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Summary In the hunting spider Cupiennius salei Keys, kinesthetic orientation towards a catching site from which it has previously been chased away is observed. This ability strongly depends on the lyriform slit sense organs found on femur and tibia of the walking legs. The animals miss the original catching site, if these organs are destroyed on all legs. The mean angular deviation of the starting angles of the returns increases significantly as compared with intact spiders (P<0.005). Also, the directions of the mean vectors of the starting angles change (P<0.05).Supported by a grant of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Fink GR 《Cell》2005,120(2):153-154

Evolution proceeds in phases, alternatingly convergent and divergent. During the divergent phases, many variants of an evolutionary system arise, and in the convergent phases, these are brought together in a new, higher unity, which in turn varies, and so on. Thus the mechanism of evolution is trialistic, proceeding according to the Hegelian principle (in the widest sense) of thesis, antithesis and synthesis. This mechanism is at the same time mirrored in the structure of the evolving systems, being most clearly expressed in the derivation of periodic systems of the individual levels of evolution. These relationships will be discussed using examples from symbiosis research, population dynamics and biogenesis.  相似文献   

In 1914, H. J. Muller postulated the origin of the Y chromosome as having resulted from restricted recombination between homologous sex chromosomes in the male and the accumulation of deleterious mutations. This evolutionary process leads to dosage compensation. This article lays out a brief history of dosage compensation in genetics.  相似文献   

A novel nanolayer biosensor principle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method for eliminating the mass transport limitation on biosensor surfaces is introduced. The measurement of macromolecular binding kinetics on plane surfaces is the key objective of many evanescent wave (e.g. total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF)), and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) based biosensor systems, allowing the determination of binding constants within minutes or hours. However, these methods are limited in not being rigorously applicable to large macromolecules like proteins or DNA, since the on-rates are transport limited due to a Nernst diffusion layer of 5-10 microm thickness. Thus, for the binding of fibrinogen (340 kDa) to a surface current SPR biosensors will show a mass transport coefficient of ca. 2 x 10(-6) m/s. In a novel approach with an immiscible fluid vesicle (e.g. air bubble), it has been possible to generate nanoscopic fluid films of ca. 200 nm thickness on the sensor surface of an interfacial TIRF rheometer system. The thickness of the liquid film can be can be easily probed and measured by evanescent wave technology. This nanofilm technique increases the mass transport coefficient for fibrinogen to ca. 1 x 10(-4) m/s eliminating the mass transport limitation, making the binding rates reaction-rate limited. From the resulting exponential kinetic functions, lasting only 20-30s, the kinetic constants for the binding reaction can easily be extracted and the binding constants calculated. As a possible mechanism for the air bubble effect it is suggested that the aqueous fluid flow in the rheometer cell is separated by the air bubble below the level of the Nernst boundary layer into two independent laminar fluid flows of differing velocity: (i) a slow to stationary nanostream ca. 200 nm thick strongly adhering to the surface; and (ii) the bulk fluid streaming over it at a much higher rate in the wake of the air bubble. Surprising properties of the nanofluidic film are: (i) its long persistence for at least 30-60s after the air bubble has passed (2.5s); and (ii) the absence of solute depletion. It is suggested that a new liquid-liquid interface (i.e. a "vortex sheet") between the two fluid flows plays a decisive role, lending metastability to the nanofluidic film and replenishing its protein concentration via the vortices-thus upholding exponential binding kinetics. Finally, the system relaxes via turbulent reattachment of the two fluid flows to the original velocity profile. It is concluded that this technique opens a fundamentally novel approach to the construction of macromolecular biosensors.  相似文献   

Proposed here is that an overriding principle of nature governs all population behavior; that a single tenet drives the many regimes observed in nature—exponential-like growth, saturated growth, population decline, population extinction, and oscillatory behavior. The signature of such an all embracing principle is a differential equation which, in a single statement, embraces the entire panoply of observations. In current orthodox theory, this diverse range of population behaviors is described by many different equations—each with its own specific justification. Here, a single equation governing all the regimes is proposed together with the principle from which it derives. The principle is: The effect on the environment of a population’s success is to alter that environment in a way that opposes the success. Experiments are suggested which could validate or refute the theory. Predictions are made about population behaviors.  相似文献   

Competitive exclusion – n species cannot coexist on fewer than n limiting resources in a constant and isolated environment – has been a central ecological principle for the past century. Since empirical studies cannot universally demonstrate exclusion, this principle has mainly relied on mathematical proofs. Here we investigate the predictions of a new approach to derive functional responses in consumer/resource systems. Models usually describe the temporal dynamics of consumer/resource systems at a macroscopic level – i.e. at the population level. Each model may be pictured as one time-dependent macroscopic trajectory. Each macroscopic trajectory is, however, the product of many individual fates and from combinatorial considerations can be realized in many different ways at the microscopic – or individual – level. Recently it has been shown that, in systems with large enough numbers of consumer individuals and resource items, one macroscopic trajectory can be realized in many more ways than any other at the individual – or microscopic – level. Therefore, if the temporal dynamics of an ecosystem are assumed to be the outcome of only statistical mechanics – that is, chance – a single trajectory is near-certain and can be described by deterministic equations. We argue that these equations can serve as a null to model consumer-resource dynamics, and show that any number of species can coexist on a single resource in a constant, isolated environment. Competition may result in relative rarity, which may entail exclusion in finite samples of discrete individuals, but exclusion is not systematic. Beyond the coexistence/exclusion outcome, our model also predicts that the relative abundance of any two species depends simply on the ratio of their competitive abilities as computed from – and only from – their intrinsic kinetic and stoichiometric parameters.  相似文献   

Expenditure of energy under several simultaneous forms (mechanical, chemical, etc.) is associated with all muscular activity. The energy is directly related to what is commonly called exertion or effort. This paper defines “muscular effort” quantitatively in terms of some of the elements of the dynamics of the human (and animal) body. It postulates that in all likelihood the individual will, consciously or otherwise, determine his motion (or his posture, if at rest) in such a manner as to reduce his total muscular effort to a minimum consistent with imposed conditions, or “constraints”. The principle, formulated in mathematical terms, is sufficient to ascribe to the moments at all body joints—a matter generally of free choice on the part of the individual—their most likely magnitudes. It therefore renders the equations of human (and animal) motion determinate within this context. The paper also describes briefly an iteration method for the solution of these equations, once they have been made determinate. A simple illustrative application of the principle is included.  相似文献   

The electrodiffusion model presented in the previous paper, which specifically excludes ion-ion interactions, is analyzed for the ratio of one-way fluxes (flux ratio) as a function of the ionic driving force across the membrane. Significant deviations from the behavior expected on the basis of the Ussing relation are found. These are sufficient to explain the “nonindependent” ion movement noted in some biological flux ratio data. One-way fluxes are dependent on the ionic concentration on both sides of the membrane. The coupling of these fluxes to ionic concentrations comes from the dependence of ionic mobility and the diffusion coefficient on the equilibrium potential. It is concluded that nonindependent behavior in experimental data is not sufficient to implicate ion-ion interaction as the source of the discrepancy.  相似文献   

Two alternative circuits to realize the reafference principle are considered and quantitatively analyzed. Both are combinations of a conventional control loop with negative feedback and linear transfer functions, as well as of an efference copy branch. The feedback control loop compensates for passive movements of the body or of its parts, and generates active movements, whenever the set point differs from zero. The efference copy branch should eliminate sensory messages to higher brain centres during active body movements and, thus, mediate perceptual stability. In one of the combinations, discussed also briefly by Mittelstaedt (1971), the efference copy branch interacts with and thus modifies the properties of the feedback loop. The performance of this circuit is very sensitive to variations of the system parameters and, therefore, requires precise adjustment. When the transfer function of the efference copy branch exactly matches that of the feedback loop and its gain amounts to 1, this circuit performs as a control loop with an integrator in the negative feedback branch: there is no steady state control error. However, for certain parameter combination the circuit becomes unstable. In the alternative circuit proposed here, the efference copy branch does not interfere with the feedback loop. It is robust against parameter variations. The transient properties of both circuits are described under simplified assumptions regarding the linear transfer functions in the different branches.  相似文献   

A pungent diarylheptanoid isolated from Alpinia oxyphylla has been characterized as trans-1-(4′-hydroxy-3′-methoxyphenyl)-7-phenylhept-1-en  相似文献   

Neurons in somatosensory cortex of primates process sensory information from the hand by integrating information from large populations of receptors to extract specific features. Tactile neurons in areas 1 and 2 are shown to select features such as contact area, edge orientation, motion across the skin, or direction of movement. Features coded by kinesthetic neurons in areas 3a and 2 relate to joint movement, the joint angle around which the movement occurs, or coordinated postures of the hand and arm. An even higher order cortical cell integrates tactile and kinesthetic information; these "haptic neurons" respond optimally to contact of objects actively grasped in the hand. These global features are coded at the expense of loss of information concerning fine-grained spatial detail.  相似文献   

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