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To elucidate the phylogenic status of the archaebacterium and mechanisms of acidophily, membrane bound ATPase, cytochromes and NADH dehydrogenase of a thermoacidophilic archaebacterium,Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, were studied. Typea cytochrome was found in the membrane. The organism was sensitive to cyanide and azide, and though cytochromec is lacking in this organism, these respiratory poisons inhibited a terminal oxidase, when assayed with cytochromec from other sources. NADH dehydrogenase was highly purified from the crude extract of the cells. The enzyme was able to transfer electrons from NADH to caldariellaquinone, a unique benzothiophenequinone in the genusSulfolobus. Thus, the enzyme is a possible member of the respiratory chain. Membrane fraction contained two types of ATPase, one was active at neutral pH and slightly activated by sulfate; the other was an acid apyrase and inhibited by sulfate. Typical characteristics of F0F1ATPase could not be found in these enzymes. These results suggest that (1) the thermoacidophilic archaebacteria are phylogenically distant from both eubacteria and eukaryotes, (2) the archaebacterial thermoacidophiles can be classified in a different subgroup from methanogens and extreme halophiles, and (3) in spite of the aerobic nature of the organism, the energy yielding mechanisms appear quite unique, when compared to those of other aerobes and mitochondria.  相似文献   

An NADH dehydrogenase was purified to electrophoretical homogeneity from Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, a thermoacidophilic archaebacterium optimally growing at pH 2-3 and 75 degrees C. A 2,100-fold purification was achieved. The purified enzyme is an acidic protein with an isoelectric point of 5.6 and a molecular weight of 95,000, consisting of two 50,000-dalton subunits. The enzyme showed an absorption spectrum characteristic of flavoproteins, with maxima at 272, 372, and 448 nm. The enzyme is highly thermostable, is specific for NADH as an electron donor, and is capable of using 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol, ferricyanide, benzoquinone, and naphthoquinone as electron acceptors. Though at a low rate, caldariellaquinone, a unique and sole benzothiophenequinone in the genus Sulfolobus, was also reduced by the enzyme, suggesting that the enzyme is a possible member of the respiratory chain of the thermoacidophilic archaebacterium.  相似文献   

A type II restriction endonuclease (SuaI) has been isolated from the thermoacidophilic archaebacterium Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. The enzyme is an isoschizomer of BspRI. It does not cut S. acidocaldarius DNA, as the recognition sequence GGCC in this DNA contains modified nucleotide(s). The enzyme is most active at 60-70 degrees C and is highly thermostable.  相似文献   

A heat-stable esterase has been purified 1080-fold to electrophoretic homogeneity from Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, a thermoacidophilic archaebacterium; 20% of the starting activity is recovered. The purified enzyme shows a specific activity of 158 units/mg, based on the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl acetate. The esterase hydrolyses short-chain p-nitrophenyl esters, aliphatic esters and triacylglycerols. It is strongly inhibited by paraoxon and phenylmethanesulphonyl fluoride, but only weakly by eserine. From sedimentation-equilibrium data and molecular sieving in polyacrylamide gels, the Mr of the esterase is estimated to be 117000-128000. SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis reveals a single band of protein, of Mr 32000. The purified esterase crystallizes in the presence of poly(ethylene glycol) in short rods. The enzyme is inactivated only on prolonged storage at temperature above 90 degrees C.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the operon of the ATPase complex of an acidothermophilic archaebacterium, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, has been determined. In addition to the three previously reported genes for the alpha, beta, and c (proteolipid) subunits of the ATPase complex (Denda, K., Konishi, J., Oshima, T., Date, T., and Yoshida, M. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 7119-7121), the operon contained three other genes encoding hydrophilic proteins with molecular masses 25, 13, and 7 kDa. The 25-kDa protein is the third largest subunit (gamma), the 13-kDa protein is most likely the fourth subunit (delta), and the 7-kDa protein may correspond to an unknown subunit of the ATPase, tentatively named as epsilon subunit. They do not have significant sequence similarity to subunits in F0F1-ATPases and eukaryotic V-type ATPases, whereas the other three subunits, alpha, beta, and c, have homologous counterparts in F0F1- and V-type ATPases. The order of the genes in the operon was delta alpha beta gamma epsilon c. The S. acidocaldarius ATPase operon differed from the eucabacterial F0F1-ATPase operon in that the former contains only one gene for a hydrophobic subunit at the most downstream part of the operon whereas the latter has three hydrophobic F0 genes preceding five hydrophilic F1 genes.  相似文献   

Characteristics of genome organization in the sulfur-dependent thermoacidophilic archaebacterium Sulfolobus acidocaldarius have been studied. By means of hybridization analysis it is shown that the genome of S. acidocaldarius, unlike the genome of the extremely halophilic archaebacterium Halobacterium halobium, does not contain repetitive sequences.  相似文献   

The plasma-membrane-associated ATPase of the thermoacidophilic archaebacterium Sulfolobus acidocaldarius characterized in a previous work [M. Lübben & G. Sch?fer (1987) Eur. J. Biochem. 164, 533-540] has been solubilized. It can be easily removed from the membrane by mild treatment with zwitterionic detergents, therefore it appears to be a peripheral membrane protein analogous to the soluble F1-ATPase of eubacteria and eukaryotes. Further purification has been achieved by subsequent gel permeation and ion-exchange chromatography. The final purity is greater than 70% as judged by staining intensities after SDS/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The ATPase consists of two major polypeptides of 65 kDa (alpha) and 51 kDa (beta) in comparable quantities; a minor band (20 kDa) is assumed to be a contaminant or a constitutive part of the enzyme, possibly copurified in substoichiometric amount. The native molecular mass of the solubilized ATPase determined by gel permeation is 430 kDa. Considering the precision of these methods, it remains open whether a 3:3 stoichiometry reflects the contribution of alpha and beta subunits to the quaternary structure, in analogy to known F1-ATPases. The catalytic properties resemble those of the membrane-bound state. There are two pH optima at 5.3 and 8.0 in the absence and only one optimum at 6.5 in the presence of the activating anion sulfite. Activity is strictly dependent on the divalent cations Mg2+ or Mn2+. ATP and dATP are hydrolyzed with highest rates; also other purine and pyrimidine nucleotides are cleaved significantly, but not ADP, pyrophosphate and p-nitrophenyl phosphate. The ATPase is insensitive to azide or vanadate but is inhibited by relatively low concentrations of nitrate. Polyclonal antisera have been raised against the beta subunit of the Sulfolobus ATPase. Cross-reactivities with cellular or membrane extracts of a number of archaebacteria, eubacteria and chloroplasts have been analyzed by means of Western blotting and immunodecoration. A strong cross-reactivity with other genera of the Sulfolobales is observed, also with Methanobacterium, Methanosarcina, Methanolobus and Halobacterium. Even membranes of the eubacterium Escherichia coli and of eukaryotic chloroplast react with the antibodies. With one exception, in all cases the molecular mass of the cross-reacting polypeptide falls in the range of 51-56 kDa. Only in Halobacterium halobium, bands at 66 and 68 kDa have been detected. In order to identify the cross-reacting polypeptides, the purified F1-ATPases of E. coli, chloroplasts and beef heart mitochondria have been tested.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

A new restriction endonuclease SuaI was isolated from the thermoacidophilic archaebacterium Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. The enzyme is an isoschizomer of BspR1; it recognizes tetranucleotide GGCC and cleaves DNA in the center of this sequence. SuaI requires Mg2+, the optimal concentration being 6 mM. KCl at concentrations above 25 mM significantly inhibits the enzyme activity. The pH optimum lies within the range of 6--7 at 70 degrees C, the temperature optimum is at 70--75 degrees C. The enzyme is highly stable at temperatures up to 80 degrees C. DNA of S. acidocaldarius is not cleaved by the enzyme.  相似文献   

A highly active inorganic pyrophosphatase was purified to electrophoretical homogeneity from the cytosol of Sulfolobus acidocaldarius strain 7, an extremely thermoacidophilic archaebacterium. The enzyme has an apparent molecular mass of 80 kDa as estimated by gel permeation chromatography, and showed a 21-kDa polypeptide on SDS-PAGE, suggesting that the archaebacterial enzyme is similar to most of the eubacterial pyrophosphatases rather than eukaryotic ones. The pI = 5.1. The enzyme showed relatively high content of Pro and low content of Ser plus Thr. The optimal pH was 6.5 (at 56 degrees C). From the Arrhenius plot an activation energy of 11.2 kcal/mol was obtained between 37-95 degrees C. The specific activity was 617 mumol Pi release min-1 mg-1 at 56 degrees C. The S. acidocaldarius pyrophosphatase was extremely stable. Complete activity remained after incubation at 100 degrees C for 10 min. No dissociation into subunit or unfolding of polypeptide chain occurred in the presence of 8 M urea. Experiments using guanidine-HCl suggested that the transition between a native tetrameric state and an unfolded state is completely reversible, and essentially independent of any additional factors such as divalent metal cation or dithiothreitol.  相似文献   

Malate dehydrogenase from Sulfolobus acidocaldarius has been purified 240-fold to apparent electrophoretic homogeneity. The enzyme shows a specific activity of 277 U/mg and crystallizes readily. The relative molecular mass of the native enzyme is estimated as 128,500 by ultracentrifugation. After cross-linking a relative molecular mass of 134,000 is found by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis. Malate dehydrogenase from S. acidocaldarius is composed of four subunits of identical size with a relative molecular mass of 34,000. Active-enzyme sedimentation in the analytical ultracentrifuge indicates that the tetramer is the catalytically active species. Kinetic studies in the direction of oxaloacetate reduction showed a Km for NADH of 4.1 microM and a Km for oxaloacetate of 52 microM. Oxaloacetate exhibits substrate inhibition at higher concentrations, L-malate, NAD and NADP were found to be product inhibitors. The enzymatic activity is inhibited by 2-oxoglutarate but not by the adenosine nucleotides AMP, ADP and ATP. Only low activity is detected in the direction of malate oxidation. Malate dehydrogenase from S. acidocaldarius utilizes both NADH and NADPH to reduce oxaloacetate. The enzyme shows A-side stereospecificity for both nicotinamide dinucleotides.  相似文献   

A plasmid in the archaebacterium Sulfolobus acidocaldarius   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
A plasmid of mol. wt. ~9 × 106 has been isolated from the archaebacterium Sulfolobus acidocaldarius strain B12. Plasmid production is induced by u.v. radiation. A copy of the plasmid is probably carried by the chromosome, integrated at a specific site. The entire plasmid, and also restriction fragments of it, has been cloned into Escherichia coli plasmid vectors, and the cleavage sites on the plasmid DNA of three restriction endonucleases have been mapped.  相似文献   

Summary A rapid procedure for plating the thermo-acidophilic archaebacterium Sulfolobus solfataricus using Gerlite as a gelling agent is reported. The technique uses a clear, single layer in which the colonies are grown.  相似文献   

A novel ATPase was solubilized from membranes of an acidothermophilic archaebacterium, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, with low ionic strength buffer containing EDTA. The enzyme was purified to homogeneity by hydrophobic chromatography and gel filtration. The molecular weight of the purified enzyme was estimated to be 360,000. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified enzyme in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate revealed that it consisted of three kinds of subunits, alpha, beta, and gamma, whose molecular weights were approximately 69,000, 54,000, and 28,000, respectively, and the most probable subunit stoichiometry was alpha 3 beta 3 gamma 1. The purified ATPase hydrolyzed ATP, GTP, ITP, and CTP but not UTP, ADP, AMP, or p-nitrophenylphosphate. The enzyme was highly heat stable and showed an optimal temperature of 85 degrees C. It showed an optimal pH of around 5, very little activity at neutral pH, and another small activity peak at pH 8.5. The ATPase activity was significantly stimulated by bisulfite and bicarbonate ions, the optimal pH remaining unchanged. The Lineweaver-Burk plot was linear, and the Km for ATP and the Vmax were estimated to be 1.6 mM and 13 mumol Pi.mg.-1.min-1, respectively, at pH 5.2 at 60 degrees C in the presence of bisulfite. The chemical modification reagent, 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole, caused inactivation of the ATPase activity although the enzyme was not inhibited by N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, N-ethyl-maleimide, azide or vanadate. These results suggest that the ATPase purified from membranes of S. acidocaldarius resembles other archaebacterial ATPases, although a counterpart of the gamma subunit has not been found in the latter. The relationship of the S. acidocaldarius ATPase to other ion-transporting ATPases, such as F0F1 type or E1E2 type ATPases, was discussed.  相似文献   

The carboxylesterase (serine esterase, EC from Sulfolobus acidocaldarius was purified 940-fold to homogeneity by an improved purification procedure with a yield of 57%. In the presence of alcohols the enzyme catalyses the transfer of the substrate acyl group to alcohols in parallel to hydrolysis. The results show the existence of an alcohol-binding site and a competitive partitioning of the acyl-enzyme intermediate between water and alcohols. Aniline acts also as a nucleophilic acceptor for the acyl group. On the basis of titration with diethyl p-nitrophenyl phosphate, a number of four active centres is determined for the tetrameric carboxylesterase. The sequence of 20 amino acid residues at the esterase N-terminus and the amino acid composition are reported.  相似文献   

To elucidate the phylogenic status of archaebacteria, some basic cellular components of an acido-thermophilic archaebacterium,Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, were studied. Poly(A) containing RNA was present in the cells, and performed the role of mRNA in a cell-free extract of reticulocyte or the archaebacteria. Poly(A) containing RNA was also found in other archaebacterial cells. The absence of cap structure was suggested in these RNAs. The cell-free protein synthesis using the archaebacterial extract was inhibited by anisomycin, a specific inhibitor for eukaryotic ribosomes. Two unique membrane-bound ATPases were detected. Based on resistance to H+-ATPase inhibitors, these enzymes seemed not to be F0F1-ATPase.  相似文献   

An NAD(P)-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase was purified to homogeneity from the thermoacidophilic archaebacterium Sulfolobus solfataricus. The enzyme is a hexamer (subunit mass 45 kDa) which dissociates into lower states of association when submitted to gel filtration. Isoelectric focusing analysis of the purified enzyme showed a pI of 5.7 and occasionally revealed microheterogeneity. The enzyme is strictly specific for the natural substrates 2-oxoglutarate and L-glutamate, but is active with both NADH and NADPH. S. solfataricus glutamate dehydrogenase revealed a high degree of thermal stability (at 80 C the half-life was 15 h) which was strictly dependent on the protein concentration. Very high levels of glutamate dehydrogenase were found in this archaebacterium which suggests that the conversion of 2-oxoglutarate and ammonia to glutamate is of central importance to the nitrogen metabolism in this bacterium.  相似文献   

Glucose dehydrogenase has been purified to homogeneity from cell extracts of the extreme thermoacidophilic archaebacterium Sulfolobus solfataricus. The enzyme utilizes both NAD+ and NADP+ as coenzyme and catalyses the oxidation of several monosaccharides to the corresponding glyconic acid. Substrate specificity and oxidation rate depend on the coenzyme present; when NAD+ is used, the enzyme binds and oxidizes specifically sugars presenting equatorial orientation of hydroxy groups at C-2, C-3 and C-4. The Mr of the native enzyme is 124,000 and decreases to about 60,000 in the presence of 6 M-guanidinium chloride and to about 30,000 in the presence of 5% (w/v) SDS. The enzyme shows maximal activity at pH 9, 77 degrees C and 20 mM-Mg2+, -Mn2+ or -Ca2+ and is fairly stable in the presence of chaotropic agents and water-miscible organic solvents such as methanol or acetone.  相似文献   

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