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The CTLH complex is a large, highly conserved eukaryotic complex composed of eight proteins that has been associated to several cellular functions, more often described as an E3 ubiquitin ligase complex involved in protein degradation through ubiquitination but also via vacuole-dependent degradation. A common feature observed in several components of this complex is the presence of the domains lissencephaly-1 homology (LisH) and C-terminal to LisH (CTLH). The LisH domain is found in several proteins involved in chromosome segregation, microtubule dynamics, and cell migration. Also, this domain participates in protein dimerization, besides affecting protein half-life, and influencing in specific cellular localization. Among the proteins found in the CTLH complex, Twa1 (Two-hybrid-associated protein 1 with RanBPM), also known as Gid8 (glucose-induced degradation protein 8 homolog) is the smallest, being a good model for structural studies by NMR. In this work we report the chemical shift assignments of the homodimeric LisH domain of Twa1, as a first step to determine its solution structure.  相似文献   

Efficient trafficking of ubiquitinated receptors (cargo) to endosomes requires the recruitment of adaptor proteins that exhibit ubiquitin-binding domains for recognition and transport. Tom1 is an adaptor protein that not only associates with ubiquitinated cargo but also represents a phosphoinositide effector during specific bacterial infections. This phosphoinositide-binding property is associated with its N-terminal Vps27, Hrs, STAM (VHS) domain. Despite its biological relevance, there are no resonance assignments of Tom1 VHS available that can fully characterize its molecular interactions. Here, we report the nearly complete 1H, 15N, and 13C backbone resonance assignments of the VHS domain of human Tom1.  相似文献   

Osteopontin (OPN) is a 33.7 kDa intrinsically disordered protein and a member of the SIBLING family of proteins. OPN is bearing a signal peptide for secretion into the extracellular space, where it exerts its main physiological function, the control of calcium biomineralization. It is often involved in tumorigenic processes influencing proliferation, migration and survival, as well as the adhesive properties of cancer cells via CD44 and integrin signaling pathways. Here we report the nearly complete NMR chemical shift assignment of recombinant human osteopontin.  相似文献   

Early response to dehydration 10 protein (ERD10) is an intrinsically disordered protein from Arabidopsis thaliana. The protein is upregulated during stress however its mechanism of action at atomic level is not well understood. In the present work multidimensional NMR methodologies are used in order to facilitate the process of chemical shift assignment. The information provided here supports further NMR spectroscopy experiments aimed at elucidation of ERD10 behaviour during molecular recognition events with other proteins.  相似文献   

FLAVOPROTEINS lend themselves particularly well to study by the combined techniques of magnetic resonance and isotope substitution1–3. Recent electron spin resonance (ESR) and electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) investigations have already indicated the utility of this approach to the study of the structure and function of flavin and flavoproteins4–8. We have now prepared an unusual isotope hybrid flavoprotein that gives promise of great value for magnetic resonance studies. This substance is obtained by the introduction (by exchange) of an 1H-flavin mononucleotide (1H-FMN) prosthetic group into (fully deuterated) 2H-flavoprotein that can be isolated from the blue-green thermophilic alga Synechococcus lividus. This isotope hybrid protein makes it possible to apply in a unique way proton magnetic resonance (PMR) and ESR to the chemistry of protein-bound FMN.  相似文献   

Human guanylate kinase (hGMPK) is a critical enzyme that, in addition to phosphorylating its physiological substrate (d)GMP, catalyzes the second phosphorylation step in the conversion of anti-viral and anti-cancer nucleoside analogs to their corresponding active nucleoside analog triphosphates. Until now, a high-resolution structure of hGMPK is unavailable and thus, we studied free hGMPK by NMR and assigned the chemical shift resonances of backbone and side chain 1H, 13C, and 15N nuclei as a first step towards the enzyme’s structural and mechanistic analysis with atomic resolution.  相似文献   

There are few data reported on radionuclide contamination in Antarctica. The aim of this paper is to report 137Cs, 90Sr and 238,239+240Pu and 40K activity concentrations measured in biological samples collected from King George Island (Southern Shetlands, Antarctica), mostly during 2001–2002. The samples included: bones, eggshells and feathers of penguin Pygoscelis papua, bones and feathers of petrel Daption capense, bones and fur of seal Mirounga leonina, algae Himantothallus grandifolius, Desmarestia anceps and Cystosphaera jacquinotii, fish Notothenia corriceps, sea invertebrates Amphipoda, shells of limpet Nacella concina, lichen Usnea aurantiaco-atra, vascular plants Deschampsia antarctica and Colobanthus quitensis, fungi Omphalina pyxidata, moss Sanionia uncinata and soil. The results show a large variation in some activity concentrations. Samples from the marine environment had lower contamination levels than those from terrestrial ecosystems. The highest activity concentrations for all radionuclides were found in lichen and, to a lesser extent, in mosses, probably because lichens take up atmospheric pollutants and retain them. The only significant correlation (except for that expected between 238Pu and 239+240Pu) was noted for moss and lichen samples between plutonium and 90Sr. A tendency to a slow decrease with time seems to be occurring. Analyses of the activity ratios show varying fractionation between various radionuclides in different organisms. Algae were relatively more highly contaminated with plutonium and radiostrontium, and depleted with radiocesium. Feathers had the lowest plutonium concentrations. Radiostrontium and, to a lesser extent, Pu accumulated in bones. The present low intensity of fallout in Antarctic has a lower 238Pu/239+240Pu activity ratio than that expected for global fallout.  相似文献   

Significant resolution improvement in 13C,13C-TOCSY spectra of uniformly deuterated and 13C, 15N-labeled protein and 13C,15N-labeled RNA samples is achieved by introduction of multiple-band-selective 13C-homodecoupling applied simultaneously with 1H- or 2H- and 15N-decoupling at all stages of multidimensional experiments including signal acquisition period. The application of single, double or triple band-selective 13C-decoupling in 2D-[13C,13C]-TOCSY experiments during acquisition strongly simplifies the homonuclear splitting pattern. The technical aspects of complex multiple-band homonuclear decoupling and hardware requirements are discussed. The use of this technique (i) facilitates the resonance assignment process as it reduces signal overlap in homonuclear 13C-spectra and (ii) possibly improves the signal-to-noise ratio through multiplet collapse. It can be applied in any 13C-detected experiment.  相似文献   

Chromatin remodelling proteins are an essential family of eukaryotic proteins. They harness the energy from ATP hydrolysis and apply it to alter chromatin structure in order to regulate all aspects of genome biology. Chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 1 (CHD1) is one such remodelling protein that has specialised nucleosome organising abilities and is conserved across eukaryotes. CHD1 possesses a pair of tandem chromodomains that directly precede the core catalytic Snf2 helicase-like domain, and a C-terminal SANT-SLIDE DNA-binding domain. We have identified an additional conserved domain in the C-terminal region of CHD1. Here, we report the backbone and side chain resonance assignments for this domain from human CHD1 at pH 6.5 and 25 °C (BMRB No. 25638).  相似文献   

Calcineurin (CaN) plays an important role in T-cell activation, cardiac system development and nervous system function. Previous studies have demonstrated that the regulatory domain (RD) of CaN binds calmodulin (CaM) towards the N-terminal end. Calcium-loaded CaM activates the serine/threonine phosphatase activity of CaN by binding to the RD, although the mechanistic details of this interaction remain unclear. It is thought that CaM binding at the RD displaces the auto-inhibitory domain (AID) from the active site of CaN, activating phosphatase activity. In the absence of calcium-loaded CaM, the RD is disordered, and binding of CaM induces folding in the RD. In order to provide mechanistic detail about the CaM–CaN interaction, we have undertaken an NMR study of the RD of CaN. Complete 13C, 15N and 1H assignments of the RD of CaN were obtained using solution NMR spectroscopy. The backbone of RD has been assigned using a combination of 13C-detected CON-IPAP experiments as well as traditional HNCO, HNCA, HNCOCA and HNCACB-based 3D NMR spectroscopy. A 15N-resolved TOCSY experiment has been used to assign Hα and Hβ chemical shifts.  相似文献   

The transforming growth factor beta induced protein (TGFBIp) is a major protein component of the human cornea. Mutations occurring in TGFBIp may cause corneal dystrophies, which ultimately lead to loss of vision. The majority of the disease-causing mutations are located in the C-terminal domain of TGFBIp, referred as the fourth fascilin-1 (FAS1-4) domain. In the present study the FAS1-4 Ala546Thr, a mutation that causes lattice corneal dystrophy, was investigated in dimethylsulfoxide using liquid-state NMR spectroscopy, to enable H/D exchange strategies for identification of the core formed in mature fibrils. Isotope-labeled fibrillated FAS1-4 A546T was dissolved in a ternary mixture 95/4/1 v/v/v% dimethylsulfoxide/water/trifluoroacetic acid, to obtain and assign a reference 2D 1H–15N HSQC spectrum for the H/D exchange analysis. Here, we report the near-complete assignments of backbone and aliphatic side chain 1H, 13C and 15N resonances for unfolded FAS1-4 A546T at 25 °C.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a versatile catabolic pathway for lysosomal degradation of cytoplasmic material. While the phenomenological and molecular characteristics of autophagic non-selective (bulk) decomposition have been investigated for decades, the focus of interest is increasingly shifting towards the selective mechanisms of autophagy. Both, selective as well as bulk autophagy critically depend on ubiquitin-like modifiers belonging to the Atg8 (autophagy-related 8) protein family. During evolution, Atg8 has diversified into eight different human genes. While all human homologues participate in the formation of autophagosomal membrane compartments, microtubule-associated protein light chain 3C (LC3C) additionally plays a unique role in selective autophagic clearance of intracellular pathogens (xenophagy), which relies on specific protein–protein recognition events mediated by conserved motifs. The sequence-specific 1H, 15N, and 13C resonance assignments presented here form the stepping stone to investigate the high-resolution structure and dynamics of LC3C and to delineate LC3C’s complex network of molecular interactions with the autophagic machinery by NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Overlap of NMR signals is the major cause of difficulties associated with NMR structure elucidation of molecules contained in complex mixtures. A 2D homonuclear correlation spectroscopy in particular suffers from low dispersion of 1H chemical shifts; larger dispersion of 13C chemical shifts is often used to reduce this overlap, while still providing the proton–proton correlation information e.g. in the form of a 2D 1H, 13C HSQC-TOCSY experiment. For this methodology to work, 13C chemical shift must be resolved. In case of 13C chemical shifts overlap, 1H chemical shifts can be used to achieve the desired resolution. The proposed (3, 2)D 1H, 13C BIRDr,X-HSQC-TOCSY experiment achieves this while preserving singlet character of cross peaks in the F1 dimension. The required high-resolution in the 13C dimension is thus retained, while the cross peak overlap occurring in a regular HSQC-TOCSY experiment is eliminated. The method is illustrated on the analysis of a complex carbohydrate mixture obtained by depolymerisation of a fucosylated chondroitin sulfate isolated from the body wall of the sea cucumber Holothuria forskali.  相似文献   

ASCAN is a new algorithm for automatic sequence-specific NMR assignment of amino acid side-chains in proteins, which uses as input the primary structure of the protein, chemical shift lists of (1)H(N), (15)N, (13)C(alpha), (13)C(beta) and possibly (1)H(alpha) from the previous polypeptide backbone assignment, and one or several 3D (13)C- or (15)N-resolved [(1)H,(1)H]-NOESY spectra. ASCAN has also been laid out for the use of TOCSY-type data sets as supplementary input. The program assigns new resonances based on comparison of the NMR signals expected from the chemical structure with the experimentally observed NOESY peak patterns. The core parts of the algorithm are a procedure for generating expected peak positions, which is based on variable combinations of assigned and unassigned resonances that arise for the different amino acid types during the assignment procedure, and a corresponding set of acceptance criteria for assignments based on the NMR experiments used. Expected patterns of NOESY cross peaks involving unassigned resonances are generated using the list of previously assigned resonances, and tentative chemical shift values for the unassigned signals taken from the BMRB statistics for globular proteins. Use of this approach with the 101-amino acid residue protein FimD(25-125) resulted in 84% of the hydrogen atoms and their covalently bound heavy atoms being assigned with a correctness rate of 90%. Use of these side-chain assignments as input for automated NOE assignment and structure calculation with the ATNOS/CANDID/DYANA program suite yielded structure bundles of comparable quality, in terms of precision and accuracy of the atomic coordinates, as those of a reference structure determined with interactive assignment procedures. A rationale for the high quality of the ASCAN-based structure determination results from an analysis of the distribution of the assigned side chains, which revealed near-complete assignments in the core of the protein, with most of the incompletely assigned residues located at or near the protein surface.  相似文献   

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