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In all species, patterns of reproductive allocation have important fitness consequences and therefore important implications for life-history evolution. Nearly universally, theory in this field has modeled as independent the evolution of total allocation to offspring and the subsequent division of this allocation into many small versus few large offspring. Yet, some theory and a very small amount of experimental evidence suggest that these life-history traits may be evolutionarily linked. Using comparative analyses of copepod life histories, we illustrate that rather than being evolutionarily independent these traits can be linked, in this case, across a very large clade of invertebrates. Our results indicate that a more complete understanding of the evolution of these traits will require greater consideration of simultaneous allocation decisions, rather than sequential ones, and other genetic and selective mechanisms.  相似文献   

Genome sizes vary widely among species, but comprehensive explanations for the emergence of this variation have not been validated. Lynch and Conery (2003) hypothesized that genome expansion is maladaptive, and that lineages with small effective population size (Ne) evolve larger genomes than those with large Ne as a consequence of the lowered efficacy of natural selection in small populations. In addition, mating systems likely affect genome size evolution via effects on both Ne and the spread of transposable elements (TEs). We present a comparative analysis of the effects of Ne and mating system on genome size evolution in seed plants. The dataset includes 205 species with monoploid genome size estimates (corrected for recent polyploidy) ranging from 2Cx = 0.3 to 65.9 pg. The raw data exhibited a strong positive relationship between outcrossing and genome size, a negative relationship between Ne and genome size, but no detectable Ne× outcrossing interaction. In contrast, phylogenetically independent contrast analyses found only a weak relationship between outcrossing and genome size and no relationship between Ne and genome size. Thus, seed plants do not support the Lynch and Conery mechanism of genome size evolution. Further work is needed to disentangle contrasting effects of mating systems on the efficacy of selection and TE transmission.  相似文献   

Thewell-posednessofnonlinearsizestructuredpopulationmodelsisstudied.Thenonlinearitiesareintroducedbyassumingthevitalparameters(thebirthrate,thedeathrate,andthegrowthrate)tobedensitydependent.TheidealadoptedhereisbasedonthemethodofGurtinandMacCamy[4]usedfornonlinearage-dependentpopulationmodels.Thenetreproductivenumberisintroducedandusedtodeterminethelocalandglobalstabilityoftrivialequilibrium.Thestabilityconditionsoftrivialequilibriumareobtained.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper examines aspects of genetic draft, the stochastic force induced by substitutions at one locus on the dynamics of a closely linked locus. Of particular interest is the role of population size on genetic draft. Remarkably, the rate of substitution of weakly selected advantageous mutations decreases with increasing population size, whereas that for deleterious mutations increases with population size. This dependency on population size is the opposite of that for genetic drift. Moreover, these rates are only weakly dependent on population size, again contrary to the strong dependency of drift‐based dynamics. Four models of the strongly selected loci responsible for genetic draft are examined. Three of these exhibit a very weak dependency on population size, which implies that their induced effects will also be weakly dependent on population size. Together, these results suggest that population size and binomial sampling may not be relevant to a species' evolution. If this is the case, then a number of evolutionary conundrums are resolved.  相似文献   

Bergmann's and Rensch's rules describe common large-scale patterns of body size variation, but their underlying causes remain elusive. Bergmann's rule states that organisms are larger at higher latitudes (or in colder climates). Rensch's rule states that male body size varies (or evolutionarily diverges) more than female body size among species, resulting in slopes greater than one when male size is regressed on female size. We use published studies of sex-specific latitudinal body size clines in vertebrates and invertebrates to investigate patterns equivalent to Rensch's rule among populations within species and to evaluate their possible relation to Bergmann's rule. Consistent with previous studies, we found a continuum of Bergmann (larger at higher latitudes: 58 species) and converse Bergmann body size clines (larger at lower latitudes: 40 species). Ignoring latitude, male size was more variable than female size in only 55 of 98 species, suggesting that intraspecific variation in sexual size dimorphism does not generally conform to Rensch's rule. In contrast, in a significant majority of species (66 of 98) male latitudinal body size clines were steeper than those of females. This pattern is consistent with a latitudinal version of Rensch's rule, and suggests that some factor that varies systematically with latitude is responsible for producing Rensch's rule among populations within species. Identifying the underlying mechanisms will require studies quantifying latitudinal variation in sex-specific natural and sexual selection on body size.  相似文献   

The concept of species-level heritability is widely contested. Because it is most likely to apply to emergent, species-level traits, one of the central discussions has focused on the potential heritability of geographic range size. However, a central argument against range-size heritability has been that it is not compatible with the observed shape of present-day species range-size distributions (SRDs), a claim that has never been tested. To assess this claim, we used forward simulation of range-size evolution in clades with varying degrees of range-size heritability, and compared the output of three different models to the range-size distribution of the South American avifauna. Although there were differences among the models, a moderate-to-high degree of range-size heritability consistently leads to SRDs that were similar to empirical data. These results suggest that range-size heritability can generate realistic SRDs, and may play an important role in shaping observed patterns of range sizes.  相似文献   

Size increments following interindividual fusions appear as a general benefit for organisms, such as coalescing seaweeds and modular invertebrates, with the capacity to fuse with conspecifics. Using sporelings of the red algae Gracilaria chilensis C. J. Bird, McLachlan et E. C. Oliveira and Mazzaella laminarioides (Bory) Fredericq, we measured the growth patterns of sporelings built with different numbers of spores, and the magnitude and persistence of the size increments gained by fusions. Then we studied three morphological processes that could help explain the observed growth patterns. Results indicate that in these algae, coalescence is followed by immediate increase in total size of the coalesced individual and that the increment is proportional to the number of individuals fusing. However, the size increments in sporelings of both species do not last >60 d. Increasing reductions of marginal meristematic cells and increasing abundance of necrotic cells in sporelings built with increasing numbers of initial spores are partial explanations for the above growth patterns. Since sporelings formed by many spores differentiate erect axes earlier and in larger quantities than sporelings formed by one or only a few spores, differentiation, emergence, and growth of erect axes appear as a more likely explanation for the slow radial growth of the multisporic sporelings. Erect axis differentiation involves significant morphological and physiological changes and a shift from radial to axial growth. It is concluded that the growth pattern exhibited by these macroalgae after fusion differs from equivalent processes described for other organisms with the capacity to fuse, such as modular invertebrates.  相似文献   

A trend for larger males to obtain a disproportionately high number of matings, as occurs in many animal populations, typically is attributed either to female choice or success in male-male rivalry; an alternative mechanism, that larger males are better able to coercively inseminate females, has received much less attention. For example, previous studies on garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) at communal dens in Manitoba have shown that the mating benefit to larger body size in males is due to size-dependent advantages in male-male rivalry. However, this previous work ignored the possibility that larger males may obtain more matings because of male-female interactions. In staged trials within outdoor arenas, larger body size enhanced male mating success regardless of whether a rival male was present. The mechanism involved was coercion rather than female choice, because mating occurred most often (and soonest) in females that were least able to resist courtship-induced hypoxic stress. Males do physically displace rivals from optimal positions in the mating ball, and larger males are better able to resist such displacement. Nonetheless, larger body size enhances male mating success even in the absence of such male-male interactions. Thus, even in mating systems where males compete physically and where larger body size confers a significant advantage in male-male competition, the actual selective force for larger body size in males may relate to forcible insemination of unreceptive females. Experimental studies are needed to determine whether the same situation occurs in other organisms in which body-size advantages have been attributed to male-male rather than male-female interactions.  相似文献   

Body size is widely believed to affect the occurrence of sexual maturation. Recent studies have used changes in the age-specific body size at which the probability of maturing is 50%, a feature of probabilistic reaction norms, to quantify purported evolution of life histories. However, body size results from a combination of growth rates during successive developmental stages. Therefore, to understand the evolution of the maturation schedule, it is necessary to comprehend the relationships among body size, growth history, and maturation schedule. We examined the relationships among body size, previous growth history, and maturation probability in chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta). In this study, previous growth history was estimated from yearly specific growth increments that provide information describing body size. Previous growth history was found to be more closely linked to maturation probability than body size. The most recent growth condition was the most important factor affecting whether a fish matured during the subsequent breeding season. Because individuals of similar body size and same age can have different growth histories, the relationship between body size and maturation probability could be plastically modified by growth history. This may violate an assumption required to infer evolution, namely that size-related maturation trends in probabilistic reaction norms are immune to growth history.  相似文献   

Positive correlations between pollen-ovule ratio and seed size, and negative correlations between pollen-ovule ratio and pollen grain size have been noted frequently in a wide variety of angiosperm taxa. These relationships are commonly explained as a consequence of sex allocation on the basis of a simple model proposed by Charnov. Indeed, the theoretical expectation from the model has been the basis for interest in the empirical pattern. However, the predicted relationship is a necessary consequence of the mathematics of the model, which therefore has little explanatory power, even though its predictions are consistent with empirical results. The evolution of pollen-ovule ratios is likely to depend on selective factors affecting mating system, pollen presentation and dispensing, patterns of pollen receipt, pollen tube competition, female mate choice through embryo abortion, as well as genetic covariances among pollen, ovule, and seed size and other reproductive traits. To the extent the empirical correlations involving pollen-ovule ratios are interesting, they will need explanation in terms of a suite of selective factors. They are not explained simply by sex allocation trade-offs.  相似文献   

Geographical patterns of morphological variation have been useful in addressing hypotheses about environmental adaptation. In particular, latitudinal clines in phenotypes have been studied in a number of Drosophila species. Some environmental conditions along latitudinal clines—for example, temperature—also vary along altitudinal clines, but these have been studied infrequently and it remains unclear whether these environmental factors are similar enough for convergence or parallel evolution. Most clinal studies in Drosophila have dealt exclusively with univariate phenotypes, allowing for the detection of clinal relationships, but not for estimating the directions of covariation between them. We measured variation in wing shape and size in D. melanogaster derived from populations at varying altitudes and latitudes across sub‐Saharan Africa. Geometric morphometrics allows us to compare shape changes associated with latitude and altitude, and manipulating rearing temperature allows us to quantify the extent to which thermal plasticity recapitulates clinal effects. Comparing effect vectors demonstrates that altitude, latitude, and temperature are only partly associated, and that the altitudinal shape effect may differ between Eastern and Western Africa. Our results suggest that selection responsible for these phenotypic clines may be more complex than just thermal adaptation.  相似文献   

Asymmetric sibling competition arises when siblings with different competitive abilities share a limited resource. Such competition occurs in species with postnatal parental care and may also occur when mothers provision embryos between fertilization and birth (matrotrophy). We hypothesized that the combination of matrotrophy and the simultaneous provisioning of embryos in different stages of development (superfetation) leads to asymmetric competition between sibling embryos. Moreover, we expect the intensity of this competition to increase with the level of superfetation as high levels of superfetation result in greater temporal overlap between broods. This hypothesis predicts that offspring from early broods, which predominantly compete with less‐developed siblings, will be larger at birth than offspring from later broods, which experience competition from more and less‐developed siblings. Data on offspring size at birth from two populations of the highly matrotrophic fish, Heterandria formosa, and similar studies of poeciliid fish spanning a range of life histories are consistent with our hypothesis. Together these results suggest that sibling competition is a direct consequence of the evolution of matrotrophy and superfetation in poeciliid fish.  相似文献   

Few studies have determined whether formal estimates of selection explain patterns of trait divergence among populations, yet this is one approach for evaluating whether the populations are in equilibria. If adaptive divergence is complete, directional selection should be absent and stabilizing selection should prevail. We estimated natural selection, due to bear predation, acting on the body size and shape of male salmon in three breeding populations that experience differing predation regimes. Our approach was to (1) estimate selection acting within each population on each trait based on an empirical estimate of reproductive activity, (2) test for trait divergence among populations, and (3) test whether selection coefficients were correlated with trait divergence among populations. Stabilizing selection was never significant, indicating that these populations have yet to attain equilibria. Directional selection varied among populations in a manner consistent with trait divergence, indicating ongoing population differentiation. Specifically, the rank order of the creeks in terms of patterns of selection paralleled the rank order in terms of size and shape. The shortest and least deep-bodied males had the highest reproductive activity in the creek with the most intense predation and longer and deeper-bodied males were favored in the creeks with lower predation risk.  相似文献   

A classic paradigm in evolutionary biology is that geographically isolated clades inhabiting similar selective regimes will diversify to create similar sets of phenotypes in different locations (e.g., similar stickleback species in different lakes, similar Anolis ecomorphs on different islands). Such parallel radiations are not generally expected to occur in sympatry because the available niche space would be filled by whichever clade is diversified first. Here, we document a very different pattern, the parallel evolution of similar body-size morphs in three sympatric clades of plethodontid salamanders ( Desmognathus, Plethodon, Spelerpinae) in eastern North America. Using a comprehensive, time-calibrated phylogeny of North American plethodontids from nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences, we show that these three clades have undergone replicated patterns of evolution in body size and that this parallel diversification occurred in broad-scale sympatry. At the local scale, we find that coexisting species from these clades are more similar in body size than expected under a null model in which species are randomly assembled into communities. These patterns are particularly surprising in that competition is known to be important in driving phenotypic diversification and limiting local coexistence of similar-sized species within these clades. Although parallel diversification of sympatric clades may seem counterintuitive, we discuss several ecological and evolutionary factors that may allow the phenomenon to occur.  相似文献   

Recent studies with Drosophila have suggested that there is extensive genetic variability for phenotypic plasticity of body size versus food level. If true, we expect that the outcome of evolution at very different food levels should yield genotypes whose adult size show different patterns of phenotypic plasticity. We have tested this prediction with six independent populations of Drosophila melanogaster kept at extreme densities for 125 generations. We found that the phenotypic plasticity of body size versus food level is not affected by selection or the presence of competitors of a different genotype. However, we document increasing among population variation in phenotypic plasticity due to random genetic drift. Several reasons are explored to explain these results including the possibility that the use of highly inbred lines to make inferences about the evolution of genetically variable populations may be misleading.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) can strongly influence the evolution of reproductive strategies and life history. If SSD is extreme, and other characters (e.g., genitalic size) also increase with size, then functional conflicts may arise between the sexes. Spiders offer an excellent opportunity to investigate this issue because of their wide range of SSD. By using modern phylogenetic methods with 16 species of orb-weaving spiders, we provide strong evidence for the "positive genitalic divergence" model, implying that sexual genitalic dimorphism (SGD) increases as SSD increases. This pattern is supported by an evolutionary mismatch between the absolute sizes of male and female genitalia across species. Indeed, our findings reveal a dramatic reversal from male genitalia that are up to 87x larger than female genitalia in size-monomorphic species to female genitalia that are up to 2.8x larger in extremely size-dimorphic species. We infer that divergence in SGD could limit SSD both in spiders, and potentially in other taxa as well. Further, male and female body size, as well as male and female genitalia size, are decoupled evolutionarily. Finally, we show a negative scaling (hypoallometry) of male and female genitalic morphology within sexes. Evolutionary forces specific to each sex, such as larger female size (increased fecundity) or smaller male size (enhanced mate-searching ability), may be balanced by stabilizing selection on relative genitalic size.  相似文献   

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