one sex cause deleterious fitness consequences for the other sex, which can be negated by the evolution in a trait of the other sex, which in turn will cause deleterious fitness consequences for the first sex. For example, males can evolve adaptations increasing their mating rate, which would be detrimental for females who would then evolve some counteradaptations to decrease the mating rate (Rice 1996).One particularly exciting idea that has emerged from studies of sexual conflict and sexually antagonistic coevolution is that sexual conflict can be an important “engine of speciation” (Rice 1996, 1998; Howard et al. 1998; Parker and Partridge 1998). In standard modern perspective, speciation is a result of genetic divergence between populations accompanied by the evolution of reproductive isolation (Howard and Berlocher 1998; Schluter 2000; Coyne and Orr 2004; Dieckmann et al. 2004; Gavrilets 2004). Genetic divergence can be driven by a variety of evolutionary factors, including mutation, random genetic drift, and natural, sexual, and social selection. Reproductive isolation can follow from a variety of mechanisms, resulting in incompatibilities (including genetic, developmental, morphological, ecological, and behavioral) of males and females from diverging populations or in a reduced fitness of their offspring. As was argued by Rice (1998), Parker and Partridge (1998), and others (e.g., Howard et al. 1998), sexual conflict can contribute to these processes in a number of ways.Below, I briefly summarize several, mostly verbal, theories of biological diversification caused by sexual conflict and then move to discussing some of the more concrete mathematical models and empirical data and patterns.  相似文献   



Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is characterized by a cluster of psychological and somatic symptoms during the late luteal phase of the menstrual cycle that disappear after the onset of menses. Behavioral differences in emotional and cognitive processing have been reported in women with PMS, and it is of particular interest whether PMS affects the parallel execution of emotional and cognitive processing. Related to this is the question of how the performance of women with PMS relates to stress levels compared to women without PMS. Cortisol has been shown to affect emotional processing in general and it has also been shown that women with severe PMS have a particular cortisol profile.


We measured performance in an emotional conflict task and stress levels in women with PMS (n = 15) and women without PMS (n = 15) throughout their menstrual cycle.


We found a significant increase (p = 0.001) in the mean reaction time for resolving emotional conflict from the follicular to the luteal cycle phase in all subjects. Only women with PMS demonstrated an increase in physiological and subjective stress measures during the luteal menstrual cycle phase.


Our findings suggest that the menstrual cycle modulates the integration of emotional and cognitive processing in all women. Preliminary data are supportive of the secondary hypothesis that stress levels are mediated by the menstrual cycle phase only in women with PMS. The presented evidence for menstrual cycle-specific differences in integrating emotional and cognitive information highlights the importance of controlling for menstrual cycle phase in studies that aim to elucidate the interplay of emotion and cognition.  相似文献   

We investigated why orangutans are being killed in Kalimantan, Indonesia, and the role of conflict in these killings. Based on an analysis of interview data from over 5,000 respondents in over 450 villages, we also assessed the socio-ecological factors associated with conflict and non-conflict killings. Most respondents never kill orangutans. Those who reported having personally killed an orangutan primarily did so for non-conflict reasons; for example, 56% of these respondents said that the reason they had killed an orangutan was to eat it. Of the conflict-related reasons for killing, the most common reasons orangutans were killed was fear of orangutans or in self-defence. A similar pattern was evident among reports of orangutan killing by other people in the villages. Regression analyses indicated that religion and the percentage of intact forest around villages were the strongest socio-ecological predictors of whether orangutans were killed for conflict or non-conflict related reasons. Our data indicate that between 44,170 and 66,570 orangutans were killed in Kalimantan within the respondents’ active hunting lifetimes: between 12,690 and 29,024 for conflict reasons (95%CI) and between 26,361 and 41,688 for non-conflict reasons (95% CI). These findings confirm that habitat protection alone will not ensure the survival of orangutans in Indonesian Borneo, and that effective reduction of orangutan killings is urgently needed.  相似文献   

Mammalian development involves significant interactions between offspring and mother. But is this interaction a carefully coordinated effort by two individuals with a common goal—offspring survival? Or is it an evolutionary battleground (a central idea in our understanding of reproduction). The conflict between parents and offspring extends to an offspring''s genes, where paternally inherited genes favor demanding more from the mother, while maternally inherited genes favor restraint. This “intragenomic conflict” (among genes within a genome) is the dominant evolutionary explanation for “genomic imprinting.” But a new study in PLOS Biology provides support for a different perspective: that imprinting might facilitate coordination between mother and offspring. According to this “coadaptation theory,” paternally inherited genes might be inactivated because maternally inherited genes are adapted to function harmoniously with the mother. As discussed in this article, the growth effects associated with the imprinted gene Grb10 are consistent with this idea, but it remains to be seen just how general the pattern is.  相似文献   

Natural resource-related conflicts can be extremely destructive and undermine environmental protection. Since the 1990s co-management schemes, whereby the management of resources is shared by public and/or private sector stakeholders, have been a main strategy for reducing these conflicts worldwide. Despite initial high hopes, in recent years co-management has been perceived as falling short of expectations. However, systematic assessments of its role in conflict prevention or mitigation are non-existent. Interviews with 584 residents from ten protected areas in Colombia revealed that co-management can be successful in reducing conflict at grassroots level, as long as some critical enabling conditions, such as effective participation in the co-management process, are fulfilled not only on paper but also by praxis. We hope these findings will re-incentivize global efforts to make co-management work in protected areas and other common pool resource contexts, such as fisheries, agriculture, forestry and water management.  相似文献   

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