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The sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis (F.) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), is a dominant maize borer pest and a major target of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)‐maize in Louisiana and the Gulf Coast area of Texas (USA). Growth and development of D. saccharalis on non‐toxic diet, diet treated with three low concentrations (0.01, 0.05, and 0.1 μg g?1) of Cry1Ab toxin, and on non‐Bt maize plants were compared for five insect genotypes: a Bt‐susceptible strain (BT‐SS), a Cry1Ab‐resistant strain (BT‐RR), a back‐crossed and re‐selected resistant strain (BT‐R’R’), and two F1 progeny of the BT‐SS and BT‐R’R’ strains. Fitness of the five genotypes was examined by infesting neonates on diet with/without Cry1Ab toxin in the laboratory and on intact non‐Bt maize plants in the greenhouse. Biological parameters measured were neonate‐to‐pupa development time and pupation rate, larval survival, larval and pupal weight, and sex ratio. Larvae of BT‐SS and BT‐R’R’ on non‐toxic diet and non‐Bt maize plants grew normally and there were no significant differences between the two strains in all measured parameters, suggesting a lack‐of‐fitness cost of the Cry1Ab resistance in D. saccharalis. Except for the development time on non‐Bt diet, all other parameters on both non‐Bt diet and non‐Bt maize plants were similar among the five genotypes. Larval development of BT‐SS was significantly affected on diet treated with Cry1Ab toxin at 0.05 and 0.1 μg g?1, whereas the effect to BT‐RR and BT‐R’R’ was not significant. Pupal weight and sex ratio reared on Cry1Ab‐diet were similar and there were no significant differences among the five genotypes. Neonate‐to‐pupation rate decreased as Cry1Ab concentrations increased but the decrease was more significant for BT‐SS than for the other four genotypes. The lack‐of‐fitness costs of Bt resistance in D. saccharalis imply a greater challenge in managing Bt resistance for this maize borer species.  相似文献   

Evolution of resistance by insect pests is the greatest threat to the continued success of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins used in insecticide formulations or expressed by transgenic crop plants such as Cry1F‐expressing maize [(Zea mays L.) (Poaceae)]. A strain of European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), obtained from field collections throughout the central US Corn Belt in 1996 was selected in the laboratory for resistance to Cry1F by exposure to the toxin incorporated into artificial diet. The selected strain developed more than 3000‐fold resistance to Cry1F after 35 generations of selection and readily consumed Cry1F expressing maize tissue; yet, it was as susceptible to Cry1Ab and Cry9C as the unselected control strain. Only a low level of cross‐resistance (seven‐fold) to Cry1Ac was observed. These lacks of cross‐resistance between Cry1F and Cry1Ab suggest that maize hybrids expressing these two toxins are likely to be compatible for resistance management of O. nubilalis.  相似文献   

Large‐scale field experiments on the Mediterranean corn borer, Sesamia nonagrioides Lefèbvre (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), were carried out in 2004–2006 on maize [Zea mays L. (Poaceae)] fields using (Z)‐11‐hexadecenyl trifluoromethyl ketone, an antagonist analog of the pheromone of this species, to evaluate a possible reduction of damage caused by this pest. The effect of the treatments on the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), a sympatric species, was also determined. Evaluation of the success of the experiments was assessed by counting (i) the number of males caught by pheromone traps in treated and untreated fields, (ii) the number of plants attacked by both insects in both plots, and (iii) the number of larvae present in infested plants in both fields. Effectiveness of the treatment was high for the second generation of the Mediterranean corn borer, the most harmful to the crop (86–90% reduction in the number of plants attacked and 67–98% reduction in the number of larvae per plant in treated fields in comparison to untreated fields), and moderate for the third generation (reduction of 41–71% and 33–77%, respectively). Treatments were also effective for the second generation of the European corn borer (61–75% reduction in the number of plants attacked, 58–78% reduction in the number of larvae found per plant) as well as for the third generation (69–97% and 70–98% reduction, respectively). By plotting the amount of the antagonist remaining on the dispensers after 40–45 days of exposure with time, the mean release rate of the compound was calculated to be 2.2%/day in 2004, 1.95%/day in 2005, and 2.1%/day in 2006, with 26% of the initial compound remaining after 20 days of experimentation. The emission rate appears to cover the flight of the most damaging second generation of both insects. Prospects of using trifluoromethyl ketones as new potential agents for pest control are also outlined.  相似文献   

The ability of non‐crop plants to support complete development of insect pests is an important factor for determining the impact of those plants on resistance management programs for transgenic crops. We assessed the effect of one physical factor, plant stem diameter, on the ability of plants to support full development of the European corn borer (ECB), Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), the target pest of transgenic Bt‐corn. In the field, European corn borer larvae were significantly more likely to tunnel and survive in plants with larger stem diameters. Larvae were 40× more likely to survive on corn, the largest plant tested, compared to many of the smaller plants. In the laboratory, larvae were more likely to survive in and less likely to abandon the largest diet‐filled artificial stems that varied only in stem diameter. In conditions simulating those that an ECB larvae would encounter upon abandoning a host, larvae survived up to three weeks and were able to locate corn as a new host with a significantly higher frequency than would be expected if they were foraging randomly. These results indicate that the probability of ECB larval survival to maturity on a plant other than corn is relatively low and thus these smaller stemmed non‐corn plants may not make a substantial contribution to the pool of susceptible adults. Conversely, since more mature larvae are not as susceptible as neonates, any larvae that partially develop on non‐corn plants and subsequently colonize Bt‐corn may not be exposed to a lethal dose of the toxin. Since some proportion of the individuals that survive could be partially resistant heterozygotes the presence of non‐corn host plants could facilitate the development of resistant ECB populations.  相似文献   

Abstract: Although transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) corn can provide a new tool for control of the Asian corn borer (ACB), Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée), concern has been raised regarding the possibility of the target insect evolving resistance to the Bt protein under intensive selection pressure from Bt corn. Therefore, it is necessary to establish baseline data to enable detection of changes in susceptibility in field populations after prolonged exposure to Bt corn. Susceptibility to purified Cry1Ab protein from Bt was determined for 10 populations of ACB from the major corn‐growing regions of China, ranging geographically from Heilongjiang Province in the northeast to Shaanxi Province in the east‐central part. Neonate ACB were exposed to semi‐artificial diet incorporated with increasing Cry1Ab protein concentrations, and mortality and growth inhibition were evaluated after 7 days. The range of LC50 (50% lethal concentration) among the populations was 0.10 to 0.81 μg/g (Cry1Ab protein/diet). Differences (P < 0.05) in susceptibility among the populations were significant. LC50s generated from the Huanghuaihai Summer Corn Region were higher than those from the Spring Corn Regions. Bt was one of the significant natural biomortality factors of overwintering generation ACB. There was a significant correlation between percentage of the larvae infected with Bt and their LC50 values to Cry1Ab protein in geographic distinct populations (r = 0.7350*, d.f. = 8, r0.05 = 0.632). Based on the background of Bt formulations used for corn insect pests control in these areas, these differences were not caused by prior exposure to Bt insecticides. Instead, the small differences likely reflect natural Bt selection pressure. Because the variation in susceptibility to Cry1Ab was small (<10‐fold), the ACB apparently is susceptible to Cry1Ab across its range within China.  相似文献   

Nosema pyrausta (Paillot) (Microsporida: Nosematidae) is an obligatory intracellular parasite of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). This pathogen is maintained in natural populations of O. nubilalis by both horizontal and vertical transmission. The impact of N. pyrausta on fecundity of adults and survival of larvae has been well documented in laboratory and field research. In an extensive study covering a 6 year period at one site, we described the effect of N. pyrausta within O. nubilalis populations in a continuous corn following corn ecosystem. We documented the presence of the pathogen through all life stages of O. nubilalis (egg, larva, pupa, adult), by collecting throughout the crop season and examining each insect stage in the laboratory for the frequency of infection with N. pyrausta. The percentage of infection with N. pyrausta and magnitude of the O. nubilalis population fluctuated throughout generation 1 and generation 2. Both horizontal and vertical transmission played a role in maintaining N. pyrausta in the population in both generations. There were strong correlations between percentage adults with N. pyrausta and percentage larvae with N. pyrausta, and between percentage eggs with N. pyrausta and percentage larvae with N. pyrausta. There was a weak correlation between percentage adults with N. pyrausta and percentage eggs with N. pyrausta. The percentage of insects infected with N. pyrausta was always lowest in the egg.  相似文献   

Primer sequence and polymorphism data are presented for 13 microsatellite loci isolated from the European corn borer moth, Ostrinia nubilalis, as part of a project to construct a linkage map for the two pheromone strains. Experimental conditions are described for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) multiplexing, which allows genotyping in two electrophoresis runs of eight and five markers each. In a sample of 27 individuals coming from one European locality, the number of alleles per locus ranged from one to 12, and gene diversity from 0 to 0.859. Seven loci showed a deficit of heterozygotes. Eleven loci cross‐amplify in the related Ostrinia furnacalis.  相似文献   

Laboratory scale experiments were conducted in order to assess the potential effect of Bacillus thuringiensis‐corn leaf material on the parasitized herbivore Chilo partellus Swinhoe (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and on its parasitoid Cotesia flavipes (Cameron) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Food consumption and relative consumption rate of parasitized hosts exposed to Bt‐corn leaf‐material were strongly reduced compared to the control. The number of hosts allowing parasitoid larvae to complete their development was also reduced in the Bt group. Moreover, the fresh weight of parasitoid pupae and the dry weight of parasitoid adults was lower than in the control. Only in the Bt group, were strong negative correlations found between food intake by the host, and the number of parasitoid cocoons. Strong positive correlations were also only found in the Bt group, between food intake and parasitoid development time. As effects of Bt on the oviposition behaviour of C. flavipes could be excluded, differences between the Bt group and the control could only be due to the effect of Bt toxin on the parasitoid larva developing inside the host. Whenever food consumption can be measured, the methods used in this study are proposed as a model for future risk assessments on different types of insect‐resistant transgenic plants, herbivores, parasitoids, and predators.  相似文献   

  • 1 Earlier population genetic spatial analysis of European corn borer Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) indicated no genetic differentiation even between locations separated by 720 km. This result suggests either high dispersal resulting in high gene flow or that populations are not in migration–drift equilibrium subsequent to their invasion of the central U.S.A. in the 1940s.
  • 2 To discriminate among these two possibilities, samples were collected at 12 locations in eight states from New York to Colorado, a geographic scale that is three‐fold greater than previously tested. Eight microsatellite markers were employed to estimate genetic differentiation and gene flow among these populations, and to test for isolation‐by‐distance.
  • 3 Although pairwise FST estimates were very low, there was a significant isolation‐by‐distance relationship.
  • 4 Wright's neighbourhood area (i.e. the surface area covered by a panmictic group of individuals within a larger continuous distribution) was calculated as 433 km2, and the radius indicates that approximately 13% of O. nubilalis adults disperse a net distance >12 km per generation from their natal source.
  • 5 Analyses indicated significant differentiation between the north‐eastern region (New York and Pennsylvania) and the region combining sample locations from Ohio to Colorado, suggesting the potential for isolation of populations by topographic barriers in the Northeast.
  • 6 Taken together, the results suggest that O. nubilalis exhibits substantial gene flow over long distances and that the lack of genetic differentiation between populations across hundreds of kilometres is not simply a result of migration–drift disequilibrium arising from the recent range expansion.

Transgenic maize [Zea mays L. (Poaceae)] expressing Bacillus thuringiensis proteins (Bt maize) has become the most important tool for managing stalk borers in maize in the USA. The current strategy for delaying the evolution of resistance in target insects for Bt maize is referred to as high dose/refuge strategy. A key requirement of the strategy is that initial resistance allele frequencies in field insect populations are low (e.g., <0.001). More than 200 iso‐line families of the southwestern corn borer, Diatraea grandiosella Dyar (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), a major target stalk borer pest of Bt maize, were developed from Louisiana populations and evaluated for Bt resistance using a modified F2 screening method during 2005. No major resistance alleles were detected in these populations. The results showed that the expected Bt resistance allele frequency in the Louisiana populations was <0.0035 with 95% probability and a detection power of 83.9 ± 0.6%. The F2 screen indicates that Bt resistance allele frequencies in D. grandiosella are low among the Louisiana populations and should meet the rare resistance allele requirement of the ‘high dose/refuge’ strategy.  相似文献   

The small-scale dispersal of the European corn borer (ECB) was studied in a release–recapture experiment using reared dye-marked adults. Thereby, six light trap cages were set up across two maize fields at 50-m intervals. In total, 736 marked ECBs were released, of which 10.2% were recaptured together with 212 unmarked naturally occurring adults after a period of 48 h. All marked–released individuals left the release point, with a mean dispersal distance of 195 m. Eighty-two per cent of the recaptured ECBs moved to the second maize field across a ditch and associated shrubs. The spatial and temporal patterns of incidence of naturally occurring ECBs in the traps were consistent with those of the marked moths and showed an inhomogeneous distribution. There was a highly significant relationship between male and female densities in the cages. No ECBs were caught during a period of adverse weather conditions. Dispersal distances may be influenced by plant size, weather conditions during the flight, pheromonal patterns in the field and the timing of the flight.  相似文献   

Transgenic maize (Zea mays L., Poaceae) event TC1507, producing the Cry1F protein of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner, has been used for management of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), in Brazil since 2009. A strain of S. frugiperda, obtained from field collections of larvae in TC1507 maize in Minas Gerais state in 2010, was selected in the laboratory for resistance to Cry1F using leaves of TC1507 maize in two selection regimes. Continuous exposure of larvae to Cry1F was more effective than exposure for 6, 8, and 10 days in the selection of resistant S. frugiperda individuals. With only four generations of laboratory selection, a strain with high levels of resistance to Cry1F was obtained, as indicated by the survival of insects reared on leaves of TC1507 maize plants and by the more than 300‐fold resistance level measured in bioassays with the purified Cry1F protein. Importantly, reciprocal crosses between control and the Cry1F‐selected strains revealed that the resistance is autosomal and incompletely recessive, and the response obtained in the backcross of the F1 generation with the resistant strain was consistent with simple monogenic inheritance. Additionally, there were no apparent fitness costs associated with resistance either for survival or larval growth on non‐Bt maize leaves. Our findings provide experimental evidence for rapid evolution of Cry1F resistance in S. frugiperda in the laboratory and further reinforce the potential of this species to evolve field resistance to the TC1507 maize as previously reported. The resistant strain isolated in this study provides an opportunity to estimate the resistance allele frequency in the field and to determine the biochemical and molecular basis of the resistance, which should provide further information to assist in the resistance management of S. frugiperda on transgenic maize producing B. thuringiensis proteins.  相似文献   

The ability of non-crop plants to support complete development of insect pests is an important factor for determining the impact of those plants on resistance management programs for transgenic crops. We assessed the effect of one physical factor, plant stem diameter, on the ability of plants to support full development of the European corn borer (ECB), Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), the target pest of transgenic Bt-corn. In the field, European corn borer larvae were significantly more likely to tunnel and survive in plants with larger stem diameters. Larvae were 40× more likely to survive on corn, the largest plant tested, compared to many of the smaller plants. In the laboratory, larvae were more likely to survive in and less likely to abandon the largest diet-filled artificial stems that varied only in stem diameter. In conditions simulating those that an ECB larvae would encounter upon abandoning a host, larvae survived up to three weeks and were able to locate corn as a new host with a significantly higher frequency than would be expected if they were foraging randomly. These results indicate that the probability of ECB larval survival to maturity on a plant other than corn is relatively low and thus these smaller stemmed non-corn plants may not make a substantial contribution to the pool of susceptible adults. Conversely, since more mature larvae are not as susceptible as neonates, any larvae that partially develop on non-corn plants and subsequently colonize Bt-corn may not be exposed to a lethal dose of the toxin. Since some proportion of the individuals that survive could be partially resistant heterozygotes the presence of non-corn host plants could facilitate the development of resistant ECB populations.  相似文献   

Abstract The age‐dependent cold hardiness profile of Ostrinia nubilalis is compared between nondiapausing and diapausing larvae, as well as with field‐collected larvae. The results suggest that both cold tolerance and accumulation of cryoprotectants depends upon the age of O. nubilalis larva. Late fifth‐instar nondiapausing larvae are more cold tolerant than younger fifth‐instars because they show enhanced ability to withstand sub‐zero temperatures. No appreciable difference is observed between the experimental groups of diapausing larvae as far as their supercooling ability and tolerance at sub‐zero temperatures above the supercooling point. In general, both field‐collected and diapausing larvae are more cold tolerant than nondiapausing larvae, indicating a direct link between diapause and cold hardiness. The age of diapausing larvae affects the ability to accumulate glycerol. Glycerol levels of 45‐day‐old diapausing larvae are significantly higher (2.7‐fold) compared with 90‐day‐old diapausing larvae. Moreover, diapausing larvae display a five‐ to 13‐fold higher glycerol content compared with nondiapausing larvae. There is a trend for an age‐dependent cold hardiness profile in O. nubilalis and further tests that could demonstrate a causal relationship between age and cold tolerance are needed.  相似文献   

Abstract Maize production in the United States is dominated by plants genetically modified with transgenes from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). Cry3Bb delta endotoxins expressed by Bt maize specifically target corn rootworms (genus Diabrotica) and have proven highly efficacious. However, development of resistance to Bt maize, especially among western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) populations, poses a significant threat to the future viability of this pest control biotechnology. The structured refuge insect resistance management (IRM) strategy implemented in the United States for Bt maize adopts a conservative approach to managing resistance by assuming no fitness costs of Bt resistance, even though these trade‐offs strongly influence the dynamics of Bt resistance within numerous agricultural pest species. To investigate the effects of Bt resistance on fitness components of western corn rootworm, we compared survivorship, fecundity and viability of five Bt‐resistant laboratory lines reared on MON863 (YieldGard Rootworm), a Bt maize product that expresses Cry3Bb1 delta endotoxin, and on its non‐transgenic isoline. Analysis of performance on the isoline maize demonstrated no fitness costs associated with Bt resistance. In fact, resistant lines emerged approximately 2–3 days earlier than control lines when reared on both MON863 and the isoline, indicating that selection for Bt resistance resulted in a general increase in the rate of larval development. In addition, resistant lines reared on Bt maize displayed higher fecundity than those reared on the isoline, which may have significant management implications. These data will be valuable for formulating improved IRM strategies for a principal agricultural pest of maize.  相似文献   

贺明霞  何康来  王振营  王新颖  李庆 《昆虫学报》2013,56(10):1135-1142
亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée) 是危害玉米的重要害虫之一, 转Bt基因抗虫玉米为其防治提供了新的途径。然而, 靶标害虫产生抗性将严重阻碍Bt制剂及转Bt基因抗虫玉米的持续应用。明确害虫对转Bt基因玉米表达的毒素蛋白的抗性演化, 对于制定科学有效的抗性治理策略具有重要的理论和实际意义。本实验通过人工饲料汰选法研究了Bt Cry1Ie毒素胁迫下亚洲玉米螟的抗性发展及汰选14代的种群对其他Bt毒素(Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac和Cry1Fa)的交互抗性, 并观察了Cry1Ie蛋白胁迫对亚洲玉米螟生物学的影响。结果表明: 随着汰选压不断提高, 亚洲玉米螟种群对Cry1Ie毒素的敏感性逐渐下降。汰选14代后, 种群对Cry1Ie毒素的抗性水平提高了23倍。然而, Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac和Cry1Fa对所获Cry1Ie汰选种群的毒力与对敏感种群的毒力相比没有显著差异, 说明Cry1Ie汰选没有引起亚洲玉米螟对Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac和Cry1Fa毒素产生交互抗性。同时, 与敏感种群相比, Cry1Ie汰选14代的种群幼虫平均发育历期延长5.7 d, 蛹重减轻13.7%, 单雌产卵量下降40.0%。本研究结果说明, 大面积单一种植转cry1Ie基因抗虫玉米, 可能引起亚洲玉米螟产生抗性; 亚洲玉米螟Cry1Ie抗性种群对Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac和Cry1Fa没有交互抗性, 含有cry1Ie和cry1Ab, cry1Ac或cry1F双/多基因抗虫玉米, 可作为靶标害虫抗性治理的重要策略。  相似文献   

The cross-resistance spectrum and biochemical mechanism of resistance to the Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab toxin was studied in a field-derived strain of Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) that was further selected in the laboratory for high levels (>1000-fold) of resistance to Cry1Ab. The resistant strain exhibited high levels of cross-resistance to Cry1Ac and Cry1Aa but only low levels of cross-resistance (<4-fold) to Cry1F. In addition, there was no significant difference between the levels of resistance to full-length and trypsin-activated Cry1Ab protein. No differences in activity of luminal gut proteases or altered proteolytic processing of the toxin were observed in the resistant strain. Significantly reduced binding of radiolabeled Cry1Aa was observed in the resistant strain whereas binding of Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac was practically the same in both resistant and susceptible strains. The interpretation of the overall data seems to suggest the involvement of an alteration in the binding of Cry1A toxins to a common receptor, which is more clearly revealed by the binding assays using radiolabeled Cry1Aa.  相似文献   

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