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Niche differentiation is a prominent mechanism for explaining tree species coexistence in tropical rain forests. Theory predicts that species that are specialized on a set of environmental conditions should competitively exclude generalists in those conditions, and that environmental heterogeneity allows the coexistence of many different species based on niche specialization. Yet, many tropical tree species of the family Dipterocarpaceae have broadly similar habitat preferences, with some occurring widely across several soil types. These soil generalists clearly persist despite the presence of other dipterocarp species that show clear soil specialization. We evaluate comparative seedling performance (growth and survival) of six Shorea species (Dipterocarpaceae) which differ in their adult tree habitat associations within the Sepilok Forest Reserve (Borneo, Malaysia). We tested the hypothesis that seedlings of species associated with a particular soil type perform better on that soil type than seedlings of soil generalist species, with generalists in turn performing better than specialists on a different soil type. We conducted a reciprocal transplant experiment including two soil types (alluvial and mudstone) and two light treatments (gap and understory). The soils differed in soil acidity, Al and P concentration. Observed species‐specific differences in seedling responses to soil, light, and occasional flooding events could partially explain observed adult distribution, although not all species could be fully differentiated along these axes. Other trade‐offs, such as investment in defense against herbivores and tolerance to soil waterlogging, may play additional roles in explaining coexistence of these species.  相似文献   

4种野生牡丹种子休眠和萌发特性及与其致濒的关系(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与栽培牡丹相比,野生矮牡丹、四川牡丹和紫斑牡丹的种子一般较小,但野生黄牡丹种子则明显大于栽培牡丹。这4 种濒危的野生牡丹种子的休眠与萌发特性与栽培牡丹的有明显差异:萌发生根期需半年以上,但通过胚培养可使之减至2 周;萌发温度以10~15℃为宜, 超过20℃则明显不利于生根及上胚轴生长; 打破上胚轴休眠需要严格的低温;野生牡丹种子的萌发率及打破上胚轴休眠后的出苗率也大大低于栽培牡丹,而且在不同分布地之间存在较大差异。实验证明:在自然状态下野生牡丹缺乏充分的传粉,特别是居群间的传粉不足,导致其种子质量低下;而野生牡丹种子特殊的萌发特性,特别是严格的上胚轴休眠,则是导致其出苗率极低及自然状态下幼苗和种群稀少的重要内因。生化测定结果表明:在低温打破牡丹种子上胚轴休眠过程中,子叶中的萌发促进剂GA3 含量明显升高,抑制剂ABA 含量显著下降;而胚乳中的各种激素含量则变化不大,胚轴中的激素变化无明显规律,因此认为子叶是控制牡丹种子上胚轴休眠的关键部位。  相似文献   

8种绿化树种光合特性及叶片解剖结构比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市绿化不仅包含了园林绿化的美化作用,还具有重要的生态功能,其生态功能是通过植物的生理活动实现的。光合能力在种间和基因型间的变化很大,这些差异通常与代谢和(或)叶片的解剖结构的性质有关。本研究选择8种哈尔滨常见树种,采用Li-6400便携式光合测定系统对叶净光合速率(P_n)、呼吸速率(R_d)、蒸腾速率(T_r)、气孔导度(G_s)、胞间CO_2浓度(C_i)等进行测定,并利用显微镜观察测定叶片厚度、表皮厚度、栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度,从而探讨叶片结构对光合生理的影响。结果表明:8个树种间叶片最大光合速率、气孔导度、胞间CO_2浓度、蒸腾速率、光饱和点差异显著(P <0.05);表皮厚度、栅栏组织厚度、上表皮气孔密度和下表皮气孔密度差异显著(P <0.05)。虽然8个树种间光合能力和叶片解剖结构的差异较大,但分析发现其间也存在一定的相关性。其中,光饱和点与叶表皮厚度显著正相关(P <0.01),相关系数为0.78。胞间CO_2浓度与上表皮气孔密度显著负相关(P <0.05),相关系数为-0.65。而最大光合速率、呼吸速率、蒸腾速率和光补偿点与表皮厚度、栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度、上表皮气孔密度和下表皮气孔密度相关均不显著(P> 0.05)。胞间CO_2浓度与表皮厚度、栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度和下表皮气孔密度相关均不显著(P> 0.05)。光饱和点与栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度、上表皮气孔密度和下表皮气孔密度相关均不显著(P> 0.05)。虽然对叶片结构对生理过程的影响的机理还需要进一步研究,但是我们认为叶片解剖结构的研究可以更好地理解生理指标的变化。  相似文献   

12个树种草种生态学特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  

Antigenic analyses of Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Lactobacillus lactis, Lactobacillus brevis and Lactobacillus buchneri were carried out by double immunodiffusion in agar. Antigens were extracted from whole cells and cell wall preparations with cold trichloroacetic acid. Most strains of the four species possessed antigen 9 in their cell walls. Another antigen, antigen 10, was found in the cell walls of all the strains of L. brevis and L. buchneri, and in some strains of L. lactis, but not in L. bulgaricus. Fractionation of the antigens was attempted using the cell wall extracts of L. lactis L-10 with only antigen 9 and of L. brevis X-1 with both antigens 9 and 10. The partially purified fractions of antigen 9 and of the complex of antigens 9 and 10 were obtained by zone electrophoresis. However, antigen 10 from the complex could not be separated by the same method or gel filtration on Sephadex G-100 since the two antigens 9 and 10 of the complex always behaved together. The fraction of antigen 9 consisted almost entirely of glycerol and glucose as sugar components, the molar ratio being 2:1. The complex of antigens 9 and 10 also consisted of the same sugars, and the molar ratio of glycerol: glucose was 4:1. Inhibition tests indicated that the immunodominant component of antigen 9 was α-methylglucoside (glucose), and most probably the determinant is a glucosylated glycerol teichoic acid. It was considered that the determinant of antigen 10 is a glycerol teichoic acid although glucosamine and galactosamine inhibited effectively the reaction between antigen 10 and its antibody.  相似文献   

在雀形目鸟类系统分类和进化研究中,鸣声有重要作用。褐鹛属(Fulvetta)是近年从雀鹛类(Alcippe)独立的属,其鸣声特征及种间差异尚缺乏定量研究。我们于2016至2022年在野外录制了该属7种463只个体的鸣声,包括棕头雀鹛(F. ruficapilla,n=64)、褐头雀鹛(F. manipurensis,n=71)、白眉雀鹛(F. vinipectus,n=124)、中华雀鹛(F. striaticollis,n=64)、路氏雀鹛(F. ludlowi,n=33)、灰头雀鹛(F. cinereiceps,n=84)和玉山雀鹛(F. formosana,n=23)。基于野外行为观察,将鸣声区分为鸣叫和鸣唱,并将鸣叫分为联络鸣叫、呼唤鸣叫、报警鸣叫及觅食鸣叫4种类型。对鸣唱的声谱图进行人工检视,划分为1~8种鸣唱型。采用多变量方差分析(MANOVA)比较鸣声参数种间差异,显示最高频率、最低频率、峰频率、句子持续时间、频率宽度、平均熵6个参数在该属7种间均有显著性差异。将7种褐鹛鸣声特征的马氏距离与种间遗传距离进行Mantel检验,表明鸣唱特征与种间遗传距离呈正相关(r=0.51...  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of Mexican ichthyofauna has been strongly linked to natural events, and the impact of pre-Hispanic cultures is little known. The live-bearing fish species Allotoca diazi, Allotoca meeki and Allotoca catarinae occur in areas of biological, cultural and economic importance in central Mexico: Pátzcuaro basin, Zirahuén basin, and the Cupatitzio River, respectively. The species are closely related genetically and morphologically, and hypotheses have attempted to explain their systematics and biogeography. Mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite markers were used to investigate the evolutionary history of the complex. The species complex shows minimal genetic differentiation. The separation of A. diazi and A. meeki was dated to 400–7000 years ago, explained by geological and climate events. A bottleneck and reduction of genetic diversity in Allotoca diazi was detected, attributed to recent climate fluctuations and anthropogenic activity. The isolation of A. catarinae occurred ~1900 years ago. No geological events are documented in the area during this period, but the date is contemporary with P’urhépecha culture settlements. This founder effect represents the first evidence of fish species translocation by a pre-Hispanic culture of Mexico. The response of the complex to climate fluctuation, geological changes and human activity in the past and the future according to the ecological niches predictions indicates areas of vulnerability and important information for conservation. The new genetic information showed that the Allotoca diazi complex consist of two genetic groups with an incomplete lineage sorting pattern: Pátzcuaro and Zirahuén lakes, and an introduced population in the Cupatitzio River.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in a secondary broad-leaved forestin northern Hokkaido, Japan, which burned on 20–21 April1998. The study plot, set up on 13 July 1998, contained Quercusmongolica var. grosseserrata and Betula platyphylla var. japonicatrees. The latter were more severely damaged by the fire. Size-dependentsurvivorship was observed in both species with larger treesbeing more likely to survive the fire. However, many largeBetulatrees were completely destroyed. Both species developed abundantroot collar sprouts immediately after the fire. The number ofsprouts ranged from 0 to 296 in Betula and from 0 to 34 in Quercus.Trees with no sprouts were not necessarily dead. The frequencydistribution of the sprouting pattern in Betula was bimodal.This was related to damage severity, with the most abundantsprouting manifest in the most severely damaged trees. Thispattern was not observed inQuercus . Stem diameter also appearedto influence the extent of sprouting in Betula, while in Quercusthere was no distinct correlation between basal area and thenumber of sprouts. In Betula, the relationship between the numberof sprouts and the damage severity suggests a trade-off in resourceallocation for sprouting vs. shoot flushing in the crown. Copyright2000 Annals of Botany Company Betula platyphylla var. japonica, fire, fire tolerance, Quercus mongolica var.grosseserrata , resource allocation, root collar sprouting, stem diameter size.  相似文献   

The ability to down-regulate leaf maximum net photosynthetic capacity (Amax) and dark respiration rate (Rdark) in response to shading is thought to be an important adaptation of trees to the wide range of light environments that they are exposed to across space and time. A simple, general rule that accurately described this down-regulation would improve carbon cycle models and enhance our understanding of how forest successional diversity is maintained. In this paper, we investigated the light response of Amax and Rdark for saplings of six temperate forest tree species in New Jersey, USA, and formulated a simple model of down-regulation that could be incorporated into carbon cycle models. We found that full-sun values of Amax and Rdark differed significantly among species, but the rate of down-regulation (proportional decrease in Amax or Rdark relative to the full-sun value) in response to shade was not significantly species- or taxon-specific. Shade leaves of sun-grown plants appear to follow the same pattern of down-regulation in response to shade as leaves of shade-grown plants. Given the light level above a leaf and one species-specific number (either the full-sun Amax or full-sun Rdark), we provide a formula that can accurately predict the leaf''s Amax and Rdark. We further show that most of the down regulation of per unit area Rdark and Amax is caused by reductions in leaf mass per unit area (LMA): as light decreases, leaves get thinner, while per unit mass Amax and Rdark remain approximately constant.  相似文献   

三个耐旱树种木质部栓塞化的脆弱性及其恢复能力   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
植物在长期适应赖以生存的自然环境中 ,形成了一套最适宜自身生长发育的生理生态行为 ,采取各种方式来抵御或忍耐水分胁迫的影响。如通过具有深广而茂密的根系格局来保持水分吸收 ,通过气孔调节、角质层障碍作用和小的叶蒸发表面来减少水分散失 ,通过渗透调节和增加组织弹性来保持膨压 ,通过增强原生质耐脱水能力来免受伤害或少受伤害等等。植物遭受干旱危害时 ,首先出现表型反应的多是植物的叶片 ,因此 ,研究植物的耐旱机理多从叶入手 ,对根系类型、分布及根茎比在植物耐旱性方面也有不少报道[1,2 ],而对木质部在干旱适应性反应方面的研究…  相似文献   

In the Janzen–Connell hypothesis, host-specific natural enemies enhance species diversity and influence the structure of plant communities. This study tests the explicit assumption of host specificity for soil pathogens of the genus Pythium that cause damping-off disease of germinating seeds and seedlings. We isolated Pythium spp. from soil of a tropical forest in Panama. Then, in an inoculation experiment, we determined the pathogenicity of 75 tropical isolates of unknown pathogenicity and seven pathogenic temperate isolates of Pythium on seeds and/or seedlings of eight tropical tree species. Only three tropical isolates, one identified as P. ultimum and two as P. aphanidermatum , were pathogenic. Tropical pathogenic isolates were pathogenic on 4–6 of eight tree species. Temperate isolates were pathogenic on 0–4 of eight species, indicating that some tropical tree species are susceptible to novel isolates of Pythium . No tree species was susceptible to all isolates and two species were not susceptible to any isolate. Collectively, these results indicate that these Pythium isolates vary widely in their pathogenicity, causing differential mortality of potential host species; likewise, the tree species vary in their susceptibility to a given Pythium isolate. These differences in pathogenicity and susceptibility indicate some support for the Janzen–Connell assumption of host specificity. While they are not restricted to a single species, their intermediate level of specificity suggests that Pythium spp. have the potential to have some effect on forest community structure and diversity.  相似文献   

The Mexican Outsiders:. Community History of Marginalization and Discrimination. Martha Menchaca. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1995. 250 pp.  相似文献   

Rod-shaped structures have been observed in cells of Pseudomonas, Photobacterium, Proteus, and Saprospira by use of the negative-contrast stain. These structures, referred to as rhapidosomes, appear to be normal components of these cells. Other bacteria including Escherichia, Salmonella, Shigella, Klebsiella, Micrococcus, Bacillus, Mycobacterium, Rhodospirillum, and Hydrogenomonas genera failed to reveal these structures. The rhapidosomes of Saprospira were found to consist of two rods, one encasing a narrower, longer structure. In contrast, the rhapidosomes of Pseudomonas, Proteus, and Photobacterium were without the rigid inner structure, but were occasionally seen filled with a homogeneous material as observed by the negative stain. Ultrathin sections of Pseudomonas cells indicate that these rhapidosomes are embedded within or are in close association with the nucleoplasm.  相似文献   

用半微量凯氏法、钼兰比色法和原子吸收光度法分别对樟树Cinnamomum camphora、山杜英Elaeocarpus sylvestris、荷木Schima superba、海南蒲桃Syzygium cumini等4种幼苗叶片的N、P、K、Ca、Mg含量进行分析。结果表明,樟树的N、Ca含量高而P和K含量略低;山杜英的K、Ca和Mg含量低;荷木的N、K和Mg含量最高;海南蒲桃P含量最高而N含量最低。聚类分析表明,4种幼苗中樟树和荷木的生长特征是苗高较小而冠幅大,山杜英和海南蒲桃为苗高较大而冠幅小。  相似文献   

Comparison of the organization and sequence of the hao (hydroxylamine oxidoreductase) gene clusters from the gammaproteobacterial autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacterium (aAOB) Nitrosococcus oceani and the betaproteobacterial aAOB Nitrosospira multiformis and Nitrosomonas europaea revealed a highly conserved gene cluster encoding the following proteins: hao, hydroxylamine oxidoreductase; orf2, a putative protein; cycA, cytochrome c554; and cycB, cytochrome cm552. The deduced protein sequences of HAO, c554, and cm552 were highly similar in all aAOB despite their differences in species evolution and codon usage. Phylogenetic inference revealed a broad family of multi-c-heme proteins, including HAO, the pentaheme nitrite reductase, and tetrathionate reductase. The c-hemes of this group also have a nearly identical geometry of heme orientation, which has remained conserved during divergent evolution of function. High sequence similarity is also seen within a protein family, including cytochromes cm552, NrfH/B, and NapC/NirT. It is proposed that the hydroxylamine oxidation pathway evolved from a nitrite reduction pathway involved in anaerobic respiration (denitrification) during the radiation of the Proteobacteria. Conservation of the hydroxylamine oxidation module was maintained by functional pressure, and the module expanded into two separate narrow taxa after a lateral gene transfer event between gamma- and betaproteobacterial ancestors of extant aAOB. HAO-encoding genes were also found in six non-aAOB, either singly or tandemly arranged with an orf2 gene, whereas a c554 gene was lacking. The conservation of the hao gene cluster in general and the uniqueness of the c554 gene in particular make it a suitable target for the design of primers and probes useful for molecular ecology approaches to detect aAOB.  相似文献   

An analysis of the distribution patterns of 124 Mexican gymnosperm species was undertaken, in order to detect the Mexican areas with high species richness and endemism, and with this information to propose areas for conservation. Our study includes an analysis of species richness, endemism and distributional patterns of Mexican species of gymnosperms based on three different area units (states, biogeographic provinces and grid-cells of 1° × 1° latitude/longitude). The richest areas in species and endemism do not coincide; in this way, the Sierra Madre Oriental province, the state of Veracruz and a grid-cell located in the state of Oaxaca were the areas with the highest number of species, whereas the Golfo de México province, the state of Chiapas and a grid-cell located in this state were the richest areas in endemic species. A weighted endemism and corrected weighted endemism indices were calculated, and those grid-cells with high values in both indices and with high species richness were considered as hotspots; these grid-cells are mainly located in Southern and Central Mexico.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic forests, particularly conifer monocultures, today constitute a large proportion of Central European woodland. Conversion of such forest stands into abundantly structured mixed‐species woodland is within the focus of ecosystem restoration and is considered to affect forest biodiversity. Short‐lived tree species play an important role in such conversion processes and may serve as focal species. However, not much is known about their relationship with forest biodiversity. In this study, the short‐lived tree species, European mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia L.), European white birch (Betula pendula Roth), Downy birch (B. pubescens Ehrh.), and Glossy buckthorn (Frangula alnus P. Mill.), commonly occurring throughout Central Europe, are investigated with regard to their relationship with plant diversity. The focus is on their occurrences in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)–dominated forests in the Northeast German lowlands. A significant increase in vascular plant diversity is revealed in stands with the selected species’ presence, in comparison to stands without them. Increase in plant species numbers is highest where the respective species occurs in the tree and/or shrub layer, compared with their presence only in the herb layer. For bryophyte species, there is a less strong inverse relationship. An analysis of different species groups, such as threatened, woody, and typical forest species of higher plants, reveals no decrease in species numbers in these groups if short‐lived tree species are present. It is concluded that short‐lived tree species can be indicators for plant diversity assessment within forest restoration processes. As to causal explanations, effects of differing site conditions, assessed by use of Ellenberg indicator values, are discussed as well as possible active effects of the tree species changing their environment.  相似文献   

Rodents affect the post-dispersal fate of seeds by acting either as on-site seed predators or as secondary dispersers when they scatter-hoard seeds. The tropical forests of north-east India harbour a high diversity of little-studied terrestrial murid and hystricid rodents. We examined the role played by these rodents in determining the seed fates of tropical evergreen tree species in a forest site in north-east India. We selected ten tree species (3 mammal-dispersed and 7 bird-dispersed) that varied in seed size and followed the fates of 10,777 tagged seeds. We used camera traps to determine the identity of rodent visitors, visitation rates and their seed-handling behavior. Seeds of all tree species were handled by at least one rodent taxon. Overall rates of seed removal (44.5%) were much higher than direct on-site seed predation (9.9%), but seed-handling behavior differed between the terrestrial rodent groups: two species of murid rodents removed and cached seeds, and two species of porcupines were on-site seed predators. In addition, a true cricket, Brachytrupes sp., cached seeds of three species underground. We found 309 caches formed by the rodents and the cricket; most were single-seeded (79%) and seeds were moved up to 19 m. Over 40% of seeds were re-cached from primary cache locations, while about 12% germinated in the primary caches. Seed removal rates varied widely amongst tree species, from 3% in Beilschmiedia assamica to 97% in Actinodaphne obovata. Seed predation was observed in nine species. Chisocheton cumingianus (57%) and Prunus ceylanica (25%) had moderate levels of seed predation while the remaining species had less than 10% seed predation. We hypothesized that seed traits that provide information on resource quantity would influence rodent choice of a seed, while traits that determine resource accessibility would influence whether seeds are removed or eaten. Removal rates significantly decreased (p < 0.001) while predation rates increased (p = 0.06) with seed size. Removal rates were significantly lower for soft seeds (p = 0.002), whereas predation rates were significantly higher on soft seeds (p = 0.01). Our results show that murid rodents play a very important role in affecting the seed fates of tropical trees in the Eastern Himalayas. We also found that the different rodent groups differed in their seed handling behavior and responses to changes in seed characteristics.  相似文献   

香港次生林树种种子生理生态学特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1989~1991年在温室和野外测定了香港40种次生林树木种类的种子寿命和发芽率.结果显示,在所测试的40种天然林树种中,60%的树种的种子寿命短于1年,仅有8个树种的种子寿命在1年以上.种子的寿命与种子在土壤中的发芽能力呈负相关的关系.种子发芽测定结果表明,大多数树种都可以在强光照条件(95%的日光)下发芽,但35%的测试树种不能在天然林下(07%~2%的日光)发芽.最后从植物生理生态的角度,探讨种子特征与香港次生林区系发展及香港现有次生林的演替现状  相似文献   

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