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We have examined fine-scale genetic structure of the symbiotic ectomycorrhizal fungi Rhizopogon occidentalis and R. vulgaris on two of the California Channel Islands using five and six microsatellite loci, respectively. Both Rhizopogon species are sympatric on Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa Islands and are ectomycorrhizal with bishop pine (Pinus muricata) on both islands or Santa Rosa Island Torrey pine (P. torreyana ssp. insularis) on Santa Rosa. The combination of disjunct pine host distributions and geographic barriers within and among the islands have created highly structured Rhizopogon populations over very short distances (8.5 km on Santa Cruz Island; F(ST) = 0.258, F(ST) = 0.056, R. occidentalis and R. vulgaris, respectively). Both species show similar patterns of genetic differentiation as a result of limited dispersal between host populations as revealed by a significant isolation by distance relationship (r = 0.69, P < 0.04; r = 0.93, P < 0.001, R. occidentalis and R. vulgaris, respectively) and Bayesian clustering analyses, and is most likely a function of the small foraging range of the few mammals that disperse Rhizopogon on these islands and the enormous spore bank characteristic of Rhizopogon species.  相似文献   

The population genetics and spatial structure of the fairy ring fungus Marasmius oreades (Bolt.?:?Fr.) Fr. was studied by DNA amplification fingerprinting (DAF). Basidiocarp samples were collected from fairy rings from two separate sand dune systems of about 560 m(2) and 1750 m(2), respectively, on the Lista Peninsula in southwestern Norway in 1996. Samples were collected after a careful mapping of fairy rings and a vegetation survey of the composition and spatial structure of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens. DAF with standard arbitrary oligonucleotide primers was used to examine the genetic relationship between basidiocarp samples. The study showed that the fungal population contained a high number of genotypes and that about 90% of the fairy rings represented a separate genet. Both cluster and phylogenetic analyses of DAF amplification products established relationships between fairy rings and showed that genetically similar basidiocarps were found close to each other. Overall results showed a weak correspondence between genotype and spatial distribution and no correspondence between genotype and composition of the surrounding vegetation. Furthermore, the occurrence of the four dominant sand dune grass species was randomly distributed among the localities housing the various fungal genotypes, indicating that the fungus did not exhibit genotypic specialization to the various grass species that could host it as a pathogen. Results show that establishment of new individuals generally was mediated by basidiospore dispersal and not by fragmenting dikaryotic, vegetative mycelium, as previously proposed.  相似文献   

Examining the fine-scale spatial structure of fungal populations can tell us much about how individual species reproduce and disperse throughout natural landscapes. Here we study the fine-scale genetic structure of Tricholoma matsutake, a prized edible and medicinal mushroom, by systematic sampling of mycorrhizas within fairy rings in 50-y-old and old-growth forests in two villages. Using single nucleotide polymorphism DNA markers we show that mycorrhizas in both forest age classes in both villages showed high levels of genotypic diversity, consistent with a reproductive life history predominated by outcrossing via basidiospore dispersal. Both the percentage of polymorphic loci within fairy rings, as well as genotype diversity were higher in old-growth compared to 50-y-old forests. Fifty-year-old forests showed significant spatial autocorrelation between pairs of mycorrhizas up to 42 m, and a pattern consistent isolation-by-distance structure. Spatial patterns in old-growth forests were random. Furthermore, AMOVA analysis indicates that 11 % of molecular variance in 50-y-old forests is partitioned between villages, whereas no significant variance is partitioned between villages in old-growth forests. We conclude that populations of T. matsutake in 50-y-old forests are the result of a founder effect maintained by local inoculation sources. This pattern attenuates as forests age and accumulate inocula from more distance sources. We speculate on how genetic mosaicism within T. matsutake fairy rings may structure populations within a chronosequence. Finally, we discuss how population spatial dynamics and dispersal strategy in T. matsutake contrast with other ectomycorrhizal species.  相似文献   

Epiphytic plants occupy three-dimensional space, which allows more individuals to be closely clustered spatially than is possible for populations occupying two dimensions. The unique characteristics of epiphytes can act in concert to influence the fine-scale genetic structure of their populations which can, in turn, influence mating patterns and other population phenomena. Three large populations of Laelia rubescens (Orchidaceae) in the Costa Rican seasonal dry forest were sampled at two levels of intensity to determine: (i) whether individual clusters contain more than one genotype, and (ii) the spatial distribution and fine-scale genetic structure of genotypes within populations. Samples were assayed for their multilocus allozyme genotypes and spatial autocorrelation analyses were performed. High levels of genetic diversity, high genotypic diversity and low among-population variation were found. In the larger clusters, multiple genets per cluster were common with discrete clusters containing up to nine genotypes. Spatial autocorrelation analyses indicated significant positive genetic structure at distances of 相似文献   

Armillaria cepistipes is a common wood-rotting basidiomycete fungus found in most forests in Central Europe. In Switzerland, the habitat of A. cepistipes is fragmented because of the presence of major geographical barriers, in particular the Alps, and past deforestation. We analysed the impact of habitat fragmentation on the current spatial genetic structure of the Swiss A. cepistipes population. A total of 167 isolates were sampled across an area of 41 000 km2 and genotyped at seven microsatellite and four single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci. All isolates belonged to different genotypes which, according to the Bayesian clustering algorithm implemented in Tess, originated from a single gene pool. Our analyses indicate that the overall A. cepistipes population shows little, but significant (FST = 0.02), genetic differentiation. Such a situation suggests gene flow is strong, possibly due to long-distance dispersal of airborne basidiospores. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that we could not detect a pattern of isolation by distance. Gene flow is partially restricted by the high mountain ranges of the Alps, as indicated by a signal of spatial autocorrelation detected among genotypes separated by less than about 80–130 km. In contrast, past deforestation seems to have no significant effect on the current spatial population structure of A. cepistipes. This might indicate the existence of a time lag between the current spatial genetic structure and the processes that have induced this specific structure.  相似文献   

The ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius has been introduced to many areas around the world as a source of inoculum for pine plantations. However, little is known about the genetic structure of fungal populations in their introduced habitats. To study the genetics of exotic P. tinctorius populations, we developed and employed seven new microsatellite markers and compared samples from Puerto Rico (exotic range) and the eastern United States (native range). Bayesian cluster analysis, neighbor joining analysis and FST values all strongly separated Puerto Rican populations from North American populations. Consistent with a founder effect, populations from Puerto Rico had reduced allelic richness when compared to samples from the United States. The genetic structure of P. tinctorius populations in Puerto Rico is weak to modest and is not correlated with geographic distance reflecting anthropogenic movement of inoculum with forestry practices.  相似文献   

Liang Y  Guo LD  Du XJ  Ma KP 《Mycorrhiza》2007,17(4):271-278
Spatial patterns of ectomycorrhizal fungi, ectomycorrhizal plants, and non-ectomycorrhizal plants were investigated in a natural subtropical forest using second-order analysis. The results of spatial pattern analysis showed that the degree of clumping of woody plants and ectomycorrhizal sporocarps were correlated. There was a significantly positive correlation of relative aggregation indices between ectomycorrhizal fungi and both non-ectomycorrhizal trees and ectomycorrhizal saplings. Correlations between percentage of ectomycorrhizal trees and sporocarp occurrence of ectomycorrhizal fungi and between diversities of woody plants and ectomycorrhizal fungi were distance-dependent or scale-related. A significantly high percentage of ectomycorrhizal trees was found only at relatively short distance from ectomycorrhizal fungal sporocarps, and significantly positive correlation of the diversity between woody plants and ectomycorrhizal fungi was found only at relative long distance, which implied that ectomycorrhizal sporocarps prefer ectomycorrhizal-tree-dominant micro-sites at near distances and at relatively large scales, diverse ectomycorrhizal sporocarps could be found in woodlands with high diversity of woody plants. Important factors affecting the spatial distribution, occurrence, and diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi include spatial pattern of ectomycorrhizal plants and non-ectomycorrhizal plants, percentage of ectomycorrhizal plants, and plant diversity in a natural forest.  相似文献   

Spatial structure of genetic variation within populations is well measured by statistics based on the distribution of pairs of individual genotypes, and various such statistics have been widely used in experimental studies. However, the problem of uncharacterized correlations among statistics for different alleles has limited the applications of multiallelic, multilocus summary measures, since these had unknown sampling distributions. Usually multiple alleles and/or multiple loci are required in order to precisely measure spatial structures, and to provide precise indirect estimates of the amount of dispersal in samples of reasonable size. This article examines the correlations among pair-wise statistics, including Moran I-statistics and various measures of conditional kinship, for different alleles of a locus. First the correlations are mathematically derived for random spatial distributions, which allow averages over alleles and loci to be used as more powerful yet exact test statistics for the null hypothesis. Then extensive computer simulations are conducted to examine the correlations among values for different alleles under isolation by distance processes. For loci with more than three alleles, the results show that the correlations are remarkably and perhaps surprisingly small, establishing the principle that then alleles behave as nearly independent realizations of space-time stochastic processes. The results also show that the correlations are largely robust with respect to the degree of spatial structure, and they can be used in a straightforward manner to form confidence intervals for averages. The results allow a precise connection between observations in experimental studies and levels of dispersal in theoretical models.  相似文献   

药用植物华中五味子的种群遗传多样性及遗传结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
华中五味子(Schisandra sphenanthera)是著名的药用植物,具有悠久的药用历史和巨大的开发潜力。为了有效评估、利用和保护华中五味子资源,应用自主开发的9对SSR引物研究了华中五味子自然种群的遗传多样性与遗传结构。结果表明:在10个采样种群中,共检测到58个等位基因,平均预期杂合度HE为0.528,平均观察杂合度HO为0.519,较大的连续种群保持了较高的遗传多样性,而小种群的遗传多样性则相对较低;华中五味子总体表现为显著的杂合子缺失,内繁育系数FIS为0.042;种群间总的遗传分化系数FST为0.108,两两种群间分化显著;贝叶斯聚类结果把10个采样种群按遗传组成分为江南组和江北组2组,长江所形成的特殊地理屏障对华中五味子江南和江北地区间较高的遗传分化造成了影响。  相似文献   

Exposure of Rhizopogon roseolus mycelia to 15 mmol·dm−3 cadmium for 24 h induces a different pattern of Mn-SOD on polyacrylamide gels, probably being a changed form of an originally existing one. The presence of cadmium affects the chromatographic properties of this enzyme and its mobility through the acrylamide gel. This new isoform was purified using DEAE Trisacryl chromatography. Cadmium induced isoform adsorbed stronger to the ligands and was eluated with a Tris-HCl buffer containing 0.1 mol·dm−3 NaCl. SOD from control samples (not treated with cadmium) was eluated with the same buffer without NaCl.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of basidiocarps of the ectomycorrhizal Basidiomycete Russula subsect. Foetentinae was assessed in a primary forest in the Western Ghats (India) dominated by the ectomycorrhizal tree species Vateria indica and Dipterocarpus indicus. Over a 7,700-m2 sampling area, both trees and basidiocarps of Russula subsect. Foetentinae were mapped during the first month of the 2002 rainy season. First-order spatial analysis revealed that the distribution of the 45 collected carpophores was highly aggregated, with 60% of all basidiocarps located at a distance lower than 1 m from the nearest one. The genetic structure of the Russula subsect. Foetentinae population was studied by inter-simple sequence repeat polymorphism analysis using three primers. Eighteen of the 45 genotypes were represented by single basidiocarps. Twenty-seven basidiocarps were identified as belonging to 11 genets or separated ramets. Five genets were small, with diameters ranging from 0.5 to 5 m. The six others were large, with a diameter ranging from 31 m to a maximum measured distance of 70 m. In spite of the lack of data concerning the reproductive biology of this species, the presence of large genets suggests that mature stands may shelter well-spread underground mycelium, crucial for durable interaction with plant partner.  相似文献   

Population genetic structure of Arabidopsis lyrata in Europe   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Population genetic theory predicts that the self-incompatible and perennial herb, Arabidopsis lyrata, will have a genetic structure that differs from the self-fertilizing, annual Arabidopsis thaliana. We quantified the genetic structure for eight populations of A. lyrata ssp. petraea in historically nonglaciated regions of central Europe. Analysis of 20 microsatellite loci for 344 individuals demonstrated that, in accordance with predictions, diploid populations had high genome-wide heterozygosity (H(O) = 0.48; H(E) = 0.52), high within-population diversity (83% of total) compatible with mutation-drift equilibrium, and moderate differentiation among populations (F(ST) = 0.17). Within a single population, the vast majority of genetic variability (92%) was found at the smallest spatial scale (< 3 m). Although there was no evidence of biparental inbreeding or clonal propagation at this scale (F(IS) = 0.003), significant fine-scale spatial autocorrelation indicated localized gene flow presumably due to gravity dispersed seeds (Sp = 0.018). Limited gene flow between isolated population clusters (regions) separated by hundreds of kilometres has given rise to an isolation by distance pattern of diversification, with low, but significant, differentiation among regions (F(ST) = 0.05). The maintenance of geographically widespread polymorphisms and uniformly high diversity throughout central Europe is consistent with periglacial survival of A. lyrata ssp. petraea north of the Alps in steppe-tundra habitats during the last glacial maximum. As expected of northern and previously glaciated localities, A. lyrata in Iceland was genetically less diverse and highly differentiated from central Europe (H(E) = 0.37; F(ST) = 0.27).  相似文献   

Annuals represent a significant component of the vegetation of coastal salt marshes and sand dunes. From many points of view, the two habitats might appear to have little in common. Yet both are characterized by episodes of low water potential, marked spatial and temporal heterogeneity and a zonation which, within certain limits, reflects successional change.There are also similarities of distribution. Annuals are dominant usually in the pioneer stages; the Salicornia-dominated low marsh areas are perhaps analogues with strandline ephemeral populations (e.g. Cakile maritima) on the fore-dunes. In mature stages, annuals are associated with small gaps in the matrix of perennials, at least some of these arising from drought or disturbance. Nevertheless populations can reach very high densities.The most striking contrast is phenological; only summer annuals are found on marshes, whereas winter annuals predominate on dunes (except for the strandline). Similarly there is a difference in species richness. Rather few species of annual are typical of marshes while a great many are found on dunes.Properties of the seed bank, survival, reproduction and population regulation are compared in marsh and dune annuals, with special reference to Cakile, Salicornia, Rhinanthus and Vulpia. Interpretations are suggested which take account of environmental predictability and heterogeneity. Finally, the general applicability of simple mathematical models of these populations in the different coastal habitats is considered.Nomenclature follows Clapham, Tutin & Warburg (1981) except where otherwise stated.  相似文献   

We analysed the change of spatial genetic structure (SGS) of reproductive individuals over time in an expanding Pinus halepensis population. To our knowledge, this is the first empirical study to analyse the temporal component of SGS by following the dynamics of successive cohorts of the same population over time, rather than analysing different age cohorts at a single time. SGS is influenced by various factors including restricted gene dispersal, microenvironmental selection, mating patterns and the spatial pattern of reproductive individuals. Several factors that affect SGS are expected to vary over time and as adult density increases. Using air photo analysis, tree-ring dating and molecular marker analysis we reconstructed the spread of reproductive individuals over 30 years beginning from five initial individuals. In the early stages, genotypes were distributed randomly in space. Over time and with increasing density, fine-scale (< 20 m) SGS developed and the magnitude of genetic clustering increased. The SGS was strongly affected by the initial spatial distribution and genetic variation of the founding individuals. The development of SGS may be explained by fine-scale environmental heterogeneity and possibly microenvironmental selection. Inbreeding and variation in reproductive success may have enhanced SGS magnitude over time.  相似文献   

Despite the classic population genetic view of a population as a network of sub-populations consisting of randomly mating individuals, the mating system and dispersal patterns of social animals affect the distribution of genetic variation on a local scale. The spatially open, forest-dwelling red deer (Cervus elaphus) population at the Petite Pierre National Reserve in north-eastern France is culled annually, with the management aim of maximising the number of adult males in the population, and is a typical example of an exploited red deer population from continental Europe. Through a change in management policy, the number of adult males in the population has increased over time, leading to a reduction in variance of male reproductive success (Bonenfant et al., 2002). In this study, we investigate the fine-scale genetic structure of the population using 14 microsatellite loci and attempt to find evidence for a change in this genetic structure over time. DNA was extracted from bone powder obtained by drilling into antlers and mandibular condyles. DNA was successfully extracted from up to 30-year-old samples, but it was necessary to genotype samples in duplicate to obtain reliable genetic profiles. Our results point towards a pattern of fine-scale spatial structure amongst female red deer in the study area, but not amongst males, as would be expected for a typical mammalian system with male-biased dispersal and female philopatry. In addition, our results hint at a decrease in spatial genetic structure amongst females over time, which might be related to a change in management policy, but small sample size limited the robustness of this conclusion.  相似文献   

 Sulphite at a concentration of 1 mM did not strongly affect the growth of mycelium. Higher concentrations of 5–20 mM almost completely inhibited the growth of mycelium and superoxide dismutase (SOD) [EC.] activity. The activity of this enzyme was not detectable on polyacrylamide gels. The lack of induction of SOD and the resulting oxidative stress may in part be responsible for the growth inhibition caused by high concentrations of sulphite. Accepted: 20 July 1995  相似文献   

以花苜蓿(Medicago ruthenica Trautv.)为材料,在内蒙古克什克腾旗建立两个25 m×50 m的样方(山谷YF1和山坡YF2),采集该范围内的所有个体,利用8对SSR分子标记对其遗传变异特性进行分析。结果显示,克什克腾旗花苜蓿居群遗传多样性较高。两个居群个体的空间自相关分析结果表明,9 m内的个体间为非随机邻近交配,且在同距离范围内,山谷居群的个体间遗传相似性更低,推测此区域可能是历史和地理因素塑造了花苜蓿丰富的遗传多样性,两个小尺度空间格局的个体间基因流模式主要受地形影响。  相似文献   

A total of 892 individuals sampled from a wild soybean population in a natural reserve near the Yellow River estuary located in Kenli of Shandong Province (China) were investigated.Seventeen SSR (simple sequence repeat) primer pairs from cultivated soybeans were used to estimate the genetic diversity of the population and its variation pattern versus changes of the sample size (sub-samples),in addition to investigating the fine-scale spatial genetic structure within the population.The results showed relatively high genetic diversity of the population with the mean value of allele number (A) being 2.88,expected heterozygosity (He) 0.431,Shannon diversity index (/) 0.699,and percentage of polymorphic loci (P) 100%.Sub-samples of different sizes (ten groups) were randomly drawn from the population and their genetic diversity was calculated by computer simulation.The regression model of the four diversity indexes with the change of sample sizes was computed.As a result,27-52 individuals can reach 95% of total genetic variability of the population.Spatial autocorrelation analysis revealed that the genetic patch size of this wild soybean population is about 18 m.The study provided a scientific basis for the sampling strategy of wild soybean populations.  相似文献   

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