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There is compelling evidence that proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), a DNA sliding clamp, co-ordinates the processing and joining of Okazaki fragments during eukaryotic DNA replication. However, a detailed mechanistic understanding of functional PCNA:ligase I interactions has been incomplete. Here we present the co-crystal structure of yeast PCNA with a peptide encompassing the conserved PCNA interaction motif of Cdc9, yeast DNA ligase I. The Cdc9 peptide contacts both the inter-domain connector loop (IDCL) and residues near the C-terminus of PCNA. Complementary mutational and biochemical results demonstrate that these two interaction interfaces are required for complex formation both in the absence of DNA and when PCNA is topologically linked to DNA. Similar to the functionally homologous human proteins, yeast RFC interacts with and inhibits Cdc9 DNA ligase whereas the addition of PCNA alleviates inhibition by RFC. Here we show that the ability of PCNA to overcome RFC-mediated inhibition of Cdc9 is dependent upon both the IDCL and the C-terminal interaction interfaces of PCNA. Together these results demonstrate the functional significance of the β-zipper structure formed between the C-terminal domain of PCNA and Cdc9 and reveal differences in the interactions of FEN-1 and Cdc9 with the two PCNA interfaces that may contribute to the co-ordinated, sequential action of these enzymes.  相似文献   

Rab5 GTPases are key regulators of protein trafficking through the early stages of the endocytic pathway. The yeast Rab5 ortholog Vps21p is activated by its guanine nucleotide exchange factor Vps9p. Here we show that Vps9p binds ubiquitin and that the CUE domain is necessary and sufficient for this interaction. Vps9p ubiquitin binding is required for efficient endocytosis of Ste3p but not for the delivery of the biosynthetic cargo carboxypeptidase Y to the vacuole. In addition, Vps9p is itself monoubiquitylated. Ubiquitylation is dependent on a functional CUE domain and Rsp5p, an E3 ligase that participates in cell surface receptor endocytosis. These findings define a new ubiquitin binding domain and implicate ubiquitin as a modulator of Vps9p function in the endocytic pathway.  相似文献   

Yolk sac and placenta are required to sustain embryonic development in mammals, yet our understanding of the genes and processes that control morphogenesis of these extraembryonic tissues is still limited. The chato mutation disrupts ZFP568, a Krüppel-Associated-Box (KRAB) domain Zinc finger protein, and causes a unique set of extraembryonic malformations, including ruffling of the yolk sac membrane, defective extraembryonic mesoderm morphogenesis and vasculogenesis, failure to close the ectoplacental cavity, and incomplete placental development. Phenotypic analysis of chato embryos indicated that ZFP568 does not control proliferation or differentiation of extraembryonic lineages but rather regulates the morphogenetic events that shape extraembryonic tissues. Analysis of chimeric embryos showed that Zfp568 function is required in embryonic-derived lineages, including the extraembryonic mesoderm. Depleting Zfp568 affects the ability of extraembryonic mesoderm cells to migrate. However, explanted Zfp568 mutant cells could migrate properly when plated on appropriate extracellular matrix conditions. We show that expression of Fibronectin and Indian Hedgehog are reduced in chato mutant yolk sacs. These data suggest that ZFP568 controls the production of secreted factors required to promote morphogenesis of extraembryonic tissues. Our results support previously undescribed roles of the extraembryonic mesoderm in yolk sac morphogenesis and in the closure of the ectoplacental cavity and identify a novel role of ZFP568 in the development of extraembryonic tissues.  相似文献   

The monoallelic expression of imprinted genes is regulated by DNA methylation marks that originate from the oocyte or sperm. Li et al. (2008) show in this issue of Developmental Cell that the KRAB zinc finger protein Zfp57 contributes to the embryonic maintenance of these imprints. At one locus, Zfp57 is also involved in imprint establishment. These findings provide a mechanistic interpretation for Mackay et al.'s recently reported ZFP57 mutations in patients with transient neonatal diabetes.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination in meiosis is initiated by the programmed induction of double strand breaks (DSBs). Although the Drosophila Spo11 ortholog Mei-W68 is required for the induction of DSBs during meiotic prophase, only one other protein (Mei-P22) has been shown to be required for Mei-W68 to exert this function. We show here that the chromatin-associated protein Trade Embargo (Trem), a C2H2 zinc finger protein, is required to localize Mei-P22 to discrete foci on meiotic chromosomes, and thus to promote the formation of DSBs, making Trem the earliest known function in the process of DSB formation in Drosophila oocytes. We speculate that Trem may act by either directing the binding of Mei-P22 to preferred sites of DSB formation or by altering chromatin structure in a manner that allows Mei-P22 to form foci.  相似文献   

Zeng X  Saunders WS 《Genetics》2000,155(2):577-587
Meiotic cell division includes two separate and distinct types of chromosome segregation. In the first segregational event the sister chromatids remain attached at the centromere; in the second the chromatids are separated. The factors that control the order of chromosome segregation during meiosis have not yet been identified but are thought to be confined to the centromere region. We showed that the centromere protein Slk19p is required for the proper execution of meiosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In its absence diploid cells skip meiosis I and execute meiosis II division. Inhibiting recombination does not correct this phenotype. Surprisingly, the initiation of recombination is apparently required for meiosis II division. Thus Slk19p appears to be part of the mechanism by which the centromere controls the order of meiotic divisions.  相似文献   

Partitioning of the genome in meiosis occurs through two highly specialized cell divisions, named meiosis I and meiosis II. Step‐wise cohesin removal is required for chromosome segregation in meiosis I, and sister chromatid segregation in meiosis II. In meiosis I, mono‐oriented sister kinetochores appear as fused together when examined by high‐resolution confocal microscopy, whereas they are clearly separated in meiosis II, when attachments are bipolar. It has been proposed that bipolar tension applied by the spindle is responsible for the physical separation of sister kinetochores, removal of cohesin protection, and chromatid separation in meiosis II. We show here that this is not the case, and initial separation of sister kinetochores occurs already in anaphase I independently of bipolar spindle forces applied on sister kinetochores, in mouse oocytes. This kinetochore individualization depends on separase cleavage activity. Crucially, without kinetochore individualization in meiosis I, bivalents when present in meiosis II oocytes separate into chromosomes and not sister chromatids. This shows that whether centromeric cohesin is removed or not is determined by the kinetochore structure prior to meiosis II.  相似文献   

In higher plants the gametophyte consists of a gamete in association with a small number of haploid cells, specialized for sexual reproduction. The female gametophyte or embryo sac, is contained within the ovule and develops from a single cell, the megaspore which is formed by meiosis of the megaspore mother cell. The dyad mutant of Arabidopsis, described herein, represents a novel class among female sterile mutants in plants. dyad ovules contain two large cells in place of an embryo sac. The two cells represent the products of a single division of the megaspore mother cell followed by an arrest in further development of the megaspore. We addressed the question of whether the division of the megaspore mother cell in the mutant was meiotic or mitotic by examining the expression of two markers that are normally expressed in the megaspore mother cell during meiosis. Our observations indicate that in dyad, the megaspore mother cell enters but fails to complete meiosis, arresting at the end of meiosis 1 in the majority of ovules. This was corroborated by a direct observation of chromosome segregation during division of the megaspore mother cell, showing that the division is a reductional and not an equational one. In a minority of dyad ovules, the megaspore mother cell does not divide. Pollen development and male fertility in the mutant is normal, as is the rest of the ovule that surrounds the female gametophyte. The embryo sac is also shown to have an influence on the nucellus in wild type. The dyad mutation therefore specifically affects a function that is required in the female germ cell precursor for meiosis. The identification and analysis of mutants specifically affecting female meiosis is an initial step in understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying early events in the pathway of female reproductive development.  相似文献   

The COP9 Signalosome (CSN) is a multiprotein complex that was originally identified in Arabidopsis thaliana as a negative regulator of photomorphogenesis and subsequently shown to be a general eukaryotic regulator of developmental signaling. The CSN plays various roles, but it has been most often implicated in regulating protein degradation pathways. Six of eight CSN subunits bear a sequence motif called PCI. Here, we report studies of subunit 7 (CSN7) from Arabidopsis, which contains such a motif. Our in vitro and structural results, based on 1.5 A crystallographic data, enable a definition of a PCI domain, built from helical bundle and winged helix subdomains. Using functional binding assays, we demonstrate that the PCI domain (residues 1 to 169) interacts with two other PCI proteins, CSN8 and CSN1. CSN7 interactions with CSN8 use both PCI subdomains. Furthermore, we show that a C-terminal tail outside of this PCI domain is responsible for association with the non-PCI subunit, CSN6. In vivo studies of transgenic plants revealed that the overexpressed CSN7 PCI domain does not assemble into the CSN, nor can it complement a null mutation of CSN7. However, a CSN7 clone that contains the PCI domain plus part of the CSN6 binding domain can complement the null mutation in terms of seedling viability and photomorphogenesis. These transgenic plants, though, are defective in adult growth, suggesting that the CSN7 C-terminal tail plays additional functional roles. Together, the findings have implications for CSN assembly and function, highlighting necessary interactions between subunits.  相似文献   

Lu X  Liu X  An L  Zhang W  Sun J  Pei H  Meng H  Fan Y  Zhang C 《Cell research》2008,18(5):589-599
MSH5, a member of the MutS homolog DNA mismatch repair protein family, has been shown to be required for proper homologous chromosome recombination in diverse organisms such as mouse, budding yeast and Caenorhabditis elegans. In this paper, we show that a mutant Arabidopsis plant carrying the putative disrupted AtMSH5 gene exhibits defects during meiotic division, producing a proportion of nonviable pollen grains and abnormal embryo sacs, and thereby leading to a decrease in fertility. AtMSH5 expression is confined to meiotic floral buds, which is consistent with a possible role during meiosis. Cytological analysis of male meiosis revealed the presence of numerous univalents from diplotene to metaphase I, which were associated with a great reduction in chiasma frequencies. The average number of residual chiasmata in the mutant is reduced to 2.54 per meiocyte, which accounts for approximately 25% of the amount in the wild type. Here, quantitative cytogenetical analysis reveals that the residual chiasmata in Atmsh5 mutants are randomly distributed among meiocytes, suggesting that AtMSH5 has an essential role during interference-sensitive chiasma formation. Taken together, the evidence indicates that AtMSH5 promotes homologous recombination through facilitating chiasma formation during prophase I in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Chromosome dimers, formed by homologous recombination between sister chromosomes, normally require cell division to be resolved into monomers by site-specific recombination at the dif locus of Escherichia coli. We report here that it is not in fact cell division per se that is required for dimer resolution but the action of the cytoplasmic domain of FtsK, which is a bifunctional protein required both for cell division and for chromosome partition.  相似文献   

Telomeres are essential for chromosome integrity, protecting the ends of eukaryotic linear chromosomes during cell proliferation. Telomeres also function in meiosis; a characteristic clustering of telomeres beneath the nuclear membrane is observed during meiotic prophase in many organisms from yeasts to plants and humans, and the role of the telomeres in meiotic pairing and the recombination of homologous chromosomes has been demonstrated in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we report that S. pombe Rap1 is a telomeric protein essential for meiosis. While Rap1 is conserved in budding yeast and humans, schemes for telomere binding vary among species: human RAP1 binds to the telomere through interaction with the telomere binding protein TRF2; S. cerevisiae Rap1, however, binds telomeric DNA directly, and no orthologs of TRF proteins have been identified in this organism. In S. pombe, unlike in S. cerevisiae, an ortholog of human TRF has been identified. This ortholog, Taz1, binds directly to telomere repeats [18] and is necessary for telomere clustering in meiotic prophase. Our results demonstrate that S. pombe Rap1 binds to telomeres through interaction with Taz1, similar to human Rap1-TRF2, and that Taz1-mediated telomere localization of Rap1 is necessary for telomere clustering and for the successful completion of meiosis. Moreover, in taz1-disrupted cells, molecular fusion of Rap1 with the Taz1 DNA binding domain recovers telomere clustering and largely complements defects in meiosis, indicating that telomere localization of Rap1 is a key requirement for meiosis.  相似文献   

It is important for the proper execution of cell division in both mitosis and meiosis that the chromosome segregation, cytokinesis, and partition of cell organelles progress in smooth coordination. We show here that the mitochondria inheritance is closely linked with microtubules during meiotic divisions in Drosophila males. They are first clustered in a cell equator at metaphase associated with astral microtubules and then distributed along central spindle microtubules after anaphase. The molecular mechanism for the microtubule-dependent inheritance of mitochondria in male meiosis has not been demonstrated yet. We first isolated mutations for a larp gene that is highly conserved among eukaryotes and showed that these mutant males exhibited multiple meiotic phenotypes such as a failure of chromosome segregation, cytokinesis, and mitochondrial partition. Our cytological examination revealed that the mutants showed defects in spindle pole organization and spindle formation. The larp encodes a Drosophila orthologue of a La-related protein containing a domain exhibiting an outstanding homology with a La type RNA-binding protein. Surprisingly, the dLarp protein is localized in the cytoplasm of the male germ line cells, as observed by its distinct co-localization with mitochondria in early spermatocytes and during meiotic divisions. We discuss here the essential role that dLarp plays in multiple processes in Drosophila male meiosis.  相似文献   

We identify a highly specific mutation (jf18) in the Caenorhabditis elegans nuclear envelope protein matefin MTF-1/SUN-1 that provides direct evidence for active involvement of the nuclear envelope in homologous chromosome pairing in C. elegans meiosis. The reorganization of chromatin in early meiosis is disrupted in mtf-1/sun-1(jf18) gonads, concomitant with the absence of presynaptic homolog alignment. Synapsis is established precociously and nonhomologously. Wild-type leptotene/zygotene nuclei show patch-like aggregations of the ZYG-12 protein, which fail to develop in mtf-1/sun-1(jf18) mutants. These patches remarkably colocalize with a component of the cis-acting chromosomal pairing center (HIM-8) rather than the centrosome. Our data on this mtf-1/sun-1 allele challenge the previously postulated role of the centrosome/spindle organizing center in chromosome pairing, and clearly support a role for MTF-1/SUN-1 in meiotic chromosome reorganization and in homolog recognition, possibly by mediating local aggregation of the ZYG-12 protein in meiotic nuclei.  相似文献   

Septin 7 is a conserved GTP-binding protein. In this study, we examined the localization and functions of Septin 7 during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation. Immunofluorescent analysis showed that intrinsic Septin 7 localized to the spindles from the pro-MI stage to the MII stage. Knockdown of Septin 7 by siRNA microinjection caused abnormal spindles and affected extrusion of the first polar body. Septin 7 mRNA tagged with myc was injected into GV stage oocytes to overexpress Septin 7. Overexpressed Myc-Septin 7 localized to the spindle and beneath the plasma membrane displaying long filaments. Fluorescence intensity of spindle α-tubulin in myc-Septin 7-injected oocytes was weaker than that of the control group, demonstrating that Septin 7 may influence recruitment of α-tubulin to spindles. MII oocytes injected with myc-Septin 7 exhibited abnormal chromosome alignment, and parthenogenetic activation failed to allow extrusion of the second polar body, suggesting that overexpression of Septin 7 may affect extrusion of the polar body by disturbing the alignment of chromosomes and regulating α-tubulin recruitment to spindles. In summary, Septin 7 may regulate meiotic cell cycle progression by affecting microtubule cytoskeletal dynamics in mouse oocytes.  相似文献   

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