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This paper reviews evidence supporting adaptive plasticity in muscle and cutaneous afferent reflex pathways induced by training and rehabilitative interventions. The perspective is advanced that the behavioral and functional relevance of any intervention and the reflex pathway under study should be considered when evaluating both adaptation and transfer. A cornerstone of this concept can be found in acute task-dependent reflex modulation. Because the nervous system allows the expression of a given reflex according to the motor task, an attempt to evaluate the training adaptation should also be evoked under the same conditions as training bearing in mind the functional role of the pathway under study. Within this framework, considerable evidence supports extensive adaptive plasticity in human muscle afferent pathways in the form of operant conditioning, strength training, skill training, and locomotor training or retraining. Directly comparable evidence for chronic adaptation in cutaneous reflex pathways is lacking. However, activity-dependent plasticity in cutaneous pathways is documented particularly in approaches to neurological rehabilitation. Overall, the adaptive range for human muscle afferent reflexes appears bidirectional (that is, increased or reduced amplitudes) and on the order of 25-50%. The adaptive range for cutaneous pathways is currently uncertain.  相似文献   

Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) to median nerve, ulnar nerve, thumb, middle finger, and posterior tibial nerve stimulation were recorded in a patient with a discrete resection of part of the postcentral somatosensory cortex as a treatment for focal epilepsy. Comparison of the different stimulation sites confirmed electrophysiologically the restricted locus of the lesion. The results strongly suggest that the early negative component (N20) and subsequent components recorded postcentrally are of cortical origin and depend upon postcentral gyrus cytoarchitectonic areas 3, 2, and 1. Moreover, these postcentral SEPs are distinct from precentrally recorded activity.  相似文献   

Balance problems and falls are common in people with multiple sclerosis (MS) but their cause and nature are not well understood. It is known that MS affects many areas of the central nervous system that can impact postural responses to maintain balance, including the cerebellum and the spinal cord. Cerebellar balance disorders are associated with normal latencies but reduced scaling of postural responses. We therefore examined the latency and scaling of automatic postural responses, and their relationship to somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs), in ten people with MS and imbalance and ten age-, sex-matched, healthy controls. The latency and scaling of postural responses to backward surface translations of five different velocities and amplitudes, and the latency of spinal and supraspinal somatosensory conduction, were examined. Subjects with MS had large, but very delayed automatic postural response latencies compared to controls (161 +/- 31 ms vs. 102 +/- 21 ms, p < 0.01) and these postural response latencies correlated with the latencies of their spinal SSEPs (r = 0.73, p < 0.01). Subjects with MS also had normal or excessive scaling of postural response amplitude to perturbation velocity and amplitude. Longer latency postural responses were associated with less velocity scaling and more amplitude scaling. Balance deficits in people with MS appear to be caused by slowed spinal somatosensory conduction and not by cerebellar involvement. People with MS appear to compensate for their slowed spinal somatosensory conduction by increasing the amplitude scaling and the magnitude of their postural responses.  相似文献   

Scalp topography of somatosensory evoked potentials following mechanical (SEPs(M)) and electrical (SEPs(E)) stimulation of the left middle finger was investigated with linked ear reference in 21 normal young adults. A small plastic ball (touch) or needle (pain) was used for the mechanical stimulation. With mechanical stimulation, at least 3 positive and 3 negative potentials (P19(M), N24(M), P29(M), N36(M), P49(M) and N61(M)) were found in the post-rolandic area contralateral to the stimulation. The wave form in SEPs(M) was similar to those in SEPs(E), but the peak latency of each component in SEPs(M) was 1–4 msec longer than that in SEPs(E). Earlier components such as P19(M), N24(M) and P29(M) were not as clearly recognized as corresponding components in SEPs(E). However, the wave form recorded on the hemisphere ipsilateral to the stimulation or in the frontal area contralateral to the stimulation showed a greater difference from subject to subject. P19(M), N24(M) and P29(M) correlated positively both with arm length and height of the subject. There was no significant difference of the wave form between the linked ear reference and the bipolar (C4-Fz) derivation. Wave form of SEPs(M) by needle stimulation did not significantly differ from that by plastic ball stimulation.  相似文献   

This is the first report of estimating conduction velocity (CV) of the slowly conducting somatosensory spinal tracts or the spino-thalamic tract (STT) in man. The CV of the STT was measured by recording somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) following CO2 laser stimulation of the hand and foot, which was previously shown to cause pain or heat sensation by activating cutaneous nociceptors and by its ascending signals through Aδ fibers and probably STT. When the CV of Aδ fibers was assumed to be 10–15 m/sec, the CV of STT was found to be approximately 8–10 m/sec in normal young subjects. It was slightly slower in subjects over 60 years of age. In contrast, the CV of the posterior column, which was calculated based on SEPs following electrical stimulation of the median and posterior tibial nerves, was approximately 50–60 m/sec.  相似文献   

0ain-related somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) following CO2 laser stimulation were analyzed in normal volunteers. Low power and long wavelength CO2 laser stimuli to the hand induced a sharp pain which was associated with a large positive component, P320, recorded over the scalp. Amplitude decreased and latency increased with reduction in stimulus intensity and subjective pain feeling. P320 was maximal at the vertex but was distributed widely over the scalp. There were no topographic differences between left- and right-hand stimulation, or between hand and chest stimulation. Lidocaine injection to produce anesthetic nerve block resulted in loss of P320, but the potential was relatively preserved during ischemic nerve block. No potential corresponding to P320 could be recorded following electrical or mechanical tactile stimulation.We consider P320 to be generated by impulses arising from pain stimuli and ascending through Aδ fibers. We propose the thalamus as a generator source from considering its scalp topography, but pain-specific cognition or perception may also be involved in generating this potential.  相似文献   

The velocities of motor and sensory nervous conduction and of neuro-muscular transmission were measured in four subjects during a simulated dive at 4.6 MPa (46 bars). The results show an increase in motor distal latency in the ulnar nerve, especially during decompression, with reversibility of the effect on return to ambient conditions. The hypothesis of an interaction of dissolved gases with the membranes of ischaemic cells is proposed.  相似文献   

Origin of the frontal somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) by median nerve stimulation was investigated in normal volunteers and in patients with localized cerebrovascular diseases, and the following results were obtained.
  • 1.(1) In normal subjects, SEPs recorded at F3 (or F4) contralateral to the stimulating median nerve were composed of P12, N15, P18.5 and N26. Similar components were recognized in SEP recorded at Fz.
  • 2.(2) In patients in whom putaminal or thalamic hemorrhages had destroyed the posterior limbs of the internal capsules, frontal N15 and parietal N18 (N20) disappeared. These components were also absent in patients with cortical (parietal) infarctions. Among these patients, the thalamus was not affected in cases with putaminal hemorrhages and cortical infarctions.
These facts indicate that the generator of the frontal N15 does not exist in the thalamus but that it originates from the neural structure central to the internal capsule, which suggests a similarity to the generator of the parietal N18.Because N15 was recorded in the midline of the frontal region with shorter latency than parietal N18, the frontal N15 might represent a response to the sensory input of the frontal lobe via the non-specific sensory system.  相似文献   

The somatosensory central conduction time (CCT) can be measured from the peak of N13 to the peak of N20 (peak CCT) or from the onset of N11 to the onset of N20 (onset CCT). The onset and peak CCT were measured concomitantly in 40 normal subjects and the mean peak CCT was significantly shorter than the mean onset CCT. Records with different reference electrodes (linked earlobes, F3, over the ipsilateral parietal scalp, non-cephalic reference in some subjects) showed no significant latency change of the N11 onset, the N20 onset, the peak and onset CCT in contrast with the significant latency changes of the N13 and N20 peak with different montages. The onset CCT was divided by the onset of the P14 far-field in 2 parameters, the N11-P14 interval predominantly concerned with spinal conduction and the P14-N20 interval which reflected only supraspinal conduction. The onset and peak CCT, the N11-P14 and P14-N20 intervals were not correlated with height or age. Three independent recording sessions over 1 year in 16 subjects showed that the parameters were reproducible. From the physiological point of view the onset and peak CCT are different parameters and the anatomical correlates of both parameters are discussed.  相似文献   

The diameters of nerve fibers in the brachium colliculi inferioris and geniculo-cortical tract were measured. The thickness of these fibers ranges from 0.5 to 6.0 µ, and in 82–88% of them it is 1.0–3.0 µ. About 100,000 nerve fibers were found in cross-sections through the brachium colliculi inferioris. The velocity of conduction along centripetal fibers of the geniculo-cortical tract was determined. It varied from 11 to 28.6 m/sec in different fibers, and in 71% of them it was between 15 and 22 m/sec. The composition of the fibers of the geniculo-cortical tract was compared relative to their thickness and conduction velocity.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 608–611, November–December, 1972.  相似文献   

Since our previous study of pain somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) following CO2 laser stimulation of the hand dorsum could not clarify whether the early cortical component NI was generated from the primary somatosensory cortex (SI) or the secondary somatosensory cortex (SII) or both, the scalp topography of SEPs following CO2 laser stimulation of the foot dorsum was studied in 10 normal subjects and was compared with that of the hand pain SEPs and the conventional SEPs following electrical stimulation of the posterior tibial nerve recorded in 8 and 6 of the 10 subjects, respectively. Three components (N1, N2 and P2) were recorded for both foot and hand pain SEPs. N1 of the foot pain SEPs was maximal at the midline electrodes (Cz or CPz) in all data where that potential was recognized, but the potential field distribution was variable among subjects and even between two sides within the same subject. N1 of the hand pain SEPs was maximal at the contralateral central or midtemporal electrode. The scalp distribution of N2 and P2, however, was not different between the foot and hand pain SEPs. The mean peak latency of N1 following stimulation of foot and hand was found to be 191 msec and 150 msec, respectively, but there was no significant difference in the interpeak latency of Nl-N2 between foot and hand stimulation. It is therefore concluded that NI of the foot pain SEPs is generated mainly from the foot area of SI. The variable scalp distribution of the N7 component of the foot pain SEPs is likely due to an anatomical variability among subjects and even between sides.  相似文献   

 The whole question of consciousness, awareness and depth of anaesthesia is both timely, little understood and deeply challenging. Models of the underlying neural pathway mechanisms/dynamics are necessary for understanding the interactions involved and their structure and function. A neuronal network of the somatosensory pathways is proposed in this paper based on experimental information and physiological investigation into anaesthesia. Existing mathematical neuronal models from the literature have been modified and then employed to describe the dynamics of the proposed pathway network. Effects of anaesthetic agents on the cortex were simulated in the model which describes the evoked cortical responses. By comparison with responses from anaesthetised rats, the model's responses are able to describe the dynamics of typical responses. Thus, the proposed model promises to be valuable for investigating the mechanisms of anaesthesia on the cortex and the effects of brain lesions. Received: 4 March 2002 / Accepted in revised form: 8 July 2002 Correspondence to: D. A. Linkens (e-mail: d.linkens@sheffield.ac.uk, Tel.: +44-114-2225133, Fax: +44-114-2731729) Acknowledgements. C.H. Ting was supported by a postgraduate scholarship from the University of Sheffield.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for separate conduction pathways for swimming and for tentacle coordination in the marginal nerves of the jellyfish Stomotoca. The effector muscles are fired through junctions sensitive to excess Mg++, probably represented by the neuromuscular synapses observed by electron microscopy. The swimming effector (striated muscle) fires one-to-one with nerve input signals and myoid conduction occurs. Tentacle responses (smooth muscle contractions) involve facilitation, presumably at the neuro-effector junction; responses are graded and nonpropagating. Electrical correlates of two further conducting systems using the marginal nerves have been recorded. Their functions are unknown. One, the bridge system, extends up the four radii and encircles the peduncle; the other (ring system) is confined to the margin. A fifth conducting system is inferred in the case of the pointing response and its distribution is plotted. Signals have not been obtained from it. Pointing is accompanied by a burst of muscle potentials in the radial smooth muscles and is exhibited after a lengthy latency, indicating a local pacemaker. A sixth conducting pathway is the epithelial system, which mediates crumpling, a response involving the radial muscles without pacemaker intervention. Characteristic conduction velocities and wave forms are noted for the first four systems and for epithelial pulses. All systems, except perhaps the pointing conduction system, through-conduct under excess Mg++. Spontaneous activity patterns are described for the swimming, tentacle pulse, and ring systems. Abrupt increases in light intensity inhibit spontaneous activity, sudden decreases augmenting it. In the absence of specialized photoreceptors, light is presumed to act directly on central neurons. Epithelial pulses inhibit swimming, apparently by blocking the generation or conduction of the primary nervous events. This observation, taken in conjunction with evidence of feedback inhibition of the primary swimming system by the cells it fires, is discussed in relation to possible mechanisms whereby the output of nerve cells might be altered by activity in the excitable epithelial cells which envelop them.  相似文献   

The AV nodal conduction curve generated by the atrial extrastimulus technique has been described only qualitatively in man, making clinical comparison of known normal curves with those of suspected AV nodal dysfunction difficult. Also, the effects of physiological and pharmacological interventions have not been quantifiable. In 50 patients with normal AV conduction as defined by normal AH (less than 130 ms), normal AV nodal effective and functional refractory periods (less than 380 and less than 500 ms), and absence of demonstrable dual AV nodal pathways, we found that conduction curves (at sinus rhythm or longest paced cycle length) can be described by an exponential equation of the form delta = Ae-Bx. In this equation, delta is the increase in AV nodal conduction time of an extrastimulus compared to that of a regular beat and x is extrastimulus interval. The natural logarithm of this equation is linear in the semilogarithmic plane, thus permitting the constants A and B to be easily determined by a least-squares regression analysis with a hand calculator.  相似文献   

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