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Areawide management has a long history of achieving solutions that target pests, however, there has been little focus on the areawide management of arthropod natural enemies. Landscape ecology studies that show a positive relationship between natural enemy abundance and habitat diversity demonstrate landscape‐dependent pest suppression, but have not yet clearly linked their findings to pest management or to the suite of pests associated with crops that require control. Instead the focus has often been on model systems of single pest species and their natural enemies. We suggest that management actions to capture pest control from natural enemies may be forth coming if: (i) the suite of response and predictor variables focus on pest complexes and specific management actions; (ii) the contribution of “the landscape” is identified by assessing the timing and numbers of natural enemies immigrating and emigrating to and from the target crop, as well as pests; and (iii) pest control thresholds aligned with crop development stages are the benchmark to measure impact of natural enemies on pests, in turn allowing for comparison between study regions, and generalizations. To achieve pest control we will need to incorporate what has been learned from an ecological understanding of model pest and natural enemy systems and integrate areawide landscape management with in‐field pest management.  相似文献   

Fighting insect pests is a major challenge for agriculture worldwide, and biological control and integrated pest management constitute well-recognised, cost-effective ways to prevent and overcome this problem. Bats are important arthropod predators globally and, in recent decades, an increasing number of studies have focused on the role of bats as natural enemies of agricultural pests. This review assesses the state of knowledge of the ecosystem services provided by bats as pest consumers at a global level and provides recommendations that may favour the efficiency of pest predation by bats. Through a systematic review, we assess evidence for predation, the top-down effect of bats on crops and the economic value of ecosystem services these mammals provide, describing the different methodological approaches used in a total of 66 reviewed articles and 18 agroecosystem types. We also provide a list of detailed conservation measures and management recommendations found in the scientific literature that may favour the delivery of this important ecosystem service, including actions aimed at restoring bat populations in agroecosystems. The most frequent recommendations include increasing habitat heterogeneity, providing additional roosts, and implementing laws to protect bats and reduce agrochemical use. However, very little evidence is available on the direct consequences of these practices on bat insectivory in farmland. Additionally, through a second in-depth systematic review of scientific articles focused on bat diet and, as part of the ongoing European Cost Action project CA18107, we provide a complete list of 2308 documented interactions between bat species and their respective insect pest prey. These pertain to 81 bat species belonging to 36 different genera preying upon 760 insect pests from 14 orders in agroecosystems and other habitats such as forest or urban areas. The data set is publicly available and updatable.  相似文献   


In Taiwan, the agricultural policy, ‘Reduce the consumption of pesticide to half in the next 10 years’, was launched in 2017. Pesticide application, which results in contamination of food by chemical residues, pest resistance, and other adverse ecological effects, is a growing public and environmental concern. Pest control by natural predators is, thus, the best alternative. Biological control methods implemented based on insights obtained from studies on pest behaviour, rearing, and various crop management modes, increase the possibility of controlling pests in modern organic agricultural systems. More than a decade has passed since the first introduction of a predatory insect in Taiwan for pest control (in the 1990s). Predatory and parasitic natural enemies, including lacewing, predatory stink bugs, Orius, and parasitic wasps, were initially used for controlling thrips, aphids, spider mites, whiteflies, and lepidopteran pests. At present, there exists a wide range of integrated pest management (IPM) methods incorporating other non-chemical, biological, and agricultural methods. However, recently, there has been an increase in research and development on the utilisation of natural enemies of insects and the associated food safety issues. Mass production and release, storage, and handling techniques of insect predators and parasitoids have been successful in recent years. The final goal of present day research is to develop natural enemy products and provide an IPM-based model to farmers for using natural enemies in agricultural production systems, thereby reducing pesticide application and ensuring food security.  相似文献   

The red clover casebearer, Coleophora deauratella Lienig & Zeller (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae), is an invasive pest of Trifolium species (Fabaceae) in Canada. We identified candidate sex pheromone components from female pheromone gland extracts using coupled gas chromatographic–electroantennographic analysis detection. Three compounds elicited an electrophysiological response from antennae and were identified as: (Z)‐7‐dodecenyl acetate, (Z)‐5‐dodecenyl acetate, and (Z)‐7‐dodecen‐1‐ol. Field tests of the candidate pheromone components revealed that males were attracted to a binary mixture of (Z)‐7‐dodecenyl acetate and (Z)‐5‐dodecenyl acetate. Male moth trap capture was greatest in traps baited with lures containing 100:10 or 100:20 ratios of these pheromone components, respectively. Trap capture was reduced when (Z)‐5‐dodecenyl acetate was present below 10 or above 20% of (Z)‐7‐dodecenyl acetate. Equal numbers of male moths were captured in traps baited with 10, 100, and 1 000 μg of the attractive binary mixture. These findings allow for the development of a pheromone‐based monitoring system for this invasive pest of clover in Canada.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Two management systems, biological and integrated, were compared to control the major pest, codling moth ( Cydia pomonella ) in apple orchards. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of these two systems on arboreal spiders. The biological system was based on the use of biological preparations, whereas in the integrated system selective pesticides were employed. The control plot had no pesticide treatment. The abundance of spiders was similar in all study plots during 3 years of study. Diversity, however, was higher in the biological plot than in the control and the integrated plots, suggesting that the response of spiders to management was guild-specific. Four spider families dominanted in all plots: Araneidae (orb weavers), Theridiidae (space-web weavers), and Philodromidae and Thomisidae (ambushers). While Araneidae and Thomisidae were similarly abundant on all plots, the density of Theridiidae and Philodromidae differed. In the integrated plot there were significantly more theridiid spiders, whereas in the control plot philodromid spiders were significantly more abundant. On the biological plot, the two families were similarly abundant. These differences were attributed to different age of trees in the control and treated plots, different prey spectrum, different susceptibility of the two families to applied chemicals and intraguild predation of theridiids by philodromids.  相似文献   

Advances in gene editing have made feasible the potential use of gene drive for pest control. Ecological risk assessments will certainly be required before this technology can be released into open fields. In this article, I argue for the importance to include host-associated differentiation (HAD) as part of ecological risk assessment models due to its potential to modulate gene drive spread and risk. Depending on the context, HAD may hamper or facilitate pest control efforts using gene drives. Overlooking HAD may impair pest suppression goals and inflate estimations of effective population sizes, whereas its inclusion within gene drive deployment strategies, as a form of ecological containment, may facilitate gene drive implementation under specific scenarios. Because HAD varies geographically and among closely related species, it will need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Failure to incorporate HAD within ecological risk assessment models may undermine pest control goals and diminish the accuracy of estimated ecological risks associated with gene drive releases.  相似文献   

In recent years, a system of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) has been introduced in many Swiss apple orchards. It is based on monitoring pests and natural enemies, on a package of selective pesticides and on biological control of phytophagous mites by typhlodromids. Some natural control has also been introduced for aphids and leafrollers. Stability of this approach is offered by natural control and by monitoring. Risks exist in two fields: Selective pesticides may disappear due to resistance and to other undesirable side effects. Outbreaks of secondary pests occur and will continue to do so in the future. In the past few years populations of scale insects and of Grapholita prunivorana (Rag.) have built up to damaging levels in some regions.  相似文献   

Insectivorous bats are efficient predators of pest arthropods in agroecosystems. This pest control service has been estimated to be worth billions of dollars to agriculture globally. However, few studies have explicitly investigated the composition and abundance of dietary prey items consumed or assessed the ratio of pest and beneficial arthropods, making it difficult to evaluate the quality of the pest control service provided. In this study, we used metabarcoding to identify the prey items eaten by insectivorous bats over the cotton‐growing season in an intensive cropping region in northern New South Wales, Australia. We found that seven species of insectivorous bat (n = 58) consumed 728 prey species, 13 of which represented around 50% of total prey abundance consumed. Importantly, the identified prey items included major arthropod pests, comprising 65% of prey relative abundance and 13% of prey species recorded. Significant cotton pests such as Helicoverpa punctigera (Australian bollworm) and Achyra affinitalis (cotton webspinner) were detected in at least 76% of bat fecal samples, with Teleogryllus oceanicus (field crickets), Helicoverpa armigera (cotton bollworm), and Crocidosema plebejana (cotton tipworm) detected in 55% of bat fecal samples. Our results indicate that insectivorous bats are selective predators that exploit a narrow selection of preferred pest taxa and potentially play an important role in controlling lepidopteran pests on cotton farms. Our study provides crucial information for farmers to determine the service or disservice provided by insectivorous bats in relation to crops, for on‐farm decision making.  相似文献   

Management of imported fire ant species has evolved since their accidental introduction into the United States and currently uses integrated pest management concepts to design, implement, and evaluate suppression programs. Although eradication is the management goal in certain isolated infestation sites, localized goals vary dramatically in larger infestations where reinvasion of treated areas is likely. These goals are influenced by regulatory policies, medical liabilities, ecological impact, and/or economic considerations. Tactics employed in fire ant management programs presented here include cultural and biological control options along with judicious use of site‐specific insecticide products. In addition, program design considerations that include management goal(s), action level(s), ant form (monogyne or polygyne), presence of nontarget ant species, size of treatment area, seasonality, implementation cost, and environmental impact are also presented. Optimally, elegant IPM programs are target specific, threshold driven, environmentally friendly and cost‐effective.  相似文献   

The importance of natural enemies as the foundation of integrated pest management (IPM) is widely accepted, but few studies conduct the manipulative field experiments necessary to directly quantify their impact on pest populations in this context. This is particularly true for predators. Studying arthropod predator–prey interactions is inherently difficult: prey items are often completely consumed, individual predator–prey interactions are ephemeral (rendering their detection difficult) and the typically fluid or soft‐bodied meals cannot be easily identified visually within predator guts. Serological techniques have long been used in arthropod predator gut‐contents analysis, and current enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) are highly specific and sensitive. Recently, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods for gut‐contents analysis have developed rapidly and they now dominate the diagnostic methods used for gut‐contents analysis in field‐based research. This work has identified trophic linkages within food webs, determined predator diet breadth and preference, demonstrated the importance of cannibalism and intraguild predation within and between certain taxa, and confirmed the benefits (predator persistence) and potential disadvantages (reduced feeding on pest species) of the availability of alternative nonpest prey. Despite considerable efforts to calibrate gut‐contents assays, these methods remain qualitative. Available techniques for predator gut‐contents analysis can provide rapid, accurate, cost‐effective identification of predation events. As such, they perfectly compliment the ecological methods developed to directly assess predator impacts on prey populations but which are imperfect at identifying the key predators. These diagnostic methods for gut‐contents analysis are underexploited in agricultural research and they are almost never applied in unison with the critical field experiments to measure predator impact. This paper stresses the need for a combined approach and suggests a framework that would make this possible, so that appropriate natural enemies can be targeted in conservation biological control.  相似文献   

井冈山森林凋落物分解动态及磷、钾释放速率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用网袋分解法对井冈山地区亚热带常绿阔叶林、针阔叶混交林和高山矮林地上和地下(10 cm)2个分解组的叶凋落物进行了连续2年的分解试验,测定了凋落物的分解速率以及P、K元素的释放动态.结果表明: 3种林分叶凋落物残留率与时间呈负指数衰减关系.各林分凋落物干质量损失前期较快,第1年末两组平均质量损失率分别为50.6%(常绿阔叶林)、41.7%(针阔叶混交林)和40.13%(高山矮林),且地上组显著高于地下组;后期较慢,至第2年末2组平均质量损失率分别达到60.95%(常绿阔叶林)、57.06%(针阔叶混交林)和56.60%(高山矮林),均以常绿阔叶林、针阔叶混交林、高山矮林为序递减,地上组与地下组的差异不显著.根据Olson指数衰减模型对质量损失率结果进行拟合,发现3种林分样地上凋落物分解95%所需的时间(t0.95)为6.8~9.9年,其大小排序为常绿阔叶林<针阔叶混交林<高山矮林.P在不同林分凋落物分解过程中均存在明显的净固持效应,其强度顺序为高山矮林>针阔叶混交林>常绿阔叶林,凋落物初始P含量和C/P可能是导致上述情形的原因.K在各林分的多数时间均表现为净释放.以试验末期的元素释放量计算,P的释放速率在地上组和地下组之间无显著差异,而K则为地上组显著高于地下组.  相似文献   

Recent declines in biodiversity have increased interest in the link between biodiversity and the provision and sustainability of ecosystem services across space and time. We mapped the complex network of interactions between herbivores and parasitoids to examine the relationship between parasitoid species richness, functional group diversity and the provision of natural pest control services. Quantitative food webs were constructed for 10 organic and 10 conventional farms. Parasitoid species richness varied from 26 to 58 species and we found a significant positive relationship between parasitoid species richness and temporal stability in parasitism rates. Higher species richness was associated with lower variation in parasitism rate. A functional group analysis showed significantly greater parasitoid species complementarity on organic farms, with on average more species in each functional group. We simulated parasitoid removal to predict whether organic farms experienced greater robustness of parasitism in the face of local extinctions. This analysis showed no consistent differences between the organic and conventional farm pairs in terms of loss of pest control service. Finally, it was found that the different habitats that make up each farm do not contribute equally to parasitoid species diversity, and that hedgerows produced more parasitoid species, significantly more so on organic farms.  相似文献   

The efficacy of ''Deltapine 90'' cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) in rotation with ''Florunner'' peanut (Arachis hypogaea) for the management of Meloidogyne arenaria was studied for 2 years in a field in southeastern Alabama. In 1985, M. arenaria juvenile populations in plots with cotton were 98% lower than in plots with peanut. Peanut and cotton yields were increased by treatment with aldicarb (3.3 kg a.i./ha in a 20-cm-band) in 1985 but not in 1986. In 1986, peanut yields were highest and M. arenaria juvenile populations in soil were lowest in plots that had cotton the previous year. In 1986, numbers of M. arenaria juveniles in plots with peanut both years were reduced by treatment with aldicarb to levels found in plots with cotton-peanut rotation. The use of aldicarb in peanut following cotton similarly treated reduced the incidence of southern blight (Sclerotium rolfsii). Cotton-peanut is a good rotation for the management of M. arenaria and to increase peanut yields without the use of nematicides.  相似文献   

China has the highest greenhouse-based production in the world. In 2010, the area of greenhouses devoted to vegetable production was estimated at 4.7 million ha. With the increasing costs of pest control, expanding pesticide resistance and the growing consumer concern regarding pesticide residues in fresh vegetables, a strong demand for applying non-chemical control methods is emerging in China. Biological control in the greenhouse environment is a viable alternative to pesticide use from both environmental and economic perspectives. Although we have only 17 cases of fully documented, successful biological control operations from China, involving 8 crops, 8 pest species and 14 species of natural enemies, the use of the biological control agents is much more widespread. There are 7 commercial companies and facilities producing 21 species of natural enemies, and most of them are available country-wide. Several of these employ a rearing system using artificial diets, and many now move to an integrated production system, including the mass production of the biocontrol agents, quality control, methods of long-distance transportation, release recommendations, and user feedback. While initially these systems relied on introduced natural enemies, they increasingly develop modified systems using native natural enemies. The increasing demand for pesticide-free, high quality vegetable produce year-round and the existing certification schemes make it very likely that the use of biocontrol agents will continue to increase in China.  相似文献   

王舒  张骞  王子芳  余泺  向书江  高明 《生态学报》2022,42(11):4654-4664
快速城市化与土地利用变化导致的一系列问题不断影响着生态系统健康。开展生态系统服务供给和生态风险的空间量化研究,有助于科学管控区域生态用地,促进生态文明建设。采用GIS技术,利用生态系统服务价值核算模型、生态风险指数模型,研究了2000年以来三峡库区生态系统服务供给值和生态风险指数的时空演化特征,并利用Z-score标准化法进行生态功能分区构建。结果表明:(1)2000—2015年,三峡库区生态系统服务供给值总体变化较小,生态系统服务以调节服务为主且林地供给值最高。高供给值区主要分布于湖北省夷陵区、秭归县和兴山县等植被覆盖度高的区域,低供给值区分布在库区西南部的渝中区、渝北区和沙坪坝区等人口密集区。(2)三峡库区生态风险值总体呈小幅上升趋势,“西高东低”的分布特征明显,生态安全逐步向中等风险类型转移,其中低、较低生态风险区占区域总面积的55%以上,高风险区主要集中在重庆市主城区。(3)研究期间4种生态分区变化程度较小,表明生态分区处于较为稳定的状态。高供给值-高风险区(Ⅰ)的分布连续性最差,低供给值-高风险区(Ⅱ)和高供给值-低风险区(Ⅳ)分布较为集中。对三峡库区生态系统服务供给、生态风...  相似文献   

  1. A mathematical model was constructed describing population dynamics of the arrowhead scale, Unaspis yanonensis Kuwana. The population occurrence patterns simulated by the model from 1971 to 1976 were relatively consistent with the actual findings in the field.
  2. The effects of control tactics for this pest were examined on the basis of the model.
  3. Effective timing of insecticide (petroleum oil and organophosphorous insecticide) application was indicated to be 40 days after the initial appearance of 1st-instar nymphs in both the 1st and 2nd generations of the host.
  4. The number of overwintering adult females in May of the next year (i.e., the starting point of the next year's population) decreased linearly with the increment in the degree of insecticide coverage. The pest populations were expected to be kept to low densities by petroleum oil sprays alone for the 1st generation when overall, complete coverage was accomplished.
  5. Examination of the effects of two introduced parasitoids, Aphytis yanonensis and Coccobius fulvus, showed that they were able to control the scale population by themselves when more than 70% parasitism was achieved. When petroleum oil was applied to overwintering adults (termed winter petroleum oil) at the degree of coverage of 0.8, host populations were reduced by ca. 60% parasitism. When the winter petroleum oil was combined either with additional petroleum oil 40 days after the initial appearance of 1st-instar nymphs of the 1st generation or with an organophosphorous insecticide 40 days after the initial appearance of 1st-instar nymphs of the 2nd generation (degree of coverage=0.8 in each case), 40% parasitism led the reduction of the pest population.
  6. The most desirable control program was considered to be one in which winter petroleum oil was used every year and additional petroleum oil or an organophosphorous insecticide was also used in those years when host density was high.

Diversifying agricultural landscapes may mitigate biodiversity declines and improve pest management. Yet landscapes are rarely managed to suppress pests, in part because researchers seldom measure key variables related to pest outbreaks and insecticides that drive management decisions. We used a 13‐year government database to analyse landscape effects on European grapevine moth (Lobesia botrana) outbreaks and insecticides across c. 400 Spanish vineyards. At harvest, we found pest outbreaks increased four‐fold in simplified, vineyard‐dominated landscapes compared to complex landscapes in which vineyards are surrounded by semi‐natural habitats. Similarly, insecticide applications doubled in vineyard‐dominated landscapes but declined in vineyards surrounded by shrubland. Importantly, pest population stochasticity would have masked these large effects if numbers of study sites and years were reduced to typical levels in landscape pest‐control studies. Our results suggest increasing landscape complexity may mitigate pest populations and insecticide applications. Habitat conservation represents an economically and environmentally sound approach for achieving sustainable grape production.  相似文献   

生态管理分区是建设用地扩张指引和生态空间管控的重要依据,对维护区域生态安全和生态文明建设具有重要意义。以我国北方沿海重要中心城市——大连市为例,选取食物供给、水源涵养、固碳释氧、土壤保持、生境维持和美学景观6项指标,综合运用模型法及生态经济学方法量化生态系统服务供给,并结合土地利用、人口和经济现状定量评估2015年生态系统服务需求。利用象限匹配法和耦合协调度模型,探究千米网格尺度下生态系统服务供需匹配关系和协调关系及其区域差异,进而通过空间叠置分析划分生态管理分区并提出相应管理措施,旨在为区域内生态修复以及差异化建设提供科学参考。研究结果表明:①大连市生态系统服务供需具有显著空间异质性,总体呈现北部林地和东西部沿海生态系统服务供给高、需求低,中南内陆城镇区生态系统服务供给低、需求高的空间格局;②生态系统服务供需不匹配和失调特征明显,匹配类型以高供给-低需求和低供给-高需求为主,生态系统服务供需耦合协调度平均值为0.38,表现为轻度失调;③综合分析将大连分为4个生态管理区,其中,生态涵养区为高供低需-供需失调区,要以保护为主培育为辅,重点保护;生态农业区为高需-供需平衡区,以生态保护和生态建设为主,提高其投入产出效率;生态改良为低供高需-供需失调区,以生态建设和整治为主,综合改善生态系统服务水平;生态一般保护区为高供-供需失调区,以综合保护为主,提高生态溢出效应。  相似文献   

Lepidoptera are among the most severe pests of food and fibre crops in the world and are mainly controlled using broad spectrum insecticides. This does not lead to environmentally sustainable control and farmers are demanding alternative control tools which are both effective and friendly to the environment. The sterile insect technique (SIT), within an area‐wide integrated pest management (AW‐IPM) approach, has proven to be a powerful control tactic for the creation of pest‐free areas or areas of low pest prevalence. Improving the quality of laboratory‐reared moths would increase the efficacy of released sterile moths applied in AW‐IPM programmes that integrate the (SIT). Factors that might affect the quality and field performance of released sterile moths are identified and characterized in this study. Some tools and methods to measure, predict and enhance moth quality are described such as tests for moth quality, female moth trapping systems, ‘smart’ traps, machine vision for recording behaviour, marking techniques, and release technologies. Methods of enhancing rearing systems are discussed with a view to selecting and preserving useful genetic traits that improve field performance.  相似文献   

Insect pests and phytophagous mites cause a considerable loss to tropical root crops in the field. Major pests include the sweet potato weevil Cylas puncticollis, cassava mealybug Phenacoccus manihoti, cassava green spider mite Mononychellus tanajoa, yam beetle Heteroligus meles, and taro hornworm Hippotion celerio. Field and laboratory evaluation experiments indicate that entomopathogenic microorganisms may be adequately used in the management of insect and mite pests in root crops. The highest promise probably lies with fungal pathogens (Beauvaria bassiana, Hirsutella thompsonii, Metarhizium anisopliae, Nomuraea rileyi, Entomophthora thaxteriana, and E. parvispora), but bacterial (Bacillus thuringiensis), microsporidian (Nosema locustae) nematode (Steinernema feltiae) and even viral (Baculoviruses) pathogens may be exploited in an integrated pest management programme of tropical root crop pests.  相似文献   

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