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P190A and p190B Rho GTPase activating proteins (GAPs) are essential genes that have distinct, but overlapping roles in the developing nervous system. Previous studies from our laboratory demonstrated that p190B is required for mammary gland morphogenesis, and we hypothesized that p190A might have a distinct role in the developing mammary gland. To test this hypothesis, we examined mammary gland development in p190A-deficient mice. P190A expression was detected by in situ hybridization in the developing E14.5 day embryonic mammary bud and within the ducts, terminal end buds (TEBs), and surrounding stroma of the developing virgin mammary gland. In contrast to previous results with p190B, examination of p190A heterozygous mammary glands demonstrated that p190A deficiency disrupted TEB morphology, but did not significantly delay ductal outgrowth indicating haploinsufficiency for TEB development. To examine the effects of homozygous deletion of p190A, embryonic mammary buds were rescued by transplantation into the cleared fat pads of SCID/Beige mice. Complete loss of p190A function inhibited ductal outgrowth in comparison to wildtype transplants (51% vs. 94% fat pad filled). In addition, the transplantation take rate of p190A deficient whole gland transplants from E18.5 embryos was significantly reduced compared to wildtype transplants (31% vs. 90%, respectively). These results suggest that p190A function in both the epithelium and stroma is required for mammary gland development. Immunostaining for p63 demonstrated that the myoepithelial cell layer is disrupted in the p190A deficient glands, which may result from the defective cell adhesion between the cap and body cell layers detected in the TEBs. The number of estrogen- and progesterone receptor-positive cells, as well as the expression levels of these receptors was increased in p190A deficient outgrowths. These data suggest that p190A is required in both the epithelial and stromal compartments for ductal outgrowth and that it may play a role in mammary epithelial cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Centrosomes are composed of a centriolar core surrounded by pericentriolar material that nucleates microtubules. The ubiquitin ligase TRIM37 localizes to centrosomes, but its centrosomal roles are not yet defined. We show that TRIM37 does not control centriole duplication, structure, or the ability of centrioles to form cilia but instead prevents assembly of an ectopic centrobin-scaffolded structured condensate that forms by budding off of centrosomes. In ∼25% of TRIM37-deficient cells, the condensate organizes an ectopic spindle pole, recruiting other centrosomal proteins and acquiring microtubule nucleation capacity during mitotic entry. Ectopic spindle pole–associated transient multipolarity and multipolar segregation in TRIM37-deficient cells are suppressed by removing centrobin, which interacts with and is ubiquitinated by TRIM37. Thus, TRIM37 ensures accurate chromosome segregation by preventing the formation of centrobin-scaffolded condensates that organize ectopic spindle poles. Mutations in TRIM37 cause the disorder mulibrey nanism, and patient-derived cells harbor centrobin condensate-organized ectopic poles, leading us to propose that chromosome missegregation is a pathological mechanism in this disorder.  相似文献   

NuMA associates with microtubule motors during mitosis to perform an essential role in organizing microtubule minus ends at spindle poles. Using immunogold electron microscopy, we show that NuMA is a component of an electron-dense material concentrated at both mitotic spindle poles in PtK1 cells and the core of microtubule asters formed through a centrosome-independent mechanism in cell-free mitotic extracts. This NuMA-containing material is distinct from the peri-centriolar material and forms a matrix that appears to anchor microtubule ends at the spindle pole. In stark contrast to conventional microtubule-associated proteins whose solubility is directly dependent on microtubules, we find that once NuMA is incorporated into this matrix either in vivo or in vitro, it becomes insoluble and this insolubility is no longer dependent on microtubules. NuMA is essential for the formation of this insoluble matrix at the core of mitotic asters assembled in vitro because the matrix is absent from mitotic asters assembled in a cell-free mitotic extract that is specifically depleted of NuMA. These physical properties are consistent with NuMA being a component of the putative mitotic spindle matrix in vertebrate cells. Furthermore, given that NuMA is essential for spindle pole organization in vertebrate systems, it is likely that this insoluble matrix plays an essential structural function in anchoring and/or stabilizing microtubule minus ends at spindle poles in mitotic cells.  相似文献   

We have examined the dynamics of the localisation of the polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) during maturation of the mouse oocyte. Levels of Plk1 protein increase following germinal vesicle breakdown, at which time the enzyme begins to accumulate at discrete positions on the condensing chromosomes and, subsequently, at the poles of the meiotic spindle, which moves towards the cortex of the egg. Interestingly, at metaphase in both meiotic divisions, Plk1 shows a punctate localisation along the broad spindle poles. Moreover, the punctate distribution of Plk1 on the meiotic chromosomes appears at early anaphase to correspond to the centromeric regions. The protein relocates to the spindle midzone during late anaphase and then associates with the midbody at telophase. We have confirmed the specific pattern of immuno-localisation seen in fixed preparations by observing the distribution of Plk1 tagged with green fluorescent protein in living oocytes. We discuss the localisation of the enzyme in light of the structure of the spindle poles, which are known to lack centrioles, and the highly asymmetric nature of the meiotic divisions. Received: 8 August 1998 / Accepted: 13 September 1998  相似文献   

The activated form of Ran (Ran-GTP) stimulates spindle assembly in Xenopus laevis egg extracts, presumably by releasing spindle assembly factors, such as TPX2 (target protein for Xenopus kinesin-like protein 2) and NuMA (nuclear-mitotic apparatus protein) from the inhibitory binding of importin-alpha and -beta. We report here that Ran-GTP stimulates the interaction between TPX2 and the Xenopus Aurora A kinase, Eg2. This interaction causes TPX2 to stimulate both the phosphorylation and the kinase activity of Eg2 in a microtubule-dependent manner. We show that TPX2 and microtubules promote phosphorylation of Eg2 by preventing phosphatase I (PPI)-induced dephosphorylation. Activation of Eg2 by TPX2 and microtubules is inhibited by importin-alpha and -beta, although this inhibition is overcome by Ran-GTP both in the egg extracts and in vitro with purified proteins. As the phosphorylation of Eg2 stimulated by the Ran-GTP-TPX2 pathway is essential for spindle assembly, we hypothesize that the Ran-GTP gradient established by the condensed chromosomes is translated into the Aurora A kinase gradient on the microtubules to regulate spindle assembly and dynamics.  相似文献   

Yissachar N  Salem H  Tennenbaum T  Motro B 《FEBS letters》2006,580(27):6489-6495
Members of the NIMA-related kinases (NRK) family are recently emerging as central regulators of various aspects of the cell cycle. However, the cellular roles of the mammalian NRK, Nek7, remain obscure. We show here that the endogenous Nek7 protein is enriched at the centrosome in a microtubule-independent manner. Overexpression of wt or kinase-defective Nek7 resulted in cells of rounder appearance, and higher proportions of multinuclear and apoptotic cells. Down-regulation of Nek7 using a small interfering RNA approach resulted in a significant increase in mitotic cells presenting multipolar spindle phenotype. These results suggest a role for Nek7 in regulating proper spindle assembly and mitotic progression.  相似文献   

In many animals, female meiotic spindles are assembled in the absence of centrosomes, the major microtubule (MT)-organizing centers. How MTs are formed and organized into meiotic spindles is poorly understood. Here we report that, in Caenorhabditis elegans, Aurora A kinase/AIR-1 is required for the formation of spindle microtubules during female meiosis. When AIR-1 was depleted or its kinase activity was inhibited in C. elegans oocytes, although MTs were formed around chromosomes at germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), they were decreased during meiotic prometaphase and failed to form a bipolar spindle, and chromosomes were not separated into two masses. Whereas AIR-1 protein was detected on and around meiotic spindles, its kinase-active form was concentrated on chromosomes at prometaphase and on interchromosomal MTs during late anaphase and telophase. We also found that AIR-1 is involved in the assembly of short, dynamic MTs in the meiotic cytoplasm, and these short MTs were actively incorporated into meiotic spindles. Collectively our results suggest that, after GVBD, the kinase activity of AIR-1 is continuously required for the assembly and/or stabilization of female meiotic spindle MTs.  相似文献   

Cell division entails a marked reorganization of the microtubule network to form the spindle, a molecular machine that ensures accurate chromosome segregation to the daughter cells. Spindle organization is highly dynamic throughout mitosis and requires the activity of several kinases and complex regulatory mechanisms. Aurora A (AurA) kinase is essential for the assembly of the metaphase bipolar spindle and, thus, it has been difficult to address its function during the last phases of mitosis. Here, we examine the consequences of inhibiting AurA in cells undergoing anaphase, and show that AurA kinase activity is necessary for the assembly of a robust central spindle during anaphase. We also identify TACC3 as an AurA substrate essential in central spindle formation.  相似文献   

The synthesis and degradation of hBora is important for the regulation of mitotic entry and exist. In G2 phase, hBora can complex with Aurora A to activate Plk1 and control mitotic entry. However, whether the post-translational modification of hBora is relevant to the mitotic entry still unclear. Here, we used the LC-MS/MS phosphopeptide mapping assay to identify 13 in vivo hBora phosphorylation sites and characterized that GSK3β can interact with hBora and phosphorylate hBora at Ser274 and Ser278. Pharmacological inhibitors of GSK3β reduced the retarded migrating band of hBora in cells and diminished the phosphorylation of hBora by in vitro kinase assay. Moreover, as well as in GSK3β activity-inhibited cells, specific knockdown of GSK3β by shRNA and S274A/S278 hBora mutant-expressing cells also exhibited the reduced Plk1 activation and a delay in mitotic entry. It suggests that GSK3β activity is required for hBora-mediated mitotic entry through Ser274 and Ser278 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The Rnd proteins Rnd1, Rnd2, and Rnd3/RhoE are well known as key regulators of the actin cytoskeleton in various cell types, but they comprise a distinct subgroup of the Rho family in that they are GTP bound and constitutively active. Functional differences of the Rnd proteins in RhoA inhibition signaling have been reported in various cell types. Rnd1 and Rnd3 antagonize RhoA signaling by activating p190 RhoGAP, whereas Rnd2 does not. However, all the members of the Rnd family have been reported to bind directly to p190 RhoGAP and equally induce activation of p190 RhoGAP in vitro, and there is no evidence that accounts for the functional difference of the Rnd proteins in RhoA inhibition signaling. Here we report the role of the N-terminal region in signaling. Rnd1 and Rnd3, but not Rnd2, have a KERRA (Lys-Glu-Arg-Arg-Ala) sequence of amino acids in their N-terminus, which functions as the lipid raft-targeting determinant. The sequence mediates the lipid raft targeting of p190 RhoGAP correlated with its activation. Overall, our results demonstrate a novel regulatory mechanism by which differential membrane targeting governs activities of Rnd proteins to function as RhoA antagonists.  相似文献   

The correct assembly and timely disassembly of the mitotic spindle is crucial for the propagation of the genome during cell division. Aurora kinases play a central role in orchestrating bipolar spindle establishment, chromosome alignment and segregation. In most eukaryotes, ranging from amoebas to humans, Aurora activity appears to be required both at the spindle pole and the kinetochore, and these activities are often split between two different Aurora paralogues, termed Aurora A and B. Polar and equatorial functions of Aurora kinases have generally been considered separately, with Aurora A being mostly involved in centrosome dynamics, whereas Aurora B coordinates kinetochore attachment and cytokinesis. However, double inactivation of both Aurora A and B results in a dramatic synergy that abolishes chromosome segregation. This suggests that these two activities jointly coordinate mitotic progression. Accordingly, recent evidence suggests that Aurora A and B work together in both spindle assembly in metaphase and disassembly in anaphase. Here, we provide an outlook on these shared functions of the Auroras, discuss the evolution of this family of mitotic kinases and speculate why Aurora kinase activity may be required at both ends of the spindle microtubules.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Aurora/Ipl1p-related kinase AIR-2 is required for mitotic chromosome segregation and cytokinesis in early Caenorhabditis elegans embryos. Previous studies have relied on non-conditional mutations or RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) to inactivate AIR-2. It has therefore not been possible to determine whether AIR-2 functions directly in cytokinesis or if the cleavage defect results indirectly from the failure to segregate DNA. One intriguing hypothesis is that AIR-2 acts to localize the mitotic kinesin-like protein ZEN-4 (also known as CeMKLP1), which later functions in cytokinesis. RESULTS: Using conditional alleles, we established that AIR-2 is required at metaphase or early anaphase for normal segregation of chromosomes, localization of ZEN-4, and cytokinesis. ZEN-4 is first required late in cytokinesis, and also functions to maintain cell separation through much of the subsequent interphase. DNA segregation defects alone were not sufficient to disrupt cytokinesis in other mutants, suggesting that AIR-2 acts specifically during cytokinesis through ZEN-4. AIR-2 and ZEN-4 shared similar genetic interactions with the formin homology (FH) protein CYK-1, suggesting that AIR-2 and ZEN-4 function in a single pathway, in parallel to a contractile ring pathway that includes CYK-1. Using in vitro co-immunoprecipitation experiments, we found that AIR-2 and ZEN-4 interact directly. CONCLUSIONS: AIR-2 has two functions during mitosis: one in chromosome segregation, and a second, independent function in cytokinesis through ZEN-4. AIR-2 and ZEN-4 may act in parallel to a second pathway that includes CYK-1.  相似文献   

The formation of the mitotic spindle is a complex process that requires massive cellular reorganization. Regulation by mitotic kinases controls this entire process. One of these mitotic controllers is Aurora A kinase, which is itself highly regulated. In this study, we show that the nuclear pore protein ALADIN is a novel spatial regulator of Aurora A. Without ALADIN, Aurora A spreads from centrosomes onto spindle microtubules, which affects the distribution of a subset of microtubule regulators and slows spindle assembly and chromosome alignment. ALADIN interacts with inactive Aurora A and is recruited to the spindle pole after Aurora A inhibition. Of interest, mutations in ALADIN cause triple A syndrome. We find that some of the mitotic phenotypes that we observe after ALADIN depletion also occur in cells from triple A syndrome patients, which raises the possibility that mitotic errors may underlie part of the etiology of this syndrome.  相似文献   

Glover DM 《Molecular cell》2003,12(4):797-799
An exciting study in this issue reveals how binding of the microtubule associated protein TPX2 to the mitotic kinase Aurora A induces a conformational change. This moves the phosphorylated activation domain into a more compact position within the kinase core, providing a better substrate binding platform and hiding the activating phosphoryl group from attack by PP1.  相似文献   

Disruption of the function of the A-type Aurora kinase of Drosophila by mutation or RNAi leads to a reduction in the length of astral microtubules in syncytial embryos, larval neuroblasts, and cultured S2 cells. In neuroblasts, it can also lead to loss of an organized centrosome and its associated aster from one of the spindle poles, whereas the centrosome at the other pole has multiple centrioles. When centrosomes are present at the poles of aurA mutants or aurA RNAi spindles, they retain many antigens but are missing the Drosophila counterpart of mammalian transforming acidic coiled coil (TACC) proteins, D-TACC. We show that a subpopulation of the total Aurora A is present in a complex with D-TACC, which is a substrate for the kinase. We propose that one of the functions of Aurora A kinase is to direct centrosomal organization such that D-TACC complexed to the MSPS/XMAP215 microtubule-associated protein may be recruited, and thus modulate the behavior of astral microtubules.  相似文献   

Blower MD  Nachury M  Heald R  Weis K 《Cell》2005,121(2):223-234
Centrosome-independent microtubule polymerization around chromosomes has been shown to require a local gradient of RanGTP, which discharges mitotic cargoes from the nuclear import receptor importin beta. Here, we have used an activity-based assay in Xenopus egg extracts to purify the mRNA export protein Rae1 as a spindle assembly factor regulated by this pathway. Rae1 is a microtubule-associated protein that binds directly to importin beta. Depletion of Rae1 from extracts or cells severely inhibits mitotic spindle assembly. A purified Rae1 complex stabilizes microtubules in egg extracts in a RanGTP/importin beta-regulated manner. Interestingly, Rae1 exists in a large ribonucleoprotein complex, which requires RNA for its activity to control microtubule dynamics in vitro. Furthermore, we provide evidence that RNA associates with the mitotic spindle and that it plays a direct, translation-independent role in spindle assembly. Our studies reveal an unexpected function for RNA in spindle morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The Rho GTPases are critical regulators of the actin cytoskeleton and are required for cell adhesion, migration, and polarity. Among the key Rho regulatory proteins in the context of cell migration are the p190 RhoGAPs (p190A and p190B), which function to modulate Rho signaling in response to integrin engagement. The p190 RhoGAPs undergo complex regulation, including phosphorylation by several identified kinases, interactions with phospholipids, and association with a variety of cellular proteins. Here, we have identified an additional regulatory mechanism unique to p190A RhoGAP that involves priming-dependent phosphorylation by glycogen synthase-3-beta (GSK-3beta), a kinase previously implicated in establishing cell polarity. We found that p190A-deficient fibroblasts exhibit a defect in directional cell migration reflecting a requirement for GSK-3beta-mediated phosphorylation of amino acids in the C-terminal "tail" of p190A. This phosphorylation leads to inhibition of p190A RhoGAP activity in vitro and in vivo. These studies identify p190A as a novel GSK-3beta substrate and reveal a mechanism by which GSK-3beta contributes to cellular polarization in directionally migrating cells via effects on Rho GTPase activity.  相似文献   

Human Cep192 is required for mitotic centrosome and spindle assembly   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
As cells enter mitosis, centrosomes dramatically increase in size and ability to nucleate microtubules. This process, termed centrosome maturation, is driven by the accumulation and activation of gamma-tubulin and other proteins that form the pericentriolar material on centrosomes during G2/prophase. Here, we show that the human centrosomal protein, Cep192 (centrosomal protein of 192 kDa), is an essential component of the maturation machinery. Specifically, we have found that siRNA depletion of Cep192 results in a complete loss of functional centrosomes in mitotic but not interphase cells. In mitotic cells lacking Cep192, microtubules become organized around chromosomes but rarely acquire stable bipolar configurations. These cells contain normal numbers of centrioles but cannot assemble gamma-tubulin, pericentrin, or other pericentriolar proteins into an organized PCM. Alternatively, overexpression of Cep192 results in the formation of multiple, extracentriolar foci of gamma-tubulin and pericentrin. Together, our findings support the hypothesis that Cep192 stimulates the formation of the scaffolding upon which gamma-tubulin ring complexes and other proteins involved in microtubule nucleation and spindle assembly become functional during mitosis.  相似文献   

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