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Summary The sporulation and toxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis H14 were studied as a function of aeration. The fed-batch cultures carried out in the similar aeration conditions were followed in four different oxygen transfer rates containing 0, 20, 100 and 250 mmol/l/h. The percentage of total cells which had formed refractile spores in these four oxygen transfer rates were 100, 93, 84 and 48%, respectively. The highest rate of sporulation was observed in the absence of oxygen and the mature spores were the only population present under this condition at the end of culture. Sporulation in a large portion of cells failed under saturated oxygenation and either mature spores or vegetative cells were present at the end of culture. In the intermediate conditions, cells in different physiological states could be observed at the end of culture. It was found that the optimal conditions for spore yield and for δ-endotoxin yield were not the same, even though sporulation and δ-endotoxin formation proceed simultaneously during the fermentation process. The 130-kDa δ-endotoxin seemed to be more sensitive to aeration conditions. The higher toxicity against Culex pipiens was obtained under the saturated condition.  相似文献   

Summary The toxicity and the spore count of batch and fed batch cultures of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis were studied. Spore counts reached in both batch and fed batch cultures were as high as those reported in the literature, but the levels of toxicity found in the latter were about one order of magnitude lower than those attained in batch cultures. Avoiding restricted cultures might be necessary to reach high titres of -endotoxin, which are essential if a good product is intended. Furthermore, spore count might not be a good parameter to predict insecticidal activity of Bacillus thuringiensis cultures.  相似文献   

A novel δ-endotoxin gene was cloned from a Bacillus thuringiensis strain with activity against Locusta migratoria manilensis by PCR-based genome walking. The sequence of the cry gene was 3,432 bp long, and it encoded a Cry protein of 1,144 amino acid residues with a molecular mass of 129,196.5 kDa, which exhibited 62% homology with Cry7Ba1 in the amino acid sequence. The δ-endotoxin with five conserved sequence blocks in the amino-terminal region was designated Cry7Ca1 (GenBank accession no. EF486523). Protein structure analysis suggested that the activated toxin of Cry7Ca1 has three domains: 227 residues forming 7 α-helices (domain I); 213 residues forming three antiparallel β-sheets (domain II); and 134 residues forming a β-sandwich (domain III). The three domains, respectively, exhibited 47, 44, and 34% sequence identity with corresponding domains of known Cry toxins. SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis showed that Cry7Ca1, encoded by the full-length open reading frame of the cry gene, the activated toxin 1, which included three domains but without the N-terminal 54 amino acid residues and the C terminus, and the activated toxin 2, which included three domains and N-terminal 54 amino acid residues but without the C terminus, could be expressed in Escherichia coli. Bioassay results indicated that the expressed proteins of Cry7Ca1 and the activated toxins (toxins 1 and 2) showed significant activity against 2nd instar locusts, and after 7 days of infection, the estimated 50% lethal concentrations (LC50s) were 8.98 μg/ml for the expressed Cry7Ca1, 0.87 μg/ml for the activated toxin 1, and 4.43 μg/ml for the activated toxin 2. The δ-endotoxin also induced histopathological changes in midgut epithelial cells of adult L. migratoria manilensis.  相似文献   

The crystal-forming proteins (-endotoxins) produced by various serotypes of Bacillus thuringiensis and toxic for Lepidoptera reveal the same pattern of molecular organisation. These proteins (M r of ca. 145,000–130,000) contain an N-terminal domain (M r of 85,000–65,000) resistant to proteolysis whereas their C-terminal moieties (M r of 65,000) undergo an extensive degradation by trypsin that leads to stepwise cleavage off the fragments with M r of 15,000–35,000.The N-terminal domain from serotype V -endotoxin is active when introduced into the hemocoel of Galleria mellonella larvae. Hence, it correponds to the true toxin normally formed by larva proteases action on the crystalforming protein (protoxin). Some differences were found in the properties of the N-terminal domains isolated from the crystal-forming proteins of III, V and IX serotypes, e.g., in their solubility, digestion by subtilisin, molecular weights and the distribution of methionine residues along the polypeptide chains.Abbreviations SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - PAGE polyacryl amide gel electrophoresis - CFP crystal-forming protein - DNS 5-dimethylamino-1-naphthalene-sulphonyl  相似文献   

Denaturation ofBacillus thuringiensis CryIIIAδ-endotoxin—an insecticidal protein, active againstColeoptera larvae—in concentrated guanidine hydrochloride solutions was pursued by fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy and limited proteolysis. It was found that the protein consists of two fragments that differ by their stability to denaturation by guanidine hydrochloride atpH 3. The less stable fragment corresponds to the N-terminalα-helical domain limited by Leu-279; the more stable one starts with Ile-280, contains about 330 amino acid residues, and corresponds to the molecule C-terminal moiety that consist of its twoβ-structural domains forming a superdomain.  相似文献   

A linear relationship between total solid concentration (TSC), δ-endotoxin production [Cry = 0.2795(TSC)−0.2472, R2 = 0.8644] and poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) accumulation [PHB = 0.1327(TSC) + 0.3974, R2 = 0.9877] in Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki HD-73 was observed. A similar correlation between δ-endotoxin and PHB accumulation [Cry = 2.1573(PHB)−1.1248, R2 = 0.9181] was found. A minimum PHB accumulation of 0.52 mg l−1 was required before the onset of δ-endotoxin production. Revisions requested 28 September 2005 and 4 November 2005; Revisions received 28 October 2005 and 1 February 2006  相似文献   

Fermentation media formulated from inexpensive locally available ingredients, namely soya meal, Proflo (a partially defatted cooked cottonseed fiour) and molasses, were assessed for growth, sporulation and -endotoxin production, by a mosquito-toxic strain of Bacillus thuringlensis H-14 locally isolated in Egypt, using an 8 I working volume fermenter. The insecticidal activity was assayed against Culex piplens. Good growth and sporulation were obtained with all the tested medium combinations, but a medium composed of 3% (w/v) soya meal and 1% (w/v) molasses was the best for -endotoxin production. The optimal batch cultivation conditions with respect to aeration (0.37 to 0.62 vol/vol min–1), agitation (200 rev/min), pH (6.5 to 7.5), temperature (30°C) and initial concentration of carbon (1% w/v) and nitrogen (3% w/v) sources are also presented. This investigation shows that these locally available ingredients could be used for the production of low-priced mosquito larvicide in Egypt and other developing countries where these ingredients are avallable.  相似文献   

The effect of culture conditions on -endotoxin production by strain S128 of Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 (locally isolated in Egypt) was investigated using a 10l working volume fermenter. Fermentation medium formulated from the inexpensive locally available soya (as a nitrogen source) and molasses (as a carbon source) was used. Aeration, agitation, pH and initial concentration of molasses were chosen as experimental factors and their influence on toxin yield was investigated using 24 central composite experimental design. The mathematical model obtained revealed that the optimal batch cultivation conditions with respect to agitation, pH, and initial concentration of molasses were 325 rev min–1, 7.1 and 2.1% (w/v) respectively. The mathematical model obtained indicated that by increasing the aeration rate over 0.89 v/v per minute the productivity could still be increased. A simulated scaling-up study, in which the Simplex method was applied, is also presented. The results of this investigation could be of great help for large-scale production of a cheap mosquito-larvicide in developing countries where mosquito-borne diseases are still a serious health and economic problem.  相似文献   

Summary The concentration and productivity of -amylase increased remarkably, 15- and 11-fold respectively, in a continuous culture of Bacillus caldolyticus DSM 405 compared with batch culture, provided starch was used as the sugar source in a casitone medium. In the casitone medium with or without glucose hardly any improvement of enzyme production was observed in continuous culture. The addition of a small amount of starch to the glucose-casitone medium had a marked effect in stimulating amylase formation in continuous culture but no effect in batch culture.It was suggested that the higher production of -amylase in the continuous culture using starch as the inducer was partly related to the predominance of some conditional non-sporulating variants with a higher amylase forming activity and to derepression of the enzyme at a low glucose concentration.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. tenebrionis produces a 65 kilodalton polypeptide toxin which is lethal to various coleopteran insect larvae. The gene encoding this toxin was cloned in E. coli in the broad host range vector pKT230 and subsequently transferred to Rhizobium leguminosarum by conjugation. Western blot analysis showed that the toxin gene was expressed in the free living state of Rhizobium producing two major polypeptides of 73 and 68 kilodalton in size. The level of expression of the toxin gene in Rhizobium varied from strain to strain. Cell extracts from toxin-producing rhizobia were toxic to larvae of Gasterophysa viridula. Bioassays also showed that the -endotoxin was toxic to larvae of the clover weevil Sitona lepidus. Furthermore, pea (Pisum sativum) and white clover (Trifolium repens) plants suffered less root and nodule damage by Sitona larvae when they were inoculated with Rhizobium strains containing the toxin gene. This suggests that such rhizobia could be useful in the biological control of this important legume pest.Abbreviations B.t.t. Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. tenebrionis - IPTG isopropyl--D-thiogalactoside  相似文献   

Crystals from several strains of Bacillus thuringiensis among the first 10 serotypes were tested for their effectiveness (in terms of LC50 or LD50) in killing Spodoptera littoralis larvae. The δ-endotoxin obtained from the isolates aizawai 7–29 and entomocidus 601 was found to be the most active against S. littoralis; lethal doses were considerably lower than those obtained with the berliner 1715 strain but were nevertheless 10 times higher than that of this last strain against Pieris brassicae. Interestingly, entomocidus crystals were active toward both Lepidopteran species. Protein fractions with molecular mass ranging from 60 to 70 kDa, obtained by dissolving crystals with gut proteases from the two insect species, proved to be active when delivered by intrahemocoel injection. Based on the use of mild detergents such as Triton N-101, sodium cholate, or both, conditions for stabilizing the activity of the solubilized fractions are reported. Under these conditions only, the molecules of toxin thus obtained were as active against S. littoralis larvae as the native crystals, whatever the route of administration and whatever the enzymes used. The same fractions induced different responses in P. brassicae larvae, which manifested a much higher sensitivity to the proteolysis-activated molecules, particularly after intrahemocoel injection, thus suggesting differences between the two insect species as regards the nature of toxic effects. The results clearly illustrate two different patterns in activity spectrum among Lepidopteran species and they also indicate that structural characteristics of the protoxin are predominant factors in determining host specificity.  相似文献   

Several medium ingredients locally available in Egypt were investigated for their ability to support -endotoxin production by two mosquito-toxic strains ofBacillus thuringiensis H-14 usingCulex pipiens for the bioassay of -endotoxin. Soya beans, black-eyed beans, common peas and lentils supported good production of toxin whereas peanuts, fodder yeast, cheese whey and corn steep liquor gave only low amounts of toxin. Molasses as the sole carbon source at 2 and 3% (w/v) with soya (or Proflo) as the sole nitrogen source at 3% gave the best yields of toxin for strain M1 and S128 respectively.
Résumé On a étudié plusieurs ingrédients de milieu de culture, disponibles en Egypte pour leur capacité de favoriser la production d'endotoxine par deux souches deBacillus thurigiensis H-14, toxiques pour les moustiques, en utilisantCulex pipiens pour l'essaiin vivo d'endotoxine . Les fèves de soja, les haricots à taches noires, les pois communs et les lentilles favorisent la production de toxine, tandis que les arachides, la levure fourragère, le petit lait et la liqueur de trempage de maïs ne produisent que de faibles quantités de toxines. La mélasse comme seule source de carbone à 2% (p/v) avec la soja (ou le Proflo) comme seule source d'azote de 2 à 3% donnent les meilleurs rendements en toxine.

The growth kinetics, sporulation, and toxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis were evaluated through the analysis of batch cultures with different dissolved oxygen (DO) profiles. Firstly, DO was maintained constant at 5%, 20%, or 50% throughout fermentation in order to identify the most suitable one to improve the main process parameters. Higher biomass concentration, cell productivity, and cell yield based on glucose were obtained with 50% DO. The higher aeration level also resulted in higher spore counts and markedly improved the toxic activity of the fermentation broth, which was 9-fold greater than that obtained with 5% DO (LC50 of 39 and 329 mg/L, respectively). Subsequently, using a two-stage oxygen supply strategy, DO was kept at 50% during the vegetative and transition phases until the maximum cell concentration was achieved. Then, DO was changed to 0%, 5%, 20%, or 100% throughout sporulation and cell lysis phases. The interruption of oxygen supply strongly reduced the spore production and thoroughly repressed the toxin synthesis. On the contrary, when DO was raised to 100% of saturation, toxic activity increased approximately four times (LC50 of 8.2 mg/L) in comparison with the mean values reached with lower DO levels, even though spore counts were lower than that from the 50% DO assay. When pure oxygen was used instead of normal air, it was possible to obtain 70% of the total biomass concentration achieved in the air assays; however, cultures did not sporulate and the toxin synthesis was consequently suppressed.  相似文献   

Transgenic plants that produce pesticidal proteins have the potential to release these products into the environment when the plants are incorporated into soil. This could result in novel exposure of soil organisms to these pesticidal proteins. There is a lack of knowledge about the fate and persistence of transgenic pesticidal products in the soil. A model system of transgenic cotton, which produces Bacillus thuringiensis kurstakiδ-endotoxin (Bt toxin), was used to address this issue. Methods were developed to quantify Btk toxin in soil and soil/plant litter by extraction of the Btk toxin with an aqueous buffer and quantification by ELISA. The highest recovery of Btk toxin from soil was obtained with a high salt, high pH buffer. In addition, for certain soil types, addition of a non-ionic detergent, Tween-20, was needed for optimal recovery. Recovery of Btk toxin from soil ranged from 60% for a low clay content, low organic matter soil to 27% for a high clay content, high organic matter soil. The limit of detection of this method is 0.5 ng of extractable toxin per g dry weight soil. The method was shown to be useful in tracking over time the persistence of both purified and transgenic Btk toxin in laboratory experiments.  相似文献   

1. The δ-endotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. aizawai inhibits in a dose-dependent manner the K+-driven accumulation of histidine and lysine as well as their equilibrative uptake into brush border membrane vesicles from the midgut of Bombyx mori larvae.2. The decrease of uptake in the absence of a K+-gradient is neither due to a leakage of the labelled substrate from the vesicles nor to a reduction of the osmotically active space available, as a result of a detergent-like effect of the toxin.3. The toxin acts as a non competitive inhibitor of the K+/amino acid cotransporters of the larval midgut of Lepidoptera, with no preference for a specific transport system.  相似文献   

Growth, sporulation, synthesis of δ-endotoxins, and toxicity against the larvae of Aedes aegypti and Culex pipiens were studied during fermentation of Bacillus thuringiensis H14 in a 20-L fermentor. Measurements of optical density and dielectric permittivity for biomass determination suggest a highly promising technique for on-line evaluation of sporulation. The synthesis of 65-, 25- and 130-kDa proteins started at 16, 18, and 23 h, respectively. These proteins were enriched in different ways until the end of culture (48 h). Toxicity in the course of sporulation was significantly different for the larvae of both mosquito species. Maximal activity against Ae. aegypti was obtained at the end of culture, whereas for Cx. pipiens, the sample at 38 h was the most active.  相似文献   

Physical methods were used to produce spores containing impurities of 0.02–0.05% crystals and crystals containing impurities of 0.001–0.01% spores from cultures of Bacillus thuringiensis. In Galleria mellonella larvae, these preparations from varieties galleriae, aizawai, and wuhanensis were only moderately active compared to 1:1 mixtures of spores and crystals. Spores of an acrystalliferous aizawai mutant were inactive and did not contain a polypeptide of the same size as the potent Mr 138000 δ-endotoxin present in spores and crystals of all three wild-type strains. Thus, this polypeptide probably contributed to the moderate activity of wild-type spores. Spore impurities in the crystal preparation were killed by γ irradiation without harming the crystals. The crystals without live spores were virtually inactive (LC50s, ca. 1010 crystals/g insect food). Addition of 103 spores to 108 crystals/g food (0.001% spores) increased the mortality of larvae from 0 to 36%, and addition of 104 spores (0.01% spores) killed 64% larvae. Thus, the addition of low levels of spores increased the potency of crystals in G. mellonella from virtually zero to moderate levels, suggesting that the live spore impurities in the crystal preparations were responsible for the observed moderate potency of crystals before γ irradiation, a view supported by a reduction of potency of crystal preparations following admixture of streptomycin to the insect food. In contrast to the results with G. mellonella, crystals were ca. 30 times as active as spores in Pieris brassicae larvae. Many authors have found crystals purified by physical methods to be highly active in a range of lepidopterous hosts. The present work indicates that the role of the spore impurities in these species may need further investigation. Absence of live spores of B. thuringiensis may impair the control of some insect species feeding on spore-free products and on microorganisms or plants into which endotoxins have been introduced by genetic manipulation.  相似文献   

Bioassays with Bacillus thuringiensis var. galleriae Berliner -endotoxin and plant phenolics on Heliothis armigera Hübner enhanced the activity of B.t. var. galleriae endotoxin. The presence of plant phenolics with B.t var. galleria endotoxin not only reduced feeding potential and weight gain by the larvae, but also enhanced the LC50 value of the toxin. Our study demonstrates the effect of phytochemicals from resistant crop plants on the biocidal activity of B. thuringiensis strains in laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

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