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In a coevolutionary arms race between an interspecific broodparasite and its host species, both are expected to evolveadaptations and counteradaptations. We studied egg discriminationin the Australian warbler (Acrocephalus australis). This speciesis currently not significantly parasitized by the seven speciesof cuckoo for which it is a suitable host. However, experimentalbrood parasitism in the warbler revealed a fine tuned egg discriminationresponse towards non-mimetic and conspecific eggs, the firstsuch evidence in an Australian passerine: (1) non-mimetic eggswere significantly more often rejected than conspecific eggs;(2) only non-mimetic dummy eggs were rejected selectively,whereas rejection of conspecific eggs entailed a rejectioncost; (3) replacement of a host's egg with a conspecific eggduring egg laying resulted in a significantly higher rejectionrate than after the day of clutch completion; (4) by contrast,rejection rate after addition of a conspecific egg was independentof nest stage; (5) conspecific eggs introduced into a clutchduring the egg laying period led to a significantly highernest desertion rate and a lower egg ejection rate than afterthe day of clutch completion; and (6) addition of a conspecificegg led to egg ejection while egg replacement with a conspecificegg led to nest desertion. The fact that this species respondsdifferentially toward different modes of artificial parasitismsuggests that its egg discrimination has evolved to minimizethe costs of rejection and parasitism. The ability to rejecthighly mimetic conspecific eggs may explain the current paucityof brood parasitism in this species. The significance of thisfor brood parasite-host coevolution is discussed.  相似文献   

Brood parasitic birds, their foster species and their ectoparasites form a complex coevolving system composed of three hierarchical levels. However, effects of hosts’ brood parasitic life‐style on the evolution of their louse (Phthiraptera: Amblycera, Ischnocera) lineages have never been tested. We present two phylogenetic analyses of ectoparasite richness of brood parasitic clades. Our hypothesis was that brood parasitic life‐style affects louse richness negatively across all avian clades due to the lack of vertical transmission routes. Then, narrowing our scope to brood parasitic cuckoos, we explored macroevolutionary factors responsible for the variability of their louse richness. Our results show that taxonomic richness of lice is lower on brood parasitic clades than on their nonparasitic sister clades. However, we found a positive covariation between the richness of cuckoos’ Ischnoceran lice and the number of their foster species, possibly due to the complex and dynamic subpopulation structure of cuckoo species that utilize several host species. We documented diversity interactions across a three‐level host parasite system and we found evidence that brood parasitism has opposing effects on louse richness at two slightly differing macroevolutionary scales, namely the species richness and the genera richness.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Incubating birds can incur high energetic costs and, when faced with a trade‐off between incubation and foraging, parents may neglect their eggs in favor of their own somatic needs. Extended incubation recesses are an example of neglect, but they are often treated as outliers and largely overlooked in studies of incubation behavior. We studied incubation rhythms of Horned Larks (Eremophila alpestris) on Hudson Bay Mountain, British Columbia, Canada, during four breeding seasons. Incubation recesses averaged 10.92 ± 0.38 min (N= 4076 2‐h periods), but we observed 70 extended recesses, ranging from 59 to 387 min in duration, at 35 nests. Although rare (<1% of all daytime recesses), extended recesses occurred in all 4 yr, were longer and more frequent in colder years (60% occurred in the two coldest years), and often occurred during inclement weather (39% occurred during three storm events). Extended recesses did not appear to compensate for long attendance periods because extended recess duration was not correlated with the duration of previous on‐bouts (P= 0.10, N= 70) or the mean on‐bout duration of the previous 2‐h period (P= 0.36, N= 70). Rather, extended recesses seemed to reflect a shift in parental investment away from their eggs and toward self‐maintenance when faced with energetically stressful conditions. Extended recesses may have reduced embryo viability; egg‐hatching rates were 91 ± 2.4% for nests where females did not take extended recesses and 81 ± 4.2% for nests where females did take extended recesses (P= 0.02, N= 56 nests). Extended recesses during incubation are rare events, but they may represent an important mechanism that allows birds to breed successfully in energetically challenging conditions.  相似文献   

Ongoing evolution of polyandry, and consequent extra‐pair reproduction in socially monogamous systems, is hypothesized to be facilitated by indirect selection stemming from cross‐sex genetic covariances with components of male fitness. Specifically, polyandry is hypothesized to create positive genetic covariance with male paternity success due to inevitable assortative reproduction, driving ongoing coevolution. However, it remains unclear whether such covariances could or do emerge within complex polyandrous systems. First, we illustrate that genetic covariances between female extra‐pair reproduction and male within‐pair paternity success might be constrained in socially monogamous systems where female and male additive genetic effects can have opposing impacts on the paternity of jointly reared offspring. Second, we demonstrate nonzero additive genetic variance in female liability for extra‐pair reproduction and male liability for within‐pair paternity success, modeled as direct and associative genetic effects on offspring paternity, respectively, in free‐living song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). The posterior mean additive genetic covariance between these liabilities was slightly positive, but the credible interval was wide and overlapped zero. Therefore, although substantial total additive genetic variance exists, the hypothesis that ongoing evolution of female extra‐pair reproduction is facilitated by genetic covariance with male within‐pair paternity success cannot yet be definitively supported or rejected either conceptually or empirically.  相似文献   

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