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A major issue in evolutionary biology is explaining patterns of differentiation observed in population genomic data, as divergence can be due to both direct selection on a locus and genetic hitchhiking. “Divergence hitchhiking” (DH) theory postulates that divergent selection on a locus reduces gene flow at physically linked sites, facilitating the formation of localized clusters of tightly linked, diverged loci. “Genome hitchhiking” (GH) theory emphasizes genome‐wide effects of divergent selection. Past theoretical investigations of DH and GH focused on static snapshots of divergence. Here, we used simulations assessing a variety of strengths of selection, migration rates, population sizes, and mutation rates to investigate the relative importance of direct selection, GH, and DH in facilitating the dynamic buildup of genomic divergence as speciation proceeds through time. When divergently selected mutations were limiting, GH promoted divergence, but DH had little measurable effect. When populations were small and divergently selected mutations were common, DH enhanced the accumulation of weakly selected mutations, but this contributed little to reproductive isolation. In general, GH promoted reproductive isolation by reducing effective migration rates below that due to direct selection alone, and was important for genome‐wide “congealing” or “coupling” of differentiation (FST) across loci as speciation progressed.  相似文献   

Early in speciation, as populations undergo the transition from local adaptation to incipient species, is when a number of transient, but potentially important, processes appear to be most easily detected. These include signatures of selective sweeps that can point to asymmetry in selection between habitats, divergence hitchhiking, and associations of adaptive genes with environments. In a genomic comparison of ecotypes of the prairie sunflower, Helianthus petiolaris, occurring at Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve (Colorado), we found that selective sweeps were mainly restricted to the dune ecotype and that there was variation across the genome in whether proximity to the nondune population constrained or promoted divergence. The major regions of divergence were few and large between ecotypes, in contrast with an interspecific comparison between H. petiolaris and a sympatric congener, Helianthus annuus. In general, the large regions of divergence observed in the ecotypic comparison swamped locus‐specific associations with environmental variables. In both comparisons, regions of high divergence occurred in portions of the genetic map with high marker density, probably reflecting regions of low recombination. The difference in genomic distributions of highly divergent regions between ecotypic and interspecific comparisons highlights the value of studies spanning the spectrum of speciation in related taxa.  相似文献   

Several studies of intraspecific and interspecific DNA sequence variation from Drosophila loci have revealed a pattern of low intraspecific variation from genomic regions of low recombination. The mechanisms consistently invoked to explain these patterns are the selective sweep of advantageous mutations together with genetic hitchhiking of linked loci. To examine the effect of selective sweeps on genetic divergence during speciation, we studied two loci in different genomic regions thought to be subject to selective sweeps. We obtained DNA sequences from 1.1kb pair portions of the fourth chromosome locus cubitus interruptus Dominant (ciD) and from the asense locus near the telomere of the X chromosome. At ciD, we found very low variation among multiple lines of Drosophila mauritiana and D. sechellia. This finding is consistent with an earlier report of very low variation in D. melanogaster and D. simulans at ciD and supports the conclusion of selective sweeps and genetic hitchhiking on the nonrecombining fourth chromosome. The pattern of variation found at asense suggests that a selective sweep has occurred recently at the tip of the X chromosome in D. simulans, but not in D. melanogaster or D. mauritiana. The data from ciD and asense are compared with data from three X chromosome loci (period, zeste, and yolk protein 2) that experience normal levels of recombination. By examining estimated genealogies and the rates at which different classes of mutations have accumulated, we conclude that selective sweeps are common occurrences on the fourth chromosome but less common near the tip of the X chromosome. An interesting pattern of low variation at ciD among D. simulans, D. mauritiana, and D. sechellia suggests that a selective sweep may have occurred among these forms even after divergence into separate species had begun.  相似文献   

Studies of gene flow between closely related taxa can provide insight into the genetic basis of speciation. To evaluate the importance of the X chromosome in reproductive isolation between subspecies of the European rabbit and to study the genomic scale over which islands of differentiation extend, we resequenced a total of 34 loci distributed along the X chromosome and chromosome 14. Previous studies based on few markers suggested that loci in centromeric regions were highly differentiated between rabbit subspecies, whereas loci in telomeric regions were less differentiated. Here, we confirmed this finding but also discovered remarkable variation in levels of differentiation among loci, with FST values from nearly 0 to 1. Analyses using isolation‐with‐migration models suggest that this range appears to be largely explained by differential levels of gene flow among loci. The X chromosome was significantly more differentiated than the autosomes. On chromosome 14, differentiation decayed very rapidly at increasing distances from the centromere, but on the X chromosome distinct islands of differentiation encompassing several megabases were observed both at the centromeric region and along the chromosome arms. These findings support the idea that the X chromosome plays an important role in reproductive isolation between rabbit subspecies. These results also demonstrate the mosaic nature of the genome at species boundaries.  相似文献   

Studies of related populations varying in their degrees of reproductive isolation can provide insights into speciation. Here, the transition from partially isolated host races to more fully separated sibling species is investigated by comparing patterns of genetic differentiation between recently evolved (~150 generations) apple and ancestral hawthorn‐infesting populations of Rhagoletis pomonella to their sister taxon, the undescribed flowering dogwood fly attacking Cornus florida. No fixed or diagnostic private alleles differentiating the three populations were found at any of 23 microsatellites and 10 allozymes scored. Nevertheless, allele frequency differences were sufficient across loci for flowering dogwood fly populations from multiple localities to form a diagnosable genotypic cluster distinct from apple and hawthorn flies, indicative of species status. Genome‐wide patterns of differentiation were correlated between the host races and species pair comparisons along the majority of chromosomes, suggesting that similar disruptive selection pressures affect most loci. However, differentiation was more pronounced, with some additional regions showing elevated divergence, for the species pair comparison. Our results imply that Rhagoletis sibling species such as the flowering dogwood fly represent host races writ large, with the transition to species status primarily resulting from increased divergence of the same regions separating apple and hawthorn flies.  相似文献   

“Ecological” speciation occurs when reproductive isolation evolves as a consequence of divergent selection between populations exploiting different resources or environments. We tested this hypothesis of speciation in a young stickleback species pair by measuring the direct contribution of ecological selection pressures to hybrid fitness. The two species (limnetic and benthic) are strongly differentiated morphologically and ecologically, whereas hybrids are intermediate. Fitness of hybrids is high in the laboratory, especially F1 and F2 hybrids (backcrosses may show some breakdown). We transplanted F1 hybrids to enclosures in the two main habitats in the wild to test whether the distribution of resources available in the environment generates a hybrid disadvantage not detectable in the laboratory. Hybrids grew more slowly than limnetics in the open water habitat and more slowly than benthics in the littoral zone. Growth of F1 hybrids was inferior to the average of the parent species across both habitats, albeit not significantly. The contrast between laboratory and field results supports the hypothesis that mechanisms of F1 hybrid fitness in the wild are primarily ecological and do not result from intrinsic genetic incompatibilities. Direct selection on hybrids contributes to the maintenance of sympatric stickleback species and may have played an important role in their origin.  相似文献   

The literature on speciation has expanded dramatically in recent years, catalyzed by the emergence of new conceptual frameworks, new theoretical approaches, and new methods for characterizing pattern and inferring process. As a consequence, the language used to describe the speciation process has become more complex. Increasing complexity may be an accurate reflection of current thinking with respect to how phenotypic differences limit gene flow, how selection results in the evolution of reproductive isolation, and genetic changes that contribute to speciation. However, increased language complexity has come at a cost; old definitions have been reconfigured and new terms have been introduced. In some instances, the introduction of new terminology has failed to recognize historical usage, leading to unnecessary ambiguity and redundancy. Although the writings of Mayr and Dobzhansky remain a reference point in the language of speciation, the last decades of the 20th century saw substantial changes in our thinking about the speciation process. During that period, the language of speciation remained relatively stable. In contrast, the first decade of the 21st century has witnessed a remarkable expansion of the language of speciation. Here, the origin and evolution of ideas about speciation are viewed through the lens of changing language use.  相似文献   

Understanding the drivers of speciation is critical to interpreting patterns of biodiversity. The identification of the genetic changes underlying adaptation and reproductive isolation is necessary to link barriers to gene flow to the causal origins of divergence. Here, we present a novel approach to the genetics of speciation, which should complement the commonly used approaches of quantitative trait locus mapping and genome-wide scans for selection. We present a large-scale candidate gene approach by means of sequence capture, applied to identifying the genetic changes underlying reproductive isolation in the pea aphid, a model system for the study of ecological speciation. Targeted resequencing enabled us to scale up the candidate gene approach, specifically testing for the role of chemosensory gene families in host plant specialization. Screening for the signature of divergence under selection at 172 candidate and noncandidate loci, we revealed a handful of loci that show high levels of differentiation among host races, which almost all correspond to odorant and gustatory receptor genes. This study offers the first indication that some chemoreceptor genes, often tightly linked together in the genome, could play a key role in local adaptation and reproductive isolation in the pea aphid and potentially other phytophagous insects. Our approach opens a new route toward the functional genomics of ecological speciation.  相似文献   

Since Darwin published the “Origin,” great progress has been made in our understanding of speciation mechanisms. The early investigations by Mayr and Dobzhansky linked Darwin's view of speciation by adaptive divergence to the evolution of reproductive isolation, and thus provided a framework for studying the origin of species. However, major controversies and questions remain, including: When is speciation nonecological? Under what conditions does geographic isolation constitute a reproductive isolating barrier? and How do we estimate the “importance” of different isolating barriers? Here, we address these questions, providing historical background and offering some new perspectives. A topic of great recent interest is the role of ecology in speciation. “Ecological speciation” is defined as the case in which divergent selection leads to reproductive isolation, with speciation under uniform selection, polyploid speciation, and speciation by genetic drift defined as “nonecological.” We review these proposed cases of nonecological speciation and conclude that speciation by uniform selection and polyploidy normally involve ecological processes. Furthermore, because selection can impart reproductive isolation both directly through traits under selection and indirectly through pleiotropy and linkage, it is much more effective in producing isolation than genetic drift. We thus argue that natural selection is a ubiquitous part of speciation, and given the many ways in which stochastic and deterministic factors may interact during divergence, we question whether the ecological speciation concept is useful. We also suggest that geographic isolation caused by adaptation to different habitats plays a major, and largely neglected, role in speciation. We thus provide a framework for incorporating geographic isolation into the biological species concept (BSC) by separating ecological from historical processes that govern species distributions, allowing for an estimate of geographic isolation based upon genetic differences between taxa. Finally, we suggest that the individual and relative contributions of all potential barriers be estimated for species pairs that have recently achieved species status under the criteria of the BSC. Only in this way will it be possible to distinguish those barriers that have actually contributed to speciation from those that have accumulated after speciation is complete. We conclude that ecological adaptation is the major driver of reproductive isolation, and that the term “biology of speciation,” as proposed by Mayr, remains an accurate and useful characterization of the diversity of speciation mechanisms.  相似文献   

The hybrid zone on Mount Etna (Sicily) between Senecio aethnensis and Senecio chrysanthemifolius (two morphologically and physiologically distinct species) is a classic example of an altitudinal cline. Hybridization at intermediate altitudes and gradients in phenotypic and life‐history traits occur along altitudinal transects of the volcano. The cline is considered to be a good example of ecological selection with species differences arising by divergent selection opposing gene flow. However, the possibility that the cline formed from recent secondary contact following an allopatric phase is difficult to exclude. We demonstrate a recent split between S. aethnensis and S. chrysanthemifolius (as recent as ~32,000 years ago) and sufficient gene flow (2Nm > 1) to have prevented divergence (implicating a role for diversifying selection in the maintenance of the cline). Differentially expressed genes between S. aethnensis and S. chrysanthemifolius exhibit significantly higher genetic divergence relative to “expression invariant” controls, suggesting that species differences may in part be mediated by divergent selection on differentially expressed genes involved with altitude‐related adaptation. The recent split time and the absence of fixed differences between these two ecologically distinct species suggest the rapid evolution to an altitudinal cline involving selection on both sequence and expression variation.  相似文献   

We build a spatial individual-based multilocus model of homoploid hybrid speciation tailored for a tentative case of hybrid origin of Heliconius heurippa from H. melpomene and H. cydno in South America. Our model attempts to account for empirical patterns and data on genetic incompatibility, mating preferences and selection by predation (both based on coloration patterns), habitat preference, and local adaptation for all three Heliconius species. Using this model, we study the likelihood of recombinational speciation and identify the effects of various ecological and genetic parameters on the dynamics, patterns, and consequences of hybrid ecological speciation. Overall, our model supports the possibility of hybrid origin of H. heurippa under certain conditions. The most plausible scenario would include hybridization between H. melpomene and H. cydno in an area geographically isolated from the rest of both parental species with subsequent long-lasting geographic isolation of the new hybrid species, followed by changes in the species ranges, the secondary contact, and disappearance of H. melpomene -type ecomorph in the hybrid species. However, much more work (both empirical and theoretical) is necessary to be able to make more definite conclusions on the importance of homoploid hybrid speciation in animals.  相似文献   

There is ample empirical evidence that phenotypic diversification in an adaptive radiation is the outcome of divergent natural selection related to differential resource use. In contrast, the role of ecological forces in favoring and maintaining reproductive isolation in nature remains poorly understood. If the same forces driving phenotypic divergence are also responsible for speciation, one would predict a correlation between the extent of trophic specialization (reflecting variable intensity of divergent natural selection) and that of reproductive isolation being reached in a given environment. We tested this hypothesis by comparing the extent of morphological and genetic differentiation between sympatric dwarf and normal whitefish ecotypes (Coregonus sp.) from six lakes of the St. John River basin (eastern Canada and northern Maine). Eight meristic variables, 19 morphometric variables, and six microsatellite loci were used to quantify morphological and genetic differentiation, respectively. Dwarf and normal ecotypes in each lake differed primarily by traits related to trophic specialization, but the extent of differentiation varied among lakes. Significant but variable genetic divergence between ecotypes within lakes was also observed. A negative correlation was observed between the extent of gene flow between ecotypes within a lake and that of their morphological differentiation in trophic-related traits. The extent of reproductive isolation reached between dwarf and normal whitefish ecotypes appears to be driven by the potential for occupying distinct trophic niches and, thus, by the same selective forces driving tropic specialization in each lake. These results therefore support the hypothesis of ecological speciation.  相似文献   

Loci with higher levels of population differentiation than the neutral expectation are traditionally interpreted as evidence of ongoing selection that varies in space. This article emphasizes an alternative explanation that has been largely overlooked to date: in species subdivided into large subpopulations, enhanced differentiation can also be the signature left by the fixation of an unconditionally favorable mutation on its chromosomal neighborhood. This is because the hitchhiking effect is expected to diminish as the favorable mutation spreads from the deme in which it originated to other demes. To discriminate among the two alternative scenarios one needs to investigate how genetic structure varies along the chromosomal region of the locus. Local hitchhiking is shown to generate a single sharp peak of differentiation centered on the adaptive polymorphism and the standard signature of a selective sweep only in those subpopulations in which the allele is favored. Global hitchhiking produces two domes of differentiation on either side of the fixed advantageous mutation and signatures of a selective sweep in every subpopulation, albeit of different magnitude. Investigating population differentiation around a locus that strongly differentiates two otherwise genetically similar populations of the marine mussel Mytilus edulis, plausible evidence for the global hitchhiking hypothesis has been obtained. Global hitchhiking is a neglected phenomenon that might prove to be important in species with large population sizes such as many marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

Among the most debated subjects in speciation is the question of its mode. Although allopatric (geographical) speciation is assumed the null model, the importance of parapatric and sympatric speciation is extremely difficult to assess and remains controversial. Here I develop a novel approach to distinguish these modes of speciation by studying the evolution of reproductive isolation (RI) among taxa. I focus on the Drosophila genus, for which measures of RI are known. First, I incorporate RI into age‐range correlations. Plots show that almost all cases of weak RI are between allopatric taxa whereas sympatric taxa have strong RI. This either implies that most reproductive isolation (RI) was initiated in allopatry or that RI evolves too rapidly in sympatry to be captured at incipient stages. To distinguish between these explanations, I develop a new “rate test of speciation” that estimates the likelihood of non‐allopatric speciation given the distribution of RI rates in allopatry versus sympatry. Most sympatric taxa were found to have likely initiated RI in allopatry. However, two putative candidate species pairs for non‐allopatric speciation were identified (5% of known Drosophila). In total, this study shows how using RI measures can greatly inform us about the geographical mode of speciation in nature.  相似文献   

We surveyed mitochondrial DNA haplotype divergence within and between populations of six species of North American chickadees (Parus, Subgenus Poecile) with the following results. (1) Genotype diversities (range 0.3 to 0.7) and low nucleotide diversities (range 3 to 27 × 10?4) within populations were typical of known vertebrates. (2) The two widespread, northern species (atricapillus and hudsonicus) exhibit little mtDNA genetic differentiation throughout their previously glaciated continental distributions, most likely because of recent, postglacial range expansions. (3) Newfoundland populations of atricapillus and maritime province (Newfoundland plus Nova Scotia) populations of hudsonicus have distinct mtDNA haplotypes which differ from continental haplotypes by single restriction site changes. (4) Haplotypes of the southeastern U.S. species P. carolinensis divide into eastern and western sets which have diverged by three percent. This heretofore unrecognized, divided population structure may correspond to the Tombigbee River/ Mobile Bay disjunction known in some other vertebrate taxa. (5) Allopatric populations of the southwestern species sclateri and gambeli exhibit divergences of one and three percent respectively. (6) Prevailing interspecific divergence distances of three to seven percent suggest speciation early in the Pleistocene rather than during late (e.g., Wisconsin) glaciations. (7) Phylogenetic analyses suggest that North American taxa include two clades, hudsonicus-rufescens-sclateri versus carolinensis-atricapillus-gambeli and that carolinensis and atricapillus are not sister species.  相似文献   

The salamander Ensatina eschscholtzii is an example of a ring species in which extant intermediate stages of terminal forms have a nearly continuous range, offering replicated interactions at several stages of divergence. We employ a greatly expanded allozyme database and individual-based analyses to separate the effects of divergence time and gene flow to evaluate how gradual divergence of populations around the ring contributes to the development of reproductive isolation. Despite the high degree of genetic ( D ≤ 0.39) and ecomorphological divergence observed in secondary contacts around the ring, reproductive isolation or rare hybridization is observed only at the terminus of the ring. Instead, in the secondary contacts sampled around the ring, hybrids are common and reproductively successful, enabling genetic leakage between parental genomes and the potential for genetic merger. Nevertheless, genetic admixture is geographically broad (<100 km) only in contacts between ecomorphologically similar populations (within subspecies). When divergence is accompanied by alternative patterns of adaptive divergence (between subspecies), zones of intergradation are narrower and affect populations only locally (>8 km). Diversification and consequent genetic interactions in Ensatina reveal a continuum between populations, ecological races, and species, where polytypic traits and high genetic differentiation are maintained without reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Determining how a new hybrid lineage can achieve reproductive isolation is a key to understanding the process and mechanisms of homoploid hybrid speciation. Here, we evaluated the degree and nature of reproductive isolation between the ecologically successful hybrid species Pinus densata and its parental species P. tabuliformis and P. yunnanensis. We performed interspecific crosses among the three species to assess their crossability. We then conducted reciprocal transplantation experiments to evaluate their fitness differentiation, and to examine how natural populations representing different directions of introgression differ in adaptation. The crossing experiments revealed weak genetic barriers among the species. The transplantation trials showed manifest evidence of local adaptation as the three species all performed best in their native habitats. Pinus densata populations from the western edge of its distribution have evolved a strong local adaptation to the specific habitat in that range; populations representing different directions of introgressants with the two parental species all showed fitness disadvantages in this P. densata habitat. These observations illustrate that premating isolation through selection against immigrants from other habitat types or postzygotic isolation through selection against backcrosses between the three species is strong. Thus, ecological selection in combination with endogenous components and geographic isolation has likely played a significant role in the speciation of P. densata.  相似文献   

The remarkable diversity of coloration and species present in hummingbirds has been considered the result of sexual selection. I evaluate if color differences among species in the genus Coeligena are consistent with expectations from sexual selection theory. If sexual selection on color is important for speciation, closely related species should be markedly different in the colors of feather patches associated with aggression and breeding. I evaluate this prediction through a statistical assessment of the phylogenetic signal of colors from five feather patches: crown, gorget, belly, upper back, and rump. The first two are associated with aggressive and courtship displays and are expected to be under sexual selection, whereas the others are not. Contrary to expectations, the crown and gorget were the only patches with significant phylogenetic signal. Furthermore, I assess if populations of dichromatic species are more divergent in coloration and therefore have reduced gene flow. Color distances among dichromatic subspecies were larger than among monochromatic subspecies, but the magnitude of phenotypic differentiation was not related to levels of gene flow. These results support a role for sexual selection in shaping color variation among populations, but these differences alone are not sufficient to explain speciation.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The causes of speciation in the sea are rarely obvious, because geographical barriers are not conspicuous and dispersal abilities or marine organisms, particularly those of species with planktonic larvae, are hard to determine. The phylogenetic relations of species in cosmopolitan genera can provide information on the likely mode of their formation. We reconstructed the phylogeny of the pantropical and subtropical sea urchin genus Diadema, using sequences of mitochondrial DNA from 482 individuals collected around the world, to determine the efficacy of barriers to gene flow and to ascertain the history of possible dispersal and vicariance events that led to speciation. We also compared 22 isozyme loci between all described species except D. palmeri. The mitochondrial DNA data show that the two deepest lineages are found in the Indian and West Pacific Oceans. (Indo‐Pacific) Diadema setosum diverged first from all other extant Diadema, probably during the initiation of wide fluctuations in global sea levels in the Miocene. The D. setosum clade then split 3‐5 million years ago into two clades, one found around the Arabian Peninsula and the other in the Indo‐West Pacific. On the lineage leading to the other species of Diadema, the deepest branch is composed of D. palmeri, apparently separated when the climate of New Zealand became colder and other tropical echinoids at these islands went extinct. The next lineage to separate is composed of a currently unrecognized species of Diadema that is found at Japan and the Marshall Islands. Diadema mexicanum in the eastern Pacific separated next, whereas D. paucispinum, D. savignyi, and D. antillarum from the western and central Atlantic, and (as a separate clade) D. antillarum from the eastern Atlantic form a shallow polytomy. Apparently, Indo‐Pacific populations of Diadema maintained genetic contact with Atlantic ones around the southern tip of Africa for some time after the Isthmus of Panama was complete. Diadema paucispinum contains two lineages: D. paucispinum sensu stricto is not limited to Hawaii as previously thought, but extends to Easter Island, Pitcairn, and Okinawa; A second mitochondrial clade of D. paucispinum extends from East Africa and Arabia to the Philippines and New Guinea. A more recent separation between West Indian Ocean and West Pacific populations was detected in D. setosum. Presumably, these genetic discontinuities are the result of water flow restrictions in the straits between northern Australia and Southeast Asia during Pleistocene episodes of low sea level. Diadema savignyi is characterized by high rates of gene flow from Kiribati in the central Pacific all the way to the East African Coast. In the Atlantic, there is a biogeographic barrier between the Caribbean and Brazil, possibly caused by fresh water outflow from the Amazon and the Orinoco Rivers. Diadema antillarum populations of the central Atlantic islands of Ascension and St. Helena are genetically isolated and phylogenetically derived from Brazil. Except for its genetic separation by the mid‐Atlantic barrier, Diadema seems to have maintained connections through potential barriers to dispersal (including the Isthmus of Panama) more recently than did Eucidaris or Echinometra, two other genera of sea urchins in which phylogeography has been studied. Nevertheless, the mtDNA phylogeography of Diadema includes all stages expected from models of allopatric differentiation. There are anciently separated clades that now overlap in their geographic distribution, clades isolated in the periphery of the genus range that have remained in the periphery, clades that may have been isolated in the periphery but have since spread towards the center, closely related clades on either side of an existing barrier, and closely related monophyletic entities on either side of an historical barrier that have crossed the former barrier line, but have not attained genetic equilibrium. Except for D. paucispinum and D. savignyi, in which known hybridization may have lodged mtDNA from one species into the genome of the other, closely related clades are always allopatric, and only distantly related ones overlap geographically. Thus, the phylogenetic history and distribution of extant species of Diadema is by and large consistent with allopatric speciation.  相似文献   

We carried out a three‐tiered genetic analysis of egg‐to‐adult development time and viability in ancestral and derived populations of cactophilic Drosophila mojavensis to test the hypothesis that evolution of these life‐history characters has shaped premating reproductive isolation in this species. First, a common garden experiment with 11 populations from Baja California and mainland Mexico and Arizona reared on two host species revealed significant host plant X region and population interactions for viability and development time, evidence for host plant adaptation. Second, replicated line crosses with flies reared on both hosts revealed autosomal, X chromosome, cytoplasmic, and autosome X cactus influences on development time. Viability differences were influenced by host plants, autosomal dominance, and X chromosomal effects. Many of the F1, F2, and backcross generations showed evidence of heterosis for viability. Third, a QTL analysis of male courtship song and epicuticular hydrocarbon variation based on 1688 Baja × mainland F2 males also revealed eight QTL influencing development time differences. Mainland alleles at six of these loci were associated with longer development times, consistent with population‐level differences. Eight G × E interactions were also detected caused by longer development times of mainland alleles expressed on a mainland host with smaller differences among Baja genotypes reared on the Baja host plant. Four QTL influenced both development time and epicuticular hydrocarbon differences associated with courtship success, and there was a significant QTL‐based correlation between development time and cuticular hydrocarbon variation. Thus, the regional shifts in life histories that evolved once D. mojavensis invaded mainland Mexico from Baja California by shifting host plants were genetically correlated with variation in cuticular hydrocarbon‐based mate preferences.  相似文献   

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