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光照、温度和氮对竹叶眼子菜生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
实验选择长江中下游常见沉水植物竹叶眼子菜(Potamogeton malaianus Mig.),利用正交试验设计,通过室内静态模拟实验研究3种主要环境因子光照强度、温度、总氮浓度及其互作对竹叶眼子菜分苗生长的影响。结果表明:光照强度和温度为影响竹叶眼子菜生长的主效环境因子,且它们的交互作用对竹叶眼子菜生长有较为显著的影响;在2~8mg·L-1的总氮浓度下,竹叶眼子菜均可以正常生长。观察结果可知,竹叶眼子菜在5320~12000lx光照强度、30℃、4~8mg·L-1水体总氮浓度的条件下生长良好,竹叶眼子菜生长虽然对光照强度的要求较高,但其叶往往集中在水体表面形成冠层,能在透明度较低的水体中生长,加上对高温及高营养盐的耐受性较好,故推测竹叶眼子菜可作为夏季富营养化水体中恢复和重建沉水植被的先锋工具种。  相似文献   

王文林  王国祥  李强  潘国权  马婷 《生态学报》2006,26(11):3586-3593
用粒径小于100 μm的泥沙配置浊度为30、60、90、120、150 NTU和180 NTU的混浊水体,将菹草(Potamogeton cripus)幼苗分别移栽于上述水体中,观测菹草幼苗在各浊度水体中的生长发育状况,并用水下饱和脉冲叶绿素荧光仪(DIVING-PAM)测定菹草幼苗光合作用PSII最大量子产量 (Fv/Fm)、有效荧光产量(Yield)、光化学荧光淬灭系数(qP)、非光化学荧光淬灭系数(qN)等指标。结果表明,菹草幼苗对混浊水体有较强的耐受能力,在30、60NTU和90NTU的混浊水体中,水体浊度对菹草幼苗的存活、生长发育及光合结构PSII影响不显著(p>0.05)。当水体浊度≥120NTU时,在短期(<10d)胁迫下,水体浊度对于菹草幼苗的存活、生长发育无显著影响(p>0.05),但是,随着胁迫时间的延长(>10d),菹草幼苗虽能成活但生长发育明显受到抑制,幼苗叶片受光胁迫时,能通过增加热耗散(qN)保护其光合结构PSII免受伤害;而更长时间的胁迫(80d),在高浊度(120、150 NTU和180 NTU)水体中的菹草幼苗开始大量死亡,其Fv/Fm、Yield、qP值均显著低于对照(p<0.05), qN值的急剧下降,说明光合结构PSII开始受到破坏。  相似文献   

A range of marine phytoplankton was grown in closed systems in order to investigate the kinetics of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) use and the influence of the nitrogen source under conditions of constant pH. The kinetics of DIC use could be described by a rectangular hyperbolic curve, yielding estimations of KG(DIC) (the half saturation constant for carbon-specific growth, i.e. C mu) and mu max (the theoretical maximum C mu). All species attained a KG(DIC) within the range of 30-750 microM DIC. For most species, NH4+ use enabled growth with a lower KG(DIC) and/or, for two species, an increase in mu max. At DIC concentrations of > 1.6 mM, C mu was > 90% saturated for all species relative to the rate at the natural seawater DIC concentration of 2.0 mM. The results suggest that neither the rate nor the extent of primary productivity will be significantly limited by the DIC in the quasi-steady-state conditions associated with oligotrophic oceans. The method needs to be applied in the conditions associated with dynamic coastal (eutrophic) systems for clarification of a potential DIC rate limitation where cells may grow to higher densities and under variable pH and nitrogen supply.  相似文献   

太湖马来眼子菜(Potamogeton malaianus)生物量变化及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘伟龙  胡维平  谷孝鸿 《生态学报》2007,27(8):3324-3333
2006年5月和10月在太湖马来眼子菜分布区进行了定点采样,分析了马来眼子菜的生物量在不同水域变化特征及影响其生物量主要因素。结果表明:不同水环境中,马来眼子菜的生物量变化较大,介于526~4843 g/m2,个体植株生物量依次为叶>根>茎,其中叶的生物量占总生物量的55%~80%。水深增加能促进植株高度和生物量的增加,但单位面积生物量变化不明显。群落的自疏效应使马来眼子菜生物量与资源供应维持在一个动态平衡的水平上。马来眼子菜的生物量与水体中TN呈显著正相关,P是影响其生物量变化的间接限制因子,根、茎、叶的N/P介于16.92~59.88之间,叶片的N/P达到42.33。马来眼子菜对水环境的形态可塑性响应是其在水环境长期变化中逐步成为幸存者和优势种的重要原因之一。底泥的深度和营养含量对其分布和生物量具有显著影响。围网捕捞、养殖以及航运的发展是造成局部地区马来眼子菜生物量急剧下降的主要人为因素。不同水域的生物量的差异是水深、水体营养盐、底质特征、水体透明度、人类活动等因素综合作用的结果。同时,对水环境变化在形态上较强的可塑性响应,也是马来眼子菜生物量变化的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

水体浊度对菹草萌发及萌发苗光合荧光特性的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
李强  王国祥  潘国权  王文林  马婷 《生态学报》2006,26(11):3594-3601
用粒径小于100μm的泥沙分别配置浊度为30、60NTU和90NTU的混浊水体,将菹草(Potamogeton cripus)石芽分别种植于上述水体中,测定萌发率和萌发苗的株高、叶片数,并利用水下饱和脉冲荧光仪(DIVING-PAM)测定萌发苗的光合荧光特性。结果表明,水体浊度对石芽萌发率没有显著影响,但对萌发速率有一定影响;随着浊度的升高萌发苗株高和叶片数均显著降低(p<0.05);菹草萌发苗的有效荧光产量Yield也随水体浊度升高而降低,表明在高浊度水体中萌发苗天线色素吸收光子供给PSⅡ反应中心的效率下降;高浊度导致萌发苗吸收光能用于光化学电子传递的份额(qP)减少,第23天时90NTU水体中的妒为对照的91.4%;水体浊度上升导致qN显著升高,表明在高浊度、低光照胁迫下,萌发苗接收的光能更多的以热的形式耗散掉了,以避免光系统PSⅡ受到过剩光能的伤害;浊度升高引起电子在光合链中的传递速率(ETR)显著下降,第23天时在30、60NTU和90NTU水体中ETR分别为对照的93.3%、88.5%、75.8%,导致参与CO2固定的电子减少,光合作用降低。快速光响应曲线测定结果表明.萌发苗ETRmax和最小饱和光照强度随水体浊度的增加呈下降趋势,光响应能力随水体浊度的增加而显著下降,特别是在90NTU水体中萌发苗的光合作用能力下降显著。因此,在浅而混浊的水体中(水深70cm,浊度低于90NTU),菹草石芽均能萌发,但是,水体浊度对萌发苗光合作用、生长速率有一定抑制作用。  相似文献   

Carbon isotope biosignatures preserved in the Precambrian geologic record are primarily interpreted to reflect ancient cyanobacterial carbon fixation catalyzed by Form I RuBisCO enzymes. The average range of isotopic biosignatures generally follows that produced by extant cyanobacteria. However, this observation is difficult to reconcile with several environmental (e.g., temperature, pH, and CO2 concentrations), molecular, and physiological factors that likely would have differed during the Precambrian and can produce fractionation variability in contemporary organisms that meets or exceeds that observed in the geologic record. To test a specific range of genetic and environmental factors that may impact ancient carbon isotope biosignatures, we engineered a mutant strain of the model cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 that overexpresses RuBisCO across varying atmospheric CO2 concentrations. We hypothesized that changes in RuBisCO expression would impact the net rates of intracellular CO2 fixation versus CO2 supply, and thus whole-cell carbon isotope discrimination. In particular, we investigated the impacts of RuBisCO overexpression under changing CO2 concentrations on both carbon isotope biosignatures and cyanobacterial physiology, including cell growth and oxygen evolution rates. We found that an increased pool of active RuBisCO does not significantly affect the 13C/12C isotopic discrimination (εp) at all tested CO2 concentrations, yielding εp of ≈ 23‰ for both wild-type and mutant strains at elevated CO2. We therefore suggest that expected variation in cyanobacterial RuBisCO expression patterns should not confound carbon isotope biosignature interpretation. A deeper understanding of environmental, evolutionary, and intracellular factors that impact cyanobacterial physiology and isotope discrimination is crucial for reconciling microbially driven carbon biosignatures with those preserved in the geologic record.  相似文献   

In perennially ice-covered lakes of Taylor Valley, Antarctica, “legacy”, a carryover of past ecosystem events, has primarily been discussed in terms of nutrient and salinity concentrations and its effect on the current ecology of the lakes. In this study, we determine how residual pools of ancient carbon affect the modern carbon abundance and character in the water columns of Lakes Fryxell, Hoare, and Bonney. We measure the stable carbon isotopic compositions and concentrations of particulate organic carbon (POC) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the water column of these lakes over four seasons (1999–2002). These data are presented and compared with all the previously published Taylor Valley lacustrine carbon stable isotopic data. Our results show that the carbon concentrations and isotopic compositions of the upper water columns of those lakes are controlled by modern processes, while the lower water columns are controlled to varying degrees by inherited carbon pools. The water column of the west lobe of Lake Bonney is dominated by exceptionally high concentrations of DIC (55,000–75,000 μmol l−1) reflecting the long period of ice-cover on this lake. The east lobe of Lake Bonney has highly enriched δ13CDIC values resulting from paleo-brine evaporation effects in its bottom waters, while its high DIC concentrations provide geochemical evidence that its middle depth waters are derived from West Lake Bonney during a hydrologically connected past. Although ancient carbon is present in both Lake Hoare and Lake Fryxell, the δ13CDIC values in bottom waters suggest dominance by modern primary productivity-related processes. Anaerobic methanogenesis and methanotrophy are also taking place in the lower water column of Lake Fryxell with enough methane, oxidized anaerobically, to contribute to the DIC pool. We also show how stream proximity and high flood years are only a minor influence on the carbon isotopic values of both POC and DIC. The Taylor Valley lake system is remarkably stable in both inter-lake and intra-lake carbon dynamics. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

水体无机碳条件对常见沉水植物生长和生理的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解水华引起的水体无机碳变化对沉水植物生长的影响,对8种沉水植物:金鱼藻、穗花狐尾藻、篦齿眼子菜、光叶眼子菜、微齿眼子菜、伊乐藻、菹草和黑藻在不同无机碳浓度下的生物量、株高、叶绿素以及光合和呼吸速率进行了比较研究.结果表明8种沉水植物均能利用HCO3-作为光合无机碳源,在1.5 mmoL/L外源HCO3-浓度下能促进金鱼藻、菹草和伊乐藻的生长,提高其光合速率;在2.5 mmol/L外源HCO3-浓度下能促进狐尾藻、光叶眼子菜、黑藻、微齿眼子菜和蓖齿眼子菜的生长,提高其光合速率.在CO32-为优势碳源时,8种沉水植物表现出不同的适应性,发现微齿眼子菜、篦齿眼子菜和黑藻在整个实验范围内生长未受抑制,且在不同浓度下表现生长和光合速率的促进,说明这三种沉水植物对[HCO3-]/[CO32-]比值和pH具有较广适应范围.而当CO32-成为优势碳源时,金鱼藻和伊乐藻的生长受到抑制,狐尾藻、菹草和光叶眼子菜均死亡,表明[HCO3-]/[CO32-]比值和pH是这5种沉水植物生长的重要限制因子.  相似文献   

李灿  金道超  柳琼友  李子忠 《生态学报》2007,27(8):3532-3535
通过室内控制温湿度下的种群生态学研究,考察了梯度恒温17~32 ℃下,温度对药材甲实验种群存活、发育和繁殖的影响。结果表明,在实验温度范围内,幼虫发育历期随温度的升高而缩短,在17,20,23,26,29 ℃和32 ℃下,分别需要74.4,67.6,522,46,36.6 d和36.2 d;温度对卵孵化率、幼虫和蛹存活率、成虫单雌产卵量等参数的影响显著;药材甲种群卵量和种群增长指数均符合二次方程抛物线模型,种群下一代卵量的拟合方程为Npe =-6.338 t2 + 339.01t -3403.4, r=0.953**;种群增长指数拟合方程为Ipg =-0.070 t2 + 3.767 t-37.816, r=0.953**;净增殖率、内禀增长率、周期增长率、平均世代周期等参数与温度之间的关系均极显著相关。  相似文献   

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