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G. B. Peters 《Chromosoma》1982,85(3):323-347
Single-pair matings of the grasshopper Atractomorpha similis (2n=19 ; 20 ) were set up in the laboratory. Among the progeny, three families out of eleven exhibited a tendency toward chromosome fusion. From eight to ten different fusions were observed involving one interstitial and 15 to 19 procentric exchange events. At least seven of the fusions were not transmitted from the parent generation but arose spontaneously within the individuals in which they were observed. In one family, more than one fusion type arose within each of two individuals. It is concluded that the three families with the fusion syndrome have a transmissible tendency towards a particular type of chromosome rearrangement, namely centric fusion. The fusions observed involve at least six of the ten chromosome pairs. Thus the tendency to procentric exchange is non-specific in respect of the linkage groups involved. This phenomenon is discussed in relation to the process of karyotypic orthoselection and the data presented are used to model this process. The relatively low frequency of chromosome rearrangement in natural populations of this species suggests that the high frequency observed in laboratory populations is a consequence of crossing geographically distant populations which would not normally interbreed.  相似文献   

Atractomorpha similis (2 n=19 ♂, 20 ♀) is a hygrophilous, tropical to temperate, species of pyrgomorphine grasshopper. We have sampled 70 populations covering the known distributional range of this species within Australia. All of them proved to be polymorphic for heterochromatin content as revealed by C-band analysis of embryonic neuroblasts. This polymorphism affects all ten members of the basic haploid set and includes variants involving differences in either the presence or the amount of procentric, interstitial and terminal C-blocks, as well as variation in the occurrence and nature of short arms on otherwise telocentric chromosomes. A majority of these variants appear to result from heterochromatin addition since the presumptive sibling, Atractomorpha australis, like other species of the genus that have been C-banded, is generally depauperate in heterochromatin. The net result of this extraordinary polymorphism is that each chromosome of A. similis exists in 10–50 distinct morphs. Consequently, there is a high level of chromosomal heterozygosity in all populations in terms of the number of heterozygous pairs present within a complement and an even higher level in terms of the total range of karyomorph patterns. There is also a wide range of total heterochromatin content, as measured by the percent of the total chromosome area occupied by C-band material, with values ranging from 13% to 44%. Specific marker chromosomes which predominate in particular geographical areas serve to distinguish six major cytotypes within A. similis. The two most southerly of these cytotypes show a narrower range of heterochromatin content but with higher values which reflect the more general occurrence of substantial terminal C-blocks within them. Finally, the populations from Fraser Island constitute a particularly distinctive cytotype characterised by the least number of morphs, the lowest level of chromosomal heterozygosity and a restricted range of heterochromatin content confined to the lower end of the known distributional spectrum.  相似文献   

A 537 bp Taq 1 restriction fragment was cloned from the satellite-1 DNA of the Dee Why population of Atractomorpha similis from New South Wales. Tritiumlabelled-cRNA copies of this sat-1 probe, or else of a related Sau3A fragment from the same source, were used as in situ hybridisation probes to characterise the molecular organisation of the distal C-bands, which form a permanent and distinctive feature of the chromosomes of this species. Both probes were shown to be uniformly represented throughout all the distal C-bands not only of the Dee Why population itself but additionally in two other Australian populations where the bands are either less numerous (Fraser Island, Queensland) or smaller in size (Fogg Dam, Northern Territory). The same result was found in a population from Morehead, Papua New Guinea, which has a banding pattern similar to that of Fogg Dam. This holds whether the bands are single or multiple, terminal or subterminal. The probes were, however, consistently absent from all the proximal C-bands, whether centric or paracentromeric, as well as from the short arms which are sometimes present in the otherwise telocentric chromosomes. The results show that all the distal C-bands contain tandem blocks of highly repeated DNA from the same family of sequences. Moreover, the numerous polymorphisms which are present in the distal bands of all ten members of the basic mitotic set can be accounted for by differences in the amount of the sat-1 DNA present in a given pair of homologues. Since there is evidence to indicate that the size of the distal C-bands has increased subsequent to the introduction of the species into Australia there are good grounds for concluding that this increase has involved the amplification of the highly repeated sequence DNA present within the C-bands.  相似文献   

Vasa is a widely conserved germline marker, both in vertebrates and invertebrates. We identify a vasa orthologue, Sgvasa, and use it to study germline development in the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria, a species in which no germ plasm has been identified. In adults, Sgvasa is specifically expressed in the ovary and testis. It is expressed at high levels during early oogenesis, but no detectable vasa RNA and little Vasa protein are present in mature unlaid eggs. None appears to be localized to any defined region of the egg cortex, suggesting that germline specification may not depend on maternal germ plasm expressing vasa. Vasa protein is expressed in most cleavage energids as they reach the egg surface and persists at high levels in most cells aggregating to form the embryonic primordium. However, after gastrulation, Vasa protein persists only in extraembryonic membranes and in cells at the outer margin of the late heart-stage embryo. In the embryo, it then become restricted to cells at the dorsal margin of the forming abdomen. In older embryos, these Vasa-positive cells move toward the midline; Vasa protein accumulates asymmetrically in their cytoplasm, a pattern closely resembling that of germ cells in late embryonic gonads. Thus, we suggest that the Vasa-stained cells in the abdominal margin are germ cells, as proposed by Nelson (1934), and not cardioblasts, as has been proposed by others.  相似文献   

Adults of the grasshopper Atractomorpha lata use a hind leg kick to project their frass a considerable distance from themselves. To clarify the defecation behavior quantitatively and collect basic information that aids in clarification of the adaptive significance of this behavior, we measured the flying distance of kicked frass and examined the factors affecting the flying distance in adult A. lata. Males and females kicked their frass an average of 252 and 487 mm away, respectively. This represented more than ten times the body length or 100 times the length of the frass pellet for either sex. Only sex affected the flying distance of frass. There were sexual differences in hind‐femur length (females longer than males), volume of frass pellet (females larger than males) and ratio of diameter to length of frass pellet (RFP; larger in males than in females). The flying distance appears to be affected by the femur length, volume of frass pellet and RFP when data of both males and females were combined for analysis. However, none of these effects were observed when testing the effects within each sex. These results suggest that the sex difference in the flying distance does not result from the sex difference in femur length, volume of frass pellet or RFP. Because A. lata kicked their frass far away in both sexes, the frass‐kicking behavior might give benefit common to both males and females.  相似文献   

Mosaicism in germ cells has been recognized, over the past few years, as an important and relatively frequent mechanism at the origin of genetic disorders. There are two possibilities for the existence of such a mosaicism: one is that the mutation occurs in a germ cell that continues to divide. The other possibility is that the mutation occurs very early in a somatic cell before the separation to germinal cells and is therefore present both in somatic and germinal cells. Depending on various factors, such as the gene involved and/or the degree of mosaicism, the carrier of a somatic and germline mosaicism may be asymptomatic or may present with various symptoms of the disease. There are still relatively few reports in the literature in which the origin of germ-line mosaicism has been analyzed; nevertheless, they allow for a better insight into the mechanisms involved. In some diseases, such as osteogenesis imperfecta, new mutations are often present as asymptomatic somatic and germline mosaicism in one of the parents of the propositus. In other disorders, such as neurofibromatosis, somatic mosaicism is very rare in the parents of the propositus, perhaps since such mosaicism causes clinical symptoms. These differences are particularly important for genetic counseling in order to evaluate the risk for another affected child after the birth of the propositus. Received: 15 September 1997 / Accepted: 12 January 1998  相似文献   

Germ line development in fishes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Summary A review of 569 male patients with X-chromosome polysomies (544 Klinefelter and 25 patients with other types of X-chromosome polysomy) is presented here. These patients were detected among the 77000 persons karyotyped in the Leuven cytogenetic center between the years 1966 and 1987. In the group of 544 Klinefelter patients special attention was paid to (1) the age at diagnosis, (2) social and marital status of the postpubertal males, (3) physical and intellectual abilities of the prepubertal boys, (4) delineation of the concurrence of Klinefelter syndrome and fragile X syndrome, and (5) the frequency of malignancies. In 25 patients with other X-chromosome polysomies (2 n48 chromosomes) genotype/phenotype correlation is reviewed, especially for the patients with 48,XXYY and 49,XXXXY karyotypes. Finally, double aneuploidy and rare structural X-chromosome aberrations are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Chemical mutagenesis test results have not revealed evidence of germ line specific mutagens. However, conventional assays have indicated that there are male-female differences in mutagenic response, as well as quantitative/qualitative differences in induced mutations which depend upon the particular cell stage exposed. Many factors inherent in the germ line can be speculated to influence chemical transport to, and interaction with, target cell populations to result in mutagenic outcomes. The level of uncertainty regarding the general operation of such factors, in combination with the limited availability of chemical test data designed to address comparative somatic and germ cell mutagenesis, leaves open the question of whether there are mutagens specifically affecting germ cells. This argues for a conservative approach to interpreting germ cell risk from somatic cell mutation analysis.  相似文献   

Pole cell transplantations were used to determine the tissue specificity of maternal effects in Drosophila. The deep orange maternal effect is shown to be germ line autonomous. A cytoplasmic injection assay was used to determine when the dor+ substance could be detected in the developing oocyte. The dor+ substance is present during the early stages of vitellogenesis but could not be detected in the yolk of the embryo after blastoderm cellularization.  相似文献   

Germ line control of female sex determination in zebrafish   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A major transition during development of the gonad is commitment from an undifferentiated “bi-potential” state to ovary or testis fate. In mammals, the oogonia of the developing ovary are known to be important for folliculogenesis. An additional role in promoting ovary fate or female sex determination has been suggested, however it remains unclear how the germ line might regulate this process. Here we show that the germ line is required for the ovary versus testis fate choice in zebrafish. When the germ line is absent, the gonad adopts testis fate. These germ line deficient testes have normal somatic structures indicating that the germ line influences fate determination of surrounding somatic tissues. In germ line deficient animals the expression of the ovary specific gene cyp19a1a fails to be maintained whereas the testis genes sox9a and amh remain expressed. Furthermore, we observed decreased levels of the ovary specific genes cyp19a1a and foxL2 in germ line deficient animals prior to morphological sex differentiation of the gonad. We propose that the germ line has a common role in female sex determination in fish and mammals. Additionally, we show that testis specification is sufficient for masculinization of the fish pointing to a direct role of hormone signaling from the gonad in directing sex differentiation of non-gonadal tissues.  相似文献   

Germ line stem cell competition in postnatal mouse testes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Niche is believed to affect stem cell behavior. In self-renewing systems for which functional transplantation assays are available, it has long been assumed that stem cells are fixed in the niche and that ablative treatments to remove endogenous stem cells are required for successful donor engraftment. Our results demonstrate that enriched populations of donor stem cells can produce long-lasting spermatogenic colonies in testes of immature and mature, nonablated mice, albeit at a lower frequency than in ablated mice. Colonization of nonablated recipient testes by neonate, pup, and cryptorchid adult donor spermatogonial stem cells demonstrates that competition for niche begins soon after birth and that endogenous stem cells influence the degree and pattern of donor cell colonization. Thus, a dynamic relationship between stem cell and niche exists in the testis, as has been suggested for hematopoiesis. Therefore, similar competitive properties of donor stem cells may be characteristic of all self-renewing systems.  相似文献   

用等位酶电泳分析方法对短额负蝗(A tractom orpha sinensis)和奇异负蝗(A tractom orpha p ereg rina)各3个自然种群10种酶(AAT,CK,G 3PD,HEX,IDH,LDH,M DH,M E,PG I,PGM)进行检测。结果显示:两种负蝗在某些基因座上共享常见的等位基因,如A a t-1-b、A a t-2-b、G 3p d-a、Ck-1-b和Ldh-b;除个别基因座在部分种群符合H ardy-W e inberg平衡外,两种负蝗的大多数基因座的基因型频率显著偏离H ardy-W e inberg平衡。此外,奇异负蝗M e-c(0.318~0.740)、短额负蝗H ex-1-a(0.800~1.000)及Ldh-b(0.487~0.750)等位基因频率呈现出由北向南递增的趋势,表明M e和H ex、Ldh基因座上的等位基因频率与地理分布存在一定的相关关系。短额负蝗平均每个基因座的等位基因数(A)为1.9~2.3、多态基因座百分率(P)为56.3%~68.8%、平均观察杂合度(Ho)为0.072~0.096;而奇异负蝗的相应值依次为A=1.7~2.2,P=43.8~56.3%,Ho=0.070~0.107。从A、P和Ho3个参数可知,短额负蝗遗传多样性明显高于奇异负蝗。6个负蝗种群的平均观察杂合度均明显低于H ardy-W e inberg平衡预期值,表明6个负蝗种群均出现了杂合体缺乏现象。短额负蝗3种群I值为0.971~0.996,奇异负蝗3种群I值为0.982~0.995,短额负蝗与奇异负蝗I值为0.379~0.451,表明种内遗传相似度明显高于种间,从种间I值可知奇异负蝗和短额负蝗属于近缘种。根据R oger's遗传距离进行的聚类分析表明,两种负蝗可分为两支,且两种负蝗的遗传距离与地理距离均存在明显的相关趋势。两种负蝗的平均FST值都不显著偏离0值(奇异负蝗FST=0.087,p>0.05,短额负蝗FST=0.045,p>0.05),表明该两种负蝗种群间的分化不明显。  相似文献   

The effects of five environmental factors, background color, density, humidity, photoperiod and temperature, on the body color of a pyrgomorphid green/brown polymorphic grasshopper, Atractomorpha lata, were examined in rearing experiments, in which the differences in color morph frequencies between males and females were also examined. Field censuses were conducted to determine whether the sex difference in body‐color polymorphism occurs under field conditions. Among the environmental factors examined, temperature was the only factor that significantly affected body color: the frequency of brown morphs tended to be higher at higher temperatures. The frequency of brown morphs in the female was higher than in the male, a consistent finding in both the rearing experiments and the field censuses. The threshold temperature at which body color changes may be lower in the female than in the male.  相似文献   

Ten enzymes (AAT,CK,G3PDH,HEX,IDH,LDH,MDH,ME,PGI,PGM)were examined using horizontal starch gel electrophoresis to estimate the levels of genetic variation within and among six natural populations of two grasshopper species Atractomorpha sinensis and A.peregrina from Shanxi,China.The collecting sites were geographically distant from each other from south to north:Quwo district,Linfen city;Xiangyuan county,Changzhi;Jinyuan district,Taiyuan city;Yuanping county,Xinzhou city and Fanshi county of Xinzhou.A.sinensis showed 43 alleles at 16 loci but A.peregrine showed 39 alleles at 15 loci (ldh-1 was deficient).The zymograms showed that some common alleles were shared at several loci in these two species (Aat-1-b,Aat-2-b,G3pdh-a,Ck-1-b and Ldh-b).However,Hex-1-a,Hex-2-a,Hex-3-a,Idh-2-b,Mdh-2-b,Mdh-1-f Pgi-b,Pgm-b had common alleles in A.sinensis and Hex-1-b,Hex-2-b,Hex-3-b,Idh-2-a,Mdh-2-a,Mdh-1-d,Pgi-a,Pgm-c were of high frequency in A.peregrine instead.Most of the observed genotype frequencies were found to significantly deviate from the Hardy-Weinberg expectations in both species.A tendency of clinal distribution of allele frequency was observed at three loci.The frequency of the moderately migrating allele Me-c (0.318-0.740)in A.peregrina,Hex-1-a (0.800-1.000)and Ldh-b (0.487-0.750)in A.sinensis demonstrated increased frequency from north to south.Such tendency suggests that the allele frequency in these three loci may be correlated with the species'geographic distributions.A.sinensis showed higher genetic diversity than A.peregrina as indicated by higher mean number of alleles per locus (A=1.9-2.3 in A.sinensis and 1.7-2.2 in A.peregrina),percentage of polymorphic loci (56.3%-68.8%in A.sinensis and 43.8%-56.3%in A.peregrina),and the observed heterozygosities (Ho=0.072-0.096 in A.sinensis and 0.070-0.107 in A.peregrina).The observed heterozygosities of the six populations were all noticeably lower than the Hardy-Weinberg expectations,mostly due to heterozygote deficiency in the populations of both species.The overall mean Fsr were small (FST=0.045,P>0.05 in A.sinensis populations and 0.087,P>0.05 in A.peregrina populations).Nei's genetic identity (I)estimates indicate low intraspecific (>0.95)but higher interspecific (0.377-0.447)genetic diversity.The cluster analysis based on modified Roger's genetic distance (D)showed that the two species were divided into two branches.Both species are of limited dispersal capacity and a moderate geographical barrier might significantly restrict the gene exchange among populations,resulting in accumulation of local genetic differentiations.The A.sinensis populations used in this study were separated from each other by 155.2 to 271.4 km and the A.peregrina populations were separated from each other by 78.8 to 174.9 km with observable physical barriers.The aUozyme data showed only minimal genetic differentiation at population level,most likely as a result of gene exchange.It is reasoned that natural factors and human agricultural activities might have facilitated migration and dispersal for the two species.  相似文献   

Germ line imprinting produces parent-specific differences in the behavior of chromosomes or expression of genes. Epigenetic marks, placed on chromosomes in the parental germ line, govern classical imprinted effects such as chromosomal inactivation, chromosome elimination and mono-allelic expression. Germ line imprinting occurs in insects, plants and mammals. Several Drosophila systems display imprinted effects. In spite of this, many aspects of imprinting in flies, including the normal function of this process, remain mysterious. Transgenerational inheritance of epigenetic marks is a powerful force in genome regulation. Elucidation of the mechanism of imprint establishment and maintenance in a model organism, such as Drosophila, is thus of great interest. In this review we summarize the primary systems that have been used to study imprinting in flies and speculate on the origin and biological function of imprinting in Drosophila.  相似文献   

The variation in DNA content of the micronucleus (germinal nucleus) of Stylonychia lemnae and its relation to the number of chromosomes was examined. Different populations possess similar amounts of micronuclear DNA but there are differences of ±30% between clones of the same population. However, the DNA content varies by about 100% in the micronuclei during the lifetime of a clone. The haploid micronucleus contains 35 or 36 chromosomes which persist in the developing macronucleus anlagen and grow to giant chromosomes. Besides this remaining subset, the micronucleus contains a variable number of germ line restricted chromosomes (mean about 140; range between 100 and 180). The somatic macronucleus eliminates these elements early in its development. The varying number of the germ line restricted chromosomes is responsible for the variation in the micronuclear DNA content.  相似文献   

A strain ofDrosophila simulans was studied 40 generations after the transposable P element had been introduced into the genome by means of transformation. The genome also contained arosy transposon consisting of the wildtype allele of therosy gene flanked by P element DNA. During the 40 generations of evolution the number of P elements had increased to the level of 8–15 and the number ofrosy transposons to the level of 4–12. Continued transpositional activity in the germ line of the strain was evidenced by deletions occurring in therosy transposon and, in two independent sublines, by the transposition of therosy transposon from the X chromosome to the autosomes. Although at 25°C gonadal development and fertility appeared normal in both sexes, at 29°C both sexes were sterile. The sterile females had morphologically normal ovaries, but the sterile males often had shrunken, dysmorphic testes containing few or no immature sperm bundles. However, the sterility found in the transfected strain may not result directly from transpositional activity of the P element. The characteristics of theD. simulans strain infected with the P element are discussed in the context of factors that influence hybrid dysgenesis inD. melanogaster.  相似文献   

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