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Co-expression networks have been shown to be a powerful tool for inferring a gene's function when little is known about it. With the advent of next generation sequencing technologies, the construction and analysis of co-expression networks is now possible in non-model species, including those with agricultural importance. Here, we review fundamental concepts in the construction and application of co-expression networks with a focus on agricultural crops. We survey past and current applications of co-expression network analysis in several agricultural species and provide perspective on important considerations that arise when analyzing network relationships. We conclude with a perspective on future directions and potential challenges of utilizing this powerful approach in crops. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Plant Gene Regulatory Mechanisms and Networks, edited by Dr. Erich Grotewold and Dr. Nathan Springer.  相似文献   

The responses to ionizing radiation and other genotoxic environmental stresses are complex and are regulated by a number of overlapping molecular pathways. One such stress signaling pathway involves p53, which regulates the expression of over 100 genes already identified. It is also becoming increasingly apparent that the pattern of stress gene expression has some cell type specificity. It may be possible to exploit these differences in stress gene responsiveness as molecular markers through the use of a combined informatics and functional genomics approach. The techniques of microarray analysis potentially offer the opportunity to monitor changes in gene expression across the entire set of expressed genes in a cell or organism. As an initial step in the development of a functional genomics approach to stress gene analysis, we have recently demonstrated the utility of cDNA microarray hybridization to measure radiation-stress gene responses and identified a number of previously unknown radiation-regulated genes. The responses of some of these genes to DNA-damaging agents vary widely in cell lines from different tissues of origin and different genetic backgrounds. While this again highlights the importance of a cellular context to genotoxic stress responses, it also raises the prospect of expression-profiling of cell lines, tissues, and tumors. Such profiles may have a predictive value if they can define regions of ‘expression space’ that correlate with important endpoints, such as response to cancer therapy regimens, or identification of exposures to environmental toxins.  相似文献   

The aim of this review is to assess the mode of action and role of antioxidants as protection from heavy metal stress in roots, mycorrhizal fungi and mycorrhizae. Based on their chemical and physical properties three different molecular mechanisms of heavy metal toxicity can be distinguished: (a) production of reactive oxygen species by autoxidation and Fenton reaction; this reaction is typical for transition metals such as iron or copper, (b) blocking of essential functional groups in biomolecules, this reaction has mainly been reported for non-redox-reactive heavy metals such as cadmium and mercury, (c) displacement of essential metal ions from biomolecules; the latter reaction occurs with different kinds of heavy metals. Transition metals cause oxidative injury in plant tissue, but a literature survey did not provide evidence that this stress could be alleviated by increased levels of antioxidative systems. The reason may be that transition metals initiate hydroxyl radical production, which can not be controlled by antioxidants. Exposure of plants to non-redox reactive metals also resulted in oxidative stress as indicated by lipid peroxidation, H(2)O(2) accumulation, and an oxidative burst. Cadmium and some other metals caused a transient depletion of GSH and an inhibition of antioxidative enzymes, especially of glutathione reductase. Assessment of antioxidative capacities by metabolic modelling suggested that the reported diminution of antioxidants was sufficient to cause H(2)O(2) accumulation. The depletion of GSH is apparently a critical step in cadmium sensitivity since plants with improved capacities for GSH synthesis displayed higher Cd tolerance. Available data suggest that cadmium, when not detoxified rapidly enough, may trigger, via the disturbance of the redox control of the cell, a sequence of reactions leading to growth inhibition, stimulation of secondary metabolism, lignification, and finally cell death. This view is in contrast to the idea that cadmium results in unspecific necrosis. Plants in certain mycorrhizal associations are less sensitive to cadmium stress than non-mycorrhizal plants. Data about antioxidative systems in mycorrhizal fungi in pure culture and in symbiosis are scarce. The present results indicate that mycorrhization stimulated the phenolic defence system in the Paxillus-Pinus mycorrhizal symbiosis. Cadmium-induced changes in mycorrhizal roots were absent or smaller than those in non-mycorrhizal roots. These observations suggest that although changes in rhizospheric conditions were perceived by the root part of the symbiosis, the typical Cd-induced stress responses of phenolics were buffered. It is not known whether mycorrhization protected roots from Cd-induced injury by preventing access of cadmium to sensitive extra- or intracellular sites, or by excreted or intrinsic metal-chelators, or by other defence systems. It is possible that mycorrhizal fungi provide protection via GSH since higher concentrations of this thiol were found in pure cultures of the fungi than in bare roots. The development of stress-tolerant plant-mycorrhizal associations may be a promising new strategy for phytoremediation and soil amelioration measures.  相似文献   

Sugars are important signals in the regulation of plant metabolism and development. During stress and in senescing leaves, sugars often accumulate. In addition, both sugar accumulation and stress can induce leaf senescence. Infection by bacterial and fungal pathogens and attack by herbivores and gall-forming insects may influence leaf senescence via modulation of the sugar status, either by directly affecting primary carbon metabolism or by regulating steady state levels of plant hormones. Many types of biotic interactions involve the induction of extracellular invertase as the key enzyme of an apoplasmic phloem unloading pathway, resulting in a sourcesink transition and an increased hexose/sucrose ratio. Induction of the levels of the phytohormones ethylene and jasmonate in biotic interactions results in accelerated senescence, whereas an increase in plant- or pathogen-derived cytokinins delays senescence and results in the formation of green islands within senescing leaves. Interactions between sugar and hormone signalling also play a role in response to abiotic stress. For example, interactions between sugar and abscisic acid (ABA) signalling may be responsible for the induction of senescence during drought stress. Cold treatment, on the other hand, can result in delayed senescence, despite sugar and ABA accumulation. Moreover, natural variation can be found in senescence regulation by sugars and in response to stress: in response to drought stress, both drought escape and dehydration avoidance strategies have been described in different Arabidopsis accessions. The regulation of senescence by sugars may be key to these different strategies in response to stress.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) has received much attention in the recent two decades, equally from human, animal and plant biologists. It was found to play a crucial role in human and animal physiology, immunological reactions and signal transduction. Its ubiquity and versatile properties caught the attention of plant physiologists and biochemists. This work presents an extensive review on the NO presence and action in plants. Various modes of NO synthesis are discussed and the most novel approaches to the elucidation of plant nitric oxide synthase (NOS) structure are presented. This review focuses on the physiological role of NO in regulation of plant growth and development, as well as in the process of gene expression. Special attention is given to the action of NO during abiotic stress and the antioxidant properties of the molecule.  相似文献   

The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis becomes less responsive to some types of repeated stress over time, a process termed habituation. Many facets of the stressful stimulus can modify such HPA responses to stressors, such as predictability and controllability. However, the physical context in which the stressor occurred may also provide a discriminative stimulus that can affect the HPA response to that stressor. In the present study, we examined whether a change in the context in which stress exposure occurs can alter HPA responses to a subsequent [corrected] homotypic stressor. Three separate contexts were produced by manipulating odor cues. Rats housed in the 3 context rooms exhibited similar HPA responses to acute 30-min restraint or repeated (8th) 30-min restraint in their home environments. However, rats that were restrained for 30 min per day for 7 days in a room in one context and then restrained on day 8 in a novel context exhibited attenuated habituation compared to rats restrained on day 8 in the familiar context. These results provide evidence that repeated stress-induced HPA activity depends, in part, on the context in which the stress is experienced.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane H+-ATPases (PM H+-ATPases) are critical proton pumps that export protons from the cytoplasm to the apoplast. The resulting proton gradient and difference in electrical potential energize various secondary active transport events. PM H+-ATPases play essential roles in plant growth, development, and stress responses. In this review, we focus on recent studies of the mechanism of PM H+-ATPases in response to abiotic stresses in plants, such as salt and high pH, temperature, drought, light, macronutrient deficiency, acidic soil and aluminum stress, as well as heavy metal toxicity. Moreover, we discuss remaining outstanding questions about how PM H+-ATPases contribute to abiotic stress responses.  相似文献   

Terrestrial plants most often encounter drought stress because of erratic rainfall which has become compounded due to present climatic changes.Responses of plants to water stress may be assigned as either injurious change or tolerance index. One of the primary and cardinal changes in response to drought stress is the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which is being considered as the cause of cellular damage. However, recently a signaling role of such ROS in triggering the ROS scavenging system that may confer protection or tolerance against stress is emerging. Such scavenging system consists of antioxidant enzymes like SOD, catalase and peroxidases, and antioxidant compounds like ascorbate, reduced glutathione; a balance between ROS generation and scavenging ultimately determines the oxidative load. As revealed in case of defence against pathogen, signaling via ROS is initiated by NADPH oxidase-catalyzed superoxide generation in the apoplastic space (cell wall) followed by conversion to hydrogen peroxide by the activity of cell wall-localized SOD. Wall peroxidase may also play role in ROS generation for signaling. Hydrogen peroxide may use Ca2+ and MAPK pathway as downstream signaling cascade. Plant hormones associated with stress responses like ABA and ethylene play their role possibly via a cross talk with ROS towards stress tolerance, thus projecting a dual role of ROS under drought stress.  相似文献   

As sessile organisms, plants have developed specific mechanisms that allow them to rapidly perceive and respond to stresses in the environment. Among the evolutionarily conserved pathways, the ABA (abscisic acid) signaling pathway has been identified as a central regulator of abiotic stress response in plants, triggering major changes in gene expression and adaptive physiological responses. ABA induces protein kinases of the SnRK family to mediate a number of its responses. Recently, MAPK (mitogen activated protein kinase) cascades have also been shown to be implicated in ABA signaling. Therefore, besides discussing the role of ABA in abiotic stress signaling, we will also summarize the evidence for a role of MAPKs in the context of abiotic stress and ABA signaling.  相似文献   

Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is an endemic disease in Latin America caused by species belonging to the genus Paracoccidioides. During infection, immune cells present a variety of defense mechanisms against pathogens. One of these defensive strategies is the production and release of nitric oxide (NO) and S-nitroso thiols (e.g., S-nitrosoglutathione, GSNO), which produce reactive nitrogen species (RNS). This results in damage to DNA and membranes, inhibition of respiration and inactivation of cellular enzymes. In response to nitrosative stress, human pathogenic fungi possess defense mechanisms to prevent the adverse effects of NO, which helps them survive during initial contact with the host immune system. To understand how Paracoccidioides spp. respond to nitrosative stress, we conducted this study to identify genes and proteins that might contribute to this response. The results of proteomic analysis demonstrated that nitrosative stress induced a reduction in the expression of proteins related to the mitochondrial electron transport chain. This hypothesis was supported by the reduced mitochondrial activity observed in the presence of GSNO. Additionally, lipids and branched chain amino acid metabolism enzymes were altered. The role played by enzymes acting in oxidative stress in the RNS response was remarkable. This interface among enzymes acting in both stress responses was confirmed by using a RNA approach to silence the ccp gene in Paracoccidioides. It was observed that mutants with low expression of the ccp gene were more sensitive to nitrosative stress.  相似文献   

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