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Why are there so few small secondary sexual characters? Theoretical models predict that sexual selection should lead to reduction as often as exaggeration, and yet we mainly associate secondary sexual ornaments with exaggerated features such as the peacock's tail. We review the literature on mate choice experiments for evidence of reduced sexual traits. This shows that reduced ornamentation is effectively impossible in certain types of ornamental traits (behavioral, pheromonal, or color‐based traits, and morphological ornaments for which the natural selection optimum is no trait), but that there are many examples of morphological traits that would permit reduction. Yet small sexual traits are very rarely seen. We analyze a simple mathematical model of Fisher's runaway process (the null model for sexual selection). Our analysis shows that the imbalance cannot be wholly explained by larger ornaments being less costly than smaller ornaments, nor by preferences for larger ornaments being less costly than preferences for smaller ornaments. Instead, we suggest that asymmetry in signaling efficacy limits runaway to trait exaggeration.  相似文献   

The handicap principle predicts that sexual traits are more susceptible to inbreeding depression than nonsexual traits. However, this hypothesis has received little testing and results are inconsistent. We used 11 generations of full‐sibling mating to test the effect of inbreeding on sexual and nonsexual traits in the stalk‐eyed fly Diasemopsis meigenii. Consistent with the theoretical predictions, the male sexual trait (eyespan) decreased more than nonsexual traits (female eyespan and male wing length), even after controlling for body size variation. In addition, male eyespan was a reliable predictor of line extinction, unlike other nonsexual traits. After 11 generations, inbred lines were crossed to generate inbred and outbred families. All morphological traits were larger in outbred individuals than inbred individuals. This heterosis was greater in male eyespan than in male wing length, but not female eyespan. The elevated response in male eyespan to genetic stress mirrored the result found using environmental stress during larval development and suggests that common mechanisms underlie the patterns observed. Overall, these results support the hypothesis that male sexual traits suffer more from inbreeding depression than nonsexual traits and are in line with predictions based on the handicap principle.  相似文献   

In several asexual taxa, reproduction requires mating with related sexual species to stimulate egg development, even though genetic material is not incorporated from the sexuals (gynogenesis). In cases in which gynogens do not invest in male function, they can potentially have a twofold competitive advantage over sexuals because the asexuals avoid the cost of producing males. If unmitigated, however, the competitive success of the asexuals would ultimately lead to their own demise, following the extinction of the sexual species that stimulate egg development. We have studied a model of mate choice among sexual individuals and asexual gynogens, where males of the sexual species preferentially mate with sexual females over gynogenetic females, to determine if such mating preferences can stably maintain both gynogenetic and sexual individuals within a community. Our model shows that stable coexistence of gynogens and their sexual hosts can occur when there is variation among males in the degree of preference for mating with sexual females and when pickier males pay a higher cost of preference.  相似文献   

Male secondary sexual characters are often expressed in females, and the maintenance of the character in females can be due to either direct selection on females favoring the maintenance of the trait, or a correlated response to selection in males. Here I report on determinants of and phenotypic selection on tail length of female barn swallows Hirundo rustica. The homologous trait in males is under strong directional sexual selection. Female tail length was positively associated with several reproductive parameters including total seasonal reproductive success, even when controlling for year and age effects. A change in female tail length from one year to another was often associated with a change in the reproductive parameters correlated with absolute tail length. There was little evidence for an association between female tail length and the duration of the incubation period (only females incubate) and absolute and relative female provisioning rates of offspring, and subsequent size of offspring. Tail length of female barn swallows was positively correlated with that of their mates. Female tail length was a heritable trait as determined from regression of the tail trait of offspring on that of their mother and their father, and there was a positive genetic correlation between the tail trait in males and females. In conclusion, female tail length reliably reflects female reproductive potential, and the trait appears to be under directional selection, which may result in an evolutionary response to selection because of the heritability of the tail trait.  相似文献   

It is well recognized that sex allocation strategies can be influenced by sexual selection, when females adjust offspring sex ratios in response to their mates’ attractiveness. Yet the reciprocal influence of strategic sex allocation on processes of sexual selection has only recently been revealed. Recent theoretical work demonstrates that sex allocation weakens selection for female preferences, leading to the decline of male traits. However, these results have been derived assuming that females have perfect knowledge of mate attractiveness and precise control over cost‐free allocation. Relaxing these assumptions highlights the importance of another feedback: that adaptive sex allocation must become difficult to maintain as traits and preferences decline. When sex allocation strategies erode not only traits and preferences but also their own selective advantage, predictions can no longer be expressed as a simple linear correlation between ornament exaggeration and adaptive sex allocation. Instead, strongest sex ratio biases may be found at intermediate trait levels.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is often attributed to sexual selection, particularly when males are the larger sex. However, sexual selection favoring large males is common even in taxa where females are the larger sex, and is therefore not a sufficient explanation of patterns of SSD. As part of a more extensive study of the evolution of SSD in water striders (Heteroptera, Gerridae), we examine patterns of sexual selection and SSD in 12 populations of Aquarius remigis. We calculate univariate and multivariate selection gradients from samples of mating and single males, for two sexually dimorphic traits (total length and profemoral width) and two sexually monomorphic traits (mesofemoral length and wing form). The multivariate analyses reveal strong selection favoring larger males, in spite of the female-biased SSD for this trait, and weaker selection favoring aptery and reduced mesofemoral length. Selection is weakest on the most dimorphic trait, profemoral width, and is stabilizing rather than directional. The pattern of sexual selection on morphological traits is therefore not concordant with the pattern of SSD. The univariate selection gradients reveal little net selection (direct + indirect) on any of the traits, and suggest that evolution away from the plesiomorphic pattern of SSD is constrained by antagonistic patterns of selection acting on this suite of positively correlated morphological traits. We hypothesize that SSD in A. remigis is not in equilibrium, a hypothesis that is consistent with both theoretical models of the evolution of SSD and our previous studies of allometry for SSD. A negative interpopulation correlation between the intensity of sexual selection and the operational sex ratio supports the hypothesis that, as in several other water strider species, sexual selection in A. remigis occurs through generalized female reluctance rather than active female choice. The implications of this for patterns of sexual selection are discussed.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is thought to evolve due to sex differences in selection on body size, but it is largely unknown whether intraspecific variation in SSD reflects differences in sex‐specific selection among populations. We addressed this question by comparing viability selection between two island populations of the brown anole lizard (Anolis sagrei) that differ in the magnitude of male‐biased SSD. On both islands, females experienced stabilizing selection favoring intermediate size whereas males experienced directional selection favoring larger size. Thus, sex‐specific selection matched the overall pattern of male‐biased SSD, but population differences in the magnitude of SSD were not associated with local differences in selection. Rather, population differences in SSD appear to result from underlying differences in the environmental potential for a rapid growth, coupled with sex‐specific phenotypic plasticity. Males grew more slowly on the island with low SSD whereas growth of females did not differ between islands. Both sexes had substantially lower mass per unit length on the island with low SSD, suggesting that they were in a relatively poorer energetic condition. We propose that this energetic constraint disproportionately impacts growth of males due to their greater absolute energy requirements, thus driving intraspecific variation in SSD.  相似文献   

Relationships between measures of body size, asymmetry, courtship effort, and mating success were investigated in the housefly, Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae). A previous study indicated that both male and female flies with low fluctuating asymmetry enjoyed enhanced mating success. The aim of our investigations was to determine whether the greater success of symmetrical males is due to variation in male mating effort or to female choice and whether males exhibited mate choice. However, our study found directional rather than fluctuating asymmetry with both male and female flies having, on average, longer left wings than right. Also, asymmetry was not related to mating success in either sex. Rather, both males and females appeared to exhibit choice on the basis of the size of potential mates, with males preferring females with long bodies and females preferring heavy males. Possible benefits from choice of large mates are discussed. The initial mating strikes (in which the male leaps onto the back of the female) did not appear to be targeted according to female morphology, and their frequency did not vary according to male morphology. This indicates that mate choice by both sexes according to size probably occurs during the later stages of courtship, when the flies are in intimate contact. Possible reasons for the absence of choice according to asymmetry are discussed.  相似文献   

Why are traits that function as secondary sexual ornaments generally exaggerated in size compared to the naturally selected optimum, and not reduced? Because they deviate from the naturally selected optimum, traits that are reduced in size will handicap their bearer, and could thus provide an honest signal of quality to a potential mate. Thus if secondary sexual ornaments evolve via the handicap process, current theory suggests that reduced ornamentation should be as frequent as exaggerated ornamentation, but this is not the case. To try to explain this discrepancy, we analyze a simple model of the handicap process. Our analysis shows that asymmetries in costs of preference or ornament with regard to exaggeration and reduction cannot fully explain the imbalance. Rather, the bias toward exaggeration can be best explained if either the signaling efficacy or the condition dependence of a trait increases with size. Under these circumstances, evolution always leads to more extreme exaggeration than reduction: although the two should occur just as frequently, exaggerated secondary sexual ornaments are likely to be further removed from the naturally selected optimum than reduced ornaments.  相似文献   

An extension of the selection differential in the Robertson–Price equation for the mean phenotype in an age‐structured population is provided. Temporal changes in the mean phenotype caused by transient fluctuations in the age‐distribution and variation in mean phenotype among age classes, which can mistakenly be interpreted as selection, will disappear if reproductive value weighting is applied. Changes in any weighted mean phenotype in an age‐structured population may be decomposed into between‐ and within‐age class components. Using reproductive value weighting the between‐age class component becomes pure noise, generated by previous genetic drift or fluctuating selection. This component, which we call transient quasi‐selection, can therefore be omitted when estimating age‐specific selection on fecundity or viability within age classes. The final response can be computed at the time of selection, but can not be observed until lifetime reproduction is realized unless the heritability is one. The generality of these results is illustrated further by our derivation of the selection differential for the continuous time age‐structured model with general age‐dependent weights. A simple simulation example as well as estimation of selection components in a house sparrow population illustrates the applicability of the theory to analyze selection on the mean phenotype in fluctuating age‐structured populations.  相似文献   

Although there is continuing debate about whether sexual selection promotes or impedes adaptation to novel environments, the role of mating behavior in such adaptation remains largely unexplored. We investigated the evolution of mating behavior (latency to mating, mating probability and duration) in replicate populations of seed beetles Callosobruchus maculatus subjected to selection on life‐history (“Young” vs. “Old” reproduction) under contrasting regimes of sexual selection (“Monogamy” vs. “Polygamy”). Life‐history selection is predicted to favor delayed mating in “Old” females, but sexual conflict under polygamy can potentially retard adaptive life‐history evolution. We found that life‐history selection yielded the predicted changes in mating behavior, but sexual selection regime had no net effect. In within‐line crosses, populations selected for late reproduction showed equally reduced early‐life mating probability regardless of mating system. In between‐line crosses, however, the effect of life‐history selection on early‐life mating probability was stronger in polygamous lines than in monogamous ones. Thus, although mating system influenced male–female coevolution, removal of sexual selection did not affect the adaptive evolution of mating behavior. Importantly, our study shows that the interaction between sexual selection and life‐history selection can result in either increased or decreased reproductive divergence depending on the ecological context.  相似文献   

Patterns of overwinter mortality in the sexually dimorphic red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) were examined to test the predictions of the sexual-selection hypothesis that male size is limited by directional selection favoring small males and that female size is maintained by stabilizing selection wherein extreme phenotypes experience higher mortality. Museum specimens collected from Ontario over a 95-yr period were used to compare the sizes of males and females collected in fall and spring. In a separate field study, body sizes of returning and nonreturning male and female red-winged blackbirds were compared over a 6-yr period. Overall, there was no evidence of higher overwinter mortality among larger males. Among adult (ASY) males, large individuals appeared to have higher survival than small individuals, although among subadult (SY) males, large size may have been disadvantageous. Weak evidence of stabilizing selection on female body size was found. Among adults, sexual size dimorphism seemed more pronounced after winter than before winter. Our results do not support the hypothesis that body size in male red-winged blackbirds is limited by selective mortality outside the breeding season. It is possible that size selection occurs earlier in life, when males are still in the nest. Our results suggest that caution should be exercised when interpreting interspecific evidence showing higher adult male than female mortality in sexually dimorphic species. Such patterns could arise as a cost to males of sexual selection and yet provide no insight into how natural selection opposes sexual selection for increased male size.  相似文献   

Females are often believed to actively choose highly ornamented males (males with extravagant morphological signals or intense sexual display), and ornaments should be honest signals of male viability. However, this belief is relying only on some pieces of empirical evidence from birds. Our study reports active female choice on sexual display that indicates male viability in spiders. We established trials in which we studied female choice in relation to male courtship drumming activity and body size. Females chose the most actively drumming males as mating partners, but the body size of the males did not seem to be selected. Male drumming activity turned out to be a good predictor of male viability, whereas male viability was independent of male body mass. Our results suggest that by actively choosing mates according to male drumming performance, but independently of male body mass, females are preferring viable males as mates. Because Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata males do not provide obvious direct benefits to their offspring, females may gain some indirect benefits; offspring may have higher chance of survival, or the offspring may inherit the attractiveness of their father.  相似文献   

Mating in social insects has generally been studied in relation to reproductive allocation and relatedness. Despite the tremendous morphological diversity in social insects, little is known about how individual morphology affects mating success. We examined the correlation of male size and shape with mating success in the western harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex occidentalis. Larger males had significantly higher mating success in two independent collections of males at mating aggregations. We also detected significant linear and nonlinear selection on aspects of male shape that were consistent across years. These shape components are independent of size, suggesting that male mating success is a complex function of size and shape. Successful males had elongate thoraxes and short mandibles relative to males collected at random at the lek. Overall, mated males also had longer postpetioles relative to body size, but there was also evidence of nonlinear selection on relative postpetiole length in both years. We found no evidence of assortative mating based on size or multivariate shape measures in either year, but in one year we found weak assortative mating based on some univariate traits.  相似文献   

Associations between developmental stability, sexual selection, and viability selection were studied in the domestic fly Musca domestica (Diptera, Muscidae). Developmental stability of the wings and tibia of flies of both sexes, measured in terms of their level of fluctuating asymmetry, was positively associated with mating success in free ranging populations and in sexual selection experiments. Mated individuals may have obtained indirect fitness benefits from sexual selection of two different kinds. First, the entomopathogenic fungus Enthomophthora muscae (Zygomycetes, Entomophthorales) infects and kills adult domestic flies, and flies dead from fungus infections had more asymmetric wings than flies dead for other reasons. Experimental deposition of fungus spores on uninfected flies demonstrated that flies with asymmetric wings were more susceptible to fungus infections than flies with symmetric wings. Second, domestic flies were frequently eaten by insectivorous barn swallows Hirundo rustica, and flies depredated by birds had more asymmetric wings and tibia than surviving flies.  相似文献   

Through a series of replacement experiments with the bluehead wrasse, Thalassoma bifasciatum, we have identified male morphological characteristics that appear to be under phenotypic sexual selection. We were particularly interested in whether the various sources of sexual selection (male-male competition for unoccupied mating sites, defense of mating sites against small males, and female choice of males) were (1) independently associated with different phenotypic characteristics; (2) jointly affected the same characteristic in the same way; or (3) jointly affected the same characteristic in an antagonistic fashion. We replaced the resident large, brightly colored Terminal Phase (TP) males on a reef with the same number of TP males from other reefs. When transplanted, these males contest with each other to take over mating sites. The transplanted group of males were then scored for three components of fitness: (1) the quality of the site obtained through competition with other large males; (2) the male's ability to defend arriving females from small intruding males; and (3) changes in female visits to the site once the new male takes over. The first and second components are part of intrasexual selection; the third represents intersexual selection. We measured the opportunity for selection by partitioning variance in mating success, and measured the direct effects of sexual selection by estimating the covariance between morphology and fitness components. Opportunities for selection: Because females generally remain faithful to particular mating sites, most (54%) of the explainable variation in male mating success is due to the acquisition of a particular mating territory, which is the outcome of competition among TP males. There was less variation in mating success due to shifts in site use by females and defense of females against the intrusions of smaller males, but all components were significant. Effects of selection: Success in male–male competition among TP males, estimated by the quality of the territory acquired, was positively associated with body length and the relative length of the pectoral fin. Success in territorial defense against small males was primarily related to body length, with lesser contributions from body depth and the area of a white band on the flank. Contribution to fitness through female choice of males was positively associated with white band area. In the two instances where a character was associated with two fitness components, the direction of selection was the same. While body length was positively associated with winning intrasexual contests, it was not correlated to any behavioral measures of aggression. Similarly, the white band associated with attractiveness was not correlated with any aspect of courtship or aggression. Parasite load was uncorrelated with other morphological characters, and did not appear to affect any aspect of sexual selection. There was no evidence for stabilizing selection or significant additional contributions from second-order effects to the fitness surfaces. Fitness functions calculated using cubic splines were generally linear except for body length, which appeared sigmoid in its effect on site acquisition ability; this same feature tended to plateau in its effect on site defense. Analyses of the interactions of selection gradients with reef or experiment indicated that the effect of particular male characters on estimates of fitness was generally homogeneous in both time and space.  相似文献   

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