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Recognition of DNA sequences by the repressor of bacteriophage 434   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The structure of a complex between the DNA-binding domain of phage 434 repressor and a 14 base-pair synthetic DNA operator reveals the molecular interactions important for sequence-specific recognition. A set of contacts with DNA backbone, notably involving hydrogen bonds between peptide-NH groups and DNA phosphates, position the repressor and fix the DNA configuration. Direct interactions between amino acid side chains and DNA bases involve nonpolar van der Waals contacts as well as hydrogen bonds. The structures of the repressor domain and of the 434 cro protein are extremely similar. There appear to be no major conformational changes in the proteins when they bind to DNA.  相似文献   

Inactivation of the lambdoid phage repressor protein is necessary to induce lytic growth of a lambdoid prophage. Activated RecA, the mediator of the host SOS response to DNA damage, causes inactivation of the repressor by stimulating the repressor's nascent autocleavage activity. The repressor of bacteriophage lambda and its homolog, LexA, preferentially undergo RecA-stimulated autocleavage as free monomers, which requires that each monomer mediates its own (intramolecular) cleavage. The cI repressor of bacteriophage 434 preferentially undergoes autocleavage as a dimer specifically bound to DNA, opening the possibility that one 434 repressor subunit may catalyze proteolysis of its partner subunit (intermolecular cleavage) in the DNA-bound dimer. Here, we first identified and mutagenized the residues at the cleavage and active sites of 434 repressor. We utilized the mutant repressors to show that the DNA-bound 434 repressor dimer overwhelmingly prefers to use an intramolecular mechanism of autocleavage. Our data suggest that the 434 repressor cannot be forced to use an intermolecular cleavage mechanism. Based on these data, we propose a model in which the cleavage-competent conformation of the repressor is stabilized by operator binding.  相似文献   

The catalytic subunit of the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PKcs) is essential for the repair of double-stranded DNA breaks (DSBs) in non- homologous end joining (NHEJ) and during V(D)J recombination. DNA-PKcs binds single- and double-stranded DNA in vitro, and in vivo the Ku heterodimer probably helps recruit it to DSBs with high affinity. Once loaded onto DNA, DNA-PKcs acts as a scaffold for other repair factors to generate a multiprotein complex that brings the two DNA ends together. Human DNA-PKcs has been analysed by electron microscopy in the absence and presence of double-stranded DNA, and the three-dimensional reconstruction of DNA-bound DNA-PKcs displays large conformational changes when compared with the unbound protein. DNA-PKcs seems to use a palm-like domain to clip onto the DNA, and this new conformation correlates with the activation of the kinase. We suggest that the observed domain movements might help the binding and maintenance of DNA-PKcs' interaction with DNA at the sites of damage, and that these conformational changes activate the kinase.  相似文献   

The extent of DNA bending induced by 434 repressor, its amino terminal DNA binding domain (R1-69), and 434 Cro was studied by gel shift assay. The results show that 434 repressor and R1-69 bend DNA to the same extent. 434 Cro-induced DNA bends are similar to those seen with the 434 repressor proteins. On approximately 265 base pair fragments, the cyclic AMP receptor protein of Escherichia coli (CRP) produces larger mobility shifts than does 434 repressor. This indicates that the 434 proteins bend DNA to a much smaller extent than does CRP. The effects of central operator sequence on intrinsic and 434 protein-induced DNA bending was also examined by gel shift assay. Two 434 operators having different central sequences and affinities for 434 proteins display no static bending. The amount of gel shift induced by 434 repressor on these operators is identical, showing that the 434 repressor bends operators with different central sequences to the same extent. Hence, mutations in the central region of the operator do not influence the bent structure of the unbound or bound operator.  相似文献   

The DNA polymerase I from Thermus aquaticus (Taq polymerase) performs lagging-strand DNA synthesis and DNA repair. Taq polymerase contains a polymerase domain for synthesizing a new DNA strand and a 5'-nuclease domain for cleaving RNA primers or damaged DNA strands. The extended crystal structure of Taq polymerase poses a puzzle on how this enzyme coordinates its polymerase and the nuclease activities to generate only a nick. Using contrast variation solution small angle neutron scattering, we have examined the conformational changes that occur in Taq polymerase upon binding "overlap flap" DNA, a structure-specific DNA substrate that mimics the substrate in strand replacement reactions. In solution, apoTaq polymerase has an overall expanded equilibrium conformation similar to that in the crystal structure. Upon binding to the DNA substrate, both the polymerase and the nuclease domains adopt more compact overall conformations, but these changes are not enough to bring the two active sites close enough to generate a nick. Reconstruction of the three-dimensional molecular envelope from small angle neutron scattering data shows that in the DNA-bound form, the nuclease domain is lifted up relative to its position in the non-DNA-bound form so as to be in closer contact with the thumb and palm subdomains of the polymerase domain. The results suggest that a form of structure sensing is responsible for the coordination of the polymerase and nuclease activities in nick generation. However, interactions between the polymerase and the nuclease domains can assist in the transfer of the DNA substrate from one active site to the other.  相似文献   

The 2.1A crystal structure of the unliganded type II restriction endonuclease, HincII, is described. Although the asymmetric unit contains only a single monomer, crystal lattice contacts bring two monomers together to form a dimer very similar to that found in the DNA bound form. Comparison with the published DNA bound structure reveals that the DNA binding pocket is expanded in the unliganded structure. Comparison of the unliganded and DNA liganded structures reveals a simple rotation of subunits by 11 degrees each, or 22 degrees total, to a more closed structure around the bound DNA. Comparison of this conformational change to that observed in the other type II restriction endonucleases where DNA bound and unliganded forms have both been characterized, shows considerable variation in the types of conformational changes that can occur. The conformational changes in three can be described by a simple rotation of subunits, while in two others both rotation and translation of subunits relative to one another occurs. In addition, the endonucleases having subunits that undergo the greatest amount of rotation upon DNA binding are found to be those that distort the bound DNA the least, suggesting that DNA bending may be less facile in dimers possessing greater flexibility.  相似文献   

The maintenance of a plasmid vector-host system that selects for bacteria carrying the plasmid without the need for antibiotics is described. In this system, the bacteriophage 434 repressor gene cloned on the plasmid protects the host from lysis by a lambda imm434 cI- prophage. Cells that occasionally lose the plasmid are killed by prophage induction and therefore do not accumulate in the growing culture. The presence of the phage 434 repressor in the cells does not interfere with the process of lambda repressor inactivation and the high-level production of bovine growth hormone.  相似文献   

The maintenance of a plasmid vector-host system that selects for bacteria carrying the plasmid without the need for antibiotics is described. In this system, the bacteriophage 434 repressor gene cloned on the plasmid protects the host from lysis by a lambda imm434 cI- prophage. Cells that occasionally lose the plasmid are killed by prophage induction and therefore do not accumulate in the growing culture. The presence of the phage 434 repressor in the cells does not interfere with the process of lambda repressor inactivation and the high-level production of bovine growth hormone.  相似文献   

Single-chain repressor RRTRES is a derivative of bacteriophage 434 repressor, which contains covalently dimerized DNA-binding domains (amino acids 1-69) of the phage 434 repressor. In this single-chain molecule, the wild type domain R is connected to the mutant domain RTRES by a recombinant linker in a head-to-tail arrangement. The DNA-contacting amino acids of RTRES at the -1, 1,2, and 5 positions of the α3 helix are T, R, E, S respectively. By using a randomized DNA pool containing the central sequence -CATACAAGAAAGNNNNNTTT-. a cyclic, in vitro DNA-binding site selection was performed. The selected population was cloned and the individual members were characterized by determining their binding affinities to RRTRES. The results showed that the optimal operators contained the TTAC or TTCC sequences in the underlined positions as above, and that the Kd values were in the 1×10-12mol/L1×10-11mol/L concentration range. Since the affinity of the natural 434 repressor to its natural operator sites is in the  相似文献   

Single-chain repressor RRTRES is a derivative of bacteriophage 434 repressor, which contains covalently dimerized DNA-binding domains (amino acids 1-69) of the phage 434 repressor. In this single-chain molecule, the wild type domain R is connected to the mutant domain RTRES by a recombinant linker in a head-to-tail arrangement. The DNA-contacting amino acids of RTRES at the -1, 1, 2, and 5 positions of the a3 helix are T, R, E, S respectively. By using a randomized DNA pool containing the central sequence -CATACAAGAAAGNNNNNNTTT-, a cyclic, in vitro DNA-binding site selection was performed. The selected population was cloned and the individual members were characterized by determining their binding affinities to RRTRES. The results showed that the optimal operators contained the TTAC or TTCC sequences in the underlined positions as above, and that the Kd values were in the 1×10-12 mol/L-1×10-11mol/L concentration range. Since the affinity of the natural 434 repressor to its natural operator sites is in the 1×10-9 mol/L range, the observed binding affinity increase is remarkable. It was also found that binding affinity was strongly affected by the flanking bases of the optimal tetramer binding sites, especially by the base at the 5′ position. We constructed a new homodimeric single-chain repressor RTRESRTRES and its DNA-binding specificity was tested by using a series of new operators designed according to the recog-nition properties previously determined for the RTRES domain. These operators containing the con-sensus sequence GTAAGAAARNTTACN or GGAAGAAARNTTCCN (R is A or G) were recognized by RTRESRTRES specifically, and with high binding affinity. Thus, by using a combination of random selection and rational design principles, we have discovered novel, high affinity protein-DNA inter-actions with new specificity. This method can potentially be used to obtain new binding specificity for other DNA-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Simian Virus 40 replication requires only one viral protein, the Large T antigen (T-ag), which acts as both an initiator of replication and as a replicative helicase (reviewed in ). We used electron microscopy to generate a three-dimensional reconstruction of the T-ag hexameric ring in the presence and absence of a synthetic replication fork to locate the T-ag domains, to examine structural changes in the T-ag hexamer associated with DNA binding, and to analyze the formation of double hexamers on and off DNA. We found that binding DNA to the T-ag hexamer induces large conformational changes in the N- and C-terminal domains of T-ag. Additionally, we observed a significant increase in density throughout the central channel of the hexameric ring upon DNA binding. We conclude that conformational changes in the T-ag hexamer are required to accommodate DNA and that the mode of DNA binding may be similar to that suggested for some other ring helicases. We also identified two conformations of T-ag double hexamers formed in the presence of forked DNA: with N-terminal hexamer-hexamer contacts, similar to those formed on origin DNA, or with C-terminal contacts, which are unlike any T-ag double hexamers reported previously.  相似文献   

The repressor protein of bacteriophage 434 binds to DNA as a dimer of identical subunits. Its strong dimerization is mediated by the carboxyl-terminal domain. Cooperative interactions between the C-terminal domains of two repressor dimers bound at adjacent sites can stabilize protein-DNA complexes formed with low-affinity binding sites. We have constructed a plasmid, pCT1, which directs the overproduction of the carboxyl-terminal domain of 434 repressor. The protein encoded by this plasmid is called CT-1. Cells transformed with pCT1 are unable to be lysogenized by wild-type 434 phage, whereas control cells are lysogenized at an efficiency of 1 to 5%. The CT-1-mediated interference with lysogen formation presumably results from formation of heteromeric complexes between the phage-encoded repressor and the plasmid-encoded carboxyl-terminal domain fragment. These heteromers are unable to bind DNA and thereby inhibit the repressor's activity in promoting lysogen formation. Two lines of evidence support this conclusion. First, DNase I footprinting experiments show that at a 2:1 ratio of CT-1 to intact 434 repressor, purified CT-1 protein prevents the formation of complexes between 434 repressor and its OR1 binding site. Second, cross-linking experiments reveal that only a specific heterodimeric complex forms between CT-1 and intact 434 repressor. This latter observation indicates that CT-1 interferes with 434 repressor-operator complex formation by preventing dimerization and not by altering the conformation of the DNA-bound repressor dimer. Our other evidence is also consistent with this suggestion. We have used deletion analysis in an attempt to define the region which mediates the 434 repressor-CT-1 interaction. CT-1 proteins which have more than the last 14 amino acids removed are unable to interfere with 434 repressor action in vivo.  相似文献   

Acridine-induced mutants of bacteriophage 434hy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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