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The formation of archeospores is characteristic of Porphyra yezoensis Ueda and is important for Porphyra aquaculture. Recently, it has been regarded as a valuable seed source for propagation of thalli in mariculture. Cell wall composition changes are associated with archeospore formation in P. yezoensis. Here, we report changes of cell walls of P. yezoensis during archeospore formation. The surfaces of vegetative cells that were originally smooth became rougher and more protuberant as archeosporangia were formed. Ultimately, the cell walls of archeosporangia ruptured, and archeospores were released from the torn cell walls that were left at distal margins of thalli. With changes in cell walls, both effective quantum yield and maximal quantum yield of the same regions in thalli gradually increased during the transformation of vegetative cells to archeospores, suggesting that the photosynthetic properties of the same regions in thalli gradually increased. Meanwhile, photosynthetic parameters for different sectors of thalli were determined, which included the proximal vegetative cells, archeosporangia, and newly released archeospores. The changes in photosynthetic properties of different sectors of thalli were in accordance with that of the same regions in thalli at different stages. In addition, the photosynthetic responses of archeosporangia to light showed higher saturating irradiance levels than those of vegetative cells. All these results suggest that archeosporangial cell walls were not degraded prior to release but were ruptured via bulging of the archeospore within the sporangium, and ultimately, archeospores were discharged. The accumulation of carbohydrates during archeospore formation in P. yezoensis might be required for the release of archeospores.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic characteristics of four Porphyra yezoensis Ueda [a taxonomic synonym of Pyropia yezoensis (Ueda) M. S. Hwang et H. G. Choi] strains in conchocelis phase were investigated and compared with one wildtype of P. yezoensis and two strains of Porphyra haitanensis T. J. Chang et B. F. Zheng [a taxonomic synonym of Pyropia haitanensis (T. J. Chang et B. F. Zheng) N. Kikuchi et M. Miyata]. Results showed that experimental strains had higher contents of chl a and carotenoids, but a lower content of total phycobiliproteins than the wildtype. Meanwhile, photochemical efficiency of PSII was measured using pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) fluorometry technology. The value of PSII photosynthetic parameters of P. yezoensis strains were all higher than the wild strain, and the maximal quantum yields (Fv/Fm), effective quantum yields Y(II), and relative photosynthetic electron transport rates (rETR) of P. haitanensis were higher than those of P. yezoensis. The present study verified the possibility of selective breeding of P. yezoensis using the filamentous sporophyte instead of the gametophytic thallus, the advantages being (i) nonrequirement of control of life cycle and (ii) direct and rapid cultivar improvement by artificial selection. We consider the method to be a promising technique for selective breeding of P. yezoensis cultivars.  相似文献   

To better understand developmental phenomena in macroalgal tissue culture, we examined the morphogenesis of Porphyra yezoensis Ueda (strain TU-1) cultured aseptically in defined synthetic media . Generally, the filamentous thalli (sporophyte; conchocelis phase) of P. yezoensis were densely tufted with uniseriate filaments. The foliose thalli (gametophyte) were monolayered. In this study, axenic filamentous thalli retained their characteristic morphogenesis; there were no obvious differences between morphogenetic traits in unialgal and axenic conditions. However, conchospores, which might have developed into the foliose form under unialgal conditions, germinated into calluslike masses under axenic conditions. Most of the gametophytes gradually lost their typical morphogenesis after the first longitudinal cell division. Some of the calluslike masses developed rhizoidlike structures in several places or along the entire mass. Therefore, we concluded that P. yezoensis, in axenic cultures, loses its typical morphogenesis only during the gametophytic phase. The axenic tissue culture of Porphyra established in this study is a promising assay system for the identification of growth and morphogenetic factors.  相似文献   

As a part of the construction of a Porphyra yezoensis Ueda genetic linkage map, we conducted intraspecific cross‐experiments and subsequent screening of cross‐fertilized conchocelis by cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) analysis. The cross‐experiments were carried out between males of the wildtype (KGJ) and females of the recessive green mutant (TU‐2) using two methods, controlled and random crosses. A total of 42 and 186 wildtype‐colored conchocelis colonies were obtained from the former and latter experiments, respectively. Among those, 49 DNA samples (14% and 23% obtained from the former and latter crosses, respectively) showed biparental CAPS patterns in the two gene regions (EF open reading frame [ORF] region and VATPase). This study represents the first report in which the cross‐fertilized conchocelis of P. yezoensis has been directly confirmed by molecular marker. The combination of the simple DNA extraction and CAPS analysis may be applicable in genetic studies of other macroalgae that are monoecious and/or grow slowly in laboratory culture.  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic variations of the samples that were tentatively identified as two cultivated Porphyra species (Porphyra yezoensis Ueda and Porphyra tenera Kjellm.) from various natural populations in Japan using molecular analyses of plastid and nuclear DNA. From PCR‐RFLP analyses using nuclear internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA and plastid RUBISCO spacer regions and phylogenetic analyses using plastid rbcL and nuclear ITS‐1 rDNA sequences, our samples from natural populations of P. yezoensis and P. tenera showed remarkably higher genetic variations than found in strains that are currently used for cultivation. In addition, it is inferred that our samples contain four wild Porphyra species, and that three of the four species, containing Porphyra kinositae, are closely related to cultivated Porphyra species. Furthermore, our PCR‐RFLP and molecular phylogenetic analyses using both the nuclear and plastid DNA demonstrated the occurrence of plastid introgression from P. yezoensis to P. tenera and suggested the possibility of plastid introgression from cultivated P. yezoensis to wild P. yezoensis. These results imply the importance of collecting and establishing more strains of cultivated Porphyra species and related wild species from natural populations as genetic resources for further improvement of cultivated Porphyra strains.  相似文献   

Post-fertilization development of carpospores in Porphyra is a well-documented phenomenon. Development of the pre-fertilization carpogonial cells from vegetative cells, however, has not been previously described. In Porphyra abbottae Krishn., a rock? intertidal monostromatic species occurring from British Columbia to central California, large cells, designated hue CIS “procarpogonial mother cells” (PMCs), initiated the formation of the carpogonial cells. The PMCs formed during late night mitoses beginning at 0200 h with cytokinesis from 0300-0500 h during short day periods of 10:14 h LD in northern California (38°20′N, 123°03′W and 36°37′N, 121°55′W). The PMC cut off numerous smaller cells which in turn divided equal. Approximately 12 h Inter, at 1500 h (day 1) the Smaller cells were recognizable as carpogonial cells by the presence of trichogynes growing from the cytoplasm out through the cell wall to the thallus surface. In another 24 h (day 2), the fertilized carpogonia had divided into carpospore packets. Spores were released at 1500 h the following day (day 3), their projection creating escape channels through the cell walls.  相似文献   

Porphyra tenera Kjellman, widely cultivated in nori farms before the development of artificial seeding, is currently listed as an endangered species in Japan. To confirm whether a wild‐collected gametophytic blade was P. tenera or the closely related species P. yezoensis Ueda, morphological observations and molecular analyses were made on the pure line HGT‐1 isolated from a wild blade. This pure line was identified as P. tenera based on detailed morphological features. Sequences of the nuclear internal transcribed spacer region 1 and the plastid RUBISCO spacer revealed that P. tenera HGT‐1 was clearly different from P. yezoensis f. narawaensis Miura, the main species cultivated in Japan. PCR‐RFLP analysis of the internal transcribed spacer region was found to be a convenient method for rapid discrimination between P. tenera and cultivated P. yezoensis. The restriction patterns generated by the endonucleases Dra I and Hae III were useful for differentiating between both gametophytic and conchocelis stages of P. tenera HGT‐1 and P. yezoensis f. narawaensis strains. Thus, PCR‐RFLP analysis will serve as a valuable tool for rapid species identification of cultivated Porphyra strains, culture collections of Porphyra strains for breeding material and conservation of biodiversity, and, as codominant cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence markers for interspecific hybridization products between P. tenera and P. yezoensis f. narawaensis. Under the same culture conditions, rate of blade length increase and the blade length‐to‐width ratio were lower in P. tenera HGT‐1 than in P. yezoensis f. narawaensis HG‐4. The HGT‐1 became mature more rapidly than HG‐4 and had thinner blades.  相似文献   

To confirm whether allopolyploidy occurs in samples of previously identified Porphyra yezoensis Ueda, P. tenera Kjellm., and P. yezoensis × P. tenera from natural and cultivated populations, we examined these samples by using PCR‐RFLP and microsatellite analyses of multiple nuclear and chloroplast regions [nuclear regions: type II DNA topoisomerase gene (TOP2), actin‐related protein 4 gene (ARP4), internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA and three microsatellite loci; chloroplast region: RUBISCO spacer]. Except for the ITS region, these multiple nuclear markers indicated that the wild strain MT‐1 and the cultivated strain 90‐02 (previously identified as P. yezoensis × P. tenera and cultivated P. tenera, respectively) are heterozygous and possess both genotypes of P. tenera and P. yezoensis in the conchocelis phase. Furthermore, gametophytic blades of two pure lines, HG‐TY1 and HG‐TY2 (F1 strains of MT‐1 and 90‐02, respectively), were also heterozygous, and six chromosomes per single cell could be observed in each blade of the two pure lines. These results demonstrate that allopolyploidy occurs in Porphyra strains derived from both natural and cultivated populations, even though ITS genotypes of these strains showed homogenization toward one parental ITS.  相似文献   

In the marine crop Pyropia yezoensis (Ueda) M. S. Hwang et H. G. Choi, it is known that conchospores from heterozygous conchocelis develop into sectored gametophytic blades (chimeras), but archeospores asexually released from haploid blades do not usually grow into chimeric blades. In this study, chimeras with mosaic pattern consisting of the green and wildtype colors were developed from archeospores that were released from a blade piece containing a cell cluster of green color induced by heavy‐ion beam irradiation. To make clear whether these archeospores were produced from the green‐colored cells or the wildtype‐colored cells, cell clusters of the green mutant, wildtype, and mosaic pattern were cut out from the grown chimera, and archeospores were released from each of the three blade pieces. Archeospores from the green‐mutant blade piece and from the wildtype blade piece developed into only green‐mutant blades and wildtype blades, respectively. In contrast, archeospores from the blade piece with mosaic pattern developed into green‐mutant blades, wildtype blades, and chimeric blades with mosaic pattern of the two colors, although the frequency of the chimeras was low. Because each gametophytic cell possesses a single plastid, it is difficult to explain the occurrence of the new chimeras as a mutation of the plastid DNA. Thus, the new chimeras are considered to be due to transposable elements in Pyropia.  相似文献   

The simple sequence repeat (SSR) marks were employed to identify the stage at which meiosis occurs in the life cycle of Porphyra haitanensis T. J. Chang et B. F. Zheng. More than 90% of F1 blades of heterozygous conchocelis produced by the cross between a red mutant (R, ♀) and the wildtype (W, ♂) were color sectored. Two parental colors (R and W) and two new colors (R′ and W′) appeared in linear sectors in the color‐sectored F1 blades. Two SSR primer pairs selected from a total of 52 primer pairs generated a specific paternal and maternal fragment, respectively. Co‐occurrence of these two bands was detected in heterozygous conchocelis and in the color‐sectored F1 blades with two to four sectors, such as R + W, R′ + W′, and R′ + R + W + W′. However, the single‐colored F1 blades exhibited only one band. In the sectors isolated from the color‐sectored F1 blades, R and R′ were the same, showing the maternal pattern, whereas W and W′ were the same, showing the paternal pattern. These data suggested that the two different bands from heterozygous conchocelis originated from the parents and segregated in the F1 blades, whereas the two new colors, R′ and W′, in the F1 blades were produced by the exchange and recombination of alleles of the parental colors during meiosis. These results indicated that meiosis of P. haitanensis occurs during the first two cell divisions of a germinating conchospore, and, therefore, the initial four cells constitute a linear genetic tetrad, leading to the formation of a color‐sectored blade.  相似文献   

Accurate gene quantification depends on the use of an appropriate internal control gene, which should be verified before its use for normalizing data. Housekeeping genes, which are expressed at relatively constant levels, are generally regarded as candidate internal control genes. To determine the ideal internal control for gene expression profiles for Porphyra haitanensis T. J. Chang et B. F. Zheng (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) at different life‐history stages, we used absolute quantification to assess the expression levels of six housekeeping genes (18S ribosomal RNA, 30S ribosomal protein, glyceraldehyde‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase, elongation factor 3, alpha‐tubulin, and beta‐tubulin) at the sporophyte and gametophyte stages. Housekeeping genes were selected by comparing the differences of observed copy numbers in sporophytes and in gametophytes. TubB (beta‐tubulin) was found to be the optimal internal control gene, because it showed the smallest difference of gene expression. Compared with TubB, other housekeeping genes had greater variation of expression to different degrees.  相似文献   

Growth, blade shape and blade thickness of young gametophytes of Porphyra abbottae Krishnamurthy cultured from conchospores were determined at various combinations of temperature (8, 10, 12° C), photon flux density (17.5, 70, 140 μmol·m-?2·S?1), nutrient concentration (5, 25, 50, 100% f medium) and water motion (0, 50, 100, 150 rpm). Growth (as surface area) was light-saturated at 70 μmol· m?2· S?1, light-inhabited at 140 μmol·m?2· S?1, and nutrient-saturated an 25% f medium. Temperature had no significant effect on growth. Water motion and nutrients had an interactive effect on growth, with water motion having the greatest effect at the lowest nutrient concentrations. Water motion enhanced growth even at saturating nutrient concentrations. Blade length / width ratio was greater in low light (2.5) than in saturating light (1.9); with increasing water motion the ratio increased from 1.2 to 2.4. Blade thickness (53-88 μm) was greatest at the highest nutrient concentrations and at the lowest water motion levels. Temperature and light did not have a consistent effect on blade thickness.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis and respiration of three Alaskan Porphyra species, P. abbottiae V. Krishnam., P. pseudolinearis Ueda species complex (identified as P. pseudolinearis” below), and P. torta V. Krishnam., were investigated under a range of environmental parameters. Photosynthesis versus irradiance (PI) curves revealed that maximal photosynthesis (Pmax), irradiance at maximal photosynthesis (Imax), and compensation irradiance (Ic) varied with salinity, temperature, and species. The Pmax of Porphyra abbottiae conchocelis varied between 83 and 240 μmol O2 · g dwt?1 · h?1 (where dwt indicates dry weight) at 30–140 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1 (Imax) depending on temperature. Higher irradiances resulted in photoinhibition. Maximal photosynthesis of the conchocelis of P. abbottiae occurred at 11°C, 60 μmol photons · m?2·s?1, and 30 psu (practical salinity units). The conchocelis of P. “pseudolinearis” and P. torta had similar Pmax values but higher Imax values than those of P. abbottiae. The Pmax of P. “pseudolinearis” conchocelis was 200–240 μmol O2 · g dwt?1 · h?1 and for P. torta was 90–240 μmol O2 · g dwt?1 · h?1. Maximal photosynthesis for P. “pseudolinearis” occurred at 7°C and 250 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1 at 30 psu, but Pmax did not change much with temperature. Maximal photosynthesis for P. torta occurred at 15°C, 200 μmol photons · m?2 · s?1, and 30 psu. Photosynthesis rates for all species declined at salinities <25 or >35 psu. Estimated compensation irradiances (Ic) were relatively low (3–5 μmol · photons · m?2 · s?1) for intertidal macrophytes. Porphyra conchocelis had lower respiration rates at 7°C than at 11°C or 15°C. All three species exhibited minimal respiration rates at salinities between 25 and 35 psu.  相似文献   

We performed interspecific hybridization in the haploid blade‐forming marine species (nori) of the genus Porphyra, which have a heteromorphic life cycle with a haploid gametophytic blade and a diploid microscopic sporophyte called the “conchocelis phase.” The green mutant HGT‐6 of P. tenera var. tamatsuensis A. Miura was crossed with the wildtype HG‐1 of P. yezoensis f. narawaensis A. Miura; the F1 heterozygous conchocelis developed normally and released numerous conchospores. However, almost all the conchospore germlings did not survive past the four‐cell stage or thereabouts, and only a few germlings developed into gametophytic blades. These results indicate that hybrid breakdown occurred during the meiosis, while the surviving F1 gametophytic blades were considered a breakthrough in the interspecific hybridization of Porphyra. Organelle genomes (cpDNA and mtDNA) were found to be maternally inherited in the interspecific hybridization by molecular analyses of the organelle DNA. In particular, molecular analyses of nuclear DNA revealed that the surviving F1 blades were allodiploids in the haploid gametophytic phase; however, there is a possibility of the occurrence of rapid chromosomal locus elimination and rearrangement in the F1 conchocelis phase. Our findings are noteworthy to the breeding of cultivated Porphyra and will provide important information for understanding of the speciation of marine plants with high species diversity.  相似文献   

Temperature is one of the major environmental factors that affect the distribution, growth rate, and life cycle of intertidal organisms, including red algae. In an effort to identify the genes involved in the high‐temperature tolerance of Porphyra, we generated 3,979 expression sequence tags (ESTs) from gametophyte thalli of P. seriata Kjellm. under normal growth conditions and high‐temperature conditions. A comparison of the ESTs from two cDNA libraries allowed us to identify the high temperature response (HTR) genes, which are induced or up‐regulated as the result of high‐temperature treatment. Among the HTRs, HTR2 encodes for a small polypeptide consisting of 144 amino acids, which is a noble nuclear protein. Chlamydomonas expressing the Porphyra HTR2 gene shows higher survival and growth rates than the wild‐type strain after high‐temperature treatment. These results suggest that HTR2 may be relevant to the tolerance of high‐temperature stress conditions, and this Porphyra EST data set will provide important genetic information for studies of the molecular basis of high‐temperature tolerance in marine algae, as well as in Porphyra.  相似文献   

Molecular markers and molecular genetic maps are prerequisites for molecular breeding in any plant species. A comprehensive genetic linkage map for cultivated Porphyra haitanensis T. J. Chang et B. F. Zheng has not yet been developed. In this study, 157 double haploid (DH) lines [derived from a YSIII (wildtype) × RTPM (red‐type artificial pigmentation mutant) cross] were used as a mapping population in P. haitanensis. A total of 60 pairs of sequence‐related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) primers and 39 pairs of simple sequence repeat (SSR) primers were used to detect polymorphisms between the two parents. Fifteen SRAP and 16 SSR polymorphic primer pairs were selected to analyze the DH population. A linkage genetic map comprising 67 SRAP markers and 20 SSR markers in five linkage groups, with a total length of 830.6 cM and an average of 10.13 cM between markers, was constructed. The markers were distributed evenly in all linkage groups without clustering. The linkage groups comprised 12–23 markers ranging in length from 134.2 to 197.3 cM. The estimated genome length of P. haitanensis was 942.4 cM, with 88.1% coverage. This is the first report of a comprehensive genetic map in P. haitanensis. The map presented here will provide a basis for the development of high‐density genetic linkage maps and lay the foundation for molecular breeding work in P. haitanensis.  相似文献   

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