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Throughout spermatogenesis multiplication, maturation and differentiation of germ cells results in the formation of the male gamete. The understanding of spermatogenesis needs detailed informations about the organization of the germinal epithelium, the structure and function of different types of germ cells, endocrine and paracrine cells and mechanisms, intratesticular and extratesticular regulation of spermatogenesis. Normal germ cells must be discriminated from malformed, apoptotic and degenerating germ cells and tumor cells.  相似文献   

SNAREs on transport vesicles and target membranes are required for vesicle targeting and fusion. Here we describe a novel yeast protein with a typical SNARE motif but with low overall amino acid homologies to other SNAREs. The protein localized to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and was therefore named Use1p (unconventional SNARE in the ER). A temperature-sensitive use1 mutant was generated. use1 mutant cells accumulated the ER forms of carboxypeptidase Y and invertase. More specific assays revealed that use1 mutant cells were defective in retrograde traffic to the ER. This was supported by strong genetic interactions between USE1 and the genes encoding SNAREs in retrograde traffic to the ER. Antibodies directed against Use1p co-immunoprecipitated the SNAREs Ufe1p, myc-Sec20p and Sec22p, which form a SNARE complex required for retrograde traffic from the Golgi to the ER, but neither Bos1p nor Bet1p (members of the SNARE complex in anterograde traffic to the Golgi). Therefore, we conclude that Use1p is a novel SNARE protein that functions in retrograde traffic from the Golgi to the ER.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates that loss of cell adhesion potently promotes apoptosis in osteoclasts, a process termed "anoikis." When purified mature rabbit osteoclasts were cultured on plastic for 18 h, about 25% of them were spontaneously committed to apoptosis. The death rate increased more than twofold, after osteoclasts were subjected to suspension culture in inverted Terasaki plates. The osteoclast anoikis was significantly prevented by bongkrekic acid, an inhibitor of mitochondrial permeability transition (PT), and z-VAD-FMK, a caspase inhibitor, suggesting involvement of mitochondrial PT and caspase activation in the death process. Colony-stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1), receptor activator of NF-kappaB ligand (RANKL), and calcitonin protected adherent osteoclasts, but not floating osteoclasts from anoikis. These data show that adhesion is a primary requirement for osteoclast survival.  相似文献   

The hexameric Minichromosome Maintenance (MCM) protein complex forms a ring that unwinds DNA at the replication fork in eukaryotes and archaea. Our recent crystal structure of an archaeal MCM N-terminal domain bound to single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) revealed ssDNA associating across tight subunit interfaces but not at the loose interfaces, indicating that DNA-binding is governed not only by the DNA-binding residues of the subunits (MCM ssDNA-binding motif, MSSB) but also by the relative orientation of the subunits. We now extend these findings by showing that DNA-binding by the MCM N-terminal domain of the archaeal organism Pyrococcus furiosus occurs specifically in the hexameric oligomeric form. We show that mutants defective for hexamerization are defective in binding ssDNA despite retaining all the residues observed to interact with ssDNA in the crystal structure. One mutation that exhibits severely defective hexamerization and ssDNA-binding is at a conserved phenylalanine that aligns with the mouse Mcm4(Chaos3) mutation associated with chromosomal instability, cancer, and decreased intersubunit association.  相似文献   

Phospholipid transfer is a prerequisite for PLTP-mediated HDL conversion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) is an important regulator of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) metabolism. The two main functions of PLTP are transfer of phospholipids between lipoprotein particles and modulation of HDL size and composition in a process called HDL conversion. These PLTP-mediated processes are physiologically important in the transfer of surface remnants from lipolyzed triglyceride-rich lipoproteins to nascent HDL particles and in the generation of prebeta-HDL, the initial acceptor of excess peripheral cell cholesterol. The aim of the study presented here was to investigate the interrelationship between the two functions of PLTP. Plasma PLTP was chemically modified using diethylpyrocarbonate or ethylmercurithiosalicylate. The modified proteins displayed a dose-dependent decrease in phospholipid transfer activity and a parallel decrease in the ability to cause HDL conversion. Two recombinant PLTP mutant proteins, defective in phospholipid transfer activity due to a mutation in the N-terminal lipid-binding pocket, were produced, isolated, and incubated together with radioactively labeled HDL(3). HDL conversion was analyzed using three methods: native gradient gel electrophoresis, ultracentrifugation, and crossed immunoelectrophoresis. The results demonstrate that the mutant proteins (i) are able to induce only a modest increase in HDL particle size compared to the wild-type protein, (ii) are unable to release apoA-I from HDL(3), and (iii) do not generate prebeta-mobile particles following incubation with HDL(3). These data suggest that phospholipid transfer is a prerequisite for HDL conversion and demonstrate the close interrelationship between the two main activities of PLTP.  相似文献   

We disrupted the reverse gyrase gene from a hyperthermophilic archaeon, Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1. An apparent positive supercoiling activity that was observed in the host strain was not found in the disruptant strain. We found that a lack of reverse gyrase led to a retardation in growth that was more striking at higher temperatures. However, the disruption of the reverse gyrase gene did not lead to a lethal phenotype at 90 degrees C. This study provides experimental evidence that reverse gyrase is not a prerequisite for hyperthermophilic life.  相似文献   

The proteasome is the main ATP-dependent protease in eukaryotic cells and controls the concentration of many regulatory proteins in the cytosol and nucleus. Proteins are targeted to the proteasome by the covalent attachment of polyubiquitin chains. The ubiquitin modification serves as the proteasome recognition element but by itself is not sufficient for efficient degradation of folded proteins. We report that proteolysis of tightly folded proteins is accelerated greatly when an unstructured region is attached to the substrate. The unstructured region serves as the initiation site for degradation and is hydrolyzed first, after which the rest of the protein is digested sequentially. These results identify the initiation site as a novel component of the targeting signal, which is required to engage the proteasome unfolding machinery efficiently. The proteasome degrades a substrate by first binding to its ubiquitin modification and then initiating unfolding at an unstructured region.  相似文献   

In the absence of DNA damage the LexA protein represses the bacterial SOS system. We performed molecular dynamic simulations of two LexA dimers bound to operators. Our model predicted that rotation of the LexA DNA binding domain, with respect to the dimerised C-terminal domain, is required for selective DNA binding. To confirm the model, double and quadruple cysteine LexA mutants were engineered. Electrophoretic mobility-shift assay and surface plasmon resonance showed that disulfide bond formation between the introduced cysteine residues precluded LexA specific DNA binding due to blocked domain reorientation. Our model could provide the basis for novel drug design.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of protein folding on endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-to-cytosol transport (dislocation) by exploiting the well-characterized dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) domain. DHFR retains the capacity to bind folate analogues in the lumen of microsomes and in the ER of intact cells, upon which it acquires a conformation resistant to proteinase K digestion. Here we show that a Class I major histocompatibility complex heavy chain fused to DHFR is still recognized by the human cytomegalovirus-encoded glycoproteins US2 and US11, resulting in dislocation of the fusion protein from the ER in vitro and in vivo. A folded state of the DHFR domain does not impair dislocation of Class I MHC heavy chains in vitro or in living cells. In fact, a slight acceleration of the dislocation of DHFR heavy chain fusion was observed in vitro in the presence of a folate analogue. These results suggest that one or more of the channels used for dislocation can accommodate polypeptides that contain a tightly folded domain of considerable size. Our data raise the possibility that the Sec61 channel can be modified to accommodate a folded DHFR domain for dislocation, but not for translocation into the ER, or that a channel altogether distinct from Sec61 is used for dislocation.  相似文献   

ER quality control consists of monitoring protein folding and targeting misfolded proteins for proteasomal degradation. ER stress results in an unfolded protein response (UPR) that selectively upregulates proteins involved in protein degradation, ER expansion, and protein folding. Given the efficiency in which misfolded proteins are degraded, there likely exist cellular factors that enhance the export of proteins across the ER membrane. We have reported that translocating chain-associated membrane protein 1 (TRAM1), an ER-resident membrane protein, participates in HCMV US2- and US11-mediated dislocation of MHC class I heavy chains (Oresic, K., Ng, C.L., and Tortorella, D. 2009). Consistent with the hypothesis that TRAM1 is involved in the disposal of misfolded ER proteins, cells lacking TRAM1 experienced a heightened UPR upon acute ER stress, as evidenced by increased activation of unfolded protein response elements (UPRE) and elevated levels of NF-κB activity. We have also extended the involvement of TRAM1 in the selective degradation of misfolded ER membrane proteins Cln6M241T and US2, but not the soluble degradation substrate α1-antitrypsin nullHK. These degradation model systems support the paradigm that TRAM1 is a selective factor that can enhance the dislocation of ER membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Acetic acid tolerance compared with ethanol tolerance of Drosophila simulans and six Drosophila melanogaster strains shows a curvilinear relation with apparent asymptotic hyperbolic profile. The upper limit of acetic acid tolerance is lower than that for ethanol. We compared strains which had pairwise identical alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) coding regions but different genetic backgrounds. A positive regression existed for ethanol tolerance on ADH activity. Adh-null mutants with very low ethanol tolerances had appreciable acetic acid tolerances and as a consequence did not fit the curve. ADH-F and ADH-S strains selected for high ethanol tolerances had the ability to tolerate high ethanol concentrations even after selection had been relaxed for several years. These selected lines tolerated higher acetic acid concentrations than the non-selected original strains. We propose that intake of high concentrations of ethanol and oxidation into acetic acid induces esterification of ethanol and acetic acid into ethylacetate. This cannot take place after the intake of acetic acid only, which also gives a lower energy yield.  相似文献   

Starvation is not a prerequisite for the formation of aerobic granules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Activated sludge with sludge volume index (SVI)30 of 77 ml g−1 and SVI30 of 433 ml g−1 was inoculated to start up reactors R1 and R2, respectively. In both R1 and R2, cycle time of 1 h and the influent chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentrations of 1,000 mg l−1 were employed. Initial settling time of 2 min resulted in the loss of a substantial amount of biomass as wash-out and high effluent COD concentrations within the first week of operation. This implied that there was no starvation phase in each cycle of R1 and R2 during the first week of operation. However, aerobic granules with a size above 400 μm formed by day 7. Thus, it was concluded that starvation was not a prerequisite for the formation of aerobic granules. When cycle time was 1 h, the instability of aerobic granules was observed. When cycle time was prolonged to 1.5 h and granular sludge of 200 ml was used to start up reactor R3, the reactor R3 reached steady state within 1 week. SVI, size, and the morphology of granular sludge in R3 remained stable during the 47-day operation, which indicated that prolonged starvation time had positive effects on the stability of aerobic granules.  相似文献   

Glucose-evoked insulin secretion exhibits a biphasic time course and is associated with accelerated intracellular granule movement. We combined live confocal imaging of EGFP-labelled insulin granules with capacitance measurements of exocytosis in clonal INS-1 cells to explore the relation between distinct random and directed modes of insulin granule movement, as well as exocytotic capacity. Reducing the temperature from 34 degrees C to 24 degrees C caused a dramatic 81% drop in the frequency of directed events, but reduced directed velocities by a mere 25%. The much stronger temperature sensitivity of the frequency of directed events (estimated energy of activation approximately 135 kJ/mol) than that of the granule velocities (approximately 22 kJ/mol) suggests that cooling-induced suppression of insulin granule movement is attributable to factors other than reduced motor protein adenosine 5'-triphosphatase activity. Indeed, cooling suppresses random granule diffusion by approximately 50%. In the single cell, the number of directed events depends on the extent of granule diffusion. Finally, single-cell exocytosis exhibits a biphasic pattern corresponding to that observed in vivo, and only the component reflecting 2nd phase insulin secretion is affected by cooling. We conclude that random diffusive movement is a prerequisite for directed insulin granule transport and for the recruitment of insulin granules released during 2nd phase insulin secretion.  相似文献   

Microbial genome sequencing projects are beginning to provide insights about the molecular foundations of human-bacterial symbioses. The intestine contains our largest collection of symbionts, where members of Bacteroides comprise approximately 25% of the microbiota in adults. The recently defined proteome of a prominent human intestinal symbiont, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, contains an elaborate environmental-sensing apparatus. This apparatus includes an unprecedented number of extracytoplasmic function (ECF) sigma-factors, and a large collection of novel hybrid two-component systems composed of membrane-spanning periplasmic proteins with histidine kinase, phosphoacceptor, response regulator receiver and DNA-binding domains. These sensors are linked to the organism's large repertoire of genes involved in acquiring and processing dietary polysaccharides ('the glycobiome'). This arrangement illustrates how a successful symbiont has evolved strategies for detecting and responding to conditions in its niche so that it can sustain beneficial relationships with its microbial and human partners.  相似文献   

RNA interference constitutes a major means of eliminating mRNAs, yet how the small interfering RNAs (siRNA) within the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) finds its homologous target in the cell remains unknown. An attractive hypothesis is that RNA interference is linked to translation which allows RISC ready access to every translated mRNA. To test whether translation could direct siRNAs to mRNAs, chemical and biological inhibitors of translation and their effects on mRNA cleavage were tested. Our results show that mRNA degradation by siRNAs is not dependent on mRNA translation.  相似文献   

Rab5 GTPases are key regulators of protein trafficking through the early stages of the endocytic pathway. The yeast Rab5 ortholog Vps21p is activated by its guanine nucleotide exchange factor Vps9p. Here we show that Vps9p binds ubiquitin and that the CUE domain is necessary and sufficient for this interaction. Vps9p ubiquitin binding is required for efficient endocytosis of Ste3p but not for the delivery of the biosynthetic cargo carboxypeptidase Y to the vacuole. In addition, Vps9p is itself monoubiquitylated. Ubiquitylation is dependent on a functional CUE domain and Rsp5p, an E3 ligase that participates in cell surface receptor endocytosis. These findings define a new ubiquitin binding domain and implicate ubiquitin as a modulator of Vps9p function in the endocytic pathway.  相似文献   

Joshi S  Katiyar S  Lennarz WJ 《FEBS letters》2005,579(3):823-826
Peptide:N-glycanase (PNGase) is a deglycosylating enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of the beta-aspartylglycosylamine bond of aspargine-linked glycopeptides and glycoproteins. Earlier studies from our laboratory indicated that PNGase catalyzed de-N-glycosylation was limited to glycopeptide substrates, but recent reports have demonstrated that it also acts upon full-length misfolded glycoproteins. In this study, we utilized two glycoprotein substrates, yeast carboxypeptidase and chicken egg albumin (ovalbumin), to study the deglycosylation activity of yeast PNGase and its mutants. Our results provide further evidence that PNGase acts upon full-length glycoprotein substrates and clearly establish that PNGase acts only on misfolded or denatured glycoproteins.  相似文献   

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