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Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among women, and its related treatment has been attracting significant attention over the past decades. Among the various treatments, targeted therapy has shown great promise as a precision treatment, by binding to cancer cell‐specific biomarkers. So far, great achievements have been made in targeted therapy of breast cancer. In this review, we first discuss cell‐specific biomarkers, which are not only useful for classification of breast cancer subtyping but also can be utilized as goals for targeted therapy. Then, the innovative and generic‐targeted biopharmaceuticals for breast cancer, including monoclonal antibodies, non‐antibody proteins and small molecule drugs, are reviewed. Finally, we provide our outlook on future developments of biopharmaceuticals, and provide solutions to problems in this field.  相似文献   

Ovarian cancer (OC) is the fifth leading cause of cancer-related death among women. The high mortality rate is due to lack of early symptoms, late diagnosis, limited treatment options, and also emerging of drug resistance. Todays, molecular markers have become promising in tumor-targeted therapy. Several molecular markers have been known in OC immunotherapy. Identification of the specific molecular markers with prognostic significance is interested. CD24 is a small sialoglycoprotein which is localized in lipid rafts through its glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor. It has been reported that CD24 is overexpressed in many cancers including OC. Also, CD24 is identified as a cancer stem cell marker in OC. The CD24 expression is associated with the development, invasion, and metastasis of cancer cells. The exact role of CD24 in cancer cells is not clearly understood. Recently, CD24 has been identified as an independent prognostic marker of survival in patients with OC. In this study, we reviewed the molecular targets in OC immune-targeted therapy and also presented an overview of the new molecular marker CD24 and its association with the OC by reviewing the recent literature.  相似文献   

肺癌仍然是现在最常见的恶性肿瘤之一。小细胞肺癌(Smallcelllungcancer,SCLC)是肺癌中恶性程度最高的一种类型,与吸烟密切相关,其较早发生远处转移和播散导致预后差,目前的主要治疗手段有手术、化学治疗、放射治疗。但其具有初始化放疗敏感,却很快耐受的特点,导致了它总体预后不良,生存期短。如何寻求一种有效的疾病预后、疗效判断标记物,显得尤为重要。本文主要介绍近年来在小细胞肺癌中分子标记物的研究进展,包括神经内分泌的相关蛋白、凋亡蛋白抑制剂(Survivin)、相关酶类及膜蛋白,这些分子标记物与小细胞肺癌疾病的进展、预后密切相关,能够为临床的疾病治疗评估提供潜在可行的方法。但是,这些标记物仍存在特异性不高的问题,最终应用于临床实践,仍需要更多的临床研究。  相似文献   

随着分子生物学研究的进展,分子靶向治疗已成为除手术、放疗、化疗之外的第4种治疗方法,越来越多的用于临床治疗恶性肿瘤。分子靶向药物进入体内能够特异地选择致癌位点,杀伤肿瘤细胞,而不会波及周围正常的组织细胞,因此分子靶向治疗又被称为"生物导弹"。与传统化疗药物相比,分子靶向药物具有特异性强、疗效明显、副作用少等优点。按照分子靶向药物的性质主要归为两大类:一类是单克隆抗体,如西妥昔单抗等;另一类是单靶点或多靶点的小分子抑制剂,如吉非替尼等。表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)对肿瘤的生长、发展以及肿瘤干细胞的维持都有着非常重要的作用,并且在多种实体瘤中存在过表达或异常表达,因此在肿瘤治疗中,EGFR成为一个非常重要的用药靶点。现主要对目前国内已上市的针对EGFR的分子靶向药物最新的临床研究进展作一简要综述。  相似文献   

With ever-increasing molecular information about colorectal cancer (CRC), there is an expectation to detect more sensitive and specific molecular markers for new advanced diagnostic methods that can surpass the limitations of current screening tests. Moreover, enhanced molecular pathology knowledge about cancer has led to the development of targeted therapies, designed to interfere with specific aberrant biological pathways in cancer. Furthermore, biotechnology has opened a new window in CRC diagnosis and treatment by introducing different application of antibodies, antibody fragments, non-Ig scaffold proteins, and aptamers in targeted therapy and drug delivery. This review summarizes the molecular diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in CRC with a focus on genetic and epigenetic alterations, protein and metabolite markers as well as targeted therapy and drug delivery by Ig-scaffold proteins, non-Ig scaffold proteins, nanobodies, and aptamers.  相似文献   

Molecular targeted therapies in breast cancer: Where are we now?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Targeted therapies, in cancer treatment, represent a new generation of drugs that interfere with specific molecular targets (typically proteins) having critical roles to play in tumour growth or progression. The principle of targeted therapy is certainly not new: tamoxifen, a hormonal agent targeted at the estrogen receptor, has been in use for more than 30 years. However, this principle has re-gained significant emphasis with the recent development of new biological agents, such as trastuzumab, which was first approved for the treatment of advanced breast cancer (BC) in 1998. Presently, there are at least three different targeted therapies with well documented activity in advanced BC and all three are now being studied in the adjuvant setting; trastuzumab and bevacizumab are monoclonal antibodies, and lapatinib is a dual inhibitor of HER-1 and HER-2. This paper will review the increasing role of molecular targeted therapies in BC, with a particular focus on those drugs currently being tested in early BC, as well as, on future perspectives.  相似文献   

The remarkably heterogeneous nature of lung cancer has become more apparent over the last decade. In general, advanced lung cancer is an aggressive malignancy with a poor prognosis. The discovery of multiple molecular mechanisms underlying the development, progression, and prognosis of lung cancer, however, has created new opportunities for targeted therapy and improved outcome. In this paper, we define "molecular subtypes" of lung cancer based on specific actionable genetic aberrations. Each subtype is associated with molecular tests that define the subtype and drugs that may potentially treat it. We hope this paper will be a useful guide to clinicians and researchers alike by assisting in therapy decision making and acting as a platform for further study. In this new era of cancer treatment, the 'one-size-fits-all' paradigm is being forcibly pushed aside-allowing for more effective, personalized oncologic care to emerge.  相似文献   

In the past 50 years, disease burden has steadily shifted from infectious disease to cancer. Standard chemotherapy has long been the mainstay of cancer medical management, and despite vast efforts towards more targeted and personalized drug therapy, many cancers remain refractory to treatment, with high rates of relapse and poor prognosis. Recent dramatic immunotherapy clinical trials have demonstrated that engineering T-cells with chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) to target CD19 can lead to complete remission in relapsed or refractory B-cell malignancies, generating a great deal of enthusiasm in the field. Here we provide a comprehensive overview of the history of adoptive T-cell therapy, including CARs, in solid tumors as well as hematologic malignancies. CAR therapy has the potential to fundamentally transform cancer treatment with specific and even personalized targeting of tissue- and tumor-specific antigens. However, before CARs become standard first-line treatment modalities, critical issues regarding efficacy, combinatorial regimens, and mechanisms of treatment failure and toxicity will need to be addressed.  相似文献   

Underneath the intricacy of every cancer lies mysterious events that impel the tumour cell and its posterity into abnormal growth and tissue invasion. Oncogenic mutations disturb the regulatory circuits responsible for the governance of versatile cellular functions, permitting tumour cells to endure deregulated proliferation, resist to proapoptotic insults, invade and erode normal tissues and above all escape apoptosis. This disruption of apoptosis has been highly implicated in various malignancies and has been exploited as an anticancer strategy. Owing to the fact that apoptosis causes minimal inflammation and damage to the tissue, apoptotic cell death-based therapy has been the centre of attraction for the development of anticancer drugs. Increased understanding of the molecular pathways underlying apoptosis has enabled scientists to establish unique approaches targeting apoptosis pathways in cancer therapeutics. In this review, we reconnoitre the two major pathways (intrinsic and extrinsic) targeted cancer therapeutics, steering toward chief modulators of these pathways, such as B-cell lymphoma 2 protein family members (pro- and antiapoptotic), inhibitor of apoptosis proteins, and the foremost thespian of extrinsic pathway regulator, tumour necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing agent. Together, we also will have a look from clinical perspective to address the agents (drugs) and therapeutic strategies adopted to target these specific proteins/pathways that have entered clinical trials.  相似文献   

卵巢癌死亡率居女性生殖系统恶性肿瘤之首,早期诊断困难,晚期患者治疗效果差,分子靶向药物成为近年的研究热点。目前许多靶向药物已经进入临床试验阶段,给卵巢癌特别是术后复发及化疗耐药患者的治疗带来新的希望。本文主要对单克隆抗体,酪氨酸激酶抑制剂等几种药物在卵巢癌的研究进行综述。  相似文献   

近年来,乳腺癌靶向治疗的研究取得了显著进展。分子靶向药物通过作用于乳腺癌细胞相关细胞的分子信号传导途径,特异性针对异常环节进行干预,控制细胞基因的表达,从而抑制或杀死肿瘤细胞,以此达到治疗乳腺癌的目的。本文将对乳腺癌靶向治疗的分子基础研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most common malignancies among men. Despite advancement in technology and medicine over past decades, late diagnosis remains a critical milestone in effective treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to identify novel and reliable biomarkers which are specifically sensitive and specific for prognosis and prediction of clinical outcomes. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play important roles in posttranslational regulations of genes. Circulating and exosomal miRNAs can be applied as useful diagnostic markers for a different type of malignancies, including PCa. Herein, we summarized various roles of miRNAs (diagnostic, therapeutic, and prognostic) in PCa. Moreover, we highlighted exosomal miRNAs as a new candidate in diagnosis and monitoring response to therapy in patients with PCa.  相似文献   

Tumors consist of a mixture of heterogeneous cell types. Cancer stem cells(CSCs) are a minor sub-population within the bulk cancer fraction which has been foundto reconstitute and propagate the disease and to be frequently resistant to chemotherapy, irradiation, cytotoxic drugs and probably also against immune attack. CSCs are considered as the seeds of tumor recurrence, driving force of tumorigenesis and metastases. This underlines the urgent need for innovative methods to identify and target CSCs. However, the role and existence of CSCs in therapy resistance and cancer recurrence remains a topic of intense debate. The underlying biological properties of the tumor stem cells are extremely dependent on numerous signals, and the targeted inhibition of these stem cell signaling pathways is one of the promising approaches of the new antitumor therapy approaches. This perspective review article summarizes the novel methods of tracing CSCs and discusses the hallmarks of CSC identification influenced by the microenvironment or by having imperfect detection markers. In addition, explains the known molecular mechanisms of therapy resistance in CSCs as reliable and clinically predictive markers that could enable the use of new targeted antitumor therapy in the sense of personalized medicine.  相似文献   

转移性结直肠癌抗血管生成靶向治疗的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来,由于各种新的化疗药物及分子靶向药物的使用,转移性结直肠癌(metastatic colorectal cancer,m CRC)的个体化治疗逐步取得了重要的成果。研究表明,抗血管生成靶向药物与化疗药物的联合使用作为转移性结直肠癌的一线治疗方案,可明显改善治疗效果,延长患者的生存时间。血管内皮生长因子(vascularendothelial growth factor,VEGF)是肿瘤血管生成过程中最主要的因子。贝伐单抗是通过基因工程技术得到的针对血管内皮生长因子-A(VEGF-A)的单克隆抗体,作为抗血管生成靶向药物用于转移性结直肠癌的临床治疗。本文对近年来转移性结直肠癌的抗血管生成靶向治疗,尤其是贝伐单抗治疗的相关研究进展进行综述并展望未来抗血管生成靶向治疗的发展前景。  相似文献   

The advent of microarrays over the past decade has transformed the way genome-wide studies are designed and conducted, leading to an unprecedented speed of acquisition and amount of new knowledge. Microarray data have led to the identification of molecular subclasses of solid tumors characterized by distinct oncogenic pathways, as well as the development of multigene prognostic or predictive models equivalent or superior to those of established clinical parameters. In the field of molecular-targeted therapy for cancer, in particular, the application of array-based methodologies has enabled the identification of molecular targets with 'key' roles in neoplastic transformation or tumor progression and the subsequent development of targeted agents, which are most likely to be active in the specific molecular setting. Herein, we present a summary of the main applications of whole-genome expression microarrays in the field of molecular-targeted therapies for solid tumors and we discuss their potential in the clinical setting. An emphasis is given on deciphering the molecular mechanisms of drug action, identifying novel therapeutic targets and suitable agents to target them with, and discovering molecular markers/signatures that predict response to therapy or optimal drug dose for each patient.  相似文献   

黑色素瘤是常见的皮肤肿瘤,它放化疗的效果差,达卡巴嗪仍是目前晚期黑色素瘤化疗药物治疗中公认的金标准,但有效率仅8%~12%左右。现抗细胞毒T淋巴细胞相关抗原4(cytotoxic Tlymphocyte-associated antigen-4,CTLA-4)单抗和针对基因突变的分子靶向药物的出现,增加了治疗的手段并取得了好的疗效。这些药物在延长晚期黑色素瘤患者的生存期方面取得了令人瞩目的突破,有可能对晚期黑色素瘤患者的治疗进行彻底的革命,这为治疗晚期恶性黑色素瘤患者带来希望,在目前常用的药物中,虽然威罗菲尼和易普利姆玛被用来治疗转移性黑色素瘤,但他们都有局限性。威罗菲尼有效应答时间短,而易普利姆玛应答率低。本文就恶性黑色素瘤分子靶向治疗的研究进展进行综述,未来几年靶向药物的联合治疗及新的有效靶点的发现可能会成为黑色素瘤治疗的突破点。  相似文献   

Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is a malignant disorder of the myeloid blood lineage characterized by impaired differentiation and increased proliferation of hematopoietic precursor cells. Recent technological advances have led to an improved understanding of AML biology but also uncovered the enormous cytogenetic and molecular heterogeneity of the disease. Despite this heterogeneity, AML is mostly managed by a ‘one‐size‐fits‐all’ approach consisting of intensive, highly toxic induction and consolidation chemotherapy. These treatment protocols have remained largely unchanged for the past several decades and only lead to a cure in approximately 30–35% of cases. The advent of targeted therapies in chronic myeloid leukaemia and other malignancies has sparked hope to improve patient outcome in AML. However, the implementation of targeted agents in AML therapy has been unexpectedly cumbersome and remains a difficult task due to a variety of disease‐ and patient‐specific factors. In this review, we describe current standard and investigational therapeutic strategies with a focus on targeted agents and highlight potential tools that might facilitate the development of targeted therapies for this fatal disease. The classes of agents described in this review include constitutively activated signalling pathway inhibitors, surface receptor targets, epigenetic modifiers, drugs targeting the interaction of the hematopoietic progenitor cell with the stroma and drugs that target the apoptotic machinery. The clinical context and outcome with these agents will be examined to gain insight about their optimal utilization.  相似文献   

放射性药物指供临床诊断或治疗用的放射性核素制剂或其标记化合物。放射性核素靶向治疗是利用对肿瘤细胞具有特异高亲和力的分子载体将核素定向导入特定的肿瘤组织,对肿瘤进行治疗。与传统的放疗和化疗相比,其具有选择性杀伤肿瘤细胞的特点。随着核医学的发展,SPECT/CT、PET/CT的普及,新靶点的发现和新型放射性药物的研发,利用放射性药物进行靶向治疗在肿瘤临床治疗中占据的地位越来越重要。本文简述了放射性药物的分类、组成及特点;综述了针对肿瘤相关抗原的放射免疫药物在非霍奇金淋巴瘤、结直肠癌和前列腺癌中的应用;受体介导的放射性核素药物在治疗神经内分泌肿瘤、前列腺癌和乳腺癌中的临床应用以及基于基因修饰的放射性药物在肿瘤靶向治疗中的实验研究进展。最后总结了放射性药物在肿瘤靶向治疗中的应用前景与面临的挑战,以期为靶向治疗肿瘤的放射性药物的开发和临床应用提供一些参考。  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis of hematological malignancies has played a crucial role in the diagnosis and clinical management of patients, as well as in providing fundamental insights into the genetic basis of the pathogenesis of these diseases. Leukemias and lymphomas have lent themselves readily to karyotypic analysis and undoubtedly represent the greatest successes of cytogenetics in human cancer. Several cytogenetic changes have been shown to have considerable prognostic significance also and are being used as measurable targets for response to therapy. Molecular characterization of the recurrent cytogenetic abnormalities has identified genes involved in leukemogenesis and formed a basis for specific treatment strategies. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis, since its introduction, has revolutionized the field and enabled a more precise determination of the presence and frequency of genetic abnormalities. It is particularly indispensable where metaphase cytogenetics may be difficult in the largely quiescent cells of some hematological malignancies, particularly the lymphoid disorders. FISH probes have been used extensively to detect nonrandom abnormalities in interphase nuclei and the true incidence of chromosome abnormalities has been proven to be much higher than that detected by conventional chromosomal analysis. The avail- ability of a comprehensive line of commercial probes for rapid identification of critical genetic aberrations has contributed to the widespread use of this technique. It has also led to the current practice in most laboratories to test for genetic aberrations by using FISH panels that have been designed to detect genetic changes important not only in the diagnosis of leukemias and lymphomas, but also because of their association with prognosis, to identify high-risk populations in specific hematological cancers, so they can be targeted for aggressive therapy.  相似文献   

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