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The Myxogastria are common soil microorganisms with a life cycle comprised of a plasmodial trophic stage and large fruiting bodies generally visible with the unaided eye. Until now, their classification has been based exclusively on a combination of morphological, ultrastructural, and developmental characters. Our study is the first attempt to examine phylogenetic relationships among these taxa using molecular data. Partial small-subunit ribosomal RNA and/or elongation factor 1-alpha gene sequences were obtained from eleven, mostly field-collected species representing the five orders of Myxogastria. Nineteen sequences were obtained and subjected to phylogenetic analysis together with 10 sequences available from GenBank. Separate and combined analyses of the two data sets support the division of Myxogastria into three distinct groups. The most basal clade consists of the Echinosteliales, an order considered to have affinities with Protostelia. The three species examined possess unpigmented or slightly pigmented spores. The second group consists of Liceales and Trichiales, taxa characterized by the presence of clear, but pigmented, spores. The third group consists of the two remaining orders, Physarales and Stemonitales, both possessing dark spores. This suggests that spore pigmentation is an evolutionarily conservative character in myxogastrians, and that the simple morphology of echinostelids is not a derived feature.  相似文献   

In 1923 Alexeieff described a new amoebic species within a new genus and named it Hyperamoeba flagellata. This amoeba exhibits three life cycle stages, an amoeboid trophozoite, a flagellated stage, and a cyst-like the heteroloboseans, the mastigamoebae, and several slime moulds. Since then more strains have been isolated and relationships to the protostelids and cercomonads and to the myxogastrid plasmodial slime moulds have been suggested. However, up to now the classification and phylogenetic position of the hyperamoebae has remained unclear. The aim of our study was to make an approach to the phylogeny of the genus Hyperamoeba with combined morphological and molecular biological data. Since 1988 we have isolated and collected Hyperamoeba-like strains from different aquatic and terrestrial sources. The 18S rDNA-sequences of 8 new Hyperamoeba strains isolated from various habitats were analysed and a cluster analysis was performed including all other available hyperamoebae. Altogether, the results of our study corroborate the relatedness of Hyperamoeba to various slime moulds. However, the hyperamoebae do not seem to be a monophyletic group, clearly putting the validity of the genus Hyperamoeba into question.  相似文献   

Data were obtained on the assemblages of corticolous myxomycetes (plasmodial slime moulds or myxogastrids) associated with the bark surface of living white oak (Quercus alba) trees from two different size classes. Bark samples obtained from larger trees were characterized by higher values for both species richness and diversity when compared to those collected from smaller trees. This might have been expected since the former possess a larger surface area and presumably have persisted over a longer period of time. However, the myxomycete assemblage associated with smaller trees was appreciably different and did not simply represent a depauperate version of the assemblage associated with larger trees. This suggests that the differences observed between size classes cannot be simply attributed to size alone.  相似文献   

Cochliopodium is a very distinctive genus of discoid amoebae covered by a dorsal tectum of carbohydrate microscales. Its phylogenetic position is unclear, since although sharing many features with naked "gymnamoebae", the tectum sets it apart. We sequenced 18S ribosomal RNA genes from three Cochliopodium species (minus, spiniferum and Cochliopodium sp., a new species resembling C. minutum). Phylogenetic analysis shows Cochliopodium as robustly holophyletic and within Amoebozoa, in full accord with morphological data. Cochliopodium is always one of the basal branches within Amoebozoa but its precise position is unstable. In Bayesian analysis it is sister to holophyletic Glycostylida, but distance trees mostly place it between Dermamoeba and a possibly artifactual long-branch cluster including Thecamoeba. These positions are poorly supported and basal amoebozoan branching ill-resolved, making it unclear whether Discosea (Glycostylida, Himatismenida, Dermamoebida) is holophyletic; however, Thecamoeba seems not specifically related to Dermamoeba. We also sequenced the small-subunit rRNA gene of Vannella persistens, which constantly grouped with other Vannella species, and two Hartmannella strains. Our trees suggest that Vexilliferidae, Variosea and Hartmannella are polyphyletic, confirming the existence of two very distinct Hartmannella clades: that comprising H. cantabrigiensis and another divergent species is sister to Glaeseria, whilst Hartmannella vermiformis branches more deeply.  相似文献   

Myxogastria (also called Myxomycetes or plasmodial slime‐moulds) are mostly known through their usually conspicuous fruiting bodies. Another unifying trait is the presence of a facultative flagellate stage along with the obligate amoeboid stage. Here we show with two‐gene phylogenies (SSU rRNA and EF‐1alpha genes) that the incertae sedis, non‐flagellate Echinosteliopsis oligospora belongs to the dark‐spore clade (Fuscisporidia) of the Myxogastria. In addition, we confirm that Echinostelium bisporum, firstly described as a protostelid, belongs to the Echinosteliida, which are divided into three major clades and are paraphyletic to the remaining Fuscisporidia.  相似文献   

Testate lobose amoebae (order Arcellinida Kent, 1880) are common in all aquatic and terrestrial habitats, yet they are one of the last higher taxa of unicellular eukaryotes that has not found its place in the tree of life. The morphological approach did not allow to ascertain the evolutionary origin of the group or to prove its monophyly. To solve these challenging problems, we analyzed partial small-subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) genes of seven testate lobose amoebae from two out of the three suborders and seven out of the 13 families belonging to the Arcellinida. Our data support the monophyly of the order and clearly establish its position among Amoebozoa, as a sister-group to the clade comprising families Amoebidae and Hartmannellidae. Complete SSU rRNA gene sequences from two species and a partial actin sequence from one species confirm this position. Our phylogenetic analyses including representatives of all sequenced lineages of lobose amoebae suggest that a rigid test appeared only once during the evolution of the Amoebozoa, and allow reinterpretation of some morphological characters used in the systematics of Arcellinida.  相似文献   

Myxomycetes (also called Myxogastria or colloquially, slime molds) are worldwide occurring soil amoeboflagellates. Among Amoebozoa, they have the notable characteristic to form, during their life cycle, macroscopic fruiting bodies, that will ultimately release spores. Some 1,000 species have been described, based on the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of their fruiting bodies. We were interested in Physarum pusillum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) G. Lister, a very common species described with two variants, each bearing such morphological differences that they could represent two distinct species. In order to test this, we observed key characters in a large selection of specimens attributed to P.  pusillum, to its synonyms (in particular Physarum gravidum), and to related species. In addition, the small‐subunit ribosomal RNA gene was obtained from seven of these specimens. Based on these data, we provide a comprehensive phylogeny of the order Physarida (Eukaryota: Amoebozoa: Conosa: Macromycetozoa: Fuscisporidia). Morphology and phylogeny together support the reinstatement of P. gravidum Morgan 1896 with a neotype here designated, distinct from P. pusillum, here redefined.  相似文献   

In order to extend previous comparisons between coastal marine bacterioplankton communities and their open ocean and freshwater counterparts, here we summarize and provide new data on a clone library of 105 SSU rRNA genes recovered from seawater collected over the western continental shelf of the USA in the Pacific Ocean. Comparisons to previously published data revealed that this coastal bacterioplankton clone library was dominated by SSU rRNA gene phylotypes originally described from surface waters of the open ocean, but also revealed unique SSU rRNA gene lineages of beta Proteobacteria related to those found in clone libraries from freshwater habitats. beta Proteobacteria lineages common to coastal and freshwater samples included members of a clade of obligately methylotrophic bacteria, SSU rRNA genes affiliated with Xylophilus ampelinus, and a clade related to the genus Duganella. In addition, SSU rRNA genes were recovered from such previously recognized marine bacterioplankton SSU rRNA gene clone clusters as the SAR86, SAR11, and SAR116 clusters within the class Proteobacteria, the Roseobacter clade of the alpha subclass of the Proteobacteria, the marine group A/SAR406 cluster, and the marine Actinobacteria clade. Overall, these results support and extend previous observations concerning the global distribution of several marine planktonic prokaryote SSU rRNA gene phylotypes, but also show that coastal bacterioplankton communities contain SSU rRNA gene lineages (and presumably bacterioplankton) shown previously to be prevalent in freshwater habitats.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences have been shown to be very useful for identification of microbial eukaryotes. Usually, complete or long partial sequences of the rDNA genes are analysed. However, the development of new massive sequencing technologies producing a large amount of relatively short sequences raises the question about the minimum length of rDNA fragments necessary for species distinction in environmental sampling. To answer this question, we compared six variable regions of the small subunit (SSU) rDNA of foraminifera, known to have rapidly evolving ribosomal genes. For each region, we analysed (1) the sequence divergence between and within foraminiferal morphospecies, (2) the intraspecific polymorphism, and (3) the ability of each region to recognize the phylotypes inferred from analysis of a longer fragment. Our results show that although the variable regions differ considerably between taxonomic groups, most of them perform very well as species identifiers. Taking into account different analyses, the expansion segment of Helix 37 appears to be the best candidate for barcoding foraminifera. We propose that this relatively short region, averaging 50–60 nt in length, could be an ideal barcode for identification of foraminifera in environmental samples using massive sequencing approach.  相似文献   

A novel cercozoan filose thecate amoeba, Trachyrhizium urniformis n. g., n. sp., was isolated from a marine sediment sample collected at Agenashiku Island, Okinawa, Japan. We performed light and electron microscopic observations, and a molecular phylogenetic analysis using the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene of the isolate. Cells of T. urniformis are spherical in shape and are covered by a thin theca possessing a wide rounded aperture. Branching and occasionally anastomosing filopodia with small granules emerge from the aperture. The granules are transported in the filopodia bidirectionally. Transmission electron microscopy showed that cells of T. urniformis possess nucleus with permanently condensed chromatin, Golgi apparatuses, microbodies, mitochondria with tubular cristae, and extrusomes. Several morphological and ultrastructural features of T. urniformis (the presence of thecae and nucleus with permanently condensed chromatin) show similarities with those of Thecofilosea. In a phylogenetic analysis, T. urniformis included in Thecofilosea with weak statistical supports and formed a clade with two sequences that constitutes a cercozoan environmental clade, novel clade 4. On the basis of morphological and ultrastructural information and the results of the phylogenetic analysis, we propose T. urniformis as a new member of class Thecofilosea.  相似文献   

Three peritrichous ciliates, Zoothamnium arcuatum n. sp., Z. grossi n. sp., and Z. parahentscheli Sun et al., 2009, were collected from an estuary of the Taehwagang River, Korea. All these species were investigated based on live observations and silver staining, and their small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene was also sequenced. Zoothamnium arcuatum can be identified by a goblet‐shaped colony, double‐layered peristomial lip, and abstomally shortened row 3 of infundibular polykinety 3 (P3). Zoothamnium grossi is morphologically characterized by an alternately branched stalk with the lowest secondary stalk diverging from the main part of colony, asymmetrically bell‐shaped zooids, and three short, parallel ciliary rows in P3. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the three Zoothamnium species described in this paper clustered with other members of the family Zoothamniidae, as expected.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In order to re‐evaluate the systematics of sessilid peritrich ciliates, small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequences were determined for 12 species belonging to five genera: Vorticella, Pseudovorticella, Epicarchesium, Zoothamnium, and Zoothamnopsis. Phylogenetic trees were deduced using Bayesian inference, maximum parsimony, and maximum likelihood methods. The phylogenetic analyses suggest that (1) sessilids which have stalks with continuous myonemes that contract in a zig‐zag fashion form a separate clade from those which have stalks that contract independently and in a spiral fashion, supporting the separation of the family Zoothamniidae from the family Vorticellidae and (2) Epicarchesium and Pseudovorticella, both of which have reticulate silverline systems, are more closely related to each other than to other vorticellids, suggesting that differences in the silverline system (i.e. transverse vs. reticulate) may be the result of genuine evolutionary divergence among sessilid peritrichs. However, the newly sequenced Zoothamnopsis sinica, which has a reticulate silverline pattern, nests within the unresolved Zoothamnium species that have transverse silverline patterns. Thus, there were at least two evolutions of the reticulate silverline pattern character state from a plesiomorphic transverse state in the peritrichid ciliates. The molecular work demonstrates the genus Zoothamnium to be paraphyletic in relation to morphological studies, and suggests that Astylozoon, Opisthonecta, and Vorticella microstoma possibly share a SSU rRNA secondary structure in the helix E10‐1 region.  相似文献   

Three trachelocercid ciliates, Trachelocerca orientalis spec. nov., Prototrachelocerca fasciolata (Sauerbrey, 1928) Foissner, 1996 and Tracheloraphis huangi Xu et al., 2011, isolated from marine coastal habitats at Qingdao, China, were taxonomically studied using observation in vivo and silver staining methods. The new species T. orientalis spec. nov. can be recognized by the combination of its size (600–1,200 μm in vivo), 15–21 somatic kineties and about 13 groups of macronuclear nodules forming a strand and the colorless globular cortical granules. Together with the sequence data of the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene, the information of a new isolate of P. fasciolata and three populations of T. huangi is also documented based on the present work. According to the molecular data, the phylogeny of three species is estimated and the analyses show that they are all found within the trachelocercid assemblage though T. huangi does not cluster with its congeners but with Trachelocerca species. Nonetheless, the monophyly of Trachelocerca is not rejected by the approximately unbiased test (p = 0.345 > 0.05), while that of Tracheloraphis is not confirmed (p = 0.0002 < 0.05).  相似文献   

Although trachelocercid ciliates are common in marine sandy intertidal zones, methodological difficulties mean that their biodiversity and evolutionary relationships have not been well documented. This paper investigates the morphology and infraciliature of two novel Trachelolophos and one rarely known form, Tracheloraphis similis Raikov and Kovaleva, 1968, collected from the coastal waters of southern and eastern China. The small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequences of two of the species are presented, allowing the phylogenetic position of the genus Trachelolophos to be revealed for the first time. Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rRNA gene sequences indicate that Trachelolophos branches with Kovalevaia and forms a sister clade with the group including Prototrachelocerca, Trachelocerca and Tracheloraphis. The monophyly of Trachelocerca is not rejected by the approximately unbiased (AU) test (P = 0.209, > 0.05) but that of Tracheloraphis is rejected (P = 3e‐033, < 0.05). The newly sequenced genus Trachelolophos, and recent studies on the morphology and phylogeny of the family Trachelocercidae, suggest two new hypotheses about the evolution of the seven genera within Trachelocercidae, based on either infraciliature or molecular evidence. Both hypotheses suppose the compound circumoral kineties in the oral apparatus is a plesiomorphic feature while the single circumoral kinety is synapomorphic. More evidence is still needed, however, as to whether the closed circumoral kinety with no brosse feature in Trachelocerca is ancestral or secondarily reduced. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

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