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M V Semenov 《Tsitologiia》1990,32(6):664-666
The distribution of prekinetochores in human lymphocytes has been studied by indirect immunofluorescence with autoantibodies against kinetochore. Lymphocyte flattening that allowed a 5-6 increase in their size, was suggested in addition to a method of lymphocyte stretching allowing a 10-fold extension. Prekinetochores in flat and stretched lymphocytes are seen settled down as separate pairs. The equal pattern of staining of these prekinetochores in each pair suggests that homologous chromosomes located in pairs.  相似文献   

Lamin B1 and lamin B2 are essential building blocks of the nuclear lamina, a filamentous meshwork lining the nucleoplasmic side of the inner nuclear membrane. Deficiencies in lamin B1 and lamin B2 impair neurodevelopment, but distinct functions for the two proteins in the development and homeostasis of the CNS have been elusive. Here we show that embryonic depletion of lamin B1 in retinal progenitors and postmitotic neurons affects nuclear integrity, leads to the collapse of the laminB2 meshwork, impairs neuronal survival, and markedly reduces the cellularity of adult retinas. In stark contrast, a deficiency of lamin B2 in the embryonic retina has no obvious effect on lamin B1 localization or nuclear integrity in embryonic retinas, suggesting that lamin B1, but not lamin B2, is strictly required for nucleokinesis during embryonic neurogenesis. However, the absence of lamin B2 prevents proper lamination of adult retinal neurons, impairs synaptogenesis, and reduces cone photoreceptor survival. We also show that lamin B1 and lamin B2 are extremely long-lived proteins in rod and cone photoreceptors. OF interest, a complete absence of both proteins during postnatal life has little or no effect on the survival and function of cone photoreceptors.  相似文献   

Chromosomes occupy distinct territories in the interphase cell nucleus. These chromosome territories are non-randomly arranged within the nuclear space. We are only just uncovering how chromosome territories are organized, what determines their position and how their spatial organization affects the expression of genes and genomes. Here, we discuss emerging models of non-random nuclear chromosome organization and consider the functional implications of chromosome positioning for gene expression and genome stability.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic evidence demonstrated that dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) induces formation of giant intranuclear microfilament bundles in the interphase nucleus of a cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium. These giant bundles are approximately giant bundles are approximately 3 micrometer long, 0.85 micrometer wide, and composed of microfilaments 6 nm in diameter. Studies in which glycerinated cells were used showed that these microfilaments bind rabbit skeletal muscle heavy meromyosin, forming typical decorated "arrowhead" structures, and that this binding can be reverted by Mg-adenosine triphosphate. These data verify that the intranuclear microfilaments are the contractile protein actin, and that DMSO affects intranuclear actin, inducing the formation of such giant bundles. The intranuclear actin bundles appear at any developmental stage in two different species of cellular slime molds after treatment with DMSO. The native form of the intranuclear actin molecules and their possible functions are discussed, and it is proposed that the contractile protein has essential functions in the cell nucleus.  相似文献   

Summary The problem of localization of chromosomes in relation to each other in the interphase nucleus of human lymphocytes was investigated by analysis of chromatid and chromosome aberrations observed in lymphocyte cultures of three patients with Fanconi's anemia, one patient with Bloom's syndrome, and in Trenimon-treated (Trenimon, Bayer) normal cells. Distribution of open gaps and breaks is highly correlated with chromosome length and distribution of breaks involved in chromatid translocations in Fanconi's anemia and in Trenimontreated cells. Both correlations are much lower in Bloom's syndrome. In Fanconi's anemia and in normal cells after Trenimon-treatment, the majority of chromatid translocations are between nonhomologous chromosomes, whereas in Bloom's syndrome mainly homologous chromosomes are involved. Statistical localization of chromosomes in relation to each other in the three-dimensional space by multidimensional scaling gives results consistent with the limited amount of independent evidence.  相似文献   

The state of the chromosomes in the interphase nucleus   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
In the living interphase nucleus no chromosomal structures are visible. Yet in the injured cell and after treatment with most histological fixatives chromatin structures become apparent. Under certain conditions this appearance of structure in the living interphase nucleus is reversible. We have found that this change in the interphase nucleus is the result of a change in the state of the chromosomes. In the living nucleus the chromosomes are in a greatly extended state, filling the entire nucleus. Upon injury the chromosomes condense and therefore become visible. At the same time the nuclear volume decreases. This behavior of the chromosomes is connected with their content of desoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). This view is based on the following observations: (a) Distribution of DNA in the Nucleus.-(1) The living interphase nucleus of uninjured cells absorbs diffusely at 2537 A. No chromosomal structures are visible in ultraviolet photographs unless they are also distinct in ordinary light. If the chromosomes are made to condense they become visible and the absorption at 2537 A is now localized in these structures. (2) After fixation with formalin and osmic acid interphase nuclei stain diffusely with Feulgen. These fixatives preserve the extended state of the chromosomes. (3) If nuclei are teased out in non-electrolytes (sucrose, glycerin) the chromosomes are extended. Such nuclei stain homogeneously with methyl green. On adding salts the chromosomes condense and the methyl green is now restricted to the visible structures. (b) Extension and Condensation of Isolated Chromosomes.-When chromosomes isolated from interphase nuclei of calf thymus are suspended in sucrose, their volume is four to five times larger than in saline, but they retain their characteristic shapes. Chromosomes from which DNA and histone have been removed do not show this reversible extension and condensation, neither do lampbrush chromosomes of frog oocytes which contain very little DNA. During mitosis a partial condensation of the DNA occurs in prophase, so that the mitotic chromosomes now occupy a much smaller volume of the nucleus. At telophase the chromosomes swell again to fill the entire nucleus.  相似文献   

Advances in imaging the interphase nucleus using thin cryosections   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The mammalian genome is partitioned amongst various chromosomes and encodes for approximately 30,000 protein-coding genes. Gene expression occurs after exit from mitosis, when chromosomes partially decondense within the cell nucleus to allow the enzymatic activities that work on chromatin to access each gene in a regulated fashion. Differential patterns of gene expression evolve during cell differentiation to give rise to the over 200 cell types in higher eukaryotes. The architectural organisation of the genome inside the interphase cell nucleus, and associated enzymatic activities, reveals dynamic and functional compartmentalization of the genome. In this review, I highlight the advantages of Tokuyasu cryosectioning on the investigation of nuclear structure and function. Robert Feulgen Prize 2007 Winner lecture presented at the 49th Symposium of the Society for Histochemistry in Freiburg i.Br., Germany, 26–29 September 2007.  相似文献   

In this article, we attempt to analyze the relationship between the processes which occur in the nucleus and the dynamics of chromatin, as well as to classify the changes in the position of chromatin in the cell nucleus during the lifetime of the cell. The proposed concept integrates possible types of chromatin movement within the nucleus.  相似文献   

Arrangement of chromosomes in the interphase nucleus of plants   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
Chromosomal arrangement in the interphase nucleus has two main aspects: (1) arrangement of chromosomes with respect to nuclear polarity and to other nuclear components, and (2) arrangement of chromosomes with respect to one another. The latter aspect consists of two main types of spatial relationships; (a) relationships between different members of one chromosomal set, (b) relationships between different chromosomal sets. Data concerning various aspects of chromosomal arrangement in the interphase nucleus are presented and discussed and the genetic control as well as subcellular mechanisms which are involvled in nuclear organization, are elucidated. Evidence is presented indicating that, in common wheat, the gene system that determines the specific pattern of chromosomal arrangement in the nucleus is operating via the microtubular elements of the spindle system. The significance of ordered arrangement of chromosomes in the nucleus for the regularity of genetic activity and chromosomal behavior, is pointed out.Supported in part by a grant from the Stiftung Volkswagenwerk AZ I/34 075/76  相似文献   

The RNA binding protein CPEB (cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding) regulates cytoplasmic polyadenylation and translation in germ cells and the brain. In neurons, CPEB is detected at postsynaptic sites, as well as in the cell body. The related CPEB3 protein also regulates translation in neurons, albeit probably not through polyadenylation; it, as well as CPEB4, is present in dendrites and the cell body. Here, we show that treatment of neurons with ionotropic glutamate receptor agonists causes CPEB4 to accumulate in the nucleus. All CPEB proteins are nucleus-cytoplasm shuttling proteins that are retained in the nucleus in response to calcium-mediated signaling and alpha-calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase protein II (CaMKII) activity. CPEB2, -3, and -4 have conserved nuclear export signals that are not present in CPEB. CPEB4 is necessary for cell survival and becomes nuclear in response to focal ischemia in vivo and when cultured neurons are deprived of oxygen and glucose. Further analysis indicates that nuclear accumulation of CPEB4 is controlled by the depletion of calcium from the ER, specifically, through the inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3) receptor, indicating a communication between these organelles in redistributing proteins between subcellular compartments.  相似文献   

The role of residual nuclear structures (structures persisting upon the treatment of nuclei with a non-ionic detergent, nucleases and 2 M NaCl) in the spatial organization of DNA in the interphase nucleus has been considered. Experimental works that have engendered the concept of loop level of DNA organization in the nucleus are discussed. A comparison is made of the loop-domain and rosette-like patterns of DNA organization in the interphase nucleus.  相似文献   

Each microspore of the onion Allium fistulosum (n=8) has 8 chromosomes. It is shown that in the microspore the 8 centromeres aggregate to form 2 or 3 centromeric structures. Subsequently, at early mitotic prophase, these aggregates are resolved into 8 separate centromeres and each becomes structurally double. After mitosis the pollen grain contains 2 nuclei, each with 8 separate and distinct centromeres, clustered at the nuclear envelope. As interphase progresses the centromeres of the vegetative nucleus are no longer at the nuclear envelope and they aggregate into 3 or 4 centromeric masses. In the generative nucleus there is less movement. The interphase centromere movements occur in the absence of microtubules. The centromeres range in size from about 0.10 to 0.17 m3 with an average of 0.14 m3 per centromere.  相似文献   

Activation of a wide variety of membrane receptors leads to a sustained elevation of intracellular Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) that is pivotal to subsequent cell responses. In general, in nonexcitable cells this elevation of [Ca2+]i results from two sources: an initial release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores followed by an influx of extracellular Ca2+. These two phases, release from intracellular stores and Ca2+ influx, are generally coupled: stimulation of influx is coordinated with depletion of Ca2+ from stores, although the mechanism of coupling is unclear. We have previously shown that histamine effects a typical [Ca2+]i response in interphase HeLa cells: a rapid rise in [Ca2+]i followed by a sustained elevation, the latter dependent entirely on extracellular Ca2+. In mitotic cells only the initial elevation, derived by Ca2+ release from intracellular stores, occurs. Thus, in mitotic cells the coupling of stores to influx may be specifically broken. In this report we first provide additional evidence that histamine-stimulated Ca2+ influx is strongly inhibited in mitotic cells. We show that efflux is also strongly stimulated by histamine in interphase cells but not in mitotics. It is possible, thus, that in mitotics intracellular stores are only very briefly depleted of Ca2+, being replenished by reuptake of Ca2+ that is retained within the cell. To ensure the depletion of Ca2+ stores in mitotic cells, we employed the sesquiterpenelactone, thapsigargin, that is known to affect the selective release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores by inhibition of a specific Ca(2+)-ATPase; reuptake is inhibited. In most cells, and in accord with Putney's capacitative model (1990), thapsigargin, presumably by depleting intracellular Ca2+ stores, stimulates Ca2+ influx. This is the case for interphase HeLa cells. Thapsigargin induces an increase in [Ca2+]i that is dependent on extracellular Ca2+ and is associated with a strong stimulation of 45Ca2+ influx. In mitotic cells thapsigargin also induces a [Ca2+]i elevation that is initially comparable in magnitude and largely independent of extracellular Ca2+. However, unlike interphase cells, in mitotic cells the elevation of [Ca2+]i is not sustained and 45Ca2+ influx is not stimulated by thapsigargin. Thus, the coupling between depletion of intracellular stores and Ca2+ influx is specifically broken in mitotic cells. Uncoupling could account for the failure of histamine to stimulate Ca2+ influx during mitosis and would effectively block all stimuli whose effects are mediated by Ca2+ influx and sustained elevations of [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   

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