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The freshwater diatom Asterionella formosa Haas. was grown in semicontinuous culture at 20°C under continuous cool-white fluorescent light of ca. 20 μEin · m?2· s ·?1 in a medium containing Si: P in various concentration ratios. The cell quotas of P and Si changed in relation to the available concentrations of P and Si at constant μ= 0.11 and 0.16 d?1. Under Si-limitation, the P cell quota increased by over an order of magnitude as the influent [Si:P] decreased. The Si cell quota increased with increase in [Si] in the influent medium, and it increased as [P] increased at a specific [Si]. Under P-limitation, the P cell quotas were fairly constant and low; the Si cell quotas were relatively high and decreased slightly as influent [P] and [Si] increased. Asterionella stored up to 28 times more P and 2 times more Si than needed. The number of Asterionella cells per colony varied as a function of the influent [Si:P] and nutrient limitation being usually less than or equal to 6 when P-limited, and greater than 10 when Si-limited.  相似文献   

Patterns of changes in cell size, growth rate, and the inducibility of spermatogenesis were followed in eight sub‐clones of two isolates of the centric diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grunow) Fryxell & Hasle grown at saturating light. One isolate originated from Long Island Sound, New York, USA and the other originated from Jakarta Harbor, Indonesia. As expected from previous studies, oscillations between intervals of cell size reduction and cell size enlargement were observed for each sub‐clone. For both isolates, sperm were easily detected, but cells resembling eggs and auxospores were rarely observed and fertilization was not confirmed, suggesting that the observed cell size increases may have resulted from a combination of asexual cell enlargement and rare auxosporulation. The two isolates differed in their minimum and maximum sizes, and the threshold size for the induction of sperm formation. However, the two sets of isolated sub‐clones displayed comparable relationships between growth rate, sperm inducibility, and cell size relative to the minimum, maximum, and threshold sizes. Growth rate increased as cell size decreased during vegetative divisions until the threshold for sperm inducibility was crossed. Below the size threshold for sperm inducibility, growth rate declined as cell size continued to decrease. Smaller cells were susceptible to failure of normal cytokinesis and valve deposition, resulting in the formation of abnormally long and often multinucleate cells. Culture conditions may select against restoration of cell size via auxosporulation due to the relationship between growth rate and cell size.  相似文献   

Although activity of the enzyme nitrate reductase (NR) can potentially be used to predict the rate of nitrate incorporation in field assemblages of marine phytoplankton, application of this index has met with little success because the relationship between the two rates is not well established under steady-state conditions. To provide a basis for using NR activity measurements, the relationships among NR activity, growth rate, cell composition, and nitrate incorporation rate were examined in cultures of Thalassiosira pseudonana (Hustedt)Hasle and Heimdal, growing a) under steady-state light limitation, b) during transitions between low and high irradiance (15 or 90 μmol quanta.m?2.s?1), and c) under steady-state nitrate limitation. Using a modified assay for NR involving additions of bovine serum albumin to stabilize enzyme activity, NR activity in light-limited cultures was positively and quantitatively related to calculated rates of nitrate incorporation, even in cultures that were apparently starved of selenium. During transitions in irradiance, growth rates acclimated to new conditions within 1 day; through the transition, the relationship between NR activity and nitrate incorporation rate remained quantitative. In nitrate-limited chemostat cultures, NR activity was positively correlated with growth rate and with nitrate incorporation rates, but the relationship was not quantitative. NR activity exceeded nitrate incorporation rates at lower growth rates (<25% of nutrient-replete growth rates), but chemostats operating at such low dilution rates may not represent ecologically relevant conditions for marine diatoms. The strong relationship between NR activity and nitrate incorporation provides support for the idea that NR is rate-limiting for nitrate incorporation or is closely coupled to the rate-limiting step. In an effort to determine a suitable variable for scaling NR activity, relationships between different cell components and growth rate were examined. These relationships differed depending on the limiting factor. For example, under light limitation, cell volume and cell carbon content increased significantly with increased growth rate, while under nitrate limitation cell volume and carbon content decreased as growth rates increased. Despite the differences found between cell composition and growth rate under light and nitrate limitation, the relationships between NR activity scaled to different compositional variables and growth rate did not differ between the limitations. In field situations where cell numbers are not easily determined, scaling NR activity to particulate nitrogen content may be the best alternative. These results establish a strong basis for pursuing NR activity measurements as indices of nitrate incorporation in the field.  相似文献   

The effects of iron limitation on photoacclimation to dynamic irradiance were studied in Phaeocystis antarctica G. Karst. and Fragilariopsis cylindrus (Grunow) W. Krieg. in terms of growth rate, photosynthetic parameters, pigment composition, and fluorescence characteristics. Under dynamic light conditions mimicking vertical mixing below the euphotic zone, P. antarctica displayed higher growth rates than F. cylindrus both under iron (Fe)–replete and Fe‐limiting conditions. Both species showed xanthophyll de‐epoxidation that was accompanied by low levels of nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) during the irradiance maximum of the light cycle. The potential for NPQ at light levels corresponding to full sunlight was substantial in both species and increased under Fe limitation in F. cylindrus. Although the decline in Fv/Fm under Fe limitation was similar in both species, the accompanying decrease in the maximum rate of photosynthesis and growth rate was much stronger in F. cylindrus. Analysis of the electron transport rates through PSII and on to carbon (C) fixation revealed a large potential for photoprotective cyclic electron transport (CET) in F. cylindrus, particularly under Fe limitation. Probably, CET aided the photoprotection in F. cylindrus, but it also reduced photosynthetic efficiency at higher light intensities. P. antarctica, on the other hand, was able to efficiently use electrons flowing through PSII for C fixation at all light levels, particularly under Fe limitation. Thus, Fe limitation enhanced the photophysiological differences between P. antarctica and diatoms, supporting field observations where P. antarctica is found to dominate deeply mixed water columns, whereas diatoms dominate shallower mixed layers.  相似文献   

The enormous species diversity of diatoms correlates with the remarkable range of cell sizes in this group. Nuclear DNA content relates fundamentally to cell volume in other eukaryotic cells. The relationship of cell volume to G1 DNA content was determined among selected members of the genus Thalassiosira, one of the most species‐rich and well‐studied centric diatom genera. Both minimum and maximum species‐specific cell volume correlated positively with G1 DNA content. Phylogeny based on 5.8 S and ITS rDNA sequences indicated that multiple changes in G1 DNA content and cell volume occurred in Thalassiosira evolution, leading to a 1,000‐fold range in both parameters in the group. Within the Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grunow) G. A. Fryxell et Grunow species complex, G1 DNA content varied 3‐fold: differences related to geographic origin and time since isolation; doubling and tripling of G1 DNA content occurred since isolation in certain T. weissflogii isolates; and subcultures of T. weissflogii CCMP 1336 diverged in DNA content by 50% within 7 years of separation. Actin, β‐tubulin, and Spo11/TopVIA genes were selected for quantitative PCR estimation of haploid genome size in subclones of selected T. weissflogii isolates because they occur only once in the T. pseudonana Hasle et Heimdal genome. Comparison of haploid genome size estimates with G1 DNA content suggested that the most recent T. weissflogii isolate was diploid, whereas other T. weissflogii isolates appeared to be polyploid and/or aneuploid. Aberrant meiotic and mitotic cell divisions were observed, which might relate to polyploidization. The structural flexibility of diatom genomes has important implications for their evolutionary diversification and stability during laboratory maintenance.  相似文献   

A correlation between genome size and cell volume has been observed across diverse assemblages of eukaryotes. We examined this relationship in diatoms (Bacillariophyceae), a phylum in which cell volume is of critical ecological and biogeochemical importance. In addition to testing whether there is a predictive relationship across extant species, we tested whether evolutionary divergences in genome size were correlated with evolutionary divergences in cell size (using independent contrasts). We estimated total DNA content for 16 diatom species using a flow cytometer and estimated cell volumes using critical dimensions with scaling equations. Our independent contrast analyses indicated a significant correlated evolution between genome size and cell volume. We then explored the evolutionary and ecological implications of this evolutionary relationship. Diatom cell volume is an important component of the global carbon cycle; therefore, understanding the mechanisms that drive diatom genome evolution has both evolutionary and ecological importance.  相似文献   

Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin (Bacillariophyceae) was maintained in exponential growth under Fe‐replete and stressed conditions over a range of temperatures from 5 to 30° C. The maximum growth rate (GR) was observed at 20° C (optimal temperature) for Fe‐replete and ‐stressed cells. There was a gradual decrease in the GR decreasing temperatures below the optimum temperature; however, the growth rate dropped sharply as temperature increased above the optimum temperature. Fe‐stressed cells grew at half the growth rate of Fe‐replete cells at 20° C, whereas this difference became larger at lower temperatures. The change in metabolic activities showed a similar pattern to the change in growth rate temperature aside from their optimum temperature. Nitrate reductase activity (NRA) and respiratory electron transport system activity (ETS) per cell were maximal between 15 and 20° C, whereas cell‐specific photosynthetic rate (Pcell) was maximal at 20° C for Fe‐replete cells. These metabolic activities were influenced by Fe deficiency, which is consistent with the theoretical prediction that these activities should have an Fe dependency. The degree of influence of Fe deficiency, however, was different for the four metabolic activities studied: NRA > Pcell > ETS = GR. NRA in Fe‐stressed cells was only 10% of that in Fe‐replete cells at the same temperature. These results suggest that cells would have different Fe requirements for each metabolic pathway or that the priority of Fe supply to each metabolic reaction is related to Fe nutrition. In contrast, the order of influence of decreasing the temperature from the optimum temperature was ETS > Pcell > NRA > GR. For NRA, the observed temperature dependency could not be accounted for by the temperature dependency of the enzyme reaction rate itself that was almost constant with temperature, suggesting that production of the enzyme would be temperature dependent. For ETS, both the enzyme reactivity and the amount of enzyme accounted for the dependency. This is the first report to demonstrate the combined effects of Fe and temperature on three important metabolic activities (NRA, Pcell, and ETS) and to determine which activity is affected the most by a shortage of Fe. Cellular composition was also influenced by Fe deficiency, showing lower chl a content in the Fe‐stressed cells. Chl a per cell volume decreased by 30% as temperature decreased from 20 to 10° C under Fe‐replete conditions, but chl a decreased by 50% from Fe‐replete to Fe‐stressed conditions.  相似文献   

Size restoration by the auxospore that develops from the zygote is a crucial stage in diatom life cycles. However, information on sexual events in pelagic diatom species is very limited. We report for the first time auxospore formation by the pennate diatom Fragilariopsis kerguelensis (O'Hara) Hustedt during an iron‐induced bloom in the Southern Ocean (EIFEX, European Iron Fertilization EXperiment). Auxospores of F. kerguelensis resembled those described for Pseudo‐nitzschia species. The auxospore was characterized by an outer coating, the perizonium; two caps, one at each distal end; and four chloroplasts, one at each end and two in the central part. Different stages of auxospore elongation were recorded, with a length of 24–91 μm, but only the largest auxospores contained the initial cell, whose apical axis ranged between 76 and 90 μm. Gametangial cell walls were often attached to the auxospores and ranged from 10 to 31 μm in length. Auxospore abundances were consistently higher in the fertilized patch, where an increase in the F. kerguelensis population was observed, as compared with surrounding waters.  相似文献   

Iron starvation induced marked increases in flavodoxin abundance and decreases in light-saturated and light-limited photosynthesis rates in the diatom Chaetoceros muelleri. Consistent with the substitution of flavodoxin for ferredoxin as an early response to iron starvation, increases of flavodoxin abundance were observed before declines of cell division rate or chl a specific photosynthesis rates. Changes in the abundance of flavodoxin after the addition of iron to iron-starved cells indicated that flavodoxin was not actively degraded under iron-replete conditions. Greater declines in light-saturated oxygen evolution rates than dark oxygen consumption rates indicated that the mitochondrial electron transfer chain was not affected as greatly by iron starvation as the photosynthetic electron transfer chain. The carbon:nitrogen ratio was unaffected by iron starvation, suggesting that photosynthetic electron transfer was a primary target of iron starvation and that reductions in nitrate assimilation were due to energy limitation (the C:N ratio would be expected to rise under nitrogen-limited but energy-replete conditions). Parallel changes were observed in the maximum light-saturated photosynthesis rate and the light-limited initial slope of the photosynthesis-light curve during iron starvation and recovery. The lowest photosynthesis rates were observed in iron-starved cells and the highest values in iron-replete cells. The light saturation parameter, Ik, was not affected by iron starvation, nor was the chl-to-C ratio markedly reduced. These observations were consistent with iron starvation having a similar or greater effect on photochemical charge separation in PSII than on downstream electron transfer steps. Declines of the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence in iron-starved cells were consistent with PSII being a primary target of iron starvation. The functional cross-section of PSII was affected only marginally (<20%) by iron starvation, with the largest values observed in iron-starved cells. The rate constant for electron transfer calculated from fast repetition rate fluorescence was found to covary with the light-saturated photosynthesis rate; it was lowest in the most severely starved cells.  相似文献   

Growth and sexual reproduction of the marine littoral diatom Cocconeis scutellum Ehrenb. var. ornata Grun. were investigated at 30 different combinations of temperature (5, 10, 14, 18, 22° C), irradiance (20, 60, 100 μE·m?2·s?1) and daylength (14:10 and 10:14 h LD cycle). Growth occurred at all combinations. The optimal growth was observed at 14–18° C, long daylength and highest-to-moderate irradiance, and at 18° C, short daylength and highest irradiance. Sexual reproduction on the other hand occurred between 5 and 18° C, and the optimal condition was 10–14° C and short daylength. Annual cyclic, and sesonal changes in the distribution of cell size (valve length) were observed in a field population. These changes were characterized by an annual minimum in mean cell size in autumn, an annual maximum in winter, a slight decrease from the mean in spring–middle summer, a rapid decrease from the mean in late summer–early autumn, and appearance of bimodal distribution of cell size in winter. These changes were caused by sexual reproduction in autumn, rapid growth in late summer–early autumn and slow growth in other seasons, and poor viability of small cells near the lower end of the size range.  相似文献   

Achnanthes longipes Ag. is a marine stalk‐forming diatom that grows in dense biofilms. The effects of cell density, temperature, and light on growth and stalk production were examined in the laboratory to determine how they affected the ability of this diatom to form a biofilm. Stalk production abruptly increased when A. longipes was cultured at a density of 5.4 × 103 cells·mL ? 1 1 Received 23 February 2002. Accepted 22 July 2002.
, with a lag before stalk production occurring in cultures initiated at lower densities. Growth occurred at all temperatures from 8 to 32° C, with maximum growth at 26° C. Growth rate was light saturated at 60 μmol photons·m ? 2·s ? 1 1 Received 23 February 2002. Accepted 22 July 2002.
. Stalk production was determined as the proportion of cells producing stalks and stalk length in response to various temperatures and light intensities at high (5000 cells·mL ? 1 1 Received 23 February 2002. Accepted 22 July 2002.
) and low (500 cells·mL ? 1 1 Received 23 February 2002. Accepted 22 July 2002.
) densities. More cells formed stalks at high density, with no difference in stalk length. The proportion of cells producing stalks was maximal at 20° C, with little change at 17–32° C. Stalk length was at a maximum between 14 and 26° C. Stalk production showed little change in response to varying light intensity. The results of an earlier investigation on the effects of bromide concentration on stalk formation were expressed as the proportion of cells forming stalks and the lengths of the stalks. Both measures of stalk production varied with bromide concentration, with maximum values at 30 mM bromide. The increased stalk production at higher densities may be a means of elevating cells above the substrate to avoid competition in the dense biofilm.  相似文献   

We investigated rates and mechanisms of photoacclimation in cultures of Phaeocystis antarctica G. Karst. and Fragilariopsis cylindrus (Grunow) Willi Krieg, phytoplankton taxa that each dominate distinct areas of the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Both P. antarctica and F. cylindrus acclimated to increases in irradiance by reducing the effective size of the pigment antenna (σPSII) via xanthophyll‐cycle activity and reductions in chl. While enhanced photoprotection facilitated increases in specific growth rate and eventually led to higher light‐saturated photosynthetic rates (Pcellm) in P. antarctica, increases in those variables were much smaller in F. cylindrus. In response to a lower irradiance, relaxation of xanthophyll‐cycle activity led to an increase in σPSII in both taxa, which occurred much more slowly in F. cylindrus. A surprising increase in specific growth rate over the first 36 h of acclimation in P. antarctica may have facilitated the significant reductions in Pcellm observed in that taxon. In general, P. antarctica acclimated more quickly to changes in irradiance than F. cylindrus, exhibited a wider range in photosynthetic rates, but was more susceptible to photoinhibition. This acclimation strategy is consistent with growth in deeply mixed water columns with variations in irradiance that allow time for repair. In contrast, the slower acclimation rates, extensive photoprotection, and low photoinhibition exhibited by F. cylindrus suggest that it does not require the same period for repair as P. antarctica and is best suited for growth in habitats with relatively uniform irradiance, such as shallow mixed layers or sea ice.  相似文献   

Here, we describe the first system for genetic transformation of Thalassiosira pseudonana (Hustedt) Hasle et Heimdal, the only diatom for which a complete genome sequence is presently available. This method is based on microparticle bombardment followed by selection of transformants using the antibiotic nourseothricin. It exhibits the highest transformation efficiency compared with transformation systems for other diatom species. To achieve the high transformation efficiency, it is important to allow recovery of the bombarded T. pseudonana cells in non‐selective suspension culture before spreading on nourseothricin containing agar plates. It is demonstrated that T. pseudonana is readily susceptible to co‐transformation allowing for the simultaneous introduction of a non‐selective gene together with the selection marker gene. Both introduced genes are stably inherited even in the absence of the antibiotic selection pressure. We have developed two T. pseudonana‐specific expression vectors that can drive constitutive expression (vector pTpfcp) and inducible expression (vector pTpNR) of introduced genes. In combination with the available genome data the T. pseudonana transformation system is expected to provide a powerful tool for functional genomics in diatoms.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the differences in the biochemical and elemental stoichiometry of a freshwater centric diatom, Stephanodiscus minutulus (Grun.), under various nutrient regimes. Stephanodiscus minutulus was grown at μmax or 22% of μmax under limitation by silicon, nitrogen, or phosphorus. Cell sizes for nutrient‐limited cultures were significantly smaller than the non‐limited cell sizes, with N‐limited cells being significantly smaller than all other treatments. Compared with the nutrient‐replete treatment, both carbohydrates and lipids increased in Si‐ and P‐limited cells, whereas carbohydrates increased but proteins decreased in N‐limited cells. All of the growth‐limited cells showed an increase of carbohydrate and triglyceride, and a decrease of cell size and polar lipids as a percentage of total lipids. The non‐limited cells also had a significantly higher chl a concentration and galactolipids as a percentage of total lipids than any of the limited treatments, and the low‐Si and low‐P cells had significantly higher values than the low‐N cells. The particulate C concentrations showed significant differences between treatments, with the Si‐ and P‐limited treatments being significantly higher than the N‐ and non‐limited treatments. Particulate Si did not show a strong relationship with any of the parameters measured, and it was the only parameter with no differences between treatments. The low‐Si cells had a significantly higher P content (about two times more) than any other treatment, presumably owing to the luxury consumption of P, and a correspondingly high phospholipid concentration. The elemental data showed that S. minutulus had a high P demand with low optimum N:P (4) and Si:P (10) ratios and a C:N:P ratio of 109:16:2.3. The particulate C showed a positive relationship with POM (r = 0.93), dry weight (r = 0.88), lipid (r = 0.87) and protein (r = 0.84, all P < 0.0001). Particulate N showed a positive relationship with galactolipids (r = 0.95), protein (r = 0.90), dry weight (r = 0.78), lipid (r = 0.75), and cell volume (r = 0.64, all P < 0.0001). It is evident that nutrient limitation in the freshwater diatom S. minutulus has pronounced effects on its biochemical and elemental stoichiometry.  相似文献   

The effect of cell size on growth rates and some cellular contents of Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii Cleve has been measured at 0 and 10 C. At 0 C the growth rate did not vary with cell size. The 2 smallest clones at this temperature had reduced growth rates because of the induction of sexuality in that size range. The clones grown at 10 C showed a significant negative relationship between growth rate and valve diameter with the cell surface area/volume ratio positively related to growth rate. At both temperatures the smaller cells had proportionately more carbon and nitrogen/unit cell volume. The amount of chlorophyll a and silica/unit cell surface area increased with increasing cell surface area at both 0 and 10 C. Both the C/N and C/chl a ratios showed no significant change with cell size at either temperature but there was a significant increase in the C/chl a ratio at 0 C. The C/Si ratio decreased with increasing cell size at both 0 and 10 C.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton primary productivity in the Southern Ocean is controlled by complex interactions among iron, light, and grazing. This project interfaced with the Southern Ocean iron experiment (SOFeX) that created two iron‐enriched patches north and south of the Polar Front each with distinct silicic acid concentrations. We used pulse amplitude modulated fluorometry and measured the recovery of the maximum quantum yield of photochemistry (Fv/Fm) for three size fractions (whole, <5, <20 μm) and light adapted quantum yield (ΔF/Fm) for single phytoplankton cells. The rates of recovery from iron stress were found to be unrelated to average cell size for both size‐fractioned and single‐celled measurements. The smallest cells appeared to exhibit more severe iron stress at the onset of the experiment than the larger taxa. The largest response detected in regression parameters was that of the pennate diatoms, which took only ~3.4 days to reach the maximum quantum yield, whereas the centric diatom Asteromphalus sp. reached maximum ΔF/Fm after ~10.4 days. The north patch measurements showed a different response; the smallest cells never reached maximum ΔF/Fm, whereas the size fraction containing the largest cells did. Single‐celled measurements made nearly 30 days after the initial iron enrichment suggested that diatoms were experiencing either silicic acid or iron limitation, whereas measurements of Phaeocystis sp. did not. These data represent the first study of in situ recovery rates of PSII for groups of diatoms, and may help elucidate the mechanisms of species change in response to environmental perturbation.  相似文献   

Specific growth rate of Cryptomonas ovata var. palustris Pringsheim was measured in batch culture at 14 light-temperature combinations. Both the maximum growth rate (μm) and optimum light intensity (Iopt) fit an empirical function that increases exponentially with temperature up to an optimum (Topt), then declines rapidly as temperature exceeds Topt. Incorporation of these functions into Steele's growth equation gives a good estimate of specific growth rate over a wide range of temperature and light intensity. Rates of phosphate, ammonium and nitrate uptake were measured separately at 16 combinations of irradiance and temperature and following a spike addition of all starved cells initially took up nutrient at a rapid rate. This transitory surge was followed by a period of steady, substrate-saturated uptake that persisted until external nutrient concentration fell. Substrate-saturated NO3?-uptake proceeded at very slow rates in the dark and was stimulated by both increased temperature and irradiance; NH4+-uptake apparently proceeded at a basal rate at 8 and l4 C and was also stimulated by increased temperature and irradiance. Rates of NH4?-uptake were much higher than NO3?-uptake at all light-temperature combinations. Below 20 C, PO4?3-uptake was more rapid in dark than in light, but was light enhanced at 26 C.  相似文献   

Pseudo‐nitzschia seriata (Cleve) H. Peragallo isolated from Scottish west coast waters was studied in batch culture with phosphate (P) or silicate (Si) as the yield‐limiting nutrient at 15°C. This species produced the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA) when either nutrient was limiting but produced more when stressed by Si limitation during the stationary phase. Under P‐limiting conditions, exponential growth stopped after P was reduced to a low threshold concentration. Under Si‐limiting conditions, fast exponential growth was followed by a period of slower exponential growth, until Si became exhausted. A stationary phase was observed in the P‐limited but not the Si‐limited cultures, the latter showing a rapid decrease in cell density after the second exponential growth phase. Si‐limited cultures exhibited a further period of active metabolism (as indicated by increases in chl and carbon per cell) late in the experiment, presumably fueled by regenerated Si. DA production was low in exponential phase under both conditions. In P‐limited cultures, most DA was produced during the immediate postexponential phase, with little or no new DA produced during later cell senescence. In contrast, although a substantial amount of DA was produced during the slower exponential phase of the Si‐limited cultures, DA production was even greater near the end of the experiment, coincident with the period of chl synthesis and increase in carbon biomass. Comparison of the magnitude of toxin production in the two nutrient regimes indicated a greater threat of P. seriata‐generated amnesic shellfish poisoning events under Si rather than P nutrient limitation.  相似文献   

Isolates of the centric diatom, Thalassiosira weissflogii Grun., were maintained in exponential growth under constant, favorable conditions for nearly 2 years. During this interval, each culture underwent periodic increases and decreases in mean cell size, a behavior predicted for diatom populations alternating between sexual and asexual reproduction, respectively. The overall patterns of cell size change displayed by each culture, however, were unique. The maximum size of newly enlarged cells varied among isolates and within a given isolate over time. Consequently, both the timing and rate of increase in mean cell size also varied despite the fact that the minimum average cell size obtained by the various cultures was relatively constant. The most consistent feature among the isolates was the rate of decrease in mean cell size, a value determined by the physical constraints of the diatom frustule during mitotic divisions. We hypothesize that the extent of the variability exhibited by these cultures results from the fact that an inherent feature of diatom populations is a constantly changing genetic composition.  相似文献   

This paper describes the perizonium and initial valve formation in Navicula cuspidata Kütz., based on light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations. The perizonium consists of concentric over-lapping bands, laid down sequentially at the tips of the expanding biconical auxospore during its elongation. The central perizonial band has fimbriate edges and is considerably more rigid than the more distal bands. During auxospore elongation and the band secretion, the chloroplasts continuously oscillate between the two ends of the cell; this oscillation ceases once the elongation is complete. The initial valves, formed within the perizonium, are molded into the basically biconical shape of the perizonium except for a central flattening of each valve face. In contrast to the raphes in gametangial and vegetative valves which are surrounded by a smooth axial area, the raphes in initial valves lie within a raised ridge running along the apical axis of the valve. The regular pattern of apically oriented ridges on the outer surface of vegetative valves is also lacking on initial valves. Comparison of pore–pore spacing within striae of gametangial valves, initial values and post-initial valves (first division and vegetative cells) reveals that the pore–pore distance within striae is conserved at all sexual stages. However, the distance between striae is considerably larger in initial valves than in gametangial and post-initial valves. Vegetative interstriae spacing as well as the planar morphology of the valve face is regained at the first division of the initial cell. This suggests that the spacing between striae is dependent on the sexual stage of the cell during valve formation (i.e. not directly dependent on the cell size) and can be altered independently of the pore–pore spacing.  相似文献   

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