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Biomedical researchers are often interested in estimating the effect of an environmental exposure in relation to a chronic disease endpoint. However, the exposure variable of interest may be measured with errors. In a subset of the whole cohort, a surrogate variable is available for the true unobserved exposure variable. The surrogate variable satisfies an additive measurement error model, but it may not have repeated measurements. The subset in which the surrogate variables are available is called a calibration sample. In addition to the surrogate variables that are available among the subjects in the calibration sample, we consider the situation when there is an instrumental variable available for all study subjects. An instrumental variable is correlated with the unobserved true exposure variable, and hence can be useful in the estimation of the regression coefficients. In this paper, we propose a nonparametric method for Cox regression using the observed data from the whole cohort. The nonparametric estimator is the best linear combination of a nonparametric correction estimator from the calibration sample and the difference of the naive estimators from the calibration sample and the whole cohort. The asymptotic distribution is derived, and the finite sample performance of the proposed estimator is examined via intensive simulation studies. The methods are applied to the Nutritional Biomarkers Study of the Women's Health Initiative.  相似文献   

We construct Bayesian methods for semiparametric modeling of a monotonic regression function when the predictors are measured with classical error. Berkson error, or a mixture of the two. Such methods require a distribution for the unobserved (latent) predictor, a distribution we also model semiparametrically. Such combinations of semiparametric methods for the dose response as well as the latent variable distribution have not been considered in the measurement error literature for any form of measurement error. In addition, our methods represent a new approach to those problems where the measurement error combines Berkson and classical components. While the methods are general, we develop them around a specific application, namely, the study of thyroid disease in relation to radiation fallout from the Nevada test site. We use this data to illustrate our methods, which suggest a point estimate (posterior mean) of relative risk at high doses nearly double that of previous analyses but that also suggest much greater uncertainty in the relative risk.  相似文献   

Summary We introduce a correction for covariate measurement error in nonparametric regression applied to longitudinal binary data arising from a study on human sleep. The data have been surveyed to investigate the association of some hormonal levels and the probability of being asleep. The hormonal effect is modeled flexibly while we account for the error‐prone measurement of its concentration in the blood and the longitudinal character of the data. We present a fully Bayesian treatment utilizing Markov chain Monte Carlo inference techniques, and also introduce block updating to improve sampling and computational performance in the binary case. Our model is partly inspired by the relevance vector machine with radial basis functions, where usually very few basis functions are automatically selected for fitting the data. In the proposed approach, we implement such data‐driven complexity regulation by adopting the idea of Bayesian model averaging. Besides the general theory and the detailed sampling scheme, we also provide a simulation study for the Gaussian and the binary cases by comparing our method to the naive analysis ignoring measurement error. The results demonstrate a clear gain when using the proposed correction method, particularly for the Gaussian case with medium and large measurement error variances, even if the covariate model is misspecified.  相似文献   

We investigate methods for regression analysis when covariates are measured with errors. In a subset of the whole cohort, a surrogate variable is available for the true unobserved exposure variable. The surrogate variable satisfies the classical measurement error model, but it may not have repeated measurements. In addition to the surrogate variables that are available among the subjects in the calibration sample, we assume that there is an instrumental variable (IV) that is available for all study subjects. An IV is correlated with the unobserved true exposure variable and hence can be useful in the estimation of the regression coefficients. We propose a robust best linear estimator that uses all the available data, which is the most efficient among a class of consistent estimators. The proposed estimator is shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal under very weak distributional assumptions. For Poisson or linear regression, the proposed estimator is consistent even if the measurement error from the surrogate or IV is heteroscedastic. Finite-sample performance of the proposed estimator is examined and compared with other estimators via intensive simulation studies. The proposed method and other methods are applied to a bladder cancer case-control study.  相似文献   

Exposure measurement error can result in a biased estimate of the association between an exposure and outcome. When the exposure–outcome relationship is linear on the appropriate scale (e.g. linear, logistic) and the measurement error is classical, that is the result of random noise, the result is attenuation of the effect. When the relationship is non‐linear, measurement error distorts the true shape of the association. Regression calibration is a commonly used method for correcting for measurement error, in which each individual's unknown true exposure in the outcome regression model is replaced by its expectation conditional on the error‐prone measure and any fully measured covariates. Regression calibration is simple to execute when the exposure is untransformed in the linear predictor of the outcome regression model, but less straightforward when non‐linear transformations of the exposure are used. We describe a method for applying regression calibration in models in which a non‐linear association is modelled by transforming the exposure using a fractional polynomial model. It is shown that taking a Bayesian estimation approach is advantageous. By use of Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms, one can sample from the distribution of the true exposure for each individual. Transformations of the sampled values can then be performed directly and used to find the expectation of the transformed exposure required for regression calibration. A simulation study shows that the proposed approach performs well. We apply the method to investigate the relationship between usual alcohol intake and subsequent all‐cause mortality using an error model that adjusts for the episodic nature of alcohol consumption.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of jointly modeling survival time and longitudinal data subject to measurement error. The survival times are modeled through the proportional hazards model and a random effects model is assumed for the longitudinal covariate process. Under this framework, we propose an approximate nonparametric corrected-score estimator for the parameter, which describes the association between the time-to-event and the longitudinal covariate. The term nonparametric refers to the fact that assumptions regarding the distribution of the random effects and that of the measurement error are unnecessary. The finite sample size performance of the approximate nonparametric corrected-score estimator is examined through simulation studies and its asymptotic properties are also developed. Furthermore, the proposed estimator and some existing estimators are applied to real data from an AIDS clinical trial.  相似文献   

We consider a Bayesian analysis for modeling a binary response that is subject to misclassification. Additionally, an explanatory variable is assumed to be unobservable, but measurements are available on its surrogate. A binary regression model is developed to incorporate the measurement error in the covariate as well as the misclassification in the response. Unlike existing methods, no model parameters need be assumed known. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are utilized to perform the necessary computations. The methods developed are illustrated using atomic bomb survival data. A simulation experiment explores advantages of the approach.  相似文献   

In many environmental epidemiology studies, the locations and/or times of exposure measurements and health assessments do not match. In such settings, health effects analyses often use the predictions from an exposure model as a covariate in a regression model. Such exposure predictions contain some measurement error as the predicted values do not equal the true exposures. We provide a framework for spatial measurement error modeling, showing that smoothing induces a Berkson-type measurement error with nondiagonal error structure. From this viewpoint, we review the existing approaches to estimation in a linear regression health model, including direct use of the spatial predictions and exposure simulation, and explore some modified approaches, including Bayesian models and out-of-sample regression calibration, motivated by measurement error principles. We then extend this work to the generalized linear model framework for health outcomes. Based on analytical considerations and simulation results, we compare the performance of all these approaches under several spatial models for exposure. Our comparisons underscore several important points. First, exposure simulation can perform very poorly under certain realistic scenarios. Second, the relative performance of the different methods depends on the nature of the underlying exposure surface. Third, traditional measurement error concepts can help to explain the relative practical performance of the different methods. We apply the methods to data on the association between levels of particulate matter and birth weight in the greater Boston area.  相似文献   

Measurement error in exposure variables is a serious impediment in epidemiological studies that relate exposures to health outcomes. In nutritional studies, interest could be in the association between long‐term dietary intake and disease occurrence. Long‐term intake is usually assessed with food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), which is prone to recall bias. Measurement error in FFQ‐reported intakes leads to bias in parameter estimate that quantifies the association. To adjust for bias in the association, a calibration study is required to obtain unbiased intake measurements using a short‐term instrument such as 24‐hour recall (24HR). The 24HR intakes are used as response in regression calibration to adjust for bias in the association. For foods not consumed daily, 24HR‐reported intakes are usually characterized by excess zeroes, right skewness, and heteroscedasticity posing serious challenge in regression calibration modeling. We proposed a zero‐augmented calibration model to adjust for measurement error in reported intake, while handling excess zeroes, skewness, and heteroscedasticity simultaneously without transforming 24HR intake values. We compared the proposed calibration method with the standard method and with methods that ignore measurement error by estimating long‐term intake with 24HR and FFQ‐reported intakes. The comparison was done in real and simulated datasets. With the 24HR, the mean increase in mercury level per ounce fish intake was about 0.4; with the FFQ intake, the increase was about 1.2. With both calibration methods, the mean increase was about 2.0. Similar trend was observed in the simulation study. In conclusion, the proposed calibration method performs at least as good as the standard method.  相似文献   

We propose a new statistical method for constructing a genetic network from microarray gene expression data by using a Bayesian network. An essential point of Bayesian network construction is the estimation of the conditional distribution of each random variable. We consider fitting nonparametric regression models with heterogeneous error variances to the microarray gene expression data to capture the nonlinear structures between genes. Selecting the optimal graph, which gives the best representation of the system among genes, is still a problem to be solved. We theoretically derive a new graph selection criterion from Bayes approach in general situations. The proposed method includes previous methods based on Bayesian networks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method through the analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene expression data newly obtained by disrupting 100 genes.  相似文献   

Valid surrogate endpoints S can be used as a substitute for a true outcome of interest T to measure treatment efficacy in a clinical trial. We propose a causal inference approach to validate a surrogate by incorporating longitudinal measurements of the true outcomes using a mixed modeling approach, and we define models and quantities for validation that may vary across the study period using principal surrogacy criteria. We consider a surrogate-dependent treatment efficacy curve that allows us to validate the surrogate at different time points. We extend these methods to accommodate a delayed-start treatment design where all patients eventually receive the treatment. Not all parameters are identified in the general setting. We apply a Bayesian approach for estimation and inference, utilizing more informative prior distributions for selected parameters. We consider the sensitivity of these prior assumptions as well as assumptions of independence among certain counterfactual quantities conditional on pretreatment covariates to improve identifiability. We examine the frequentist properties (bias of point and variance estimates, credible interval coverage) of a Bayesian imputation method. Our work is motivated by a clinical trial of a gene therapy where the functional outcomes are measured repeatedly throughout the trial.  相似文献   

While epidemiological data typically contain a multivariate response and often also multiple exposure parameters, current methods for safe dose calculations, including the widely used benchmark approach, rely on standard regression techniques. In practice, dose-response modeling and calculation of the exposure limit are often based on the seemingly most sensitive outcome. However, this procedure ignores other available data, is inefficient, and fails to account for multiple testing. Instead, risk assessment could be based on structural equation models, which can accommodate both a multivariate exposure and a multivariate response function. Furthermore, such models will allow for measurement error in the observed variables, which is a requirement for unbiased estimation of the benchmark dose. This methodology is illustrated with the data on neurobehavioral effects in children prenatally exposed to methylmercury, where results based on standard regression models cause an underestimation of the true risk.  相似文献   

Miglioretti DL 《Biometrics》2003,59(3):710-720
Health status is a complex outcome, often characterized by multiple measures. When assessing changes in health status over time, multiple measures are typically collected longitudinally. Analytic challenges posed by these multivariate longitudinal data are further complicated when the outcomes are combinations of continuous, categorical, and count data. To address these challenges, we propose a fully Bayesian latent transition regression approach for jointly analyzing a mixture of longitudinal outcomes from any distribution. Health status is assumed to be a categorical latent variable, and the multiple outcomes are treated as surrogate measures of the latent health state, observed with error. Using this approach, both baseline latent health state prevalences and the probabilities of transitioning between the health states over time are modeled as functions of covariates. The observed outcomes are related to the latent health states through regression models that include subject-specific effects to account for residual correlation among repeated measures over time, and covariate effects to account for differential measurement of the latent health states. We illustrate our approach with data from a longitudinal study of back pain.  相似文献   

In epidemiologic studies, measurement error in the exposure variable can have a detrimental effect on the power of hypothesis testing for detecting the impact of exposure in the development of a disease. To adjust for misclassification in the hypothesis testing procedure involving a misclassified binary exposure variable, we consider a retrospective case–control scenario under the assumption of nondifferential misclassification. We develop a test under Bayesian approach from a posterior distribution generated by a MCMC algorithm and a normal prior under realistic assumptions. We compared this test with an equivalent likelihood ratio test developed under the frequentist approach, using various simulated settings and in the presence or the absence of validation data. In our simulations, we considered varying degrees of sensitivity, specificity, sample sizes, exposure prevalence, and proportion of unvalidated and validated data. In these scenarios, our simulation study shows that the adjusted model (with-validation data model) is always better than the unadjusted model (without validation data model). However, we showed that exception is possible in the fixed budget scenario where collection of the validation data requires a much higher cost. We also showed that both Bayesian and frequentist hypothesis testing procedures reach the same conclusions for the scenarios under consideration. The Bayesian approach is, however, computationally more stable in rare exposure contexts. A real case–control study was used to show the application of the hypothesis testing procedures under consideration.  相似文献   

Li L  Shao J  Palta M 《Biometrics》2005,61(3):824-830
Covariate measurement error in regression is typically assumed to act in an additive or multiplicative manner on the true covariate value. However, such an assumption does not hold for the measurement error of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) in the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study (WSCS). The true covariate is the severity of SDB, and the observed surrogate is the number of breathing pauses per unit time of sleep, which has a nonnegative semicontinuous distribution with a point mass at zero. We propose a latent variable measurement error model for the error structure in this situation and implement it in a linear mixed model. The estimation procedure is similar to regression calibration but involves a distributional assumption for the latent variable. Modeling and model-fitting strategies are explored and illustrated through an example from the WSCS.  相似文献   

A major drawback of epidemiological ecological studies, in which the association between area-level summaries of risk and exposure is used to make inference about individual risk, is the difficulty in characterizing within-area variability in exposure and confounder variables. To avoid ecological bias, samples of individual exposure/confounder data within each area are required. Unfortunately, these may be difficult or expensive to obtain, particularly if large samples are required. In this paper, we propose a new approach suitable for use with small samples. We combine a Bayesian nonparametric Dirichlet process prior with an estimating functions' approach and show that this model gives a compromise between 2 previously described methods. The method is investigated using simulated data, and a practical illustration is provided through an analysis of lung cancer mortality and residential radon exposure in counties of Minnesota. We conclude that we require good quality prior information about the exposure/confounder distributions and a large between- to within-area variability ratio for an ecological study to be feasible using only small samples of individual data.  相似文献   

Many empirical studies have revealed considerable differences between nonparametric bootstrapping and Bayesian posterior probabilities in terms of the support values for branches, despite claimed predictions about their approximate equivalence. We investigated this problem by simulating data, which were then analyzed by maximum likelihood bootstrapping and Bayesian phylogenetic analysis using identical models and reoptimization of parameter values. We show that Bayesian posterior probabilities are significantly higher than corresponding nonparametric bootstrap frequencies for true clades, but also that erroneous conclusions will be made more often. These errors are strongly accentuated when the models used for analyses are underparameterized. When data are analyzed under the correct model, nonparametric bootstrapping is conservative. Bayesian posterior probabilities are also conservative in this respect, but less so.  相似文献   

Zhang D  Lin X  Sowers M 《Biometrics》2007,63(2):351-362
The Daily Hormone Study, a substudy of the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN) consisting of more than 600 pre- and perimenopausal women, includes a scalar measure of total hip bone mineral density (BMD) together with repeated measures of creatinine-adjusted follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) assayed from daily urine samples collected over one menstrual cycle. It is of scientific interest to investigate the effect of the FSH time profile during a menstrual cycle on total hip BMD, adjusting for age and body mass index. The statistical analysis is challenged by several features of the data: (1) the covariate FSH is measured longitudinally and its effect on the scalar outcome BMD may be complex; (2) due to varying menstrual cycle lengths, subjects have unbalanced longitudinal measures of FSH; and (3) the longitudinal measures of FSH are subject to considerable among- and within-subject variations and measurement errors. We propose a measurement error partial functional linear model, where repeated measures of FSH are modeled using a functional mixed effects model and the effect of the FSH time profile on BMD is modeled using a partial functional linear model by treating the unobserved true subject-specific FSH time profile as a functional covariate. We develop a two-stage nonparametric regression calibration method using period smoothing splines. Using the connection between smoothing splines and mixed models, we show that a key feature of our approach is that estimation at both stages can be conveniently cast into a unified mixed model framework. A simple testing procedure for constant functional covariate effect is also proposed. The proposed methods are evaluated using simulation studies and applied to the SWAN data.  相似文献   

Flexible estimation of multiple conditional quantiles is of interest in numerous applications, such as studying the effect of pregnancy-related factors on low and high birth weight. We propose a Bayesian nonparametric method to simultaneously estimate noncrossing, nonlinear quantile curves. We expand the conditional distribution function of the response in I-spline basis functions where the covariate-dependent coefficients are modeled using neural networks. By leveraging the approximation power of splines and neural networks, our model can approximate any continuous quantile function. Compared to existing models, our model estimates all rather than a finite subset of quantiles, scales well to high dimensions, and accounts for estimation uncertainty. While the model is arbitrarily flexible, interpretable marginal quantile effects are estimated using accumulative local effect plots and variable importance measures. A simulation study shows that our model can better recover quantiles of the response distribution when the data are sparse, and an analysis of birth weight data is presented.  相似文献   

One barrier to interpreting the observational evidence concerning the adverse health effects of air pollution for public policy purposes is the measurement error inherent in estimates of exposure based on ambient pollutant monitors. Exposure assessment studies have shown that data from monitors at central sites may not adequately represent personal exposure. Thus, the exposure error resulting from using centrally measured data as a surrogate for personal exposure can potentially lead to a bias in estimates of the health effects of air pollution. This paper develops a multi-stage Poisson regression model for evaluating the effects of exposure measurement error on estimates of effects of particulate air pollution on mortality in time-series studies. To implement the model, we have used five validation data sets on personal exposure to PM10. Our goal is to combine data on the associations between ambient concentrations of particulate matter and mortality for a specific location, with the validation data on the association between ambient and personal concentrations of particulate matter at the locations where data have been collected. We use these data in a model to estimate the relative risk of mortality associated with estimated personal-exposure concentrations and make a comparison with the risk of mortality estimated with measurements of ambient concentration alone. We apply this method to data comprising daily mortality counts, ambient concentrations of PM10measured at a central site, and temperature for Baltimore, Maryland from 1987 to 1994. We have selected our home city of Baltimore to illustrate the method; the measurement error correction model is general and can be applied to other appropriate locations.Our approach uses a combination of: (1) a generalized additive model with log link and Poisson error for the mortality-personal-exposure association; (2) a multi-stage linear model to estimate the variability across the five validation data sets in the personal-ambient-exposure association; (3) data augmentation methods to address the uncertainty resulting from the missing personal exposure time series in Baltimore. In the Poisson regression model, we account for smooth seasonal and annual trends in mortality using smoothing splines. Taking into account the heterogeneity across locations in the personal-ambient-exposure relationship, we quantify the degree to which the exposure measurement error biases the results toward the null hypothesis of no effect, and estimate the loss of precision in the estimated health effects due to indirectly estimating personal exposures from ambient measurements.  相似文献   

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