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The small GTPase Rac1 is involved in multiple cytosolic functions but recent data point out that Rac1 also translocates to the nucleus to regulate signalling pathways that control gene expression and progression through the cell cycle. Here, we identify the nuclear import receptor karyopherin α2 (KPNA2) as a direct interaction partner of Rac1. The C‐terminal polybasic region of Rac1 contains a nuclear localization signal (NLS), whereas Rac2 and Rac3 lack a functional NLS and do not bind to KPNA2. The presence of the NLS in Rac1 determines the specificity of the interaction and is a prerequisite for the nuclear import. Although this interaction is independent of the Rac1 GDP/GTP loading, the induction of the translocation requires Rac1 activation. The activation of Rac1 via the cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1 and the concurrent inhibition of its proteasomal degradation are crucial for the nuclear accumulation of Rac1. Conversely, the reduction of KPNA2 expression inhibits the nuclear import of Rac1. For the first time, our results show a direct interaction between Rac1 and KPNA2 and argue for a KPNA2‐dependent nuclear import of Rac1. Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC‐MS/MS) analysis revealed that nuclear Rac1 coimmunoprecipitates with numerous proteins. In the nucleus, Rac1 may participate in a variety of so far uncharacterized processes.  相似文献   

Num1p, a cortical 313-kD protein, controls cytoplasmic microtubule (cMT) functions and nuclear migration through the bud neck in anaphase cells. A green fluorescent protein (GFP)-Num1p fusion protein localizes at the bud tip and the distal mother pole of living cells, apparently forming cMT capture sites at late anaphase. In addition, galactose-induced GFP-Num1p is seen at the bud neck and in lateral regions of the mother cortex. The bud tip location of Num1p depends on Bni1p but does not require Kar9p, Dyn1p, or cMTs, whereas cMT contacts with polar Num1p dots are reduced in cells lacking Dyn1p. Num1p associates with the dynein intermediate chain Pac11p in the presence of Dyn1p, and with the alpha-tubulin Tub3p, as shown by coimmune precipitation of tagged proteins. Num1p also forms a complex with Bni1p and Kar9p, although Num1p is not required for Bni1p- and Kar9p-dependent nuclear migration to the bud neck in preanaphase cells.Our data suggest that Num1p controls nuclear migration during late anaphase by forming dynein-interacting cortical cMT capture sites at both cellular poles. In addition, Num1p may transiently cooperate with an associated Bni1p-Kar9p complex at the bud tip of early anaphase cells.  相似文献   

为了研究Stat3入核的分子机制,将SV40大T抗原的经典核定位序列NLS(nuclear localization sequence)分别融合在Stat3-GFP分子和缺失突变体Dstat3-GFP的分子之间,构建Stat3-NLS-GFP和Dstat3-NLS-GFP融合分子。转染293T细胞,以NLS-GFP为阳性对照,通过激光共聚焦显微镜的观察融合分子的亚细胞位置,未经白介素-6刺激的Stat3-NLS-GFP和经白介素-6刺激的Stat3-GFP呈胞核分布,未经白介素-6刺激的Stat3-GFP和Dstat3-NLS-GFP呈胞浆分布,初步证明Stat3入核是由于获得了核定位序列。  相似文献   

Histone variant Htz1 substitution for H2A plays important roles in diverse DNA transactions. Histone chaperones Chz1 and Nap1 (nucleosome assembly protein 1) are important for the deposition Htz1 into nucleosomes. In literatures, it was suggested that Chz1 is a Htz1–H2B-specific chaperone, and it is relatively unstructured in solution but it becomes structured in complex with the Htz1–H2B histone dimer. Nap1 (nucleosome assembly protein 1) can bind (H3–H4)2 tetramers, H2A–H2B dimers and Htz1–H2B dimers. Nap1 can bind H2A–H2B dimer in the cytoplasm and shuttles the dimer into the nucleus. Moreover, Nap1 functions in nucleosome assembly by competitively interacting with non-nucleosomal histone–DNA. However, the exact roles of these chaperones in assembling Htz1-containing nucleosome remain largely unknown. In this paper, we revealed that Chz1 does not show a physical interaction with chromatin. In contrast, Nap1 binds exactly at the genomic DNA that contains Htz1. Nap1 and Htz1 show a preferential interaction with AG-rich DNA sequences. Deletion of chz1 results in a significantly decreased binding of Htz1 in chromatin, whereas deletion of nap1 dramatically increases the association of Htz1 with chromatin. Furthermore, genome-wide nucleosome-mapping analysis revealed that nucleosome occupancy for Htz1p-bound genes decreases upon deleting htz1 or chz1, suggesting that Htz1 is required for nucleosome structure at the specific genome loci. All together, these results define the distinct roles for histone chaperones Chz1 and Nap1 to regulate Htz1 incorporation into chromatin.  相似文献   

Newly synthesised histones are thought to dimerise in the cytosol and undergo nuclear import in complex with histone chaperones. Here, we provide evidence that human H3.1 and H4 are imported into the nucleus as monomers. Using a tether‐and‐release system to study the import dynamics of newly synthesised histones, we find that cytosolic H3.1 and H4 can be maintained as stable monomeric units. Cytosolically tethered histones are bound to importin‐alpha proteins (predominantly IPO4), but not to histone‐specific chaperones NASP, ASF1a, RbAp46 (RBBP7) or HAT1, which reside in the nucleus in interphase cells. Release of monomeric histones from their cytosolic tether results in rapid nuclear translocation, IPO4 dissociation and incorporation into chromatin at sites of replication. Quantitative analysis of histones bound to individual chaperones reveals an excess of H3 specifically associated with sNASP, suggesting that NASP maintains a soluble, monomeric pool of H3 within the nucleus and may act as a nuclear receptor for newly imported histone. In summary, we propose that histones H3 and H4 are rapidly imported as monomeric units, forming heterodimers in the nucleus rather than the cytosol.  相似文献   

蛋白质进入细胞核是由蛋白质分子内部的核定位信号(nuclear localization signal, NLS)引导的.NLS蛋白首先与NLS受体结合,然后在多种胞浆因子及核孔复合物蛋白的作用下穿过核孔、转位入核.蛋白质上存在NLS并不一定总能够引导蛋白质入核.当NLS被修饰或遮掩时,它们便不能被核转运装置所识别.因而,NLS的遮掩被解除之前,蛋白质一直被扣留在胞浆中.以调节转录因子的入核运送来控制转录因子的活性是基因表达调节的一个新概念,也是细胞生长和分化的另一水平的调节.  相似文献   

刘琦  罗阳  姜莉  周伟强  满晓辉  张学 《遗传学报》2004,31(5):444-448
应用重组技术构建野生型及缺失型CDK2基因的真核表达载体,分别使野生型及缺失型(2DK2蛋白与增强型绿色荧光蛋白(Enhanced-green Fluorescent Protein,EGFP)形成融合蛋白。通过脂质体介导的方法将载体转染人宫颈癌细胞系HeLa和中华仓鼠卵巢细胞系CHO,经过细胞周期同步化处理后于荧光显微镜下观察EGFP的亚细胞定位以示踪野生型及缺失型CDK2基因的表达。结果表明,野生型CDK2基因的表达产物定位于细胞核.而两种缺失型CDK2基因分别编码的CDK2蛋白N-端1~201及98~298多肽均主要定位于细胞质。以上结果提示,CDK2蛋白序列中不含有与核定位直接相关的信号,其入核过程可能是由其N-端1~97及202~298多肽范围内的部分氨基酸共同形成高级结构,并依赖此高级结构与其他含有入核信号的蛋白形成复合物,从而被带动进入细胞核的  相似文献   

The nucleoporins Nup60p, Nup2p, and Nup1p form part of the nuclear basket structure of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae nuclear pore complex (NPC). Here, we show that these necleoporins can be isolated from yeast extracts by affinity chromatography on karyopherin Kap95p-coated beads. To characterize Nup60p further, Nup60p-coated beads were used to capture its interacting proteins from extracts. We find that Nup60p binds to Nup2p and serves as a docking site for Kap95p-Kap60p heterodimers and Kap123p. Nup60p also binds Gsp1p-GTP and its guanine nucleotide exchange factor Prp20p, and functions as a Gsp1p guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor by reducing the activity of Prp20p. Yeast lacking Nup60p exhibit minor defects in nuclear export of Kap60p, nuclear import of Kap95p-Kap60p-dependent cargoes, and diffusion of small proteins across the NPC. Yeast lacking Nup60p also fail to anchor Nup2p at the NPC, resulting in the mislocalization of Nup2p to the nucleoplasm and cytoplasm. Purified Nup60p and Nup2p bind each other directly, but the stability of the complex is compromised when Kap60p binds Nup2p. Gsp1p-GTP enhances by 10-fold the affinity between Nup60p and Nup2p, and restores binding of Nup2p-Kap60p complexes to Nup60p. The results suggest a dynamic interaction, controlled by the nucleoplasmic concentration of Gsp1p-GTP, between Nup60p and Nup2p at the NPC.  相似文献   

Reversible phosphorylation of nuclear proteins is required for both DNA replication and entry into mitosis. Consequently, most cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk)/cyclin complexes are localized to the nucleus when active. Although our understanding of nuclear transport processes has been greatly enhanced by the recent identification of nuclear targeting sequences and soluble nuclear import factors with which they interact, the mechanisms used to target Cdk/cyclin complexes to the nucleus remain obscure; this is in part because these proteins lack obvious nuclear localization sequences. To elucidate the molecular mechanisms responsible for Cdk/cyclin transport, we examined nuclear import of fluorescent Cdk2/cyclin E and Cdc2/cyclin B1 complexes in digitonin-permeabilized mammalian cells and also examined potential physical interactions between these Cdks, cyclins, and soluble import factors. We found that the nuclear import machinery recognizes these Cdk/cyclin complexes through direct interactions with the cyclin component. Surprisingly, cyclins E and B1 are imported into nuclei via distinct mechanisms. Cyclin E behaves like a classical basic nuclear localization sequence–containing protein, binding to the α adaptor subunit of the importin-α/β heterodimer. In contrast, cyclin B1 is imported via a direct interaction with a site in the NH2 terminus of importin-β that is distinct from that used to bind importin-α.  相似文献   

STAT3入核的核定位序列研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  

Although generally regarded as functional in the cytoplasm, a number of microRNAs (miRNAs) have been found in the nucleus, possibly with a role in gene regulation. Here we report that, in fact, a substantial fraction of all human miRNAs are present in the nucleus of neural stem cells. Further, subsets of these miRNAs display consistently higher standardized rank in the nucleus than in the cytoplasm of these cells, as identified with an RT-qPCR technology and confirmed by microarray analysis. Likewise, other miRNAs display higher cytoplasmic standardized ranks. Three samples were partitioned into nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions in six assays for 373 miRNAs. From the 100 most highly expressed miRNAs, standard scores of nuclear and cytoplasmic concentrations were determined. Among those, 21 miRNAs had all three nuclear standard scores higher than all three cytoplasmic scores; likewise, 31 miRNAs had consistently higher cytoplasmic scores. Random concentrations would result in only five in each set. Remarkably, if one miRNA has a high standard score in a compartment, then other miRNAs having the same 5' seeds and certain similar 3' end patterns are also highly scored in the same way. That is, in addition to the seed sequence, 3' sequence similarity criteria identify families of mature miRNAs with consistently high nuclear or cytoplasmic expression.  相似文献   

Mitosis in human cells is initiated by the protein kinase Cdc2-cyclin B1, which is activated at the end of G2 by dephosphorylation of two inhibitory residues, Thr14 and Tyr15. The G2 arrest that occurs after DNA damage is due in part to stabilization of phosphorylation at these sites. We explored the possibility that entry into mitosis is also regulated by the subcellular location of Cdc2-cyclin B1, which is suddenly imported into the nucleus at the end of G2. We measured the timing of mitosis in HeLa cells expressing a constitutively nuclear cyclin B1 mutant. Parallel studies were performed with cells expressing Cdc2AF, a Cdc2 mutant that cannot be phosphorylated at inhibitory sites. Whereas nuclear cyclin B1 and Cdc2AF each had little effect under normal growth conditions, together they induced a striking premature mitotic phenotype. Nuclear targeting of cyclin B1 was particularly effective in cells arrested in G2 by DNA damage, where it greatly reduced the damage-induced G2 arrest. Expression of nuclear cyclin B1 and Cdc2AF also resulted in significant defects in the exit from mitosis. Thus, nuclear targeting of cyclin B1 and dephosphorylation of Cdc2 both contribute to the control of mitotic entry and exit in human cells.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae DJP1 gene encodes a cytosolic protein homologous to Escherichia coli DnaJ. DnaJ homologues act in conjunction with molecular chaperones of the Hsp70 protein family in a variety of cellular processes. Cells with a DJP1 gene deletion are viable and exhibit a novel phenotype among cytosolic J-protein mutants in that they have a specific impairment of only one organelle, the peroxisome. The phenotype was also unique among peroxisome assembly mutants: peroxisomal matrix proteins were mislocalized to the cytoplasm to a varying extent, and peroxisomal structures failed to grow to full size and exhibited a broad range of buoyant densities. Import of marker proteins for the endoplasmic reticulum, nucleus, and mitochondria was normal. Furthermore, the metabolic adaptation to a change in carbon source, a complex multistep process, was unaffected in a DJP1 gene deletion mutant. We conclude that Djp1p is specifically required for peroxisomal protein import.  相似文献   

Modification of histones is critical for the regulation of all chromatin-templated processes. Yeast Rtt109 is a histone acetyltransferase (HAT) that acetylates H3 lysines 9, 27 and 56. Rtt109 associates with and is stabilized by Nap1 family histone chaperone Vps75. Our data suggest Vps75 and Nap1 have some overlapping functions despite their different cellular localization and histone binding specificity. We determined that Vps75 contains a classical nuclear localization signal and is imported by Kap60-Kap95. Rtt109 nuclear localization depends on Vps75, and nuclear localization of the Vps75-Rtt109 complex is not critical for Rtt109-dependent functions, suggesting Rtt109 may be able to acetylate nascent histones before nuclear import. To date, the effects of VPS75 deletion on Rtt109 function had not been separated from the resulting Rtt109 degradation; thus, we used an Rtt109 mutant lacking the Vps75-interaction domain that is stable without Vps75. Our data show that in addition to promoting Rtt109 stability, Vps75 binding is necessary for Rtt109 acetylation of the H3 tail. Direct interaction of Vps75 with H3 likely allows Rtt109 access to the histone tail. Furthermore, our genetic interaction data support the idea of Rtt109-independent functions of Vps75. In summary, our data suggest that Vps75 influences chromatin structure by regulating histone modification and through its histone chaperone functions.  相似文献   

Nap1 is a histone chaperone involved in the nuclear import of H2A–H2B and nucleosome assembly. Here, we report the crystal structure of Nap1 bound to H2A–H2B together with in vitro and in vivo functional studies that elucidate the principles underlying Nap1‐mediated H2A–H2B chaperoning and nucleosome assembly. A Nap1 dimer provides an acidic binding surface and asymmetrically engages a single H2A–H2B heterodimer. Oligomerization of the Nap1–H2A–H2B complex results in burial of surfaces required for deposition of H2A–H2B into nucleosomes. Chromatin immunoprecipitation‐exonuclease (ChIP‐exo) analysis shows that Nap1 is required for H2A–H2B deposition across the genome. Mutants that interfere with Nap1 oligomerization exhibit severe nucleosome assembly defects showing that oligomerization is essential for the chaperone function. These findings establish the molecular basis for Nap1‐mediated H2A–H2B deposition and nucleosome assembly.  相似文献   

Histones are the major structural proteins in eukaryotic chromosomes. This group of small very basic proteins consists of the H1 linker histones and the core histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4. Despite their small size, the nuclear import of histones occurs by an active transport mechanism and not simply by diffusion. Histones contain several nuclear localisation signals (NLS) that can be subdivided into two different types of signal structures. We have previously shown that H1 histones are transported by a heterodimeric import receptor complex consisting of importin beta and importin 7, and we now describe the receptors required for the import of the core histones. Competition experiments using the in vitro transport assay indicate that the import pathway of the core histones differs from that of the linker histones and of nuclear proteins with classical NLS. In vitro binding assays show that each of the import receptors importin beta, importin 5, importin 7 and transportin, has the capacity to bind to any of the four core histones. Reconstitution experiments with recombinant factors indicate that each of these factors can independently serve as an import receptor for each of the core histones.  相似文献   

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