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In somatic tissues, the mouse Ki-67 protein (pKi-67) is expressed in proliferating cells only. Depending on the stage of the cell cycle, pKi-67 is associated with different nuclear domains: with euchromatin as part of the perichromosomal layer, with centromeric heterochromatin, and with the nucleolus. In gametes, sex-specific expression is evident. Mature MII oocytes contain pKi-67, whereas pKi-67 is not detectable in mature sperm. We investigated the re-establishment of the cell cycle-dependent distribution of pKi-67 during early mouse development. After fertilization, male and female pronuclei exhibited very little or no pKi-67, while polar bodies were pKi-67 positive. Towards the end of the first cell cycle, prophase chromosomes of male and female pronuclei simultaneously got decorated with pKi-67. In 2-cell embryos, the distribution pattern changed, presumably depending on the progress of development of the embryo, from a distribution all over the nucleus to a preferential location in the nucleolus precursor bodies (NPBs). From the 4-cell stage onwards, pKi-67 showed the regular nuclear relocations known from somatic tissues: during mitosis the protein was found covering the chromosome arms as a constituent of the perichromosomal layer, in early G1 it was distributed in the whole nucleus, and for the rest of the cell cycle it was associated with NPBs or with the nucleolus.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse breast carcinomas with discordant receptor status, probably hormonal dependent (estrogen receptor (ER) positive, progesterone receptor (PR) negative or ER-PR + subgroup profile) infiltrating ductal breast carcinomas not otherwise specified (IDC NOS). Specimens from 90 IDC NOS were grouped into three categories according to hormonal status: dependent (D) (ER +PR +), probably dependent (PD) (ER +PR- or ER-PR +) and non-dependent (ND) (ER-PR-); they were evaluated considering some established prognostic parameters in breast carcinomas. Statistically significant difference was found between tumor receptor status distribution and menopausal status (p = 0.0235), age of the patients (p = 0.000467), histological grade (p = 0.000003), vascular invasion (p = 0.006), HER-2 status (p = 0.0039) and Ki-67 proliferation rate (p = 0.000311). D tumors were found exclusively in post-menopausal patients (average age 68.9 years), most of which had intermediate (II) grade, without vascular invasion, with HER-2 status score predominantly 0 or 1 + and lower Ki-67 proliferation rate. PD tumors were found predominantly in younger post-menopausal patients (average age 57.5 years), with vascular invasion found in 23% of the cases. ND tumors mostly had higher histological grade, showed the highest percentage of the Ki-67 positive tumor cells and vascular invasion in 30% of the cases. We conclude that the patients with PD breast carcinomas were younger post-menopausal women with the tumors moderately differentiated, HER-2 score 0 or 1+ and with lower Ki-67 proliferation rate.  相似文献   

Thy-1 (CD90) is a small GPI-anchored protein that is particularly abundant on the surface of mouse thymocytes and peripheral T cells. T cell proliferation and cytokine synthesis in response to Thy-1 cross-linking by specific mAb suggests a role for Thy-1 in mouse T lymphocyte activation. However, a physiological ligand or counterreceptor for murine Thy-1 in the lymphoid compartment has not yet been identified. Thy-1 cross-linking, in the context of strong costimulatory signaling through CD28, results in an activating signal that can at least partially substitute for TCR signaling during mouse T cell activation. Remarkably, Thy-1 cross-linking also results in the potent costimulation of T cells activated through the TCR. This novel dual signaling capacity suggests a possible role for Thy-1 in the maintenance of T cell homeostasis in the absence of TCR triggering, as well as potentiating Ag-induced T cell responses.  相似文献   

Varis A  Salmela AL  Kallio MJ 《Chromosoma》2006,115(4):288-295
Cenp-F (mitosin) is a large coiled-coil protein whose function has remained obscure since its identification a decade ago. It has been suggested that the protein plays a role in the kinetochore-mediated mitotic functions but until recently there was little evidence to support this postulation. Recent results from five laboratories have given insights on how Cenp-F may participate in the regulation of cell division. In this mini-review, we will summarize the current data regarding the mitotic tasks of Cenp-F as well as discuss how it is used as a proliferation marker of malignant cell growth in the clinic. Also, the protein’s post-translational modification by farnesylation and potential contribution to cell cycle effects of farnesyl transferase inhibitors will be addressed.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for the new HBbrnoAg-Anti-HGbrno system association with the HBsAg. The association is displayed particularly in a prevalence of Ausria detectable HBsAg carriers among the anti-HBbrno carriers, suggesting the anti-HBbrno to be a marker of contact with hepatitis B or, possibly, an indicator of co-existing HBsAg antigenaemia, not detectable by radioimmunoassay. Identity of HBbrnoAg with HBsAg/a, d, y, w, is ruled out, the identity with the other HBV associated antigenic specificities remaining questionable.  相似文献   

Cell proliferation was investigated in human tumour xenografts using bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) labelling, evaluated either by flow cytometry or in tissue sections, and also using the proliferation marker Ki-67. BrdUrd labelling was found to increase when cryostat tumour sections were digested with an enzymic solution. This yielded a labelling index up to four times higher than that obtained using the flow cytometer. Ki-67 indices were found to be higher than those reported for human tumour biopsies, as may be expected due to the enhanced growth rate of the xenografts. Significant heterogeneity was observed in the results for cervix, breast and bladder tumours, and the results of the three methods were poorly correlated. However, three of the four tumour types showed that the tumour with the lowest Ki-67 index also had the longest potential doubling time. Since the measurement of Ki-67 index was found technically easier to perform, and also adequately reflects relative tumour cell proliferation, it is preferred over the other techniques.  相似文献   

Summary Antibodies to assess the proliferative index of tumours are being increasingly employed together with established markers for prognostic evaluation. This study set out to compare three cell proliferation markers, Ki-67, MIB-1 and PCNA, utilizing a semiquantitative method of assessment, in 20 human prostatic carcinomas. The streptavidin-biotin immunostaining system was used for the monoclonal antibodies MIB-1 and PCNA and an indirect immunoperoxidase assay for the monoclonal antibody Ki-67. Significant correlations were found between the expression of Ki-67 in frozen tissues and MIB-1 in formal saline-fixed wax-embedded tissues (p = 0.0003); between Ki-67 and PCNA expression in Bouin's-fixed tissues (p </ 0.0001); and MIB-1 (formalin-saline-fixed tissues) and PCNA (Bouin's-fixed tissues) (p </ 0.0001). A more intense nuclear staining pattern with less heterogeneity was observed for MIB-1 compared with PCNA, suggesting the antibody of choice, on formal saline-fixed tissues, is MIB-1, which closely correlated with Ki-67, a marker we have previously shown to be of prognostic value in prostatic carcinoma.  相似文献   

The prognostic value of Ki-67 in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) was controversial according to previous studies. We aimed to clarify the association between K-67 expression and survival in NPC through meta-analysis. We conducted a meta-analysis to explore the potential prognostic effect of Ki-67 on overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS), distant metastasis-free survival (DMFS), and local recurrence-free survival (LRFS) in NPC. A total of 13 studies comprising 1314 NPC patients were included. High Ki-67 expression was associated with poor OS (hazard ratio [HR]= 2.70, 95% confidence interval [CI]= 1.97–3.71, P<0.001), DFS (HR = 1.93, 95% CI = 1.49–2.50, P<0.001), and LRFS (HR = 1.86, 95% CI = 1.11–3.12, P=0.019). However, there was no significant association between Ki-67 and DMFS (HR = 1.37, 95% CI = 0.78–2.38, P=0.270). Furthermore, the prognostic role of Ki-67 was maintained throughout different sample sizes, analyses of HR, and study designs for OS and DFS in various subgroups. Elevated Ki-67 expression is a reliable prognostic factor for poorer survival outcomes in NPC.  相似文献   

In this note we present a combined Ki-67 and Feulgen stain for morphometric determination of the Ki-67 labelling index. The immunohistochemical part of this double staining technique is based on the alkaline-phosphatase-anti-alkaline-phosphatase (APAAP) method, visualizing the enzyme activity by the nitro-blue-tetrazolium chloride (NBT)/bromo-chloro-3-indolyl-phosphate (BCIP) technique. The NBT/BCIP complex resists the hydrolytic activity of the Feulgen stain. The staining method presented allows semi-automatic determination of both the total nucleus-area as well as the Ki-67 positive nucleus-area using a morphometric computer system. The Ki-67 labelling index thus achieved is based on the relative nuclear area of Ki-67 positive nuclei and is clearly more precise and efficient than the counting method using an ocular grid.  相似文献   

Coilin, more than a molecular marker of the cajal (coiled) body   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The Cajal (coiled) body is a discrete nuclear organelle that was first described in mammalian neurons in 1903. Because the molecular composition, structure, and function of Cajal bodies were unknown, these enigmatic structures were largely ignored for most of the last century. The Cajal body has now regained the interest of biologists, due to the isolation of a protein marker, coilin. Despite current widespread use of coilin to identify Cajal bodies in various cell types, its structure and function are still little understood. Here, I would like to discuss what we have learned about coilin and suggest a possible role for coilin in RNA processing and cellular trafficking, especially in relation to Cajal bodies and nucleoli. Although coilin has been investigated primarily in somatic cells, I will emphasize the advantages of using the amphibian oocyte to study nuclear proteins and organelles.  相似文献   

Successful adaptation to starvation in mammals depends heavily on the regulated mobilization of fatty acids from triacylglycerols stored in adipose tissue. Although it has long been recognized that cyclic AMP represents the critical second messenger and hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL)**Abbreviations used in this paper: ADRP, adipocyte differentiation-related protein; HSL, hormone-sensitive lipase; PKA, protein kinase A; TAG, triacylglycerol. the rate-determining enzyme for lipolysis, simple activation of the enzyme has failed to account for the robust augmentation of fatty release in response to physiological agonists. In this issue, Sztalryd et al. (2003) provide convincing support to the notion that the subcellular compartmentalization of lipase also regulates lipolysis, and, more importantly, that proteins other than HSL are localized to the lipid droplet and are indispensable for its optimal hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Mitochondria: more than just a powerhouse   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Pioneering biochemical studies have long forged the concept that the mitochondria are the 'energy powerhouse of the cell'. These studies, combined with the unique evolutionary origin of the mitochondria, led the way to decades of research focusing on the organelle as an essential, yet independent, functional component of the cell. Recently, however, our conceptual view of this isolated organelle has been profoundly altered with the discovery that mitochondria function within an integrated reticulum that is continually remodeled by both fusion and fission events. The identification of a number of proteins that regulate these activities is beginning to provide mechanistic details of mitochondrial membrane remodeling. However, the broader question remains regarding the underlying purpose of mitochondrial dynamics and the translation of these morphological transitions into altered functional output. One hypothesis has been that mitochondrial respiration and metabolism may be spatially and temporally regulated by the architecture and positioning of the organelle. Recent evidence supports and expands this idea by demonstrating that mitochondria are an integral part of multiple cell signaling cascades. Interestingly, proteins such as GTPases, kinases and phosphatases are involved in bi-directional communication between the mitochondrial reticulum and the rest of the cell. These proteins link mitochondrial function and dynamics to the regulation of metabolism, cell-cycle control, development, antiviral responses and cell death. In this review we will highlight the emerging evidence that provides molecular definition to mitochondria as a central platform in the execution of diverse cellular events.  相似文献   

Summary The Ki-67 monoclonal antibody which recognizes a human nuclear antigen expressed by cycling cells but not by resting cells was found to react immunohistochemically with tissues from the rabbitOryctolagus cuniculus. Ki-67 immunoreactivity was restricted to the nucleus. A comparative study with bromodeoxyuridine labelling patterns was carried out to study the association with proliferating cells. In lingual, jejunal and appendix mucosa, skin, adrenal gland, thymus, spleen, bone marrow, testis, growth cartilage, periosteum and perichondrium of long bones the distribution of Ki-67 positive and bromodeoxyuridine labelled cells was similar and consistent with the distribution of proliferating cells in these tissues. In tissue from the brain, kidney, skeletal or cardiac muscle and liver no Ki-67 positive or bromodeoxyuridine labelled cells were seen. In cartilage labelled in vivo with tritiated thymidine, all thymidine labelled cells were also Ki-67 positive. These results suggest that the Ki-67 antibody recognizes a nuclear antigen in the rabbit that is associated with cell proliferation and is expressed by cells in S-phase as well as in other phases of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Simultaneous quantification of DNA and Ki-67 proliferation-associated antigen was performed using fluorescence image cytometry. In the MCF-7 cell line, the Ki-67 antigen content increases during the cell cycle, and its intranuclear distribution pattern varies. Quantitative evolution of Ki-67 content as a function of nuclear area makes it possible to define several pathways followed by cells going through the 2c compartment. 1) In some cells, the amount of Ki-67 antigen remains constant during G1 (Ki-67 stable pathway), and a characteristic speckled pattern can be observed. 2) In the larger fraction of cells analyzed, there is a postmitotic decrease in the Ki-67 (Ki-67 decrease pathway) content. In this pathway, labeling is located in the nucleoplasm in small nuclei, is located in nucleoli in intermediate-sized nuclei, and is absent from larger nuclei (G0). A progressive increase in Ki-67 content (Ki-67 increase pathway) was observed from intermediate-sized nuclei to S phase nuclei. From these results, we hypothesize that the Ki-67 stable pathway is the G1 phase of newly formed cells going directly to S phase in local optimal conditions of growth and that Ki-67 decrease pathway and Ki-67 increase pathway correspond to cells whose progression to S phase is regulated by extracellular factors.  相似文献   



Ki67 labeling index (Ki67 LI), the percentage Ki67 immunoreactive cells, is a measure of tumor proliferation, with important clinical relevance in breast cancer, and it is extremely important to standardize its evaluation.


To test the efficacy of computer assisted image analysis (CAIA) applied to completely digitized slides and to assess its feasibility in routine practice and compare the results obtained using two different Ki67 monoclonal antibodies.

Materials and methods

315 consecutive breast cancer routinely immunostained for Ki-67 (223 with SP6 and 92 with MM1 antibodies previously examined by an experienced pathologist, have been re-evaluated using Aperio Scanscope Xs.


Mean human Ki67 LI values were 36%± 14.% and 28% ± 18% respectively for SP6 and MM1 antibodies; mean CAM Ki67 LI values were 31%± 19% and 22% ± 18% respectively for SP6 and MM1. Human and CAIA evaluation are statistically highly correlated (Pearson: 0.859, p<0.0001), although human LI are systematically higher. An interobserver variation study on CAIA performed on 84 cases showed that the correlation between the two evaluations was linear to an excellent degree.


Our study shows that a) CAIA can be easily adopted in routine practice, b) human and CAIA Ki67 LI are highly correlated, although human LI are systematically higher, c) Ki67 LI using different evaluation methods and different antibodies shows important differences in cut-off values.

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