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1. In each right and left buccal ganglia of Aplysia kurodai, we identified 4 premotor neurons impinging on the ipsilateral jaw-closing and -opening motoneurons. Three of them (MA1 neurons) had features of multifunctional neurons. Current-induced spikes in the MA1 neurons produced excitatory junction potentials (EJPs) in the buccal muscle fibers. In addition, tactile stimulation of the buccal muscle surface produced a train of spikes in the MA1 neurons without synaptic input. The other neuron (MA2) had only a premotor function. 2. The MA1 and MA2 neurons had similar synaptic effects on the jaw-closing and -opening motoneurons. Current-induced spikes in the premotor neurons gave rise to monosynaptic inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) in the ipsilateral jaw-closing motoneurons. Simultaneously, spikes in one of the MA1 neurons and the MA2 also gave rise to monosynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in the ipsilateral jaw-opening motoneuron. 3. The IPSPs and the EPSPs induced by spikes in the premotor neurons were reversibly blocked by d-tubocurarine and hexamethonium, respectively, suggesting that the MA1 and MA2 neurons are cholinergic. 4. When depolarizing and hyperpolarizing current pulses were passed into one premotor neuron, attenuated but similar potential changes were produced in another randomly selected premotor neuron in the same ganglion, suggesting that they are electronically coupled.  相似文献   

Summary Enzyme histochemical profiles of spinal motoneurons in the zebrafish were determined. Five enzymes of glucose metabolism were chosen: glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), hexokinase (HK), phosphofructokinase (PFK), succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and NADH tetrazolium reductase (NADH-TR). Motoneurons were traced with Fluorogold and classified as those that innervate white muscle fibres (W-MNs) and those that innervate red and intermediate muscle fibres (R/ I-MNs). The average enzyme activities per volume of tissue in the somata of both populations differed at most by 25%. Both the average soma volume and the average number of muscle fibres innervated are three times larger for the W-MNs than for the a/I-MNs. This suggests that the total amount of enzyme activity within a neuron soma matches target size.In the R/I-MNs, the activities of SDH and NADH-TR were closely correlated (correlation coefficient, r=0.99;p<0.05) and HK activity correlated well with G6PDH activity (r=0.94;p<0.05), butnot with PFK (r=0.64;p>0.05). In the W-MNs, there was no correlation between SDH and NADH-TR (r=–0.59;p>0.05) or between HK and G6PDH (r=0.50;p>0.05) and the correlation coefficient between HK and PFK activity was close to zero (r=0.04;p>0.05).It was concluded that in the R/I-MNs gwhich are continuously ctive, firing activity is fuelled by oxidative metabolsm. We suggest that in the W-MNs glucose is stored in the form of glycogen and that, despite high levels of NADH-TR present, the energy for intermittent firing activity is provided by glycolysis.  相似文献   

Membrane potentials and action potentials evoked by antidromic and direct stimulation were investigated in motoneurons of the trigeminal nucleus in rats innervating the masseter muscle. This motor nucleus was shown to contain cell populations with high and low membrane potentials. The responses of cells of the first group had shorter latent periods of their antidromic action potentials, a longer spike duration, and a lower amplitude and shorter duration of after-hyperpolarization than responses of cells of the second group, and the input resistance of their membrane also is lower. The bimodal character of distribution of electrophysiological parameters of motoneurons in the trigeminal nucleus indicates that "fast" and "slow" fibers of the masseter muscles may be innervated by different types of nerve cells.N. A. Semashko Moscow Medical Stomatological Institute. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 270–274, May–June, 1981.  相似文献   

Monosynaptic testing of excitability in firing triceps surae muscle motoneurons activated during volitional contraction was performed using a technique for recording potentials from single motor units and by producing H-reflex. Motoneuronal excitability was assessed according to level of firing index. Motoneuronal firing index decreased during transition from a low background rhythmic firing rate of less than 6 spikes/sec to one of 6–8 spikes/sec. It hardly changed with a further rise in rate to 12 spikes/sec. The dependence between firing index and spike rate are put down to changes occurring in motoneuronal excitability during the interspike interval. Findings indicate that in the low frequency range of motoneuronal firing characteristic of natural muscle contraction, discharge rate may be considered one of the factors determining excitability in the motoneuron and hence its transmission qualities.Institute of Problems in Information Transmission, Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 210–216, March–April, 1987.  相似文献   

Neurons are generally considered to communicate information by increasing or decreasing their firing rate. However, in principle, they could in addition convey messages by using specific spatiotemporal patterns of spiking activities and silent intervals. Here, we review expanding lines of evidence that such spatiotemporal coding occurs in the cerebellum, and that the olivocerebellar system is optimally designed to generate and employ precise patterns of complex spikes and simple spikes during the acquisition and consolidation of motor skills. These spatiotemporal patterns may complement rate coding, thus enabling precise control of motor and cognitive processing at a high spatiotemporal resolution by fine-tuning sensorimotor integration and coordination.  相似文献   

The present study was an attempt to identify the location of genioglossal respiratory and swallowing motoneuron cell bodies within the hypoglossal (XII) nucleus using both electrophysiological and morphological studies. The genioglossus muscle is innervated by the genioglossal branch of the medial XII nerve. At the entrance to the muscle, the genioglossal branch divides in the directions of the mandible and tongue. Five of five rats displayed both respiratory-related and swallowing-related bursts in the medial XII branch towards the mandible. All five rats also displayed swallowing-related bursts in the medial XII branch towards the tongue. In addition, horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheatgerm agglutinin (HRP:WGA) was injected into the proximal cut ends of each branch. When HRP:WGA was injected into the branch in the direction of the mandible, HRP-labeled cells were detected in the lateral region of the ventromedial subnucleus in the XII nucleus, extending from 0.7 to 1.2 mm rostral to the obex. On the other hand, after injection into the branch in the direction of the mandible, HRP-labeled cells were detected in the ventromedial subnucleus of the XII nucleus, extending from 0.3 to 1.2 mm rostral to the obex. These results provide evidence that genioglossal respiration-related and swallowing-related motoneurons are located in different portions within the ventromedial subnucleus of the XII nucleus.  相似文献   

The present study was an attempt to identify the location of genioglossal respiratory and swallowing motoneuron cell bodies within the hypoglossal (XII) nucleus using both electrophysiological and morphological studies. The genioglossus muscle is innervated by the genioglossal branch of the medial XII nerve. At the entrance to the muscle, the genioglossal branch divides in the directions of the mandible and tongue. Five of five rats displayed both respiratory-related and swallowing-related bursts in the medial XII branch towards the mandible. All five rats also displayed swallowing-related bursts in the medial XII branch towards the tongue. In addition, horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheatgerm agglutinin (HRP:WGA) was injected into the proximal cut ends of each branch. When HRP:WGA was injected into the branch in the direction of the mandible, HRP-labeled cells were detected in the lateral region of the ventromedial subnucleus in the XII nucleus, extending from 0.7 to 1.2 mm rostral to the obex. On the other hand, after injection into the branch in the direction of the mandible, HRP-labeled cells were detected in the ventromedial subnucleus of the XII nucleus, extending from 0.3 to 1.2 mm rostral to the obex. These results provide evidence that genioglossal respiration-related and swallowing-related motoneurons are located in different portions within the ventromedial subnucleus of the XII nucleus.  相似文献   

The location of the stapedial motoneurons in Gallus gallus was investigated by means of the retrograde transport of HRP, injected into the stapedius muscle. The labeled neurons are located in both the ventral and dorsal divisions of the VII nerve nucleus, in a lateral and ventral position respectively, facing the superior olivary nucleus. The neurons are distributed in two size classes. The functional implications of these findings are discussed, in relation both to the absence of the acoustic stapedial reflex in birds and to the functional properties of the stapedius muscle.  相似文献   

During regular firing of "small" motor units, activated during weak voluntary contraction of the human soleus muscle, thick efferent fibers of n. tibialis were stimulated (a small M response was evoked, in which the small units did not participate). Peristimulus histograms of potentials of single motor units were constructed and the effect of stimulation on interspike interval duration was analyzed. The firing rate of the motor units was 4.5–7.6 spikes/sec. Stimulation of the nerve led to a sharp decrease in probability of their discharge or even complete temporary cessation of firing, i.e., it had a well marked inhibitory effect (lasting 10–20 msec). The latent period of inhibition (35–40 msec) was only a little longer than the latent period of the monosynaptic reflex of the soleus muscle. The effect of an inhibitory volley on duration of the interspike interval of the motor units depended on the time when the volley arrived during the interval. Lengthening of the interval was observed only if the inhibitory volley arrived in the second half or at the end of the interval. It is concluded that inhibition of firing of small motor units is due to Renshaw cells, activated on stimulation of axons of large motoneurons. The efficiency of a short (compared with the duration of the interspike interval) inhibitory volley reaching a motoneuron firing at low frequency characteristic of its adequate activation, is discussed.Institute for Problems of Information Transmission, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 88–96, January–February, 1984.  相似文献   

Li QJ  Li WB  Chen XL 《生理学报》1998,50(1):49-54
本文应用神经元自发放电触发的迭加平均法,研究了猫中·间脑结合部内侧区神经元与眼球下斜肌运动神经元(inferiorobliquemotoneurons,IOMNs)之间的突触联系。电刺激同侧或对侧中·间脑结合部的Forel'sfieldeH(FFH)的内侧区(A7~Ag),在IOMN池内记录到兴奋性单突触电场电位。应用FFH神经元的自发放电作为触发信号,将此放电引起的IOMNs的电位变化进行迭加平均,结果亦获得一兴奋性单突触电场电位。这些结果表明,中·间脑结合部内侧区神经元与IOMNs之间存在兴奋性单突触联系,其作用为启动眼球的垂直运动。  相似文献   

Various problems concerning the physiology of muscular units depend on the exact localization of motoneurons innervating antagonistically acting muscles. The present communication is focussed on the distribution of motoneurons innervating the gastrocnemius (GC) and tibialis anterior (TA) muscles. After injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into these muscles and a survival time ensuring sufficient retrograde transport, the number of motoneurons, their segmental distribution, the mean area covered the labeled cells and the mean diameter of their somata were determined. After injections into the GC-muscle, 129 +/- 6 labeled perikarya were found, and following injections into the TA-muscle, 120 +/- 9 motoneurons were marked with HRP. The motoneurons of both muscles were distributed in spinal cord segments L4-5-6; however, the GC-neurons accumulated in segments L5-6 (approximately 94%) and the TA-neurons in L4-5 (approximately 95%). Although the motoneurons innervating both muscles were located in a rather similar area of the ventral column, i.e. its dorsolateral portion as judged from transverse sections, the GC-motoneurons were situated ventrolaterally to the TA-motoneurons. The measurement of the area of the somata and the mean soma diameter did not reveal any conspicuous differences between both pools of motoneurons. An unimodal distribution pattern of these parameters suggests a broad overlap in the size of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-motoneurons.  相似文献   

The excitability of thenar motoneurons (reflected by F-wave persistence and amplitude) and thenar muscle force were measured during a stimulation protocol (90 s of 18-Hz supramaximal electrical stimulation of the median nerve) designed to induce muscle fatigue (force decline). Data from muscles (n = 15) paralyzed by chronic cervical spinal cord injury were compared with those obtained from control muscles (n = 6). The persistence of F waves in both paralyzed and control muscles increased from approximately 60 to approximately 76% during the first 10 s of the fatigue protocol. Persistence then declined progressively to approximately 33% at 90 s. These changes in F-wave persistence suggest that similar reductions occur in the excitability of the motoneurons to paralyzed and control motor units after sustained antidromic activation. Despite this, significantly larger force declines occurred in the paralyzed muscles of spinal cord-injured subjects (approximately 60%) than in the muscles of control subjects (approximately 15%). These data suggest that the decreases in motoneuron excitability for both the spinal cord-injured and control subjects are a result of activity-dependent changes in motoneuron properties that are independent of fatigue-related processes in the muscles.  相似文献   

The primary divisions of the spinal nerve in the brown caiman characteristically show the following features: (1) the medial ramus was lies in the thoraco-lumbar and caudal regions, and (2) the first cervical and hypoglossal nerves form a single nerve complex from which the ventral and dorsal rami extend. Intramuscular injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) established the positions of motoneurons whose axons followed the primary rami. In the ventral horn of the thoracic and caudal spinal cord, the motoneurons of the medial ramus lie ventrally. These motoneurons lie between the epaxial and hypaxial motoneurons. At the spinomedullary junction, the pools of motoneurons innervating the infrahyoid, lingual, and dorsal muscles have a somatotopic organization similar to that observed in the thoraco-lumbar and caudal regions. Thus clear somatotopic organization of the motoneurons that innervate the axial musculature exists at all spinal levels. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The distribution and morphology of motoneurons innervating specific types of muscle fibers in the levator scapulae superior (LSS) muscle complex of the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) and tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) were studied by retrograde labelling with cholera toxin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase (CT-HRP). The LSS muscle complex in both of these amphibians has a segregated pattern of muscle-fiber types (tonic; fast oxidative-glycolytic twitch [FOG]; fast glycolytic twitch [FG]) along an anteroposterior axis. The entire motor pool was labelled by injection of CT-HRP into the whole LSS muscle complex. The motoneurons innervating specific fiber types were labelled by injection of CT-HRP into certain muscle regions. The organization of the motoneuron pool of the LSS complex of both species was arranged in two columns—one ventrolateral and one medial. In bullfrogs, the ventrolateral column contains motoneurons innervating FG and tonic fiber types and the medial column contains motoneurons innervating FOG fiber types. In tiger salamanders, the ventrolateral column contains motoneurons innervating FG fiber types and the medial column contains motoneurons innervating FOG and tonic fiber types. The different motoneuron types also have different soma sizes and patterns of dendritic arborization. In both species, FG motoneurons are the largest, whereas FOG motoneurons are intermediate in size and tonic motoneurons are the smallest. In bullfrogs, the main dendrites of FG motoneurons extend into the dorsolateral and the ventrolateral gray matter of the spinal cord, whereas the dendrites of FOG motoneurons extend into the ventral and medial cord. In the tiger salamander, dendrites of FG motoneurons extend into the ventrolateral spinal cord and dendrites of the FOG motoneurons extend more generally into the ventral cord. Dendrites of tonic motoneurons in both amphibians were small and short, and difficult to observe. These results establish that motoneurons innervating different types of muscle fibers in the LSS muscle complex are segregated spatially and display consistent morphological differences. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We studied neuronal pathways from low-threshold muscle (group I, II) and cutaneous afferents (group A(alpha)beta) innervating the tail to motoneurons innervating trunk muscles (m. iliocostalis lumborum and m. obliquus externus abdominus) in 18 spinalized cats. Stimulation of group I muscle afferents produced excitatory postsynaptic potentials or excitatory postsynaptic potentials followed by inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in all motoneurons innervating the m. iliocostalis lumborum which showed effects (32%), and predominantly inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in motoneurons innervating the m. obliquus externus abdominus (47%). Stimulation of group I+II afferents produced significant increases of the incidence of motoneurons showing postsynaptic potentials (the notoneurons innervating the m. iliocostalis lumborum, 87%; the motoneurons innervating the m. obliquus externus abdominus, 82%). The effects of low threshold cutaneous afferents were bilateral, predominantly producing inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in motoneurons innervating both muscles. These results suggest that neuronal pathways from muscle afferents to back muscle motoneurons mainly increase the stiffness of the trunk to maintain its stability, while those to abdominal muscles help to extend the dorsal column by decreasing their activities. The results also indicate that neuronal pathways from cutaneous afferents to trunk motoneurons functionallY disconnect the tail from the trunk.  相似文献   

The effects of group II muscle (PBSt, GS) and cutaneous afferent (Sur, SPc, Tib) inputs from the hindlimb on the monosynaptic reflexes of motoneurons innervating tail muscles were studied in lower spinalized cats. Stimulation of the cutaneous nerves at the conditioning-test stimulus interval of about 10-20 ms facilitated and inhibited the monosynaptic reflexes of ipsilateral and contralateral tail muscles, respectively. The effects of the muscle nerve stimulation were not so prominent as those elicited by cutaneous nerve stimulation. The monosynaptic reflex was also inhibited by muscle nerve stimulation at 10-50 ms intervals. The effects of conditioning stimulation of the hindlimb peripheral nerves at short intervals were depressed or blocked by section of the ipsilateral lateral funiculus at S1 spinal segment. These findings show that the neuronal pathway from hindlimb afferents to tail muscle motoneurons passed the lateral funiculus of the spinal cord and modulates the motoneuronal activity of tail muscles.  相似文献   

Cortical fast-spiking (FS) interneurons display highly variable electrophysiological properties. Their spike responses to step currents occur almost immediately following the step onset or after a substantial delay, during which subthreshold oscillations are frequently observed. Their firing patterns include high-frequency tonic firing and rhythmic or irregular bursting (stuttering). What is the origin of this variability? In the present paper, we hypothesize that it emerges naturally if one assumes a continuous distribution of properties in a small set of active channels. To test this hypothesis, we construct a minimal, single-compartment conductance-based model of FS cells that includes transient Na(+), delayed-rectifier K(+), and slowly inactivating d-type K(+) conductances. The model is analyzed using nonlinear dynamical system theory. For small Na(+) window current, the neuron exhibits high-frequency tonic firing. At current threshold, the spike response is almost instantaneous for small d-current conductance, gd, and it is delayed for larger gd. As gd further increases, the neuron stutters. Noise substantially reduces the delay duration and induces subthreshold oscillations. In contrast, when the Na(+) window current is large, the neuron always fires tonically. Near threshold, the firing rates are low, and the delay to firing is only weakly sensitive to noise; subthreshold oscillations are not observed. We propose that the variability in the response of cortical FS neurons is a consequence of heterogeneities in their gd and in the strength of their Na(+) window current. We predict the existence of two types of firing patterns in FS neurons, differing in the sensitivity of the delay duration to noise, in the minimal firing rate of the tonic discharge, and in the existence of subthreshold oscillations. We report experimental results from intracellular recordings supporting this prediction.  相似文献   

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