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Intramembrane charge movement was measured on skeletal muscle fibers of the frog in a single Vaseline-gap voltage clamp. Charge movements determined both under polarized conditions (holding potential, VH = -100 mV; Qmax = 30.4 +/- 4.7 nC/micro(F), V = -44.4 mV, k = 14.1 mV; charge 1) and in depolarized states (VH = 0 mV; Qmax = 50.0 +/- 6.7 nC/micro(F), V = -109.1 mV, k = 26.6 mV; charge 2) had properties as reported earlier. Linear capacitance (LC) of the polarized fibers was increased by 8.8 +/- 4.0% compared with that of the depolarized fibers. Using control pulses measured under depolarized conditions to calculate charge 1, a minor change in the voltage dependence (to V = -44.6 mV and k = 14.5 mV) and a small increase in the maximal charge (to Qmax = 31.4 +/- 5.5 nC/micro(F] were observed. While in most cases charge 1 transients seemed to decay with a single exponential time course, charge 2 currents showed a characteristic biexponential behavior at membrane potentials between -90 and -180 mV. The voltage dependence of the rate constant of the slower component was fitted with a simple constant field diffusion model (alpha m = 28.7 s-1, V = -124.0 mV, and k = 15.6 mV). The midpoint voltage (V) was similar to that obtained from the Q-V fit of charge 2, while the steepness factor (k) resembled that of charge 1. This slow component could also be isolated using a stepped OFF protocol; that is, by hyperpolarizing the membrane to -190 mV for 200 ms and then coming back to 0 mV in two steps. The faster component was identified as an ionic current insensitive to 20 mM Co2+ but blocked by large hyperpolarizing pulses. These findings are consistent with the model implying that charge 1 and the slower component of charge 2 interconvert when the holding potential is changed. They also explain the difference previously found when comparing the steepness factors of the voltage dependence of charge 1 and charge 2.  相似文献   

Observations on intramembrane charge movements in skeletal muscle.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using signal-averaging techniques, one can record small membrane currents which remain even after blockage of the ionic currents which accompany electrical excitation in muscle. These residual currents probably represent the reorientation of charged molecules inside the membrane in response to a change in membrane potential. Two operationally separable types of intramembrane charge movement in muscle are described, one of which may play a role in excitation-contraction coupling. Studies of tetrodotoxin binding to muscle indicate that "sodium gating current" is unlikely to contribute significantly to either type of charge movement.  相似文献   

The membrane potential measured by intracellular electrodes, Em, is the sum of the transmembrane potential difference (E1) between inner and outer cell membrane surfaces and a smaller potential difference (E2) between a volume containing fixed charges on or near the outer membrane surface and the bulk extracellular space. This study investigates the influence of E2 upon transmembrane ion fluxes, and hence cellular electrochemical homeostasis, using an integrative approach that combines computational and experimental methods. First, analytic equations were developed to calculate the influence of charges constrained within a three-dimensional glycocalyceal matrix enveloping the cell membrane outer surface upon local electrical potentials and ion concentrations. Electron microscopy confirmed predictions of these equations that extracellular charge adsorption influences glycocalyceal volume. Second, the novel analytic glycocalyx formulation was incorporated into the charge-difference cellular model of Fraser and Huang to simulate the influence of extracellular fixed charges upon intracellular ionic homeostasis. Experimental measurements of Em supported the resulting predictions that an increased magnitude of extracellular fixed charge increases net transmembrane ionic leak currents, resulting in either a compensatory increase in Na+/K+-ATPase activity, or, in cells with reduced Na+/K+-ATPase activity, a partial dissipation of transmembrane ionic gradients and depolarization of Em.  相似文献   

Cut twitch muscle fibers mounted in a triple Vaseline-gap chamber were used to study the effects of ryanodine on intramembranous charge movement, and in particular on the repriming of charge 1. Charge 1 repriming was measured either under steady-state conditions or by using a pulse protocol designed to study the time course of repriming. This protocol consisted of repolarizing the fibers to -100 mV from a holding potential of 0 mV, and then measuring the reprimed charge moving in the potential range between -40 and +20 mV. Ryanodine at a high concentration (100 microM) did not affect the maximum amount of movable charge 1 and charge 2, or their voltage dependence. This indicates that the alkaloid does not interact with the voltage sensor molecules. However, ryanodine did reduce the amount of reprimed charge 1 by approximately 60% suggesting the possibility of a retrograde interaction between ryanodine receptors and voltage sensors.  相似文献   

Intramembrane charge movement has been measured in frog cut skeletal muscle fibers using the triple vaseline gap voltage-clamp technique. Ionic currents were reduced using an external solution prepared with tetraethylammonium to block potassium currents, and O sodium + tetrodotoxin to abolish sodium currents. The internal solution contained 10 mM EGTA to prevent contractions. Both the internal and external solutions were prepared with impermeant anions. Linear capacitive currents were subtracted using the P-P/4 procedure, with the control pulses being subtracted either at very negative potentials, for the case of polarized fibers, or at positive potentials, for the case of depolarized fibers. In 63 polarized fibers dissected from Rana pipiens or Leptodactylus insularis frogs the following values were obtained for charge movement parameters: Qmax = 39 nC/microF, V = 36 mV, k = 18.5 mV. After depolarization we found that the total amount of movable charge was not appreciably reduced, while the voltage sensitivity was much changed. For 10 fibers, in which charge movement was measured at -100 and at 0 mV, Qmax changed from 46 to 41 nC/microF, while V changed from -41 to -103 mV and k changed from 20.5 to 30 mV. Thus membrane depolarization to 0 mV produces a shift of greater than 50 mV in the Q-V relationship and a decrease of the slope. Membrane depolarization to -20 and -30 mV, caused a smaller shift of the Q-V relationship. In normally polarized fibers addition of D-600 at concentrations of 50-100 microM, does not cause important changes in charge movement parameters. However, the drug appears to have a use-dependent effect after depolarization. Thus in depolarized fibers, total charge is reduced by approximately 20%. D-600 causes no further changes in the voltage sensitivity of charge movement in fibers depolarized to 0 mV, while in fibers depolarized to -20 and -30 mV it causes the same effects as that obtained with depolarization to 0 mV. These results are compatible with the idea that after depolarization charge 1 is transformed into charge 2. D-600 appears to favor the conversion of charge 1 into charge 2. Since D-600 also favors contractile inactivation, charge 2 could represent the state of the voltage sensor for excitation-contraction coupling in the inactivated state.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the Van der Waals energy per filament suggests that molecular dispersion forces should not be very important in determining the stability of the myofilament lattice in resting muscle. In order to explain the lattice stability and other important properties of the striated muscle, it is suggested that a balance between electrostatic forces and forces developed by some interfibrillar structures is mainly responsible.  相似文献   

We have isolated a cDNA that encodes the human regulatory myosin light chain isoform predominant in adult atrial muscle. The cDNA contains an open reading frame of 175 amino acids and encodes a hydrophilic protein of a largely helical structure with two potential phosphorylation sites. The protein is different from any other regulatory myosin light chain so far described and is the product of a previously uncharacterized single copy gene. An isoform-specific probe was used to analyze the expression of this isoform in adult muscle and in cardiac and skeletal muscle development in vivo and in vitro. Parallel analysis of the corresponding human alkali myosin light chain (predominant in adult atrium) showed that both isoforms are expressed in early heart development, in both atrium and ventricle. Although the atrial alkali light chain is expressed throughout embryonic striated muscle development, the regulatory myosin light chain was not detected in skeletal myogenesis in vivo or in vitro. Thus the atrial isoforms are not universally or exclusively "paired" and can be independently regulated. We propose that the manner in which these particular isoforms fulfill the functional requirements of the muscle at different developmental times may have direct impact on their regulation.  相似文献   

A cDNA expression strategy was used to localize amino acid sequences which were specific for fast, as opposed to slow, isoforms of the chicken skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain (MHC) and which were conserved in vertebrate evolution. Five monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), termed F18, F27, F30, F47, and F59, were prepared that reacted with all of the known chicken fast MHC isoforms but did not react with any of the known chicken slow nor with smooth muscle MHC isoforms. The epitopes recognized by mAbs F18, F30, F47, and F59 were on the globular head fragment of the MHC, whereas the epitope recognized by mAb F27 was on the helical tail or rod fragment. Reactivity of all five mAbs also was confined to fast MHCs in the rat, with the exception of mAb F59, which also reacted with the beta-cardiac MHC, the single slow MHC isoform common to both the rat heart and skeletal muscle. None of the five epitopes was expressed on amphioxus, nematode, or Dictyostelium MHC. The F27 and F59 epitopes were found on shark, electric ray, goldfish, newt, frog, turtle, chicken, quail, rabbit, and rat MHCs. The epitopes recognized by these mAbs were conserved, therefore, to varying degrees through vertebrate evolution and differed in sequence from homologous regions of a number of invertebrate MHCs and myosin-like proteins. The sequence of those epitopes on the head were mapped using a two-part cDNA expression strategy. First, Bal31 exonuclease digestion was used to rapidly generate fragments of a chicken embryonic fast MHC cDNA that were progressively deleted from the 3' end. These cDNA fragments were expressed as beta-galactosidase/MHC fusion proteins using the pUR290 vector; the fusion proteins were tested by immunoblotting for reactivity with the mAbs; and the approximate locations of the epitopes were determined from the sizes of the cDNA fragments that encoded a particular epitope. The epitopes were then precisely mapped by expression of overlapping cDNA fragments of known sequence that covered the approximate location of the epitopes. With this method, the epitope recognized by mAb F59 was mapped to amino acids 211-231 of the chicken embryonic fast MHC and the three distinct epitopes recognized by mAbs F18, F30, and F47 were mapped to amino acids approximately 65-92. Each of these epitope sequences is at or near the ATPase active site.  相似文献   

The myosin heavy chain (MHC) andmyosin light chain (MLC) isoforms in skeletal muscle of Ranapipiens have been well characterized. We measured theforce-velocity (F-V) properties of single intact fast-twitchfibers from R. pipiens that contained MHC types 1 or 2 (MHC1or MHC2) or coexpressed MHC1 and MHC2 isoforms. Velocities weremeasured between two surface markers that spanned most of the fiberlength. MHC and MLC isoform content was quantified after mechanicsanalysis by SDS-PAGE. Maximal shortening velocity(Vmax) and velocity at half-maximal tension(VP 50) increased with percentage of MHC1(%MHC1). Maximal specific tension (Po/CSA, wherePo is isometric tension and CSA is fiber cross-sectional area) and maximal mechanical power (Wmax) alsoincreased with %MHC1. MHC concentration was not significantlycorrelated with %MHC1, indicating that the influence of %MHC1 onPo/CSA and Wmax was due to intrinsicdifferences between MHC isoforms and not to concentration. TheMLC3-to-MLC1 ratio was not significantly correlated withVmax, VP 50,Po/CSA, or Wmax. These data demonstrate the powerful relationship between MHC isoforms and F-V properties of the two most common R. pipiensfiber types.


The microscopic organization and ultrastructure of the submandibular muscle of 10 species of Amphibia were compared. Among other fibre features the diameter of fibres, their content of mitochondria and fat, organization of sarcomeres: morphology of Z-line, M-band and sarcoplasmic reticulum were taken into consideration and 4 main types of muscle fibres were distinguished. They correspond to tonic (slow) and phasic (red, white and intermediate) ones. Slight variety of fibre morphology and of fibre elements among the examined species was found. Special attention to the variety of fibre morphology among the established types has been paid and the existence of continuous "spectrum" of fibres was suggested. The correlation of frequency of fibres of particular types with the body size, gular oscillation frequency, and some other characteristics of the submandibular muscle in the examined species was discussed. Also the zonal arrangement of muscle according to the fibre types, as well as possible dynamic nature of muscle fibres were emphasised.  相似文献   

Proteomic analysis of striated muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The techniques collectively known as proteomics are useful for characterizing the protein phenotype of a particular tissue or cell as well as quantitatively identifying differences in the levels of individual proteins following modulation of a tissue or cell. In the area of striated muscle research, proteomics has been a useful tool for identifying qualitative and quantitative changes in the striated muscle protein phenotype resulting from either disease or physiological modulation. Proteomics is useful for these investigations because many of the changes in the striated muscle phenotype resulting from either disease or changes in physiological state are qualitative and not quantitative changes. For example, modification of striated muscle proteins by phosphorylation and proteolytic cleavage are readily observed using proteomic technologies while these changes would not be identified using genomic technology. In this review, I will discuss the application of proteomic technology to striated muscle research, research designed to identify key protein changes that are either causal for or markers of a striated muscle disease or physiological condition.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms by which neurotransmitters modulate the force of contraction of cardiac muscle are incompletely understood. Hartzell and Titus (1982. J. Biol. Chem. 257:2111-2120) have recently reported that C-protein, an integral component of the thick filament, is reversibly phosphorylated in response to ionotropic agents. In this communication, C-protein phosphorylation (as measured by isotopic labeling with 32P) is correlated with changes in the rate of relaxation of twitch tension. On the average, isoproterenol simultaneously increases peak systolic tension twofold, decreases twitch relaxation time from a control value of approximately 450 to approximately 300 ms, and increases C-protein phosphorylation two- to threefold, with a maximum effect occurring less than 60 s after addition of 1 microM isoproterenol. Carbamylcholine, in contrast, decreases peak systolic tension more rapidly than it affects relaxation or C-protein phosphorylation. The maximum decrease in peak tension (60%) occurs within 1 min of addition of 0.5 microM carbamylcholine, but relaxation time increases slowly to 800 ms over approximately 6 min. The increase in relaxation time correlates well with the decrease in 32P incorporation into C-protein (r = 0.94). Changing beat frequency between 0.2 and 1/s has no effect on C-protein phosphorylation but does alter relaxation time (relaxation time decreases approximately 100 ms when beat frequency is changed from 0.5 to 1/s) and thus alters the quantitative relationship between C-protein phosphorylation and relaxation rate. These results suggest that two separate processes affect relaxation. It is proposed that the level of C-protein phosphorylation sets the boundaries over which relaxation is regulated by a second process that is dependent upon beat frequency and probably involves changes in intracellular Ca.  相似文献   

The changes in birefringence in the rigor to relax transition of single Triton-extracted rabbit psoas muscle fibers have been investigated. The total birefringence of rigor muscle fibers was dependent on sarcomere length and ranged from (1.46 ± 0.08) × 10−3 to (1.60 ± 0.06) ± 10−3 at sarcomere lengths from 2.70 μm to 3.40 μm. An increase in total birefringence was measured dependent on sarcomere length when 55 single fibers were relaxed from the rigor state with Mg-ATP. Pyrophosphate relaxation produced a smaller increase in retardation when compared to Mg-ATP. The expected change in intrinsic birefringence during the rigor to relax transition was calculated assuming a hinge function of the subfragment 2 moiety of myosin. The changes in birefringence during isometric contraction and relaxation have been discussed in relation to possible structural changes.  相似文献   

Length-tension relation in Limulus striated muscle   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Laser diffraction techniques coupled with simultaneous tension measurements were used to determine the length-tension relation in intact, small (0.5-mm thick, 10-mm wide, 20-25-mm long) bundles of a Limulus (horseshoe crab) striated muscle, the telson levator muscle. This muscle differs from the model vertebrate systems in that the thick filaments are not of a constant length, but shorten from 4.9 to approximately 2.0 micrometers as the sarcomeres shorten from 7 to 3 micrometers. In the Limulus muscle, the length-tension relation plateaued to an average maximum tension of 0.34 N/mm2 at a sarcomere length of 6.5 micrometers (Lo) to 8.0 micrometers. In the sarcomere length range from 3.8 to 12.5 micrometers, the muscle developed 50% or more of the maximum tension. When the sarcomere lengths are normalized (expressed as L/Lo) and the Limulus data are compared to those from frog muscle, it is apparent that Limulus muscle develops tension over a relatively greater range of sarcomere lengths.  相似文献   

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