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Summary The frequency of the s mutation in the district of Coruche/Portugal is estimated to be about 4% from analysis of a group of 181 school children and their teachers in an area in which malaria has been endemic until recently. Several white Portuguese patients with sickle cell disease (six homozygous SS and one S° thalassaemia) were found in a group of 309 further patients who were known and followed up by local medical practitioners. These patients had clinical and haematological features similar to patients of African origin, although their growth and sexual development appeared to be normal. The analysis of an array of polymorphic restriction sites within the s globin gene cluster (s haplotype) showed patterns that are known to occur in Africa. The frequencies of the three main African s haplotypes termed Senegal, Bantu, and Benin reflect the extent of Portuguese naval explorations. It is concluded that the sickle cell gene in Portugal has probably been imported from Africa and has been amplified in comparison with other genes characteristic for African races because of the selective advantage of AS heterozygotes in an area endemic for malaria.  相似文献   

Summary Molecular genetic studies were undertaken to determine the source of chromosomes carrying the sickle cell allele in Israeli patients. Analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns (haplotypes) along the -globin gene cluster was performed on 31 sickle chromosomes obtained from 10 unrelated families living in Israel. One is a Caucasian Jewish family, recently found to be carrying the sickle allele, and the other 9 are Arab families of various communities. The Jewish family, previously noted not to carry African red blood cell markers, was discovered to have the most common African haplotype of the -globin gene cluster, Benin. Similarly, 8 of the Arab families were also found to carry the Benin haplotype, whereas the ninth has the CAR (Central African Republic or Bantu) haplotype. The results suggest that sickle alleles in Israel originated in Africa, probably in two different regions, and migrated north into Arab and Jewish populations.  相似文献   

We present FIGfams, a new collection of over 100 000 protein families that are the product of manual curation and close strain comparison. Using the Subsystem approach the manual curation is carried out, ensuring a previously unattained degree of throughput and consistency. FIGfams are based on over 950 000 manually annotated proteins and across many hundred Bacteria and Archaea. Associated with each FIGfam is a two-tiered, rapid, accurate decision procedure to determine family membership for new proteins. FIGfams are freely available under an open source license. These can be downloaded at ftp://ftp.theseed.org/FIGfams/. The web site for FIGfams is http://www.theseed.org/wiki/FIGfams/  相似文献   

In this issue of Molecular Cell, Raman et al. (2011) and Franz et al. (2011) establish the AAA ATPase CDC-48/p97 as an essential regulator of eukaryotic DNA replication that coordinates the release of chromatin-bound CDT1 with its degradation by the proteasome.  相似文献   



The World Health Organization has declared Sickle Cell Anemia (SCA) a public health priority. There are 300,000 births/year, over 75% in Africa, with estimates suggesting that 6 million Africans will be living with SCA if average survival reaches half the African norm. Countries such as United States of America and United Kingdom have reduced SCA mortality from 3 to 0.13 per 100 person years of observation (PYO), with interventions such as newborn screening, prevention of infections and comprehensive care, but implementation of interventions in African countries has been hindered by lack of locally appropriate information. The objective of this study was to determine the incidence and factors associated with death from SCA in Dar-es-Salaam.

Methods and Findings

A hospital-based cohort study was conducted, with prospective surveillance of 1,725 SCA patients recruited from 2004 to 2009, with 209 (12%) lost to follow up, while 86 died. The mortality rate was 1.9 (95%CI 1.5, 2.9) per 100 PYO, highest under 5-years old [7.3 (4.8–11.0)], adjusting for dates of birth and study enrollment. Independent risk factors, at enrollment to the cohort, predicting death were low hemoglobin (<5 g/dL) [3.8 (1.8–8.2); p = 0.001] and high total bilirubin (≥102 µmol/L) [1.7 (1.0–2.9); p = 0.044] as determined by logistic regression.


Mortality in SCA in Africa is high, with the most vulnerable period being under 5-years old. This is most likely an underestimate, as this was a hospital cohort and may not have captured SCA individuals with severe disease who died in early childhood, those with mild disease who are undiagnosed or do not utilize services at health facilities. Prompt and effective treatment for anemia in SCA is recommended as it is likely to improve survival. Further research is required to determine the etiology, pathophysiology and the most appropriate strategies for management of anemia in SCA.  相似文献   

The Bcl-2 (Bcl is B-cell lymphocytic-leukaemia proto-oncogene) family comprises two groups of proteins with distinct functional biology in cell-fate signalling. Bcl-2 protein was the first member to be discovered and associated with drug resistance in human lymphomas. Since then a host of other proteins such as Bcl-xL, Bcl-2A1 and Mcl-1 with similar anti-apoptotic functions have been identified. In contrast, the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins contain prototypic effector proteins such as Bax and Bak, and the BH3 (Bcl-2 homology)-only proteins comprising Bak, Bid, Bim, Puma and Noxa. A complex interplay between the association of pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic proteins with each other determines the sensitivity of cancer cells to drug-induced apoptosis. The canonical functional of Bcl-2 in terms of apoptosis inhibition is its ability to prevent mitochondrial permeabilization via inhibiting the translocation and oligomerization of pro-apoptotic proteins such as Bax; however, more recent evidence points to a novel mechanism of the anti-apoptotic activity of Bcl-2. Overexpression of Bcl-2 increases mitochondrial oxygen consumption and in doing so generates a slight pro-oxidant intracellular milieu, which promotes genomic instability and blocks death signalling. However, in the wake of overt oxidative stress, Bcl-2 regulates cellular redox status thereby preventing excessive build-up of ROS (reactive oxygen species), which is detrimental to cells and tissues. Taken together, the canonical and non-canonical activities of Bcl-2 imply a critical involvement of this protein in the processes of tumour initiation and progression. In the present paper we review these functionally distinct outcomes of Bcl-2 expression with implications for the chemotherapeutic management of cancers.  相似文献   

Brachydactyly type A1 (BDA1) was the first disorder described in terms of autosomal dominant Mendelian inheritance. Early in the 1900s Farabee and Drinkwater described a number of families with BDA1. Examination of two of Drinkwater's families has revealed that, although they are not known to be related, both share a common mutation within the Indian hedgehog gene ( IHH). This novel mutation is a guanine to adenine transition at nucleotide 298, resulting in an Asn100Asp amino acid substitution. Both families demonstrate significant intrafamilial phenotypic heterogeneity among the affected individuals. Examination of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) has shown that the affected individuals in both families share SNPs within IHH consistent with that of a common founder. The identification of the same mutation in these families has answered a question that is nearly a century old about the genetic cause of their disease and supports the hypothesis that IHH plays a pivotal role in normal human skeletogenesis.  相似文献   

To determine the origin of sickle cell anemia (SS) in India, we analyzed haplotypes of the beta gene cluster in beta S-carrying individuals belonging to tribal populations living in the Nilgiris region of southern India and complemented the available data on tribes of east-central India. We found that in the Nilgiris tribes chromosomes bearing the beta S gene are linked in 91% of the cases to the "Asian" (Arab-Indian) haplotype (although 25% of the haplotypes had the epsilon polymorphic site negative, making the 5' portion of the haplotype identical with the African Senegal haplotype). These XmnI (+) chromosomes were associated with high G gamma expression (67.2 +/- 5.9%) and a high percentage of Hb F (15.5 +/- 7.9%; range, 6-25.3%). We have similar findings for tribal groups from west-central India (Gujarat). In east-central India we have confirmed the data of others, finding the same haplotype linked to beta S in tribes living in the east (Orissa, Andhra Pradesh). We conclude that the beta S gene in presently isolated and disperse tribal populations in India is associated with one predominant typical haplotype, suggesting a unicentric origin of the mutation in India. In addition, this finding implies a unicentric origin of the tribal populations themselves: The gene must have arisen and spread before tribal dispersion. Furthermore, we find extremely high frequencies of the (-alpha) haplotype in the Nilgiris (0.89) and in Gujarat (0.95). The beta S gene linkage to a high Hb F-expressing haplotype and the high incidence of alpha-thalassemia predict a mild phenotypical expression of sickle cell anemia in India.  相似文献   

Kim JW  Nam SH  Jang KT  Lee SH  Kim CC  Hahn SH  Hu JC  Simmer JP 《Human genetics》2004,115(3):248-254
The dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP) gene (4q21.3) encodes two major noncollagenous dentin matrix proteins: dentin sialoprotein (DSP) and dentin phosphoprotein (DPP). Defects in the human gene encoding DSPP cause inherited dentin defects, and these defects can be associated with bilateral progressive high-frequency sensorineural hearing loss. Clinically, five different patterns of inherited dentin defects are distinguished and are classified as dentinogenesis imperfecta (DGI) types I, II, and III, and dentin dysplasia types I and II. The genetic basis for this clinical heterogeneity is unknown. Among the 11 members recruited from the studied kindred, five were affected with autosomal dominant DGI type II. The mutation (g.1188CG, IVS2-3CG) lay in the third from the last nucleotide of intron 2 and changed its sequence from CAG to GAG. The mutation was correlated with the affection status and was absent in 104 unaffected individuals (208 alleles) with the same ethnic and geological background. The proband was in the primary dentition stage and presented with multiple pulp exposures. The occlusal surface of his dental enamel was generally abraded, and the dentin was heavily worn and uniformly shaded brown. The dental pulp chambers appeared originally to be within normal limits without any sign of obliteration, but over time (by age 4), the pulp chambers became partially or completely obliterated. The oldest affected member (age 59) showed mild hearing loss at high-frequency (8 kHz). Permanent dentition was severely affected in the adults, who had advanced dental attrition, premature loss of teeth, and extensive dental reconstruction.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the distribution of ten protein genetic polymorphisms in eighteen populations from the most densely inhabited areas of Cameroon. The languages spoken belong to three different linguistic families [Afro-Asiatic (AA), Nilo-Saharan (NS) and Niger-Kordofanian (NK)]. The analysis of variation of allele frequencies indicates that the level of genetic interpopulation differentiation is rather low (F(st) = 0.011 +/- 0.006) but statistically significant (p < 0.001). This result is not unexpected because of the relatively small geographic area covered by our survey. This value is also significantly lower than the one estimated for other groups of African populations. Among the factors responsible for this, we discuss the possible role of gene flow. There is a considerable genetic differentiation among the AA populations of north Cameroon as is to be expected because they all originated from the first agriculturists of the farming "savanna complex." The Podowko and Uldeme are considerably different from all the other AA groups, probably due to the combined effect of genetic drift and isolation. In the case of the Wandala and Massa, our analyses suggest that genetic admixture with allogeneous groups (especially with the Kanuri) played an important role in determining their genetic differentiation from other AA speaking groups. The Bantu speaking populations (Bakaka, Bamileke Bassa and Ewondo, NK family, Benué Congo subfamily) settled in western and southern Cameroon are more tightly clustered than AA speaking groups. This result shows that the linguistic affinity among these four populations coincides with a substantial genetic similarity despite their different origin. Finally, the Fulbe are genetically distinct from all the populations that belong to their same linguistic phylum (NK), and closer to the neighboring Fali and Tupuri, eastern Adamawa speaking groups of north Cameroon.  相似文献   

A mutant with altered floral morphology, designated Appendix, was observed among the progeny of a regenerated transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plant. Appendix flowers had small outgrowths resembling pistils on the tips of fertile anthers. No Obvious morphological changes could be seen in any other part of the plant. A more careful analysis using histological methods and scanning electron microscopy revealed that the outgrowths were composed only of a style and a stigma and that these added organs can support pollen germination and pollen tube growth. Examination of anther ontogeny using scanning electron microscopy indicated that the anther style and stigma of the Appendix mutant developed from a small group of cells at the anther tip coincident with development of the carpel style and stigma. Genetic analysis indicated that this mutation is nuclear, recessive and linked to the ‘transferred DNA’ (T-DNA) inserted during the generation of transgenic plants using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The Appendix phenotype does not correspond to any of the other types of floral homeotic mutations that have been described so far.  相似文献   

Fragile-X syndrome, the most common inherited form of mental retardation, has a very unusual mode of inheritance. The disease is caused by a multistep expansion, in successive generations, of a polymorphic CGG repeat localized in a 5' exon of FMR-1, a gene of unknown function. Two main mutation types have been categorized. Premutations are moderate expansions of the repeat and do not cause mental retardation. Full mutations are found in affected individuals and involve larger expansions of the repeat, with abnormal methylation of the neighboring CpG island. The full mutations demonstrate striking somatic instability and extinguish expression of FMR-1. Premutations are changed to full mutation only when transmitted by a female with a frequency that increases up to 100% as a function of the initial size of the premutation. Direct detection of the mutations provides an accurate test for pre- and postnatal diagnosis of the disease, and for carrier detection. A similar unstable expansion of a trinucleotide repeat occurs in myotonic dystrophy.  相似文献   



The disease burden of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is highest in sub-Saharan Africa but there are few studies on the associated neurocognitive disorders in this region. The objectives of this study were to determine whether Western neuropsychological (NP) methods are appropriate for use in Cameroon, and to evaluate cognitive function in a sample of HIV-infected adults.


We used a battery of 19 NP measures in a cross-sectional study with 44 HIV+ adults and 44 demographically matched HIV- controls, to explore the validity of these NP measures in Cameroon, and evaluate the effect of viral infection on seven cognitive ability domains.


In this pilot study, the global mean z-score on the NP battery showed worse overall cognition in the HIV+ individuals. Significantly lower performance was seen in the HIV+ sample on tests of executive function, speed of information processing, working memory, and psychomotor speed. HIV+ participants with AIDS performed worse than those with less advanced HIV disease.


Similar to findings in Western cohorts, our results in Cameroon suggest that HIV infection, particularly in advanced stages, is associated with worse performance on standardized, Western neurocognitive tests. The tests used here appear to be promising for studying NeuroAIDS in sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   

A novel type I IFN-producing cell subset in murine lupus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Excess type I IFNs (IFN-I) have been linked to the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Therapeutic use of IFN-I can trigger the onset of SLE and most lupus patients display up-regulation of a group of IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs). Although this "IFN signature" has been linked with disease activity, kidney involvement, and autoantibody production, the source of IFN-I production in SLE remains unclear. 2,6,10,14-Tetramethylpentadecane-induced lupus is at present the only model of SLE associated with excess IFN-I production and ISG expression. In this study, we demonstrate that tetramethylpentadecane treatment induces an accumulation of immature Ly6C(high) monocytes, which are a major source of IFN-I in this lupus model. Importantly, they were distinct from IFN-producing dendritic cells (DCs). The expression of IFN-I and ISGs was rapidly abolished by monocyte depletion whereas systemic ablation of DCs had little effect. In addition, there was a striking correlation between the numbers of Ly6C(high) monocytes and the production of lupus autoantibodies. Therefore, immature monocytes rather than DCs appear to be the primary source of IFN-I in this model of IFN-I-dependent lupus.  相似文献   

Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome (HPS) is a genetically heterogeneous disorder of lysosome-related organelle biogenesis and is characterized by oculocutaneous albinism and a bleeding diathesis. Over the past decade, we screened 250 patients with HPS-like symptoms for mutations in the genes responsible for HPS subtypes 1-6. We identified 38 individuals with no functional mutations, and therefore, we analyzed all eight genes encoding the biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles complex-1 (BLOC-1) proteins in these individuals. Here, we describe the identification of a novel nonsense mutation in BLOC1S3 (HPS-8) in a 6-yr-old Iranian boy. This mutation caused nonsense-mediated decay of BLOC1S3 mRNA and destabilized the BLOC-1 complex. Our patient's melanocytes showed aberrant localization of TYRP1, with increased plasma membrane trafficking. These findings confirm a common cellular defect for HPS patients with defects in BLOC-1 subunits. We identified only two patients with BLOC-1 defects in our cohort, suggesting that other HPS genes remain to be identified.  相似文献   

The standard molecular model of the fiber of the sickle hemoglobin (HbS: beta6 Glu-->Val) has been revised to allow both beta6 mutation sites to participate in intermolecular contacts, rather than only one beta6 site as previously thought, for four molecules per 14-molecule fiber cross section. This structure accurately predicts the copolymerization of hybridized mixtures of HbS with HbA or HbC (beta6 Glu-->Lys), which could not be reconciled with prior models in which only half the beta6 sites were required for assembly. This model suggests new contacts within the fiber and raises the question of whether these cross-linked double strands could possess added stability important in such processes as nucleation.  相似文献   

Summary A novel endocrine cell type has been identified in the guinea-pig gastric mucosa which preferentially occurs in the oxyntic area. Cells of this type exhibit immunoreactivities for bovine adrenal medulla dodecapeptide (BAM-12P) and in many cases for Met-enkephalin and are thus presumed to contain a pro-enkephalin-like precursor protein. Systematic immunohistochemical investigations show that these cells do not contain immunoreactivities for various enteric hormones, neuropeptides and biogenic amines (serotonin, histamine). However, they do contain immunoreactivity for chromogranin A, an acidic glycoprotein which is common to the majority of entero-endocrine cells. Using silver impregnation techniques BAM-12P immunoreactive cells prove to be argyrophil, but fail to react argentaffin. On the electron microscopical level, these cells contain a well-developed endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus and numerous polymorphous secretion granules which measure about 290 nm in diameter. The secretion granules are ovoid or pear-shaped but largely plump compared to those of enterochromaffin cells. Light and electron microscopical findings indicate that BAM-12P immunoreactive cells constitute an endocrine cell population of the gastric epithelium in addition to the established endocrine cells hitherto known in this location.This study was supported by grants of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (EN 65/15-2)For this work the author was awarded the Wolfgang-Bargmann-Price 1990 of the Anatomische Gesellschaft  相似文献   

Necrosis has been thought to be an accidental or uncontrolled type of cell death rather than programmed. Recent studies from diverse organisms show that necrosis follows a stereotypical series of cellular and molecular events: swelling of organelles, increases in reactive oxygen species and cytoplasmic calcium, a decrease in ATP, activation of calpain and cathepsin proteases, and finally rupture of organelles and plasma membrane. Genetic and chemical manipulations demonstrate that necrosis can be inhibited, indicating that necrosis can indeed be controlled and follows a specific 'program.' This review highlights recent findings from C. elegans, yeast, Dictyostelium, Drosophila, and mammals that collectively provide evidence for conserved mechanisms of necrosis.  相似文献   

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