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Background  In developing products various requirements have to be integrated including functionality, quality, affordability as well as environmental aspects. Often conflicting requirements have to be fulfilled. Therefore, multi-dimensional decision support approaches are necessary. Methods  Here, one approach is to relate the conflicting requirements to each other. Life Cycle Costing (LCC) has the potential to support the trade-off between some environmental targets and overall affordability targets by including all monetary flows along the product life cycle (going beyond the well-known costs of ownership by integrating also long-term use and end-of-life costs). Those solutions can be identified that (a) have the highest efficiencies (where do we get most environmental improvements per Ϊ and (b) have the highest affordability for the customer along the life cycle. Furthermore, on-costs in the design phase can be justified in terms of future savings either for the customer or for the recycling of the products. These represent real business cases for environmental actions. Three types of environmental business cases can be differentiated. Results and Discussion  This paper presents various examples where LCC is integrated into product design. However, there are a number of open issues in the implementation of LCC within real product development including data availability and uncertainty (future costs/ savings), level of discounting, accounting and compensation. Various internal case studies done in the last years showed that already few changes in the costs structure can significantly affect the identi-fied future costs. Recommendation and Outlook  Uncertainties in LCC are higher than in LCA and highest when applied in the stage of product develop-ment, i.e. used to support DfE action. As a consequence, the result-ing figures can only be seen as directional. Therefore, the use of LCC in Design for Environment cannot be recommended without major restrictions in terms of guidance, experience/training. The link-age between LCC and DfE can either be established via (1) experts supporting design teams or (2) as part of a DfE tool. The DfE tool has to include detailed guidance for interpretation, and its application should be based on a solid training for DfE engineers.  相似文献   

Evaluating the sustainability of the urban water cycle is not straightforward, although a variety of methods have been proposed. Given the lack of integrated data about sewers, we applied the eco‐efficiency approach to two case studies located in Spain with contrasting climate, population, and urban and sewer configurations. Our goal was to determine critical variables and life cycle stages and provide results for decision making. We used life cycle assessment and life cycle costing to evaluate their environmental and economic impacts. Results showed that both cities have a similar profile, albeit their contrasting features, that is, operation and maintenance, was the main environmental issue (50% to 70% of the impacts) and pipe installation registered the greatest economic capital expenditure (70% to 75%) due to labor. The location of the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) is an essential factor in our analysis mainly due to the topography effects (e.g., the annual pump energy was 13 times greater in Calafell). Using the eco‐efficiency portfolio, we observed that sewers might be less eco‐efficient than WWTPs and that we need to envision their design in the context of an integrated WWTP‐sewer management to improve sewer performance. In terms of methodological approach, the bidimensional nature of eco‐efficiency enables the benchmarking of product systems and might be more easily interpreted by the general public. However, there are still some constraints that should be addressed to improve communication, such as the selection of indicators discussed in the article.  相似文献   

A model is presented for calculating the environmental burdens of the part manufacturing and vehicle assembly (VMA) stage of the vehicle life cycle. The model is based on a process‐level approach, accounting for all significant materials by their transformation processes (aluminum castings, polyethylene blow molding; etc.) and plant operation activities (painting; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning [HVAC], etc.) germane to VMA. Using quantitative results for these material/transformation process pairings, a percent‐by‐weight material/transformation distribution (MTD) function was developed that permits the model to be applied to a range of vehicles, both conventional and advanced (e.g., hybrid electric, light weight, aluminum intensive). Upon consolidation of all inputs, the model reduces to two terms: one proportional to vehicle mass and a plant overhead per vehicle term. When the model is applied to a materially well‐characterized conventional vehicle, reliable estimates of cumulative energy consumption (34 gigajoules/vehicle) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions (2 tonnes/vehicle) with coefficients of variation are computed for the VMA life cycle stage. Due to the more comprehensive coverage of manufacturing operations, our energy estimates are on the higher end of previously published values. Nonetheless, they are still somewhat underestimated due to a lack of data on overhead operations in part manufacturing facilities and transportation of parts and materials between suppliers and vehicle manufacturing operations. For advanced vehicles, the material/transformation process distribution developed above needs some adjusting for different materials and components. Overall, energy use and CO2 emissions from the VMA stage are about 3.5% to 4.5% of total life cycle values for vehicles.  相似文献   

An integrated life cycle assessment and life cycle cost (LCC) model was developed to compare the life cycle performance of plug‐in charging versus wireless charging for an electric bus system. The model was based on a bus system simulation using existing transit bus routes in the Ann Arbor–Ypsilanti metro area in Michigan. The objective is to evaluate the LCCs for an all‐electric bus system utilizing either plug‐in or wireless charging and also compare these costs to both conventional pure diesel and hybrid bus systems. Despite a higher initial infrastructure investment for off‐board wireless chargers deployed across the service region, the wireless charging bus system has the lowest LCC of US$0.99 per bus‐kilometer among the four systems and has the potential to reduce use‐phase carbon emissions attributable to the lightweighting benefits of on‐board battery downsizing compared to plug‐in charging. Further uncertainty analysis and sensitivity analysis indicate that the unit price of battery pack and day or night electricity price are key parameters in differentiating the LCCs between plug‐in and wireless charging. Additionally, scenario analyses on battery recycling, carbon emission pricing, and discount rates were conducted to further analyze and compare their respective life cycle performance.  相似文献   

Many of the challenges facing knowledge synthesis from life cycle assessment (LCA) studies stem from the inability of study authors and readers to formally agree on the structure and content of the product system models used to perform LCA computations. This article presents a framework for formally disclosing the foreground of an LCA study in a way that permits the computations to be inspected, verified, and reproduced by a reader, provided that the reader has access to the same life cycle inventory and impact characterization resources as the author. The framework can also be used to partition a study into public and private portions, allowing both portions to be critically reviewed but omitting the private information from the disclosure. A disclosure is made up of six components, including three lists of entities in the model and three sparse matrices describing their interconnections. The entity lists make reference to previously‐published resources, including background inventory databases and characterized elementary flows, and the disclosure framework requires both author and reader to agree on the meaning of each of these references. The framework contributes to ongoing efforts within and beyond industrial ecology to improve the reproducibility and verifiability of scholarly works, and if implemented, plots a course toward distributed, platform‐independent computation and validation of LCA results.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Pekin ducks were infected naturally and experimentally. The life cycle of Leucocytozoon simondi was followed in the ducks and the vector, a new species of Simulium, close to Simulium dogieli. The prepatent period in the ducks was 4–5 days and developing megaloschizonts appeared in 6–7 days. Schizonts were found in liver, spleen, brain, and kidney. In the kidneys they were located in the glomeruli. Sporogony in some individuals was completed in 7 days at 13–14 C, other individuals developed more slowly, as ookinetes were found in flies 8 days after feeding. The rapid asexual cycle combined with a sporogonic cycle, in which some ookinetes develop rapidly and others more slowly, favors the maintenance of the parasite in an environment with relatively low daily temperatures. This and the size of the megaloschizonts indicate differences between this strain of the parasite and the one occurring in North America.  相似文献   

Ecological footprint (EF) is a metric that estimates human consumption of biological resources and products, along with generation of waste greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in terms of appropriated productive land. There is an opportunity to better characterize land occupation and effects on the carbon cycle in life cycle assessment (LCA) models using EF concepts. Both LCA and EF may benefit from the merging of approaches commonly used separately by practitioners of these two methods. However, few studies have compared or integrated EF with LCA. The focus of this research was to explore methods for improving the characterization of land occupation within LCA by considering the EF method, either as a complementary tool or impact assessment method. Biofuels provide an interesting subject for application of EF in the LCA context because two of the most important issues surrounding biofuels are land occupation (changes, availability, and so on) and GHG balances, two of the impacts that EF is able to capture. We apply EF to existing fuel LCA land occupation and emissions data and project EF for future scenarios for U.S. transportation fuels. We find that LCA studies can benefit from lessons learned in EF about appropriately modeling productive land occupation and facilitating clear communication of meaningful results, but find limitations to the EF in the LCA context that demand refinement and recommend that EF always be used along with other indicators and metrics in product‐level assessments.  相似文献   

Establishing a comprehensive environmental footprint that indicates resource use and environmental release hotspots in both direct and indirect operations can help companies formulate impact reduction strategies as part of overall sustainability efforts. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a useful approach for achieving these objectives. For most companies, financial data are more readily available than material and energy quantities, which suggests a hybrid LCA approach that emphasizes use of economic input‐output (EIO) LCA and process‐based energy and material flow models to frame and develop life cycle emission inventories resulting from company activities. We apply a hybrid LCA framework to an inland marine transportation company that transports bulk commodities within the United States. The analysis focuses on global warming potential, acidification, particulate matter emissions, eutrophication, ozone depletion, and water use. The results show that emissions of greenhouse gases, sulfur, and particulate matter are mainly from direct activities but that supply chain impacts are also significant, particularly in terms of water use. Hotspots were identified in the production, distribution, and use of fuel; the manufacturing, maintenance, and repair of boats and barges; food production; personnel air transport; and solid waste disposal. Results from the case study demonstrate that the aforementioned footprinting framework can provide a sufficiently reliable and comprehensive baseline for a company to formulate, measure, and monitor its efforts to reduce environmental impacts from internal and supply chain operations.  相似文献   

There is a growing concern over the security and sustainable supply of raw material among businesses and governments of developed, material‐intensive countries. This has led to the development of a systematic analysis of risk incorporated with raw materials usage, often referred as criticality assessment. In principle, this concept is based on the material flow approach. The potential role of life cycle assessment (LCA) to integrate resource criticality through broadening its scope into the life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) framework has been discussed within the LCA communities for some time. In this article, we aim at answering the question of how to proceed toward integration of the geopolitical aspect of resource criticality into the LCSA framework. The article focuses on the assessment of the geopolitical supply risk of 14 resources imported to the seven major advanced economies and the five most relevant emerging countries. Unlike a few previous studies, we propose a new method of calculation for the geopolitical supply risk, which is differentiated by countries based on the import patterns instead of a global production distribution. Our results suggest that rare earth elements, tungsten, antimony, and beryllium generally pose high geopolitical supply risk. Results from the Monte Carlo simulation allow consideration of data uncertainties for result interpretation. Issues concerning the consideration of the full supply chain are exemplarily discussed for cobalt. Our research broadens the scope of LCA from only environmental performance to a resource supply‐risk assessment tool that includes accessibility owing to political instability and market concentration under the LCSA framework.  相似文献   

he status of sandflies as vectors of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the southern Jordan Valley was investigated during 1992. Sandflies were collected from domestic habitats and from burrows of Psammomys obesus . Of 686 Phlebotomus papatasi females collected from burrows, fourteen harboured promastigotes in their guts. On the other hand, none of 1446 P.papatasi females collected from domestic habitats were found infected. The highest infection rate (5.5%) was recorded in November at the end of the sandfly season. Six leishmanial stocks isolated from P.papatasi females were typed by cellulose acetate electrophoresis using the six enzymes G6PDH, 6PGDH, PGI, PGM, FK and ME. Five of the leishmanial stocks were identical to a Leishmania major reference strain (MHOMISU/73/5-ASKH). The sixth isolate was a 6PGDH variant of L.major . These findings present the first direct evidence of the role of P.papatasi as a vector of L.major in Jordan.  相似文献   

The wild type (WT) of Scenedesmus obliquus and a mutant lacking chlorophyll b and the light-harvesting complexes (WT-LHC1) were synchronized by a light-dark regime. Both cultures contained the same type of carotenoids. However, concentrations and patterns of carotenoids were different during their synchronous life cycles. The concentration of total carotenoids followed more or less that of chlorophyll. The WT contained more carotenoids per cell mass, but slightly less per chlorophyll. It is discussed that part of the carotenoids of the mutant, lacking the peripheral antenna of PSII, might be located in the chlorophyll b-less apoprotein or in an enlarged core antenna of PSII. During the life cycle of Scenedesmus the carotenes are initially synthesized and most of the α-carotene is immediately oxidized to lutein which is inserted in the antennae systems of PSII and PSI. The further oxidation of lutein to loroxanthin seems to depend on both the change from dark to light, and on stages of the life cycle itself. Although the major part of β-carotene appears to be inserted in the reaction centers, a fraction of the total pool is rapidly converted to violaxanthin, following the onset of illumination. The conversion may serve to protect against photooxidation. Further conversion of violaxanthin to neoxanthin occurs to a greater extent in the mutant, WT-LHC1. The results demonstrate (1) the close connection between the carotenoid pattern and the modulation of the photosynthetic apparatus during the life cycle of Scenedesmus and (2) the flexibility of the organism in compensating for the absence of the light-harvesting complexes of photosystems II by adjusting the carotenoid distribution.  相似文献   

The life cycle of I. canis Nemeséri, 1959 was studied in experimentally infected dogs. Freshly sporulated oocysts were ovoid and 34–40 × 28–32 μm. The endogenous stages were found directly beneath the epithelium of the distal portion of the small intestinal villi. Most of the endogenous stages were in the lower 1/3 of the small intestine, but occasionally they were found in other portions of the small intestine. Three asexual generations were present. First-generation schizonts were 16–38 × 11–23 μm and contained 4–24 merozoites; mature 1st-generation merozoites were 8–11 × 3–5 μm. First-generation schizogony lasted up to 7 days after inoculation. Second-generation schizonts were 12–18 × 8–13 μm and contained up to 12 merozoites which were 11–13 × 3–5 μm. Second-generation schizogony was present on postinoculation days 6 and 7. Third-generation schizonts were formed by nuclear division of 2nd-generation merozoites. Most 2nd-generation merozoites underwent nuclear division without leaving the parasitophorous vacuole of the 2nd-generation schizont. Mature 3rd-generation schizonts were 13–38 × 8–24 μm and contained 6–72 merozoites. Third-generation merozoites were 8–13 × 1–3 μm. Third-generation schizogony was present on days 6–8 after inoculation. Mature macrogametes were 22–29 × 14–23 μm. Mature microgametocytes were 20–38 × 14–26 μm. Gametes were present on postinoculation days 7–10. Oocysts were present in tissue sections on postinoculation days 8–10 and 12. The prepatent period was 9–11 days.  相似文献   

Steam is an important utility that is required in nearly all industrial process chains and hence needs to be modeled in life cycle assessment studies. Industrial steam systems are often very complex, with different steam flows varying in pressure and temperature and being transported over different distances. This should be accounted for when calculating the energy requirements related to steam supply. In this article, we constructed a generic model that allows estimating final energy requirements (i.e., gate‐to‐gate energy required to generate the steam) of various types of single‐fuel steam systems without turbines (i.e., open and closed cycles) with or without flash steam and expressed per tonne (t) of steam supplied to a process (before heat exchange) or per gigajoule (GJ) heat delivered within the process (after heat exchange, i.e., as useful energy). The model focuses on steam provided for covering process heat requirements and hence excludes cogeneration schemes with steam turbines. Based on the final energy requirements estimated with our generic model, primary energy requirements and environmental impacts can be calculated for various circumstances. Depending on the conditions chosen, final energy requirements for natural gas–fueled systems, as estimated in this study, are 2.71 to 3.44 GJ/t produced steam or 1.33 to 1.78 GJ/GJ delivered heat.  相似文献   

The human health impact of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials manufactured by the pultrusion industry is not fully understood. In particular, it is unclear whether the human health impact of toxic chemicals present in low concentrations in fire retardant pultruded FRP materials is disproportionately high. This impact may be an important criterion when making boundary selection decisions in the life cycle assessment (LCA) of these materials. The North American pultrusion industry was surveyed to determine resin mix concentration levels and workplace inhalation toxicity exposure levels. LCAs were then conducted on three building panel resin mixes to determine whether the human health impact of toxic chemicals used in the mixes was low enough to exclude the chemicals from the life cycle inventory (LCI) boundary. The first resin mix represented a typical pultruded product, the second mix removed toxic chemicals present in small concentrations, and the third mix replaced toxic chemicals present in small concentrations with a nontoxic chemical. Results showed that toxicity levels fell below exposure limits and no significant difference in human health impact existed among the LCAs. The research concludes that human health impact is a useful criterion when defining an LCI boundary. Toxic chemicals present in small concentrations in pultruded FRP materials may be excluded from the LCI boundary, as their human health impacts are low. Because these levels are marginal in North American pultrusion factories, no changes in resin mixes are recommended for the pultrusion industry.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Amastigotes of Leishmani donovani strains 2S, 3S, 3K, Hm, Gm, and Et were inoculated intravenously into 14-day chick embryos. The course of infection was followed by examinations of liver impression smears. With strain 33 at 33 C incubation, there was a 29-fold increase at 6 days postinfection when the inoculum contained ~4 × 106 amastigotes, but only a ~6.3-fold increase when ~64 × 106 parasites were injected. Infection courses of several geographic strains were compared at 30, 33, and 35 C incubation. Although the results were variable, Sudan strains 2S and 3S appeared to be separate isolations of a single strain. The Burma (Et), Kenya (3K), and Mediterranean (Hm, Gm) strains appeared to be distinct, but confirming evidence of their distinctness should be sought using serologic, epidemiologic, clinical, and biochemical criteria. Strains 2S and 3S multiplied best at 33 C or below, but the embryos usually failed to survive at 28 or 30 C. Multiplication was inhibited partially at 35 C and completely at 37 C. Inoculation of strain 3S promastigotes into chick embryos resulted in a loss of parasites in 1 hr to 2 days postinfection. Only amastigotes were seen in embryos incubated at 28 and 33 C for 4 days. Hamsters infected with parasites passaged once in chick embryos died at median postinoculation times that were closely comparable to those noted among hosts infected with amastigotes from hamster spleen.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background Procurement in public and non-public organisations has the potential to influence product development towards more environmentally friendly products. This article focuses on public procurement with procurement in Swedish defence as a special case. In 2003, public procurement in Sweden was 28% of the GDP. In the Swedish defence sector the amount was 2% of the GDP. The total emissions from the sector were of the same order of magnitude as from waste treatment (2% of Sweden's emissions). According to an appropriation letter from the Ministry of Defence in 1998, the Swedish Armed Forces (SAF) and the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) are required to take environmental issues into consideration during the entire process of acquiring defence materiel. Environmental aspects are considered today, but without a life-cycle perspective. - The aims of this article are to recommend suitable tools for taking environmental concerns into account, considering a product's life-cycle, in the procurement process for defence materiel in Sweden; to make suggestions for how these tools could be used in the acquisition process; and to evaluate these suggestions through interviews with actors in the acquisition process. The procurement process does not include aspects specific to Swedish defence, and it is therefore likely to be comparable to processes in other countries. Methods The method involved a study of current literature and interviews with various actors in the acquisition process. The life cycle methods considered were quantitative Life Cycle Assessments, a simplified LCA-method called the MECO method and Life Cycle Costing (LCC). Results and Discussion Methodology recommendations for quantitative LCA and simplified LCA are presented in the article, as well as suggestions on how to integrate LCA methods in the acquisition process. We identified four areas for use for LCA in the acquisition process: to learn about environmental aspects of the product; to fulfil requirements from customers; to set environmental requirements and to choose between alternatives. Therefore, tools such as LCAs are useful in several steps in the acquisition process. Conclusion From the interviews, it became clear that the actors in the acquisition process think that environmental aspects should be included early in the process. The actors are interested in using LCA methods, but there is a need for an initiative from one or several of them if the method is to be used regularly in the process. Environmental and acquisition issues are handled with very little interaction in the controlling and ordering organisation. An integration of environmental and acquisition parts in these organisations is probably needed in order to integrate environmental aspects in general and life-cycle thinking in particular. Other difficulties identified are costs and time constraints. Recommendation and Perspective In order to include the most significant aspects when procuring materiel, it is important to consider the whole life-cycle of the products. Our major recommendation is that the defence sector should work systematically through different product groups. For each product group, quantitative, traditional LCAs or simplified LCAs (in this case modified MECOs) should be performed for reference products within each product group. The results should be an identification of critical aspects in the life-cycles of the products. The studies will also form a database that can be used when making new LCAs. This knowledge should then be used when writing specifications of what to procure and setting criteria for procurement. The reports should be publicly available to allow reviews and discussions of results. To make the work more cost-effective, international co-operation should be sought. In addition, LCAs can also be performed as an integrated part of the acquisition process in specific cases.  相似文献   

The specific features of the reproductive stage of the life cycle have been studied in the rhizocephalan barnacle Polyascus polygenea, a parasite of the coastal crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus. It is shown that a single crab can bear 1 to 8 externae of P. polygenea. The fecundity of the parasite depends on the size of the externae and their number on the host and may reach as much as 50000 eggs for one externa. In Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan, this species repeatedly reproduces during the entire spring–autumn period; externae with developing embryos in the mantle cavity occur from May to September, and planktonic larvae occur from June to October. One externa produces during the season of reproduction no less than three generations of larvae. Thus, the reproductive strategy in P. polygenea comprises a three-stage cascade of reproduction: asexual reproduction via budding of the interna; the development of several generations of one or several externae; and several reproduction cycles of each externa. This allows the parasite to produce a very great number of larvae and ensures the parasitization of a significant proportion of the host crab population. The structure of the ovaries and oogenesis in rhizocephalans and free-living cirripede barnacles have many common features, which provides evidence for integration of these two groups within one monophyletic taxon.  相似文献   

The Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Transportation (GREET) model developed by Argonne National Laboratory quantifies the life cycle energy consumption and air emissions resulting from the production and use of light‐duty vehicles in the United States. GREET is comprised of two components: GREET 1 represents the fuel cycle of various energy carriers, including automotive fuels, and GREET 2 represents the vehicle cycle, which accounts for the production of vehicles and their constituent materials. The GREET model was updated in 2012 and now includes higher‐resolution material processing and transformation data. This study evaluated how model updates influence material and vehicle life cycle results. First, new primary energy demand and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions results from GREET 2 for steel, aluminum, and plastics resins are compared herein with those from the previous version of the model as well as industrial results. A part of the comparison is a discussion about causes of differences between results. Included in this discussion is an assessment of the impact of the new material production data on vehicle life cycle results for conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles by comparing the energy and GHG emission values in the updated and previous versions of GREET 2. Finally, results from a sensitivity analysis are presented for identifying life cycle parameters that most affect vehicle life cycle estimates.  相似文献   

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